Susan M. Landau - Publications

University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 

149 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Jagust WJ, Koeppe RA, Rabinovici GD, Villemagne VL, Harrison TM, Landau SM. The ADNI PET Core at 20. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. PMID 39108002 DOI: 10.1002/alz.14165  0.48
2024 Johns E, Vossler HA, Young CB, Carlson ML, Winer JR, Younes K, Park J, Rathmann-Bloch J, Smith V, Harrison TM, Landau S, Henderson V, Wagner A, Sha SJ, Zeineh M, et al. Florbetaben amyloid PET acquisition time: Influence on Centiloids and interpretation. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. PMID 38962867 DOI: 10.1002/alz.13893  0.57
2024 Harrison TM, Chadwick T, Pezzoli S, Lee J, Landau SM, Jagust WJ. Cognitive Trajectories and Alzheimer Disease Biomarkers: From Successful Cognitive Aging to Clinical Impairment. Annals of Neurology. PMID 38747315 DOI: 10.1002/ana.26964  0.524
2024 Pedrero-Chamizo R, Zhuang K, Juarez A, Janabi M, Jagust WJ, Landau SM. Alzheimer's disease prevention: Apolipoprotein e4 moderates the effect of physical activity on brain beta-amyloid deposition in healthy older adults. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. PMID 38664148 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsams.2024.03.012  0.499
2024 Kryza-Lacombe M, Kassel MT, Insel PS, Rhodes E, Bickford D, Burns E, Butters MA, Tosun D, Aisen P, Raman R, Landau S, Saykin AJ, Toga AW, Jack CR, Koeppe R, et al. Anxiety in late-life depression: Associations with brain volume, amyloid beta, white matter lesions, cognition, and functional ability. International Psychogeriatrics. 1-12. PMID 38268483 DOI: 10.1017/S1041610224000012  0.303
2024 Landau SM, Lee J, Murphy A, Ward TJ, Harrison TM, Baker SL, DeCarli C, Harvey D, Tosun D, Weiner MW, Koeppe RA, Jagust WJ. Individuals with Alzheimer's disease and low tau burden: Characteristics and implications. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. PMID 38241084 DOI: 10.1002/alz.13609  0.562
2023 Ciampa CJ, Morin TM, Murphy A, Joie R, Landau SM, Berry AS. DAT1 and BDNF polymorphisms interact to predict Aβ and tau pathology. Neurobiology of Aging. 133: 115-124. PMID 37948982 DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2023.10.009  0.64
2023 Han F, Lee J, Chen X, Ziontz J, Ward T, Landau SM, Baker SL, Harrison TM, Jagust WJ. Global brain activity and its coupling with cerebrospinal fluid flow is related to tau pathology. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology. PMID 37745434 DOI: 10.1101/2023.09.12.557492  0.559
2023 Veitch DP, Weiner MW, Miller M, Aisen PS, Ashford MA, Beckett LA, Green RC, Harvey D, Jack CR, Jagust W, Landau SM, Morris JC, Nho KT, Nosheny R, Okonkwo O, et al. The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative in the era of Alzheimer's disease treatment: A review of ADNI studies from 2021 to 2022. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. PMID 37698424 DOI: 10.1002/alz.13449  0.53
2023 Landau SM, Mormino EC. Tau Pathology Without Aβ-A Limited PART of Clinical Progression. Jama Neurology. PMID 37578768 DOI: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2023.1081  0.587
2023 Giorgio J, Tanna A, Malpetti M, White SR, Wang J, Baker S, Landau S, Tanaka T, Chen C, Rowe JB, O'Brien J, Fripp J, Breakspear M, Jagust W, Kourtzi Z. A robust harmonization approach for cognitive data from multiple aging and dementia cohorts. Alzheimer's & Dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 15: e12453. PMID 37502020 DOI: 10.1002/dad2.12453  0.546
2023 Nho K, Risacher SL, Apostolova L, Bice PJ, Brosch J, Deardorff R, Faber K, Farlow MR, Foroud T, Gao S, Rosewood T, Kim JP, Nudelman K, Yu M, Aisen P, ... ... Landau S, et al. Novel Alzheimer's disease locus identified by genome-wide association analysis of cerebral tau deposition on PET. Medrxiv : the Preprint Server For Health Sciences. PMID 36993271 DOI: 10.1101/2023.02.27.23286048  0.694
2023 Cummins TL, Doré V, Feizpour A, Krishnadas N, Bourgeat P, Elias A, Lamb F, Williams R, Hopwood MJ, Landau S, Villemagne V, Weiner M, Rowe CC. Tau, β-amyloid, and glucose metabolism following service-related Traumatic Brain Injury in Vietnam war veterans: The AIBL-VETS study. Journal of Neurotrauma. PMID 36855333 DOI: 10.1089/neu.2022.0172  0.393
2022 Harrison TM, Ward TJ, Murphy A, Baker SL, Dominguez PA, Koeppe R, Vemuri P, Lockhart SN, Jung Y, Harvey DJ, Lovato L, Toga AW, Masdeu J, Oh H, Gitelman DR, ... ... Landau SM, et al. Optimizing quantification of MK6240 tau PET in unimpaired older adults. Neuroimage. 119761. PMID 36455762 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119761  0.826
2022 Weiner MW, Veitch DP, Miller MJ, Aisen PS, Albala B, Beckett LA, Green RC, Harvey D, Jack CR, Jagust W, Landau SM, Morris JC, Nosheny R, Okonkwo OC, Perrin RJ, et al. Increasing participant diversity in AD research: Plans for digital screening, blood testing, and a community-engaged approach in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative 4. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. PMID 36209495 DOI: 10.1002/alz.12797  0.507
2022 Apple AC, Lindbergh CA, Landau SM, DeLuca A, Eberling JL, Jagust WJ, Kramer JH, Rugo HS, Heflin LH. Longitudinal Trajectories of Memory Performance in Patients with Early-Stage Breast Cancer. Journal of Oncology. 2022: 5899728. PMID 35469310 DOI: 10.1155/2022/5899728  0.421
2022 LaPoint MR, Baker SL, Landau SM, Harrison TM, Jagust WJ. Rates of β-amyloid deposition indicate widespread simultaneous accumulation throughout the brain. Neurobiology of Aging. 115: 1-11. PMID 35447369 DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2022.03.005  0.6
