Year |
Citation |
Score |
2019 |
Druckman D, Lewicki RJ, Doyle SP. Repairing violations of trustworthiness in negotiation Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 49: 145-158. DOI: 10.1111/Jasp.12571 |
0.349 |
2016 |
Lewicki RJ, Polin B, Lount RB. An Exploration of the Structure of Effective Apologies Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 9: 177-196. DOI: 10.1111/Ncmr.12073 |
0.368 |
2015 |
Kopelman S, Lytle AL, Wang CS, Lewicki RJ, Murnighan JK, Bazerman MH. Done But Not Published: The Dissertation Journeys of Roy J. Lewicki and J. Keith Murnighan Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 8: 261-271. DOI: 10.1111/Ncmr.12063 |
0.332 |
2014 |
Tomlinson EC, Lewicki RJ, Ash SR. Disentangling the Moral Integrity Construct Group & Organization Management. 39: 720-743. DOI: 10.1177/1059601114551023 |
0.705 |
2011 |
Roberge M, Lewicki RJ, Hietapelto A, Abdyldaeva A. From Theory To Practice: Recommending Supportive Diversity Practices Journal of Diversity Management (Jdm). 6: 1-20. DOI: 10.19030/Jdm.V6I2.5481 |
0.335 |
2010 |
Kramer RM, Lewicki RJ. Repairing and Enhancing Trust:Approaches to Reducing Organizational Trust Deficits Academy of Management Annals. 4: 245-277. DOI: 10.5465/19416520.2010.487403 |
0.38 |
2009 |
Dirks KT, Lewicki RJ, Zaheer A. Reparing Relationships Within and Between Organizations: Building A Conceptual Foundation Academy of Management Review. 34: 68-84. DOI: 10.5465/Amr.2009.35713285 |
0.395 |
2009 |
Dewulf A, Gray B, Putnam L, Lewicki R, Aarts N, Bouwen R, Van Woerkum C. Disentangling approaches to framing in conflict and negotiation research: A meta-paradigmatic perspective Human Relations. 62: 155-193. DOI: 10.1177/0018726708100356 |
0.395 |
2009 |
Tomlinson EC, Dineen BR, Lewicki RJ. Trust congruence among integrative negotiators as a predictor of joint‐behavioral outcomes International Journal of Conflict Management. 20: 173-187. DOI: 10.1108/10444060910949621 |
0.701 |
2008 |
Brummans BHJM, Putnam LL, Gray B, Hanke R, Lewicki RJ, Wiethoff C. Making sense of intractable multiparty conflict: A study of framing in four environmental disputes Communication Monographs. 75: 25-51. DOI: 10.1080/03637750801952735 |
0.308 |
2007 |
Lewicki RJ, Hiam A. The flexibility of the master negotiator Global Business and Organizational Excellence. 26: 25-36. DOI: 10.1002/Joe.20130 |
0.388 |
2006 |
Dineen BR, Lewicki RJ, Tomlinson EC. Supervisory guidance and behavioral integrity: relationships with employee citizenship and deviant behavior. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 91: 622-35. PMID 16737359 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.91.3.622 |
0.69 |
2006 |
Lewicki RJ, Tomlinson EC, Gillespie N. Models of Interpersonal Trust Development: Theoretical Approaches, Empirical Evidence, and Future Directions Journal of Management. 32: 991-1022. DOI: 10.1177/0149206306294405 |
0.712 |
2006 |
Tomlinson EC, Lewicki RJ. Managing distrust in intractable conflicts Conflict Resolution Quarterly. 24: 219-228. DOI: 10.1002/Crq.170 |
0.692 |
2004 |
Bunker BB, Alban BT, Lewicki RJ. Ideas in Currency and OD Practice The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 40: 403-422. DOI: 10.1177/0021886304270372 |
0.359 |
2004 |
Tomlinson EC, Dineen BR, Lewicki RJ. The Road to Reconciliation: Antecedents of Victim Willingness to Reconcile Following a Broken Promise Journal of Management. 30: 165-187. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jm.2003.01.003 |
0.708 |
2003 |
Zalesny MD, Lewicki RJ, Gray B, Elliott M. Making Sense of Intractable Environmental Conflicts: Concepts and Cases Administrative Science Quarterly. 48: 718. DOI: 10.2307/3556650 |
0.372 |
1998 |
Lewicki RJ, McAllister DJ, Bies RJ. Trust And Distrust: New Relationships and Realities Academy of Management Review. 23: 438-458. DOI: 10.5465/Amr.1998.926620 |
0.431 |
1998 |
Lewicki RJ, Robinson RJ. Journal of Business Ethics. 18: 211-228. DOI: 10.1023/A:1005719122519 |
0.311 |
1996 |
Lewicki RJ, Stark N. What is ethically appropriate in Negotiations: An empirical examination of bargaining tactics Social Justice Research. 9: 69-95. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02197657 |
0.348 |
1994 |
Wesman EC, Sheppard BH, Lewicki RJ, Minton JW. Organizational Justice: The Search for Fairness in the Workplace. Administrative Science Quarterly. 39: 691. DOI: 10.2307/2393781 |
0.371 |
1994 |
MINTON JW, LEWICKI RJ, SHEPPARD BH. Unjust Dismissal in the Context of Organizational Justice The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 536: 135-148. DOI: 10.1177/0002716294536001011 |
0.373 |
1992 |
Lewicki RJ, Weiss SE, Lewin D. Models of conflict, negotiation and third party intervention: A review and synthesis Journal of Organizational Behavior. 13: 209-252. DOI: 10.1002/Job.4030130303 |
0.336 |
1989 |
Couch CJ, Lewicki RJ, Sheppard BH, Baserman MH. Research on Negotiation in Organizations, Vol. 1. Contemporary Sociology. 18: 372. DOI: 10.2307/2073839 |
0.305 |
1987 |
Sheppard BH, Lewicki RJ. Toward general principles of managerial fairness Social Justice Research. 1: 161-176. DOI: 10.1007/Bf01048014 |
0.31 |
1985 |
Lewicki RJ, Sheppard BH. Choosing how to intervene: Factors affecting the use of process and outcome control in third party dispute resolution Journal of Organizational Behavior. 6: 49-64. DOI: 10.1002/Job.4030060105 |
0.353 |
1985 |
Bazerman MH, Lewicki RJ. Contemporary research directions in the study of negotiations in organizations: A selective overview Journal of Organizational Behavior. 6: 1-17. DOI: 10.1002/Job.4030060102 |
0.313 |
1976 |
Lewicki RJ. The Third Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference Journal of Management Education. 2: 8-12. DOI: 10.1177/105256297600200102 |
0.329 |
1970 |
Deutsch M, Lewicki RJ. "Locking-in" effects during a game of Chicken Journal of Conflict Resolution. 14: 367-378. DOI: 10.1177/002200277001400308 |
0.356 |
1969 |
Johnson DW, Lewicki RJ. The Initiation of Superordinate Goals The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 5: 9-24. DOI: 10.1177/002188636900500102 |
0.347 |
Show low-probability matches. |