Similar researchers to Thibaut Véry: Advanced Search
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Thibaut Véry (Info) Université de Lorraine (Chemistry Tree) QM/MM, Excited states, DNA, Environment, Ruthenium doc_fr 2017‑02‑08 Sim
Alexander J. Blake (Info) Nottingham (Chemistry Tree) X-ray Crystallography STang 2013‑07‑17 Sim(0.19)
Eileen M. Lafer (Info) UT Health San Antonio (Physics Tree) Biochemistry, General Biophysics pq 2016‑05‑30 Sim(0.2)
Wilhelm Lenz (Info) Universität Hamburg (Physics Tree) Theoretical Chemistry jppiquem 2013‑05‑21 Sim(0.21)
Nathan E. Schultz (Info) UMN (Chemistry Tree) Theoretical and Computational Chemistry pq 2015‑11‑07 Sim(0.21)
Stephen C. Wallwork (Info) Nottingham (Chemistry Tree) STang 2013‑07‑25 Sim(0.21)
Remy Bosviel (Info) UC Davis (Chemistry Tree) jwnewman 2020‑12‑08 Sim(0.22)
ZHONG-ZHEN LUO (Info) (Chemistry Tree) ZZL 2020‑01‑03 Sim(0.22)
Anne B. McCoy (Info) Ohio State (Chemistry Tree) Theoretical and computational chemistry jandh 2013‑03‑12 Sim(0.22)
Henrik Koch (Info) Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (Chemistry Tree) pablo90 2016‑06‑08 Sim(0.22)
Johann Gottfried Zinn (Info) Universität Göttingen (Chemistry Tree) anatomy and botany jandh 2014‑03‑27 Sim(0.23)
Ali K. Kamrani (Info) University of Houston (Physics Tree) Biomedical Engineering, Radiation Physics pq 2016‑06‑08 Sim(0.23)
Devarajan Thirumalai (Info) University of Maryland (Chemistry Tree) biophysics and theoretical biochemistry rqtopper 2013‑07‑08 Sim(0.23)
Felix Franke (Info) (LinguisTree) nickkapur 2018‑02‑13 Sim(0.23)
Adrian E Castro (Info) UW Madison (Geotree) Metamoprhic Petrology, Tectonics acastro 2019‑10‑04 Sim(0.23)
Ashley A. Campanali (Info) Wayne State (Chemistry Tree) Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry pq 2017‑05‑07 Sim(0.23)
Udo A.Th. Brinkman (Info) VU Amsterdam (Chemistry Tree) jandh 2011‑06‑22 Sim(0.24)
William O. Forster (Info) Oregon State (Chemistry Tree) jandh 2014‑08‑04 Sim(0.24)
Harry T. Cralle (Info) Texas A & M (Plant Biology Tree) gheichel 2020‑04‑27 Sim(0.24)
H. Harvey Michels (Info) University of Connecticut (Chemistry Tree) quantum chemistry madbosun 2013‑03‑01 Sim(0.25)
Julie A Charlton (Info) Princeton cmziemba 2019‑08‑08 Sim(0.25)
Jian Yang (Info) Harbin Institute of Technology (E-Tree) Control System, Robotics, Swarm Intelligence JianYang 2019‑04‑23 Sim(0.25)
Pei Zhou (Info) Duke (Chemistry Tree) Protein-protein interactions, NMR jandh 2012‑12‑09 Sim(0.26)
Herschel A. Rabitz (Info) Princeton (Chemistry Tree) theoretical chemistry jandh 2012‑11‑29 Sim(0.26)
Shailaja K. Mani (Info) Baylor College of Medicine mariooyola 2019‑10‑03 Sim(0.26)
Jörg Koßmann (Info) Ruhr University–Bochum, Bochum, German (Chemistry Tree) haettig 2016‑10‑13 Sim(0.27)
Edward Christian (Info) Wake Forest markwest 2016‑06‑08 Sim(0.27)
Michael A. Wheeler (Info) UVA mwheeler12 2015‑06‑24 Sim(0.27)
Michelle Miller Francl (Info) Bryn Mawr (Chemistry Tree) wtyiii 2011‑05‑06 Sim(0.27)
Maxime Chevee (Info) Johns Hopkins neuromir1479 2016‑03‑31 Sim(0.27)
Guang Xu (Info) MIT-Picower Institute for Learning and Memory (Physics Tree) Neuroscience GuangXu 2024‑10‑05 Sim(0.28)
Gregory J. Beran (Info) UC Berkeley (Chemistry Tree) Theoretical Chemistry pq 2015‑11‑06 Sim(0.28)
Eric Collet (Info) Université de Rennes 1 (Chemistry Tree) connectingresearchers 2020‑10‑19 Sim(0.28)
Wankun Li (Info) UCSD liwankun007 2012‑11‑03 Sim(0.28)
Benjamin R. Hazen (Info) UMN (Chemistry Tree) polymer-surface interactions, properties of stiff-chain polymers, and polymer latexes pq 2015‑11‑17 Sim(0.28)
Lyudmila V. Slipchenko (Info) Purdue (Chemistry Tree) electronic structure, electronic excited states, and intermolecular interactions in the condensed phase jandh 2013‑02‑20 Sim(0.28)
Samuel Francis Boys (Info) Cambridge (Chemistry Tree) molecular orbital calculations jandh 2011‑11‑24 Sim(0.28)
Brent M. Znosko (Info) Saint Louis University (Chemistry Tree) Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑29 Sim(0.28)
Isabelle J. Dionne (Info) University of New Brunswick (Canada) (Chemistry Tree) Inorganic Main Group Chemistry pq 2015‑10‑02 Sim(0.28)
Gema Hernandez-Milian (Info) University College Cork, Ireland (Marine Mammal Science) EmerRogan 2022‑06‑21 Sim(0.29)
Christine A. Schwerdtfeger (Info) Chicago (Chemistry Tree) theoretical chemistry pq 2015‑11‑16 Sim(0.29)
Reginald Wilfred Morales (Info) University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras (Puerto Rico) (Chemistry Tree) Organic Chemistry, Oceanography Biology pq 2016‑05‑22 Sim(0.29)
Liangjiang Wang (Info) Clemson University (Chemistry Tree) Bioinformatics Biology pq 2016‑04‑04 Sim(0.29)
Robert E. Wyatt (Info) UT Austin (Chemistry Tree) theoretical chemistry jandh 2011‑09‑05 Sim(0.29)
Bernhard Kockel (Info) Universität Leipzig (Chemistry Tree) Theoretical Physics jppiquem 2013‑05‑23 Sim(0.29)
Eric J. Sorscher (Info) UAB (Physics Tree) Molecular Biology, General Biophysics pq 2016‑05‑21 Sim(0.29)
Kaitlyn Proctor (Info) UNC Wilmington bepharmer 2016‑06‑08 Sim(0.29)
Pol E. Duwez (Info) Caltech (Chemistry Tree) Materials science jandh 2011‑11‑24 Sim(0.29)
Walter Nellen (Info) Kiel University (Oceanography Tree) Andres 2016‑05‑24 Sim(0.29)
Nina Olivia Winter (Info) Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Chemistry Tree) haettig 2016‑10‑13 Sim(0.29)
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