2022 Landau SM, Ward TJ, Murphy A, Iaccarino L, Harrison TM, La Joie R, Baker S, Koeppe RA, Jagust WJ. Quantification of amyloid beta and tau PET without a structural MRI. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. PMID 35429219 DOI: 10.1002/alz.12668  0.469
2022 Giorgio J, Jagust WJ, Baker S, Landau SM, Tino P, Kourtzi Z. A robust and interpretable machine learning approach using multimodal biological data to predict future pathological tau accumulation. Nature Communications. 13: 1887. PMID 35393421 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-28795-7  0.518
2022 Jansen WJ, Janssen O, Tijms BM, Vos SJB, Ossenkoppele R, Visser PJ, Aarsland D, Alcolea D, Altomare D, von Arnim C, Baiardi S, Baldeiras I, Barthel H, Bateman RJ, ... ... Landau SM, et al. Prevalence Estimates of Amyloid Abnormality Across the Alzheimer Disease Clinical Spectrum. Jama Neurology. PMID 35099509 DOI: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2021.5216  0.689
2022 Myoraku A, Klein G, Landau S, Tosun D. Regional uptakes from early-frame amyloid PET and F-FDG PET scans are comparable independent of disease state. European Journal of Hybrid Imaging. 6: 2. PMID 35039928 DOI: 10.1186/s41824-021-00123-0  0.341
2021 Janssen O, Jansen WJ, Vos SJB, Boada M, Parnetti L, Gabryelewicz T, Fladby T, Molinuevo JL, Villeneuve S, Hort J, Epelbaum S, Lleó A, Engelborghs S, van der Flier WM, Landau S, et al. Characteristics of subjective cognitive decline associated with amyloid positivity. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. PMID 34877782 DOI: 10.1002/alz.12512  0.608
2021 Yoon B, Guo T, Provost K, Korman D, Ward TJ, Landau SM, Jagust WJ. Abnormal tau in amyloid PET negative individuals. Neurobiology of Aging. 109: 125-134. PMID 34715443 DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2021.09.019  0.526
2021 Guo T, Landau SM, Jagust WJ. Age, vascular disease, and Alzheimer's disease pathologies in amyloid negative elderly adults. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy. 13: 174. PMID 34654465 DOI: 10.1186/s13195-021-00913-5  0.589
2021 Veitch DP, Weiner MW, Aisen PS, Beckett LA, DeCarli C, Green RC, Harvey D, Jack CR, Jagust W, Landau SM, Morris JC, Okonkwo O, Perrin RJ, Petersen RC, Rivera-Mindt M, et al. Using the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative to improve early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. PMID 34581485 DOI: 10.1002/alz.12422  0.526
2021 Young CB, Landau SM, Harrison TM, Poston KL, Mormino EC. Influence of common reference regions on regional tau patterns in cross-sectional and longitudinal [F]-AV-1451 PET data. Neuroimage. 243: 118553. PMID 34487825 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118553  0.618
2021 Risacher SL, West JD, Deardorff R, Gao S, Farlow MR, Brosch JR, Apostolova LG, McAllister TW, Wu YC, Jagust WJ, Landau SM, Weiner MW, Saykin AJ. Head injury is associated with tau deposition on PET in MCI and AD patients. Alzheimer's & Dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 13: e12230. PMID 34466653 DOI: 10.1002/dad2.12230  0.479
2021 Strom A, Iaccarino L, Edwards L, Lesman-Segev OH, Soleimani-Meigooni DN, Pham J, Baker SL, Landau S, Jagust WJ, Miller BL, Rosen HJ, Gorno-Tempini ML, Rabinovici GD, La Joie R. Cortical hypometabolism reflects local atrophy and tau pathology in symptomatic Alzheimer's disease. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. PMID 34373896 DOI: 10.1093/brain/awab294  0.578
2021 Sexton CE, Anstey KJ, Baldacci F, Barnum CJ, Barron AM, Blennow K, Brodaty H, Burnham S, Elahi FM, Götz J, Jeon YH, Koronyo-Hamaoui M, Landau SM, Lautenschlager NT, Laws SM, et al. Alzheimer's disease research progress in Australia: The Alzheimer's Association International Conference Satellite Symposium in Sydney. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. PMID 34058063 DOI: 10.1002/alz.12380  0.362
2021 Cassady KE, Adams JN, Chen X, Maass A, Harrison TM, Landau S, Baker S, Jagust W. Alzheimer's Pathology Is Associated with Dedifferentiation of Intrinsic Functional Memory Networks in Aging. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). PMID 34037210 DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhab122  0.749
2021 Royse SK, Minhas DS, Lopresti BJ, Murphy A, Ward T, Koeppe RA, Bullich S, DeSanti S, Jagust WJ, Landau SM. Validation of amyloid PET positivity thresholds in centiloids: a multisite PET study approach. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy. 13: 99. PMID 33971965 DOI: 10.1186/s13195-021-00836-1  0.509
2021 Bullich S, Roé-Vellvé N, Marquié M, Landau SM, Barthel H, Villemagne VL, Sanabria Á, Tartari JP, Sotolongo-Grau O, Doré V, Koglin N, Müller A, Perrotin A, Jovalekic A, De Santi S, et al. Early detection of amyloid load using F-florbetaben PET. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy. 13: 67. PMID 33773598 DOI: 10.1186/s13195-021-00807-6  0.426
2021 Cho SH, Woo S, Kim C, Kim HJ, Jang H, Kim BC, Kim SE, Kim SJ, Kim JP, Jung YH, Lockhart S, Ossenkoppele R, Landau S, Na DL, Weiner M, et al. Disease progression modelling from preclinical Alzheimer's disease (AD) to AD dementia. Scientific Reports. 11: 4168. PMID 33603015 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-83585-3  0.668
2021 Villemagne VL, Barkhof F, Garibotto V, Landau SM, Nordberg A, van Berckel BNM. Molecular Imaging Approaches in Dementia. Radiology. 200028. PMID 33464184 DOI: 10.1148/radiol.2020200028  0.324
2021 Jagust WJ, Landau SM. Temporal Dynamics of Beta-amyloid Accumulation in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease. Neurology. PMID 33408147 DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000011524  0.554
2020 Sonni I, Lesman Segev OH, Baker SL, Iaccarino L, Korman D, Rabinovici GD, Jagust WJ, Landau SM, La Joie R. Evaluation of a visual interpretation method for tau-PET with F-flortaucipir. Alzheimer's & Dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 12: e12133. PMID 33313377 DOI: 10.1002/dad2.12133  0.502
