Lamont Booker, PhD - Publications

Department of Defense 

7 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2014 Schlosburg JE, Kinsey SG, Ignatowska-Jankowska B, Ramesh D, Abdullah RA, Tao Q, Booker L, Long JZ, Selley DE, Cravatt BF, Lichtman AH. Prolonged monoacylglycerol lipase blockade causes equivalent cannabinoid receptor type 1 receptor-mediated adaptations in fatty acid amide hydrolase wild-type and knockout mice. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 350: 196-204. PMID 24849924 DOI: 10.1124/Jpet.114.212753  0.622
2012 Booker L, Kinsey SG, Abdullah RA, Blankman JL, Long JZ, Ezzili C, Boger DL, Cravatt BF, Lichtman AH. The fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) inhibitor PF-3845 acts in the nervous system to reverse LPS-induced tactile allodynia in mice. British Journal of Pharmacology. 165: 2485-96. PMID 21506952 DOI: 10.1111/J.1476-5381.2011.01445.X  0.737
2010 Schlosburg JE, Blankman JL, Long JZ, Nomura DK, Pan B, Kinsey SG, Nguyen PT, Ramesh D, Booker L, Burston JJ, Thomas EA, Selley DE, Sim-Selley LJ, Liu QS, Lichtman AH, et al. Chronic monoacylglycerol lipase blockade causes functional antagonism of the endocannabinoid system. Nature Neuroscience. 13: 1113-9. PMID 20729846 DOI: 10.1038/Nn.2616  0.687
2009 Long JZ, Nomura DK, Vann RE, Walentiny DM, Booker L, Jin X, Burston JJ, Sim-Selley LJ, Lichtman AH, Wiley JL, Cravatt BF. Dual blockade of FAAH and MAGL identifies behavioral processes regulated by endocannabinoid crosstalk in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106: 20270-5. PMID 19918051 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0909411106  0.704
2009 Booker L, Naidu PS, Razdan RK, Mahadevan A, Lichtman AH. Evaluation of prevalent phytocannabinoids in the acetic acid model of visceral nociception. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 105: 42-7. PMID 19679411 DOI: 10.1016/J.Drugalcdep.2009.06.009  0.663
2009 Naidu PS, Booker L, Cravatt BF, Lichtman AH. Synergy between enzyme inhibitors of fatty acid amide hydrolase and cyclooxygenase in visceral nociception. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 329: 48-56. PMID 19118134 DOI: 10.1124/Jpet.108.143487  0.736
2009 Long JZ, Li W, Booker L, Burston JJ, Kinsey SG, Schlosburg JE, Pavón FJ, Serrano AM, Selley DE, Parsons LH, Lichtman AH, Cravatt BF. Selective blockade of 2-arachidonoylglycerol hydrolysis produces cannabinoid behavioral effects. Nature Chemical Biology. 5: 37-44. PMID 19029917 DOI: 10.1038/Nchembio.129  0.704
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