People with institution matching "Rockerfeller University": Advanced Search
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Jack A. Grebb (Info) NYU, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, University of Vermont, NIH, Abbott Labs, Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies, Bristol-Myer Squibb, UCSF Schizophrenia, substance abuse and signal transduction TDMcIntyre 2014‑08‑25 Sim
Paul Greengard (Info) Yale School of Medicine, Geigy Research Labratories, Yale, Rockefeller neurological and psychiatric disorders, neuro- and psychoactive drugs hayden 2005‑01‑26 Sim
Kyung-Min Noh (Info) Yeshiva University Ischemia, NMDA receptors, AMPA receptors, preconditioning, neurodegenerative diseases pq 2015‑11‑23 Sim
Hazel Sive (Info) MIT vertebrate development blre 2013‑05‑10 Sim
Lingwei Zhang (Info) Rockerfeller University swwx 2022‑10‑18 Sim
Jingfeng Zhou (Info) National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, Peking University, NIDA, CIBR, Beijing associative learning and decision making swwx 2013‑06‑19 Sim
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