2020 Yoon B, Baker SL, Korman D, Tennant VR, Harrison TM, Landau S, Jagust WJ. Conscientiousness is associated with less amyloid deposition in cognitively normal aging. Psychology and Aging. 35: 993-999. PMID 33166168 DOI: 10.1037/pag0000582  0.576
2020 Chételat G, Arbizu J, Barthel H, Garibotto V, Law I, Morbelli S, van de Giessen E, Agosta F, Barkhof F, Brooks DJ, Carrillo MC, Dubois B, Fjell AM, Frisoni GB, Hansson O, ... ... Landau SM, et al. Amyloid-PET and F-FDG-PET in the diagnostic investigation of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. The Lancet. Neurology. 19: 951-962. PMID 33098804 DOI: 10.1016/S1474-4422(20)30314-8  0.308
2020 Mackin RS, Insel PS, Landau S, Bickford D, Morin R, Rhodes E, Tosun D, Rosen HJ, Butters M, Aisen P, Raman R, Saykin A, Toga A, Jack C, Koeppe R, et al. Late-Life Depression Is Associated With Reduced Cortical Amyloid Burden: Findings From the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Depression Project. Biological Psychiatry. PMID 32980132 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2020.06.017  0.368
2020 Guo T, Korman D, Baker SL, Landau SM, Jagust WJ. Longitudinal Cognitive and Biomarker Measurements Support a Unidirectional Pathway in Alzheimer's Disease Pathophysiology. Biological Psychiatry. PMID 32919611 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2020.06.029  0.627
2020 Guo T, Korman D, La Joie R, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Jagust WJ, Landau SM. Normalization of CSF pTau measurement by Aβ improves its performance as a biomarker of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy. 12: 97. PMID 32799929 DOI: 10.1186/S13195-020-00665-8  0.612
2020 Guo T, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Jagust WJ, Landau SM. Association of CSF Aβ, amyloid PET and cognition in cognitively unimpaired elderly adults. Neurology. PMID 32759202 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.0000000000010596  0.63
2020 Guo T, Landau SM, Jagust WJ. Detecting earlier stages of amyloid deposition using PET in cognitively normal elderly adults. Neurology. PMID 32188766 DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000009216  0.625
2020 Giorgio J, Landau SM, Jagust WJ, Tino P, Kourtzi Z. Modelling prognostic trajectories of cognitive decline due to Alzheimer's disease. Neuroimage. Clinical. 26: 102199. PMID 32106025 DOI: 10.1016/j.nicl.2020.102199  0.618
2020 Korecka M, Figurski MJ, Landau SM, Brylska M, Alexander J, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Jagust WJ, Trojanowski JQ, Shaw LM. Analytical and Clinical Performance of Amyloid-Beta Peptides Measurements in CSF of ADNIGO/2 Participants by an LC-MS/MS Reference Method. Clinical Chemistry. PMID 32087019 DOI: 10.1093/Clinchem/Hvaa012  0.594
2019 Landau SM, Villemagne VL. Can amyloid PET differentiate "pure" LBD from AD with or without LBD copathology? Neurology. PMID 31862784 DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000008812  0.523
2019 Raman F, Grandhi S, Murchison CF, Kennedy RE, Landau S, Roberson ED, McConathy J. Biomarker Localization, Analysis, Visualization, Extraction, and Registration (BLAzER) Methodology for Research and Clinical Brain PET Applications. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. PMID 31322571 DOI: 10.3233/JAD-190329  0.366
2019 Morin RT, Insel P, Nelson C, Butters M, Bickford D, Landau S, Saykin A, Weiner M, Mackin RS. Latent Classes of Cognitive Functioning Among Depressed Older Adults Without Dementia. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : Jins. 1-10. PMID 31232250 DOI: 10.1017/S1355617719000596  0.361
2019 Buckley RF, Mormino EC, Rabin JS, Hohman TJ, Landau S, Hanseeuw BJ, Jacobs HIL, Papp KV, Amariglio RE, Properzi MJ, Schultz AP, Kirn D, Scott MR, Hedden T, Farrell M, et al. Sex Differences in the Association of Global Amyloid and Regional Tau Deposition Measured By Positron Emission Tomography in Clinically Normal Older Adults. Jama Neurology. PMID 30715078 DOI: 10.1001/Jamaneurol.2018.4693  0.669
2019 Guo T, Landau SM, Jagust WJ, Initiative ADN. Dt-01-03: Longitudinal Amyloid, Neurodegeneration And Cognition In Pre-Dementia Elderly Individuals With Different Atn Profiles Alzheimers & Dementia. 15. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2019.08.006  0.611
2019 Landau SM. SUBTHRESHOLD AMYLOID ACCUMULATION: DOES IT PREDICT MEMORY DECLINE? Alzheimer's & Dementia. 15: P177. DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2019.06.4373  0.353
2019 Raman F, Grandhi S, Murchison CF, Kennedy RE, Landau SM, Roberson ED, McConathy J. Ic-P-144: Blazer: A Versatile And Efficient Workflow For Analyzing Pet/Mr Neuroimaging Data In Alzheimer'S Disease Alzheimers & Dementia. 15. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2019.06.4258  0.404
2019 Protas H, Goradia DD, Ghisays V, Luo J, VanGilder PS, Thiyyagura P, Malek-Ahmadi M, Lee W, Chen Y, Devadas V, Bauer R, Landau SM, Weiner MW, Jagust WJ, Chen K, et al. Ic-P-173: Individual-Based Network Analysis: A Novel Approach To Investigate The Pathological Spread Of Phf Tau Using Graph Theory In Clinical And Preclinical Stages Of Alzheimer'S Disease Alzheimers & Dementia. 15. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2019.06.1023  0.508
2019 Giorgio J, Landau SM, Jagust WJ, Tino P, Kourtzi Z. PREDICTING FUTURE RATE OF COGNITIVE DECLINE DUE TO ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Alzheimer's & Dementia. 15: P228. DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2019.06.026  0.539
2018 Cohen AD, Landau SM, Snitz BE, Klunk WE, Blennow K, Zetterberg H. Fluid and PET biomarkers for amyloid pathology in Alzheimer's disease. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. PMID 30537535 DOI: 10.1016/J.Mcn.2018.12.004  0.535
