Frank Grosveld - Publications

Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands 

268 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2021 Soochit W, Sleutels F, Stik G, Bartkuhn M, Basu S, Hernandez SC, Merzouk S, Vidal E, Boers R, Boers J, van der Reijden M, Geverts B, van Cappellen WA, van den Hout M, Ozgur Z, ... ... Grosveld F, et al. CTCF chromatin residence time controls three-dimensional genome organization, gene expression and DNA methylation in pluripotent cells. Nature Cell Biology. PMID 34326481 DOI: 10.1038/s41556-021-00722-w  0.314
2021 Grosveld F, van Staalduinen J, Stadhouders R. Transcriptional Regulation by (Super)Enhancers: From Discovery to Mechanisms. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics. PMID 33951408 DOI: 10.1146/annurev-genom-122220-093818  0.355
2020 Birkhoff JC, Brouwer RWW, Kolovos P, Korporaal AL, Bermejo-Santos A, Boltsis I, Nowosad K, Hout MCGN, Grosveld FG, van IJcken WFJ, Huylebroeck D, Conidi A. Targeted Chromatin Conformation (T2C) analysis identifies novel distal neural enhancers of ZEB2 in pluripotent stem cell differentiation. Human Molecular Genetics. PMID 32628253 DOI: 10.1093/hmg/ddaa141  0.345
2020 Miyata M, Gillemans N, Hockman D, Demmers JA, Cheng JF, Hou J, Salminen M, Fisher C, Taylor S, Gibbons RJ, Ganis JJ, Zon LI, Grosveld F, Mulugeta E, Sauka-Spengler T, et al. An evolutionary ancient mechanism for regulation of hemoglobin expression in vertebrate red cells. Blood. PMID 32396940 DOI: 10.1182/Blood.2020004826  0.346
2019 Dries R, Stryjewska A, Coddens K, Okawa S, Notelaers T, Birkhoff J, Dekker M, Verfaillie CM, Del Sol A, Mulugeta E, Conidi A, Grosveld FG, Huylebroeck D. Integrative and perturbation based analysis of the transcriptional dynamics of TGFβ/BMP system components in transition from embryonic stem cells to neural progenitors. Stem Cells (Dayton, Ohio). PMID 31675135 DOI: 10.1002/Stem.3111  0.315
2019 Grigorieva IV, Oszwald A, Grigorieva EF, Schachner H, Neudert B, Ostendorf T, Floege J, Lindenmeyer MT, Cohen CD, Panzer U, Aigner C, Schmidt A, Grosveld F, Thakker RV, Rees AJ, et al. A Novel Role for GATA3 in Mesangial Cells in Glomerular Development and Injury. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : Jasn. PMID 31405951 DOI: 10.1681/Asn.2018111143  0.317
2019 Cantú I, van de Werken HJG, Gillemans N, Stadhouders R, Heshusius S, Maas A, Esteghamat F, Ozgur Z, van IJcken WFJ, Grosveld F, von Lindern M, Philipsen S, van Dijk TB. The mouse KLF1 Nan variant impairs nuclear condensation and erythroid maturation. Plos One. 14: e0208659. PMID 30921348 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0208659  0.417
2018 Kolovos P, Brouwer RWW, Kockx CEM, Lesnussa M, Kepper N, Zuin J, Imam AMA, van de Werken HJG, Wendt KS, Knoch TA, van IJcken WFJ, Grosveld F. Investigation of the spatial structure and interactions of the genome at sub-kilobase-pair resolution using T2C. Nature Protocols. 13: 459-477. PMID 29419817 DOI: 10.1038/Nprot.2017.132  0.36
2017 Cruz-Molina S, Respuela P, Tebartz C, Kolovos P, Nikolic M, Fueyo R, van Ijcken WF, Grosveld F, Frommolt P, Bazzi H, Rada-Iglesias A. PRC2 Facilitates the Regulatory Topology Required for Poised Enhancer Function during Pluripotent Stem Cell Differentiation. Cell Stem Cell. PMID 28285903 DOI: 10.1016/J.Stem.2017.02.004  0.407
2016 Drabek D, Janssens R, de Boer E, Rademaker R, Kloess J, Skehel J, Grosveld F. Expression Cloning and Production of Human Heavy-Chain-Only Antibodies from Murine Transgenic Plasma Cells. Frontiers in Immunology. 7: 619. PMID 28066429 DOI: 10.3389/Fimmu.2016.00619  0.323
