Aichia Chuang, Ph.D. - Publications

2001 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Industrial Psychology, Management Business Administration

15 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2017 Campbell EM, Liao H, Chuang A, Zhou J, Dong Y. Hot Shots and Cool Reception? An Expanded View of Social Consequences for High Performers. The Journal of Applied Psychology. PMID 28191991 DOI: 10.1037/Apl0000183  0.31
2016 Chuang A, Shen CT, Judge TA. Development of a Multidimensional Instrument of Person-Environment Fit: The Perceived Person-Environment Fit Scale (PPEFS) Applied Psychology. 65: 66-98. DOI: 10.1111/Apps.12036  0.344
2015 Dong Y, Liao H, Chuang A, Zhou J, Campbell EM. Fostering Employee Service Creativity: Joint Effects of Customer Empowering Behaviors and Supervisory Empowering Leadership. The Journal of Applied Psychology. PMID 25774571 DOI: 10.1037/A0038969  0.323
2015 Chuang A, Shuwei Hsu R, Wang AC, Judge TA. Does west "fit" with east? In search of a Chinese model of person-environment fit Academy of Management Journal. 58: 480-510. DOI: 10.5465/Amj.2012.1076  0.337
2015 Yang MY, Cheng FC, Chuang A. The role of affects in conflict frames and conflict management International Journal of Conflict Management. 26: 427-449. DOI: 10.1108/Ijcma-09-2013-0077  0.366
2014 Chuang A, Lee CY, Shen CT. A multilevel perspective on the relationship between interpersonal justice and negative feedback-seeking behaviour Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. 31: 59-74. DOI: 10.1002/Cjas.1277  0.364
2013 Power JL, Brotheridge CM, Blenkinsopp J, Bowes-Sperry L, Bozionelos N, Buzády Z, Chuang A, Drnevich D, Garzon-Vico A, Leighton C, Madero SM, Mak Wm, Mathew R, Monserrat SI, Mujtaba BG, et al. Acceptability of workplace bullying: A comparative study on six continents Journal of Business Research. 66: 374-380. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jbusres.2011.08.018  0.308
2011 Van Vianen AEM, Shen CT, Chuang A. Person-organization and person-supervisor fits: Employee commitments in a Chinese context Journal of Organizational Behavior. 32: 906-926. DOI: 10.1002/Job.726  0.403
2010 Chang HT, Chi NW, Chuang A. Exploring the Moderating Roles of Perceived Person-Job Fit and Person-Organisation Fit on the Relationship between Training Investment and Knowledge Workers' Turnover Intentions Applied Psychology. 59: 566-593. DOI: 10.1111/J.1464-0597.2009.00412.X  0.368
2010 Liaw YJ, Chi NW, Chuang A. Examining the mechanisms linking transformational leadership, employee customer orientation, and service performance: The mediating roles of perceived supervisor and coworker support Journal of Business and Psychology. 25: 477-492. DOI: 10.1007/S10869-009-9145-X  0.324
2008 Myors B, Lievens F, Schollaert E, Van Hoye G, Cronshaw SF, Mladinic A, Rodríguez V, Aguinis H, Steiner DD, Rolland F, Schuler H, Frintrup A, Nikolaou I, Tomprou M, Subramony S, ... ... Chuang A, et al. Broadening International Perspectives on the Legal Environment for Personnel Selection Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 1: 266-270. DOI: 10.1111/J.1754-9434.2008.00045.X  0.615
2008 Myors B, Lievens F, Schollaert E, Van Hoye G, Cronshaw SF, Mladinic A, Rodríguez V, Aguinis H, Steiner DD, Rolland F, Schuler H, Frintrup A, Nikolaou I, Tomprou M, Subramony S, ... ... Chuang A, et al. International Perspectives on the Legal Environment for Selection Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 1: 206-246. DOI: 10.1111/J.1754-9434.2008.00040.X  0.615
2008 Liao H, Chuang A, Joshi A. Perceived deep-level dissimilarity: Personality antecedents and impact on overall job attitude, helping, work withdrawal, and turnover Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 106: 106-124. DOI: 10.1016/J.Obhdp.2008.01.002  0.377
2005 Chuang A, Sackett PR. The perceived importance of person-job fit and person-organization fit between and within interview stages Social Behavior and Personality. 33: 209-226. DOI: 10.2224/Sbp.2005.33.3.209  0.527
2004 Liao H, Chuang A. A multilevel investigation of factors influencing employee service performance and customer outcomes Academy of Management Journal. 47: 41-58. DOI: 10.2307/20159559  0.323
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