2018 Snyder HM, Carare RO, DeKosky ST, de Leon MJ, Dykxhoorn D, Gan L, Gardner R, Hinds SR, Jaffee M, Lamb BT, Landau S, Manley G, McKee A, Perl D, Schneider JA, et al. Military-related risk factors for dementia. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. PMID 30415806 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2018.08.011  0.361
2018 Landau SM. Optimizing Longitudinal Amyloid-β PET Measurement: The Challenges of Intensity Normalization. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 59: 1581-1582. PMID 30213847 DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.118.212662  0.369
2018 Mattsson N, Groot C, Jansen WJ, Landau S, Villemagne V, Engelborghs S, Mintun M, Lleo A, Molinuevo JL, Jagust W, Frisoni GB, Ivanoiu A, Chételat G, Resende de Oliveira C, Rodrigue KM, et al. Prevalence of the apolipoprotein E ε4 allele in amyloid β positive subjects across the spectrum of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. PMID 29601787 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2018.02.009  0.59
2018 Landau SM, Horng A, Jagust WJ. Memory decline accompanies subthreshold amyloid accumulation. Neurology. PMID 29572282 DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000005354  0.616
2017 Jansen WJ, Ossenkoppele R, Tijms BM, Fagan AM, Hansson O, Klunk WE, van der Flier WM, Villemagne VL, Frisoni GB, Fleisher AS, Lleó A, Mintun MA, Wallin A, Engelborghs S, Na DL, ... ... Landau SM, et al. Association of Cerebral Amyloid-β Aggregation With Cognitive Functioning in Persons Without Dementia. Jama Psychiatry. PMID 29188296 DOI: 10.1001/Jamapsychiatry.2017.3391  0.643
2017 Palmqvist S, Schöll M, Strandberg O, Mattsson N, Stomrud E, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Landau S, Jagust W, Hansson O. Earliest accumulation of β-amyloid occurs within the default-mode network and concurrently affects brain connectivity. Nature Communications. 8: 1214. PMID 29089479 DOI: 10.1038/S41467-017-01150-X  0.737
2017 Vogel JW, Varga Doležalová M, La Joie R, Marks SM, Schwimmer HD, Landau SM, Jagust WJ. Subjective cognitive decline and β-amyloid burden predict cognitive change in healthy elderly. Neurology. PMID 28986416 DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000004627  0.593
2017 Weiner MW, Harvey D, Hayes J, Landau SM, Aisen PS, Petersen RC, Tosun D, Veitch DP, Jack CR, Decarli C, Saykin AJ, Grafman J, Neylanthe TC. Effects of traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder on development of Alzheimer's disease in Vietnam Veterans using the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: Preliminary Report. Alzheimer's & Dementia (New York, N. Y.). 3: 177-188. PMID 28758146 DOI: 10.1016/J.Trci.2017.02.005  0.438
2017 Maass A, Landau S, Baker SL, Horng A, Lockhart SN, Joie R, Rabinovici GD, Jagust WJ. Comparison of multiple tau-PET measures as biomarkers in aging and Alzheimer's Disease. Neuroimage. PMID 28587897 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2017.05.058  0.834
2017 Insel PS, Ossenkoppele R, Gessert D, Jagust W, Landau S, Hansson O, Weiner MW, Mattsson N. Time to Amyloid Positivity and Preclinical Changes in Brain Metabolism, Atrophy, and Cognition: Evidence for Emerging Amyloid Pathology in Alzheimer's Disease. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 11: 281. PMID 28567001 DOI: 10.3389/Fnins.2017.00281  0.672
2017 Tosun D, Landau S, Aisen PS, Petersen RC, Mintun M, Jagust W, Weiner MW. Association between tau deposition and antecedent amyloid-β accumulation rates in normal and early symptomatic individuals. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. PMID 28334939 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/Awx046  0.631
2017 Schreiber S, Schreiber F, Lockhart SN, Horng A, Bejanin A, Landau SM, Jagust WJ. Alzheimer Disease Signature Neurodegeneration and APOE Genotype in Mild Cognitive Impairment With Suspected Non-Alzheimer Disease Pathophysiology. Jama Neurology. PMID 28319241 DOI: 10.1001/Jamaneurol.2016.5349  0.756
2017 Espinosa A, Alegret M, Pesini P, Valero S, Lafuente A, Buendía M, San José I, Ibarria M, Tejero MA, Giménez J, Ruiz S, Hernández I, Pujadas F, Martínez-Lage P, Munuera J, ... ... Landau SM, et al. Cognitive Composites Domain Scores Related to Neuroimaging Biomarkers within Probable-Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment-Storage Subtype. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. PMID 28269787 DOI: 10.3233/JAD-161223  0.514
2017 Leal SL, Landau SM, Bell RK, Jagust WJ. Hippocampal activation is associated with longitudinal amyloid accumulation and cognitive decline. Elife. 6. PMID 28177283 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.22978  0.813
2017 Sundermann EE, Biegon A, Rubin LH, Lipton RB, Landau S, Maki PM. Does the Female Advantage in Verbal Memory Contribute to Underestimating Alzheimer's Disease Pathology in Women versus Men? Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. PMID 28106548 DOI: 10.3233/Jad-160716  0.495
2017 Leal SL, Landau SM, Bell RK, Jagust WJ. Author response: Hippocampal activation is associated with longitudinal amyloid accumulation and cognitive decline Elife. DOI: 10.7554/Elife.22978.012  0.787
2017 Jagust WJ, Landau SM. PET IMAGING THROUGH THE COURSE OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Alzheimer's & Dementia. 13: P878. DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2017.07.263  0.562
2017 Landau SM, Jagust WJ. [IC-P-013]: AMYLOID ACCUMULATION WITHIN THE NEGATIVE RANGE IS LINKED TO MEMORY DECLINE IN COGNITIVELY NORMAL OLDER INDIVIDUALS Alzheimer's & Dementia. 13: P17-P18. DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2017.06.2285  0.554
2017 Insel P, Ossenkoppele R, Gessert D, Jagust WJ, Landau SM, Hansson O, Weiner M, Mattsson N. Emerging Amyloid Pathology Alzheimers & Dementia. 13: 1340. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2017.06.2064  0.546