2016 Gallouet AS, Ferri F, Petit V, Parcelier A, Lewandowski D, Gault N, Barroca V, Le Gras S, Soler E, Grosveld F, Davidson I, Romeo PH. Macrophage production and activation are dependent on TRIM33. Oncotarget. PMID 27974684 DOI: 10.18632/Oncotarget.13872  0.406
2016 Kolovos P, Georgomanolis T, Koeferle A, Larkin JD, Brant L, Nikolic M, Gusmao EG, Zirkel A, Knoch TA, Costa IG, van Ijcken WF, Cook PR, Grosveld FG, Papantonis A. Binding of nuclear factor kappa B to non-canonical consensus sites reveals its multimodal role during the early inflammatory response. Genome Research. PMID 27633323 DOI: 10.1101/Gr.210005.116  0.313
2016 Breton A, Theodorou A, Aktuna S, Sonzogni L, Darling D, Chan L, Menzel S, van der Spek PJ, Swagemakers SM, Grosveld F, Philipsen S, Thein SL. ASH1L (a histone methyltransferase protein) is a novel candidate globin gene regulator revealed by genetic study of an English family with beta-thalassaemia unlinked to the beta-globin locus. British Journal of Haematology. PMID 27434206 DOI: 10.1111/Bjh.14256  0.451
2015 Stadhouders R, Cico A, Stephen T, Thongjuea S, Kolovos P, Baymaz HI, Yu X, Demmers J, Bezstarosti K, Maas A, Barroca V, Kockx C, Ozgur Z, van Ijcken W, Arcangeli ML, ... ... Grosveld F, et al. Control of developmentally primed erythroid genes by combinatorial co-repressor actions. Nature Communications. 6: 8893. PMID 26593974 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9893  0.36
2015 Caputo L, Witzel HR, Kolovos P, Cheedipudi S, Looso M, Mylona A, van IJcken WF, Laugwitz KL, Evans SM, Braun T, Soler E, Grosveld F, Dobreva G. The Isl1/Ldb1 Complex Orchestrates Genome-wide Chromatin Organization to Instruct Differentiation of Multipotent Cardiac Progenitors. Cell Stem Cell. 17: 287-99. PMID 26321200 DOI: 10.1016/J.Stem.2015.08.007  0.363
2015 Tresini M, Warmerdam DO, Kolovos P, Snijder L, Vrouwe MG, Demmers JA, van IJcken WF, Grosveld FG, Medema RH, Hoeijmakers JH, Mullenders LH, Vermeulen W, Marteijn JA. The core spliceosome as target and effector of non-canonical ATM signalling. Nature. PMID 26106861 DOI: 10.1038/nature14512  0.516
2015 Papadopoulos P, Gutiérrez L, Demmers J, Scheer E, Pourfarzad F, Papageorgiou DN, Karkoulia E, Strouboulis J, van de Werken HJ, van der Linden R, Vandenberghe P, Dekkers DH, Philipsen S, Grosveld F, Tora L. TAF10 Interacts with the GATA1 Transcription Factor and Controls Mouse Erythropoiesis. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 35: 2103-18. PMID 25870109 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.01370-14  0.449
2015 Gu W, Monteiro R, Zuo J, Simões FC, Martella A, Andrieu-Soler C, Grosveld F, Sauka-Spengler T, Patient R. A novel TGFβ modulator that uncouples R-Smad/I-Smad-mediated negative feedback from R-Smad/ligand-driven positive feedback. Plos Biology. 13: e1002051. PMID 25665164 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pbio.1002051  0.322
2015 van den Heuvel A, Stadhouders R, Andrieu-Soler C, Grosveld F, Soler E. Long-range gene regulation and novel therapeutic applications. Blood. 125: 1521-5. PMID 25617428 DOI: 10.1182/Blood-2014-11-567925  0.376
2015 Breton A, Sonzogni L, Theodorou A, Aktuna S, Menzel S, Grosveld F, Philipsen S, Thein SL. ASH1L: A Novel Beta-Globin Gene Regulator in Humans? Blood. 126: 641-641. DOI: 10.1182/Blood.V126.23.641.641  0.469
2014 Diermeier S, Kolovos P, Heizinger L, Schwartz U, Georgomanolis T, Zirkel A, Wedemann G, Grosveld F, Knoch TA, Merkl R, Cook PR, Längst G, Papantonis A. TNFα signalling primes chromatin for NF-κB binding and induces rapid and widespread nucleosome repositioning. Genome Biology. 15: 536. PMID 25608606 DOI: 10.1186/S13059-014-0536-6  0.412