2017 Goradia DD, Chen K, Chen Y, Snyder N, Harvey D, Landau SM, Jagust WJ, Weiner M, Reiman EM. [P3–032]: Ssri Use Associated With Reduced Amyloid Burden In Persons With Combat‐Related Ptsd: Preliminary Findings From Adni‐Dod Alzheimers & Dementia. 13: 942. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2017.06.1845  0.489
2016 Sundermann EE, Maki PM, Rubin LH, Lipton RB, Landau S, Biegon A. Female advantage in verbal memory: Evidence of sex-specific cognitive reserve. Neurology. PMID 27708128 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.0000000000003288  0.327
2016 Babiloni C, Del Percio C, Caroli A, Salvatore E, Nicolai E, Marzano N, Lizio R, Cavedo E, Landau S, Chen K, Jagust W, Reiman E, Tedeschi G, Montella P, De Stefano M, et al. Cortical sources of resting state EEG rhythms are related to brain hypometabolism in subjects with Alzheimer's disease: an EEG-PET study. Neurobiology of Aging. 48: 122-134. PMID 27668356 DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2016.08.021  0.567
2016 Sundermann EE, Biegon A, Rubin LH, Lipton RB, Mowrey W, Landau S, Maki PM. Better verbal memory in women than men in MCI despite similar levels of hippocampal atrophy. Neurology. PMID 26984945 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.0000000000002570  0.428
2016 Landau SM, Horng A, Fero A, Jagust WJ. Amyloid negativity in patients with clinically diagnosed Alzheimer disease and MCI. Neurology. PMID 26968515 DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000002576  0.652
2016 Arenaza-Urquijo EM, Landau SM, Bell RK, Lockhart SN, Mellinger TJ, Baker SL, Chetelat G, Jagust WJ. O1-01-03: Normal Cognition Despite Very High Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease: Neuroimaging and Neuropsychological Insights Into Resilient Brain Aging Alzheimer's & Dementia. 12: P170-P171. DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2016.06.294  0.605
2016 Mellinger TJ, Swinnerton KN, Bell RK, Landau SM, Jagust WJ. P3-270: Current Cognitive Engagement is Associated with Reduced Glucose Hypometabolism in Cognitively Normal Elderly Alzheimer's & Dementia. 12: P936-P937. DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2016.06.1933  0.528
2016 Arenaza-Urquijo EM, Landau SM, Bell RK, Lockhart SN, Mellinger TJ, Baker SL, Chetelat G, Jagust WJ. IC-P-131: Normal Cognition Despite Very High Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease: Neuroimaging and Neuropsychological Insights Into Resilient Brain Aging Alzheimer's & Dementia. 12: P98-P99. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2016.06.161  0.686
2016 Schreiber S, Landau SM, Lockhart S, Bejanin A, Horng A, Schreiber F, Jagust WJ. P1-295: SNAP: Alzheimer's Disease Plus Overlapping Non-Ad Patterns in The Aging Brain? Alzheimer's & Dementia. 12: P533-P534. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2016.06.1045  0.719
2016 Snyder N, Chen K, Luo J, Thiyyagura P, Devadas V, Chen Y, Bauer R, Sheline YI, Jagust WJ, Neylan T, Landau SM, Weiner MW, Reiman EM. P1-292: Lower Frontal Amyloid Burden in Antidepressant Users: Preliminary Findings From Persons With and Without Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in The ADNI DOD Study Alzheimer's & Dementia. 12: P532-P533. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2016.06.1042  0.451
2016 Horng A, Jagust WJ, Landau SM. IC-P-009: Effects of Baseline Regional Amyloid Deposition Patterns on Subsequent Accumulation Alzheimer's & Dementia. 12: P18-P19. DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2016.06.019  0.471
2015 Altmann A, Ng B, Landau SM, Jagust WJ, Greicius MD. Regional brain hypometabolism is unrelated to regional amyloid plaque burden. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. PMID 26419799 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/Awv278  0.604
2015 Schreiber S, Landau SM, Fero A, Schreiber F, Jagust WJ. Comparison of Visual and Quantitative Florbetapir F 18 Positron Emission Tomography Analysis in Predicting Mild Cognitive Impairment Outcomes. Jama Neurology. PMID 26280102 DOI: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2015.1633  0.608
2015 Jagust WJ, Landau SM, Koeppe RA, Reiman EM, Chen K, Mathis CA, Price JC, Foster NL, Wang AY. The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative 2 PET Core: 2015. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 11: 757-71. PMID 26194311 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2015.05.001  0.585
2015 Ossenkoppele R, Jansen WJ, Rabinovici GD, Knol DL, van der Flier WM, van Berckel BN, Scheltens P, Visser PJ, Verfaillie SC, Zwan MD, Adriaanse SM, Lammertsma AA, Barkhof F, Jagust WJ, ... ... Landau SM, et al. Prevalence of amyloid PET positivity in dementia syndromes: a meta-analysis. Jama. 313: 1939-49. PMID 25988463 DOI: 10.1001/Jama.2015.4669  0.635
2015 Jansen WJ, Ossenkoppele R, Knol DL, Tijms BM, Scheltens P, Verhey FR, Visser PJ, Aalten P, Aarsland D, Alcolea D, Alexander M, Almdahl IS, Arnold SE, Baldeiras I, ... ... Landau SM, et al. Prevalence of cerebral amyloid pathology in persons without dementia: a meta-analysis. Jama. 313: 1924-38. PMID 25988462 DOI: 10.1001/Jama.2015.4668  0.557
2015 Toledo JB, Bjerke M, Da X, Landau SM, Foster NL, Jagust W, Jack C, Weiner M, Davatzikos C, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ. Nonlinear Association Between Cerebrospinal Fluid and Florbetapir F-18 β-Amyloid Measures Across the Spectrum of Alzheimer Disease. Jama Neurology. 72: 571-81. PMID 25822737 DOI: 10.1001/Jamaneurol.2014.4829  0.617
2015 Landau SM, Fero A, Baker SL, Koeppe R, Mintun M, Chen K, Reiman EM, Jagust WJ. Measurement of longitudinal β-amyloid change with 18F-florbetapir PET and standardized uptake value ratios. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 56: 567-74. PMID 25745095 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.114.148981  0.591
2015 Chen K, Roontiva A, Thiyyagura P, Lee W, Liu X, Ayutyanont N, Protas H, Luo JL, Bauer R, Reschke C, Bandy D, Koeppe RA, Fleisher AS, Caselli RJ, Landau S, et al. Improved power for characterizing longitudinal amyloid-β PET changes and evaluating amyloid-modifying treatments with a cerebral white matter reference region. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 56: 560-6. PMID 25745091 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.114.149732  0.552
2015 Mattsson N, Insel PS, Donohue M, Landau S, Jagust WJ, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Weiner MW. Independent information from cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-β and florbetapir imaging in Alzheimer's disease. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 138: 772-83. PMID 25541191 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/Awu367  0.637
2015 Caroli A, Prestia A, Wade S, Chen K, Ayutyanont N, Landau SM, Madison CM, Haense C, Herholz K, Reiman EM, Jagust WJ, Frisoni GB. Alzheimer Disease Biomarkers as Outcome Measures for Clinical Trials in MCI. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders. 29: 101-9. PMID 25437302 DOI: 10.1097/WAD.0000000000000071  0.539
2015 Vogel JW, Doležalová MV, Joie RL, Marks S, Fero A, Landau SM, Schwimmer H, Schreiber S, Jagust WJ. Brain and cognitive correlates of subjective cognitive decline differ between healthy elderly with and without β-amyloid pathology Alzheimers & Dementia. 11. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2015.07.451  0.59
2015 Landau SM, Fero A, Jagust WJ. IC-P-058: Amyloid negativity in clinically diagnosed ADNI Alzheimer's disease and MCI patients Alzheimer's & Dementia. 11: P44-P44. DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2015.06.079  0.558
2015 Jagust WJ, Landau SM, Koeppe RA, Reiman EM, Chen K, Mathis CA, Price JC, Foster NL, Wang AY. The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative 2 PET Core: 2015 Alzheimer's and Dementia. 11: 757-771. DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2015.05.001  0.526
2014 Schmidt ME, Chiao P, Klein G, Matthews D, Thurfjell L, Cole PE, Margolin R, Landau S, Foster NL, Mason NS, De Santi S, Suhy J, Koeppe RA, Jagust W. The influence of biological and technical factors on quantitative analysis of amyloid PET: Points to consider and recommendations for controlling variability in longitudinal data. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. PMID 25457431 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2014.09.004  0.569
2014 Mattsson N, Insel PS, Landau S, Jagust W, Donohue M, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Weiner M. Diagnostic accuracy of CSF Ab42 and florbetapir PET for Alzheimer's disease. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. 1: 534-43. PMID 25356425 DOI: 10.1002/Acn3.81  0.617
2014 Landau SM, Frosch MP. Tracking the earliest pathologic changes in Alzheimer disease. Neurology. 82: 1576-7. PMID 24706009 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.0000000000000392  0.55
2014 Landau SM, Thomas BA, Thurfjell L, Schmidt M, Margolin R, Mintun M, Pontecorvo M, Baker SL, Jagust WJ. Amyloid PET imaging in Alzheimer's disease: a comparison of three radiotracers. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 41: 1398-407. PMID 24647577 DOI: 10.1007/S00259-014-2753-3  0.596
2014 Nettiksimmons J, DeCarli C, Landau S, Beckett L. Biological heterogeneity in ADNI amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 10: 511-521.e1. PMID 24418061 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2013.09.003  0.488
2014 Chen K, Roontiva A, Thiyyagura P, Lee W, Liu X, Ayutyanont N, Protas H, Landau S, Luo J, Bauer R, Reschke C, Bandy D, Koeppe R, Fleisher AS, Caselli RJ, et al. Improving The Power To Track Fibrillar Amyloid Pet Measurements And Evaluate Amyloid-Modifying Treatments Using A Cerebral White Matter Reference Region-Of-Interest Alzheimers & Dementia. 10: 894. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2014.07.069  0.442
2014 Mattsson N, Insel P, Landau S, Jagust W, Shaw L, Trojanowski JQ, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Weiner MW. P2-094: COMPARING THE DIAGNOSTIC ACCURACIES OF CSF Aβ42 AND PET FLORBETAPIR Alzheimer's & Dementia. 10: P505-P505. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2014.05.768  0.539
2014 Mattsson N, Insel P, Landau S, Jagust W, Shaw L, Trojanowski JQ, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Weiner MW. O2-05-06: COMBINING CSF AB42 AND PET FLORBETAPIR TO PREDICT DIAGNOSIS, TAU, ATROPHY, AND COGNITION Alzheimer's & Dementia. 10: P174-P174. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2014.04.185  0.56
2014 Landau S, Fero A, Baker S, Jagust W. Modeling Longitudinal Florbetapir Change Across The Disease Spectrum Alzheimers & Dementia. 10: 7. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2014.04.031  0.447
2013 DeLuca AN, Heflin L, Fang S, Melisko ME, Moasser MM, Park JW, Chien AJ, Munster PN, Esserman L, Landau SM, Jagust WJ, Kramer JH. Prospective study of cognitive function (cog fcn) in women with early-stage breast cancer (ESBC): Predictors of cognitive decline. Journal of Clinical Oncology : Official Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 31: 104. PMID 28136629 DOI: 10.1200/Jco.2013.31.26_Suppl.104  0.513
2013 Fang S, DeLuca AN, Melisko ME, Moasser MM, Park JW, Chien AJ, Munster PN, Landau SM, Jagust WJ, Kramer JH, Rugo HS. Prospective study of cognitive function (cog fcn) in women with early-stage breast cancer (BC): Relationship between perceived and measurable cognitive deficits. Journal of Clinical Oncology : Official Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 31: 105. PMID 28136615 DOI: 10.1200/Jco.2013.31.15_Suppl.6619  0.517