2014 Kapere Ochieng J, Schilders K, Kool H, Buscop-van Kempen M, Boerema-De Munck A, Grosveld F, Wijnen R, Tibboel D, Rottier RJ. Differentiated type II pneumocytes can be reprogrammed by ectopic Sox2 expression. Plos One. 9: e107248. PMID 25210856 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0107248  0.335
2014 Farahbakhshian E, Verstegen MM, Visser TP, Kheradmandkia S, Geerts D, Arshad S, Riaz N, Grosveld F, van Til NP, Meijerink JP. Angiopoietin-like protein 3 promotes preservation of stemness during ex vivo expansion of murine hematopoietic stem cells. Plos One. 9: e105642. PMID 25170927 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0105642  0.31
2014 Kolovos P, van de Werken HJ, Kepper N, Zuin J, Brouwer RW, Kockx CE, Wendt KS, van IJcken WF, Grosveld F, Knoch TA. Targeted Chromatin Capture (T2C): a novel high resolution high throughput method to detect genomic interactions and regulatory elements. Epigenetics & Chromatin. 7: 10. PMID 25031611 DOI: 10.1186/1756-8935-7-10  0.372
2014 Stadhouders R, Aktuna S, Thongjuea S, Aghajanirefah A, Pourfarzad F, van Ijcken W, Lenhard B, Rooks H, Best S, Menzel S, Grosveld F, Thein SL, Soler E. HBS1L-MYB intergenic variants modulate fetal hemoglobin via long-range MYB enhancers. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 124: 1699-710. PMID 24614105 DOI: 10.1182/Blood.V122.21.43.43  0.378
2014 Stadhouders R, de Bruijn MJ, Rother MB, Yuvaraj S, Ribeiro de Almeida C, Kolovos P, Van Zelm MC, van Ijcken W, Grosveld F, Soler E, Hendriks RW. Pre-B cell receptor signaling induces immunoglobulin κ locus accessibility by functional redistribution of enhancer-mediated chromatin interactions. Plos Biology. 12: e1001791. PMID 24558349 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pbio.1001791  0.352
2014 Wendt KS, Grosveld FG. Transcription in the context of the 3D nucleus. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. 25: 62-7. PMID 24534714 DOI: 10.1016/j.gde.2013.11.020  0.347
2014 Visser M, Kayser M, Grosveld F, Palstra RJ. Genetic variation in regulatory DNA elements: the case of OCA2 transcriptional regulation. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research. 27: 169-77. PMID 24387780 DOI: 10.1111/Pcmr.12210  0.419
2014 Zuin J, Dixon JR, van der Reijden MI, Ye Z, Kolovos P, Brouwer RW, van de Corput MP, van de Werken HJ, Knoch TA, van IJcken WF, Grosveld FG, Ren B, Wendt KS. Cohesin and CTCF differentially affect chromatin architecture and gene expression in human cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111: 996-1001. PMID 24335803 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1317788111  0.314
2014 Papadopoulos P, Gutierrez L, Demmers J, Papageorgiou D, Karkoulia E, Strouboulis J, Linden Rvd, Scheer E, Pourfarzad F, Dekkers D, Vandenberghe P, Philipsen S, Grosveld F, Tora L. TAF10 Interacts with GATA1 Transcription Factor and Controls Mouse Erythropoiesis Blood. 124: 2912-2912. DOI: 10.1182/Blood.V124.21.2912.2912  0.457
2013 Pourfarzad F, Aghajanirefah A, de Boer E, Ten Have S, Bryn van Dijk T, Kheradmandkia S, Stadhouders R, Thongjuea S, Soler E, Gillemans N, von Lindern M, Demmers J, Philipsen S, Grosveld F. Locus-specific proteomics by TChP: targeted chromatin purification. Cell Reports. 4: 589-600. PMID 23911284 DOI: 10.1016/J.Celrep.2013.07.004  0.463
2013 Huang Y, Kapere Ochieng J, Kempen MB, Munck AB, Swagemakers S, van Ijcken W, Grosveld F, Tibboel D, Rottier RJ. Hypoxia inducible factor 3α plays a critical role in alveolarization and distal epithelial cell differentiation during mouse lung development. Plos One. 8: e57695. PMID 23451260 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0057695  0.404