2013 Wirth M, Villeneuve S, Haase CM, Madison CM, Oh H, Landau SM, Rabinovici GD, Jagust WJ. Associations between Alzheimer disease biomarkers, neurodegeneration, and cognition in cognitively normal older people. Jama Neurology. 70: 1512-9. PMID 24166579 DOI: 10.1001/Jamaneurol.2013.4013  0.838
2013 Haight TJ, Landau SM, Carmichael O, Schwarz C, DeCarli C, Jagust WJ. Dissociable effects of Alzheimer disease and white matter hyperintensities on brain metabolism. Jama Neurology. 70: 1039-45. PMID 23779022 DOI: 10.1001/Jamaneurol.2013.1878  0.608
2013 Landau S, Jagust W. Physical Activity and AD-Related Pathology-Reply. Archives of Neurology. 69: 940-1. PMID 23753644 DOI: 10.1001/archneurol.2012.510  0.619
2013 Murphy KR, Landau SM, Choudhury KR, Hostage CA, Shpanskaya KS, Sair HI, Petrella JR, Wong TZ, Doraiswamy PM. Mapping the effects of ApoE4, age and cognitive status on 18F-florbetapir PET measured regional cortical patterns of beta-amyloid density and growth. Neuroimage. 78: 474-80. PMID 23624169 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.048  0.526
2013 Landau SM, Lu M, Joshi AD, Pontecorvo M, Mintun MA, Trojanowski JQ, Shaw LM, Jagust WJ. Comparing positron emission tomography imaging and cerebrospinal fluid measurements of β-amyloid. Annals of Neurology. 74: 826-36. PMID 23536396 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.23908  0.626
2013 Wirth M, Madison CM, Rabinovici GD, Oh H, Landau SM, Jagust WJ. Alzheimer's disease neurodegenerative biomarkers are associated with decreased cognitive function but not β-amyloid in cognitively normal older individuals. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 33: 5553-63. PMID 23536070 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.4409-12.2013  0.817
2013 Wirth M, Oh H, Mormino EC, Markley C, Landau SM, Jagust WJ. The effect of amyloid β on cognitive decline is modulated by neural integrity in cognitively normal elderly. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 9: 687-698.e1. PMID 23474040 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2012.10.012  0.84
2013 Landau SM, Breault C, Joshi AD, Pontecorvo M, Mathis CA, Jagust WJ, Mintun MA. Amyloid-β imaging with Pittsburgh compound B and florbetapir: comparing radiotracers and quantification methods. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 54: 70-7. PMID 23166389 DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.112.109009  0.623
2013 Nettiksimmons J, DeCarli C, Landau S, Beckett L. P1-196: Biological heterogeneity in ADNI amnestic MCI Alzheimer's & Dementia. 9: P222-P223. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2013.05.419  0.492
2013 Caroli A, Prestia A, Wade S, Chen K, Ayutyanont N, Landau S, Madison C, Haense C, Herholz K, Reiman E, Jagust W, Frisoni G. Alzheimer's disease biomarkers as outcome measures for clinical trials Alzheimers & Dementia. 9. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2013.05.1455  0.509
2013 Haight T, Landau S, Jagust W. O5-02-05: Relationships among biomarkers in early-stage Alzheimer's disease (AD): Findings in cognitively normal adults from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) Alzheimer's & Dementia. 9: P832-P832. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2013.04.479  0.623
2012 Jagust WJ, Landau SM. Apolipoprotein E, not fibrillar β-amyloid, reduces cerebral glucose metabolism in normal aging. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 32: 18227-33. PMID 23238736 DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3266-12.2012  0.565
2012 Landau SM, Mintun MA, Joshi AD, Koeppe RA, Petersen RC, Aisen PS, Weiner MW, Jagust WJ. Amyloid deposition, hypometabolism, and longitudinal cognitive decline. Annals of Neurology. 72: 578-86. PMID 23109153 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.23650  0.668
2012 Caroli A, Prestia A, Chen K, Ayutyanont N, Landau SM, Madison CM, Haense C, Herholz K, Nobili F, Reiman EM, Jagust WJ, Frisoni GB. Summary metrics to assess Alzheimer disease-related hypometabolic pattern with 18F-FDG PET: head-to-head comparison. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 53: 592-600. PMID 22343502 DOI: 10.2967/Jnumed.111.094946  0.646
2012 Landau SM, Marks SM, Mormino EC, Rabinovici GD, Oh H, O'Neil JP, Wilson RS, Jagust WJ. Association of lifetime cognitive engagement and low β-amyloid deposition. Archives of Neurology. 69: 623-29. PMID 22271235 DOI: 10.1001/Archneurol.2011.2748  0.815
2012 Klostermann EC, Braskie MN, Landau SM, O'Neil JP, Jagust WJ. Dopamine and frontostriatal networks in cognitive aging. Neurobiology of Aging. 33: 623.e15-24. PMID 21511369 DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2011.03.002  0.686
2012 Foster N, King R, Wang A, Landau S, Jagust W, Chen K, Reiman E. Discrepant diagnostic classification with AV45-PET and FDG-PET of clinically diagnosed Alzheimer's patients in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Alzheimers & Dementia. 8. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2012.05.282  0.578
2012 Wirth M, Oh H, Mormino EC, Landau S, Jagust W. O1-10-02: Beta-amyloid deposition in normal elderly is related to longitudinal but not cross-sectional cognitive decline Alzheimer's & Dementia. 8: P102-P102. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2012.05.258  0.784
2012 Jagust W, Landau S. F4-01-04: Amyloid imaging in the multimodal evaluation of MCI Alzheimer's & Dementia. 8: P607-P608. DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2012.05.1628  0.433
2012 Landau SM, Doraiswamy PM. The Biology of Alzheimer Disease Jama. 308: 1925. DOI: 10.1001/jama.308.18.1925  0.437
2011 Chen K, Ayutyanont N, Langbaum JB, Fleisher AS, Reschke C, Lee W, Liu X, Bandy D, Alexander GE, Thompson PM, Shaw L, Trojanowski JQ, Jack CR, Landau SM, Foster NL, et al. Characterizing Alzheimer's disease using a hypometabolic convergence index. Neuroimage. 56: 52-60. PMID 21276856 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2011.01.049  0.633