2013 Mylona A, Andrieu-Soler C, Thongjuea S, Martella A, Soler E, Jorna R, Hou J, Kockx C, van Ijcken W, Lenhard B, Grosveld F. Genome-wide analysis shows that Ldb1 controls essential hematopoietic genes/pathways in mouse early development and reveals novel players in hematopoiesis. Blood. 121: 2902-13. PMID 23390196 DOI: 10.1182/Blood-2012-11-467654  0.392
2013 Esteghamat F, Gillemans N, Bilic I, van den Akker E, Cantù I, van Gent T, Klingmüller U, van Lom K, von Lindern M, Grosveld F, Bryn van Dijk T, Busslinger M, Philipsen S. Erythropoiesis and globin switching in compound Klf1::Bcl11a mutant mice. Blood. 121: 2553-62. PMID 23361909 DOI: 10.1182/Blood-2012-06-434530  0.578
2013 Pourfarzad F, von Lindern M, Azarkeivan A, Hou J, Kia SK, Esteghamat F, van Ijcken W, Philipsen S, Najmabadi H, Grosveld F. Hydroxyurea responsiveness in β-thalassemic patients is determined by the stress response adaptation of erythroid progenitors and their differentiation propensity. Haematologica. 98: 696-704. PMID 23100274 DOI: 10.3324/Haematol.2012.074492  0.335
2012 Papadopoulos P, Gutiérrez L, van der Linden R, Kong-A-San J, Maas A, Drabek D, Patrinos GP, Philipsen S, Grosveld F. A dual reporter mouse model of the human β-globin locus: applications and limitations. Plos One. 7: e51272. PMID 23272095 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0051272  0.412
2012 Drabek K, Gutiérrez L, Vermeij M, Clapes T, Patel SR, Boisset JC, van Haren J, Pereira AL, Liu Z, Akinci U, Nikolic T, van Ijcken W, van den Hout M, Meinders M, Melo C, ... ... Grosveld F, et al. The microtubule plus-end tracking protein CLASP2 is required for hematopoiesis and hematopoietic stem cell maintenance. Cell Reports. 2: 781-8. PMID 23084744 DOI: 10.1016/J.Celrep.2012.08.040  0.318
2012 Palstra RJ, Grosveld F. Transcription factor binding at enhancers: shaping a genomic regulatory landscape in flux. Frontiers in Genetics. 3: 195. PMID 23060900 DOI: 10.3389/Fgene.2012.00195  0.424
2012 Bradley A, Anastassiadis K, Ayadi A, Battey JF, Bell C, Birling MC, Bottomley J, Brown SD, Bürger A, Bult CJ, Bushell W, Collins FS, Desaintes C, Doe B, Economides A, ... ... Grosveld FG, et al. The mammalian gene function resource: the International Knockout Mouse Consortium. Mammalian Genome : Official Journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society. 23: 580-6. PMID 22968824 DOI: 10.1007/S00335-012-9422-2  0.302
2012 Fanis P, Gillemans N, Aghajanirefah A, Pourfarzad F, Demmers J, Esteghamat F, Vadlamudi RK, Grosveld F, Philipsen S, van Dijk TB. Five friends of methylated chromatin target of protein-arginine-methyltransferase[prmt]-1 (chtop), a complex linking arginine methylation to desumoylation. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : McP. 11: 1263-73. PMID 22872859 DOI: 10.1074/Mcp.M112.017194  0.33
2012 van Riel B, Pakozdi T, Brouwer R, Monteiro R, Tuladhar K, Franke V, Bryne JC, Jorna R, Rijkers EJ, van Ijcken W, Andrieu-Soler C, Demmers J, Patient R, Soler E, Lenhard B, ... Grosveld F, et al. A novel complex, RUNX1-MYEF2, represses hematopoietic genes in erythroid cells. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 32: 3814-22. PMID 22801375 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.05938-11  0.432
2012 Soleimani VD, Yin H, Jahani-Asl A, Ming H, Kockx CE, van Ijcken WF, Grosveld F, Rudnicki MA. Snail regulates MyoD binding-site occupancy to direct enhancer switching and differentiation-specific transcription in myogenesis. Molecular Cell. 47: 457-68. PMID 22771117 DOI: 10.1016/J.Molcel.2012.05.046  0.403
2012 Carvalho RH, Haberle V, Hou J, van Gent T, Thongjuea S, van Ijcken W, Kockx C, Brouwer R, Rijkers E, Sieuwerts A, Foekens J, van Vroonhoven M, Aerts J, Grosveld F, Lenhard B, et al. Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling of non-small cell lung carcinomas. Epigenetics & Chromatin. 5: 9. PMID 22726460 DOI: 10.1186/1756-8935-5-9  0.317
2012 Sleutels F, Soochit W, Bartkuhn M, Heath H, Dienstbach S, Bergmaier P, Franke V, Rosa-Garrido M, van de Nobelen S, Caesar L, van der Reijden M, Bryne JC, van Ijcken W, Grootegoed JA, Delgado MD, ... ... Grosveld F, et al. The male germ cell gene regulator CTCFL is functionally different from CTCF and binds CTCF-like consensus sites in a nucleosome composition-dependent manner. Epigenetics & Chromatin. 5: 8. PMID 22709888 DOI: 10.1186/1756-8935-5-8  0.47
2012 Raghoebir L, Bakker ER, Mills JC, Swagemakers S, Kempen MB, Munck AB, Driegen S, Meijer D, Grosveld F, Tibboel D, Smits R, Rottier RJ. SOX2 redirects the developmental fate of the intestinal epithelium toward a premature gastric phenotype. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. 4: 377-85. PMID 22679103 DOI: 10.1093/Jmcb/Mjs030  0.353
2012 Soleimani VD, Punch VG, Kawabe Y, Jones AE, Palidwor GA, Porter CJ, Cross JW, Carvajal JJ, Kockx CE, van IJcken WF, Perkins TJ, Rigby PW, Grosveld F, Rudnicki MA. Transcriptional dominance of Pax7 in adult myogenesis is due to high-affinity recognition of homeodomain motifs. Developmental Cell. 22: 1208-20. PMID 22609161 DOI: 10.1016/J.Devcel.2012.03.014  0.385
2012 Huang Y, Kempen MB, Munck AB, Swagemakers S, Driegen S, Mahavadi P, Meijer D, van Ijcken W, van der Spek P, Grosveld F, Günther A, Tibboel D, Rottier RJ. Hypoxia-inducible factor 2α plays a critical role in the formation of alveoli and surfactant. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. 46: 224-32. PMID 22298531 DOI: 10.1165/Rcmb.2011-0024Oc  0.313
2012 Kolovos P, Knoch TA, Grosveld FG, Cook PR, Papantonis A. Enhancers and silencers: an integrated and simple model for their function. Epigenetics & Chromatin. 5: 1. PMID 22230046 DOI: 10.1186/1756-8935-5-1  0.307
2012 Stadhouders R, Thongjuea S, Andrieu-Soler C, Palstra RJ, Bryne JC, van den Heuvel A, Stevens M, de Boer E, Kockx C, van der Sloot A, van den Hout M, van Ijcken W, Eick D, Lenhard B, Grosveld F, et al. Dynamic long-range chromatin interactions control Myb proto-oncogene transcription during erythroid development. The Embo Journal. 31: 986-99. PMID 22157820 DOI: 10.1038/Emboj.2011.450  0.431
2012 Wright S, DeBoer E, Rosenthal A, Flavell RA, Grosveld F. Notice of redundant publicationDNA sequences required for regulated expression of β-globin genes in murine erythroleukaemia cells Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 367: 3059-3059. DOI: 10.1098/Rstb.2012.0385  0.451
2011 Ribeiro de Almeida C, Stadhouders R, de Bruijn MJ, Bergen IM, Thongjuea S, Lenhard B, van Ijcken W, Grosveld F, Galjart N, Soler E, Hendriks RW. The DNA-binding protein CTCF limits proximal Vκ recombination and restricts κ enhancer interactions to the immunoglobulin κ light chain locus. Immunity. 35: 501-13. PMID 22035845 DOI: 10.1016/J.Immuni.2011.07.014  0.433
2011 Porcu S, Manchinu MF, Marongiu MF, Sogos V, Poddie D, Asunis I, Porcu L, Marini MG, Moi P, Cao A, Grosveld F, Ristaldi MS. Klf1 affects DNase II-alpha expression in the central macrophage of a fetal liver erythroblastic island: a non-cell-autonomous role in definitive erythropoiesis. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 31: 4144-54. PMID 21807894 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.05532-11  0.381