2011 Braskie MN, Landau SM, Wilcox CE, Taylor SD, O'Neil JP, Baker SL, Madison CM, Jagust WJ. Correlations of striatal dopamine synthesis with default network deactivations during working memory in younger adults. Human Brain Mapping. 32: 947-61. PMID 20578173 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.21081  0.682
2011 Landau SM, Harvey D, Madison CM, Koeppe RA, Reiman EM, Foster NL, Weiner MW, Jagust WJ. Associations between cognitive, functional, and FDG-PET measures of decline in AD and MCI. Neurobiology of Aging. 32: 1207-18. PMID 19660834 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neurobiolaging.2009.07.002  0.65
2011 Landau SM, Jagust WJ. Reply from the authors Neurology. 76: 106. DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e3181fe6f47  0.594
2011 Landau S, Petersen R, Aisen P, Jagust W. IC-P-049: Change in amyloid deposition is related to concurrent cognitive change in MCI Alzheimer's & Dementia. 7: S28-S28. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2011.05.118  0.55
2010 Landau SM, Harvey D, Madison CM, Reiman EM, Foster NL, Aisen PS, Petersen RC, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Jack CR, Weiner MW, Jagust WJ. Comparing predictors of conversion and decline in mild cognitive impairment. Neurology. 75: 230-8. PMID 20592257 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.0B013E3181E8E8B8  0.666
2010 Jagust WJ, Bandy D, Chen K, Foster NL, Landau SM, Mathis CA, Price JC, Reiman EM, Skovronsky D, Koeppe RA. The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative positron emission tomography core. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 6: 221-9. PMID 20451870 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2010.03.003  0.599
2010 Landau SM, Harvey D, Reiman EM, Foster NL, Aisen PS, Trojanowski JQ, Shaw L, Jack CR, Petersen RC, Weiner MW, Jagust WJ. O3-03-08: Biomarker predictors of cognitive decline in healthy older participants in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Alzheimer's & Dementia. 6: S131-S131. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2010.05.411  0.597
2009 Jagust WJ, Landau SM, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Koeppe RA, Reiman EM, Foster NL, Petersen RC, Weiner MW, Price JC, Mathis CA. Relationships between biomarkers in aging and dementia. Neurology. 73: 1193-9. PMID 19822868 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.0B013E3181Bc010C  0.645
2009 Landau SM, Lal R, O'Neil JP, Baker S, Jagust WJ. Striatal dopamine and working memory. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 19: 445-54. PMID 18550595 DOI: 10.1093/Cercor/Bhn095  0.469
2009 Landau SM, Harvey D, Madison C, Foster NL, Reiman EM, Shaw LM, Trojanowski JQ, Petersen RC, Weiner MW, Jagust WJ. O3-01-01: Comparing predictors of conversion: Data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Alzheimer's & Dementia. 5: P125-P125. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2009.05.421  0.525
2008 Braskie MN, Wilcox CE, Landau SM, O'Neil JP, Baker SL, Madison CM, Kluth JT, Jagust WJ. Relationship of striatal dopamine synthesis capacity to age and cognition. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 28: 14320-8. PMID 19109513 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.3729-08.2008  0.694
2008 Landau SM, Madison C, Wu D, Cheung C, Foster N, Reiman E, Koeppe R, Weiner M, Jagust WJ. P1-258: Pinpointing change in Alzheimer's disease: Longitudinal FDG-PET analyses from the Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative Alzheimer's & Dementia. 4: T291-T292. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2008.05.848  0.592
2008 Madison C, Landau S, Cheung C, Lal R, Foster N, Reiman E, Koeppe R, Weiner M, Jagust W. IC-P2-114: Meta-analysis ROIs and minimal deformation templates improve PET-FDG as a candidate biomarker in Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's & Dementia. 4: T53-T53. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2008.05.2569  0.597
2007 Landau SM, Garavan H, Schumacher EH, D'Esposito M. Regional specificity and practice: dynamic changes in object and spatial working memory. Brain Research. 1180: 78-89. PMID 17916334 DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2007.08.057  0.691
2006 Landau SM, D'esposito M. Sequence learning in pianists and nonpianists: an fMRI study of motor expertise. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. 6: 246-59. PMID 17243360 DOI: 10.3758/CABN.6.3.246  0.418
2006 Margolin RA, Jack CR, Landau SM. F4-06-01: TIMING AND TRAJECTORY OF ESTABLISHED MECHANISMS: AMYLOID β AND TAU DEPOSITION, AND NEURODEGENERATION Alzheimer's & Dementia. 14: P1391-P1391. DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2018.06.2884  0.374
2006 Protas H, Ghisays V, Luo J, DeMarco EL, Thiyyagura P, Devadas V, Bauer R, Landau SM, Weiner M, Jagust WJ, Reiman EM, Chen K. IC-P-106: FLORTAUCIPIR PAIRED HELICAL FILAMENT TAU BURDEN AND CORRELATION WITH COGNITIVE DECLINE IN MCI PATIENTS WITHOUT Aβ Alzheimer's & Dementia. 14: P91-P92. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2018.06.2172  0.58
2006 Landau SM, Korman D, Jagust WJ. IC-02-02: DISCREPANCIES IN TAU AND β-AMYLOID BURDEN ARE FREQUENT ACROSS THE SPECTRUM OF NORMAL AGING AND ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Alzheimer's & Dementia. 14: P2-P3. DOI: 10.1016/j.jalz.2018.06.2045  0.564
2004 Landau SM, Schumacher EH, Garavan H, Druzgal TJ, D'Esposito M. A functional MRI study of the influence of practice on component processes of working memory. Neuroimage. 22: 211-21. PMID 15110011 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2004.01.003  0.755
Show low-probability matches.