2011 Cui S, Kolodziej KE, Obara N, Amaral-Psarris A, Demmers J, Shi L, Engel JD, Grosveld F, Strouboulis J, Tanabe O. Nuclear receptors TR2 and TR4 recruit multiple epigenetic transcriptional corepressors that associate specifically with the embryonic β-type globin promoters in differentiated adult erythroid cells. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 31: 3298-311. PMID 21670149 DOI: 10.1128/MCB.05310-11  0.321
2011 Jagalur NB, Ghazvini M, Mandemakers W, Driegen S, Maas A, Jones EA, Jaegle M, Grosveld F, Svaren J, Meijer D. Functional dissection of the Oct6 Schwann cell enhancer reveals an essential role for dimeric Sox10 binding. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 31: 8585-94. PMID 21653862 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.0659-11.2011  0.399
2011 Soler E, Andrieu-Soler C, Boer Ed, Bryne JC, Thongjuea S, Rijkers E, Demmers J, van IJcken W, Grosveld F. A systems approach to analyze transcription factors in mammalian cells. Methods (San Diego, Calif.). 53: 151-62. PMID 20705139 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ymeth.2010.08.002  0.389
2011 Raghoebir L, Bakker E, van Kempen M, de Munck A, Driegen S, Swagemakers S, Kuipers EJ, Grosveld F, Tibboel D, Smits R, Rottier RJ. Transcription Factor SOX2 Affects the Developmental Fate of Intestinal Epithelium Gastroenterology. 140: S-83. DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(11)60338-7  0.309
2010 van de Nobelen S, Rosa-Garrido M, Leers J, Heath H, Soochit W, Joosen L, Jonkers I, Demmers J, van der Reijden M, Torrano V, Grosveld F, Delgado MD, Renkawitz R, Galjart N, Sleutels F. CTCF regulates the local epigenetic state of ribosomal DNA repeats. Epigenetics & Chromatin. 3: 19. PMID 21059229 DOI: 10.1186/1756-8935-3-19  0.377
2010 van Dijk TB, Gillemans N, Pourfarzad F, van Lom K, von Lindern M, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. Fetal globin expression is regulated by Friend of Prmt1. Blood. 116: 4349-52. PMID 20688955 DOI: 10.1182/Blood-2010-03-274399  0.361
2010 Borg J, Papadopoulos P, Georgitsi M, Gutiérrez L, Grech G, Fanis P, Phylactides M, Verkerk AJ, van der Spek PJ, Scerri CA, Cassar W, Galdies R, van Ijcken W, Ozgür Z, Gillemans N, ... ... Grosveld FG, et al. Haploinsufficiency for the erythroid transcription factor KLF1 causes hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin. Nature Genetics. 42: 801-5. PMID 20676099 DOI: 10.1038/ng.630  0.329
2010 Grigorieva IV, Mirczuk S, Gaynor KU, Nesbit MA, Grigorieva EF, Wei Q, Ali A, Fairclough RJ, Stacey JM, Stechman MJ, Mihai R, Kurek D, Fraser WD, Hough T, Condie BG, ... ... Grosveld F, et al. Gata3-deficient mice develop parathyroid abnormalities due to dysregulation of the parathyroid-specific transcription factor Gcm2. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 120: 2144-55. PMID 20484821 DOI: 10.1172/Jci42021  0.375
2010 Soler E, Andrieu-Soler C, de Boer E, Bryne JC, Thongjuea S, Stadhouders R, Palstra RJ, Stevens M, Kockx C, van Ijcken W, Hou J, Steinhoff C, Rijkers E, Lenhard B, Grosveld F. The genome-wide dynamics of the binding of Ldb1 complexes during erythroid differentiation. Genes & Development. 24: 277-89. PMID 20123907 DOI: 10.1101/Gad.551810  0.363
2010 de Wit T, Dekker S, Maas A, Breedveld G, Knoch TA, Langeveld A, Szumska D, Craig R, Bhattacharya S, Grosveld F, Drabek D. Tagged mutagenesis by efficient Minos-based germ line transposition. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 30: 68-77. PMID 19884347 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.00913-09  0.379
2010 van Dijk TB, Gillemans N, Stein C, Fanis P, Demmers J, van de Corput M, Essers J, Grosveld F, Bauer UM, Philipsen S. Friend of Prmt1, a novel chromatin target of protein arginine methyltransferases. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 30: 260-72. PMID 19858291 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.00645-09  0.388
2009 Jonkers I, Barakat TS, Achame EM, Monkhorst K, Kenter A, Rentmeester E, Grosveld F, Grootegoed JA, Gribnau J. RNF12 is an X-Encoded dose-dependent activator of X chromosome inactivation. Cell. 139: 999-1011. PMID 19945382 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cell.2009.10.034  0.323
2009 Simonis M, Klous P, Homminga I, Galjaard RJ, Rijkers EJ, Grosveld F, Meijerink JP, de Laat W. High-resolution identification of balanced and complex chromosomal rearrangements by 4C technology. Nature Methods. 6: 837-42. PMID 19820713 DOI: 10.1038/Nmeth.1391  0.685
2009 van Haren J, Draegestein K, Keijzer N, Abrahams JP, Grosveld F, Peeters PJ, Moechars D, Galjart N. Mammalian Navigators are microtubule plus-end tracking proteins that can reorganize the cytoskeleton to induce neurite-like extensions. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton. 66: 824-38. PMID 19396870 DOI: 10.1002/Cm.20370  0.308
2009 Ribeiro de Almeida C, Heath H, Krpic S, Dingjan GM, van Hamburg JP, Bergen I, van de Nobelen S, Sleutels F, Grosveld F, Galjart N, Hendriks RW. Critical role for the transcription regulator CCCTC-binding factor in the control of Th2 cytokine expression. Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 182: 999-1010. PMID 19124743 DOI: 10.4049/Jimmunol.182.2.999  0.329
2008 Henikoff S, Grosveld F. Welcome to epigenetics & chromatin. Epigenetics & Chromatin. 1: 1. PMID 19014662 DOI: 10.1186/1756-8935-1-1  0.354
2008 Heath H, Ribeiro de Almeida C, Sleutels F, Dingjan G, van de Nobelen S, Jonkers I, Ling KW, Gribnau J, Renkawitz R, Grosveld F, Hendriks RW, Galjart N. CTCF regulates cell cycle progression of alphabeta T cells in the thymus. The Embo Journal. 27: 2839-50. PMID 18923423 DOI: 10.1038/Emboj.2008.214  0.388
2008 Jonkers I, Monkhorst K, Rentmeester E, Grootegoed JA, Grosveld F, Gribnau J. Xist RNA is confined to the nuclear territory of the silenced X chromosome throughout the cell cycle. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 28: 5583-94. PMID 18625719 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.02269-07  0.312
2008 Gontan C, de Munck A, Vermeij M, Grosveld F, Tibboel D, Rottier R. Sox2 is important for two crucial processes in lung development: branching morphogenesis and epithelial cell differentiation. Developmental Biology. 317: 296-309. PMID 18374910 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ydbio.2008.02.035  0.324
2008 de Laat W, Klous P, Kooren J, Noordermeer D, Palstra RJ, Simonis M, Splinter E, Grosveld F. Three-dimensional organization of gene expression in erythroid cells. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 82: 117-39. PMID 18282519 DOI: 10.1016/S0070-2153(07)00005-1  0.801
2008 Palstra RJ, de Laat W, Grosveld F. Beta-globin regulation and long-range interactions. Advances in Genetics. 61: 107-42. PMID 18282504 DOI: 10.1016/S0065-2660(07)00004-1  0.74
2007 Grosveld FG, Duboule D. Differentiation and gene regulation. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. 17: 369-72. PMID 17959371 DOI: 10.1016/J.Gde.2007.10.001  0.492
2007 van Loo PF, Mahtab EA, Wisse LJ, Hou J, Grosveld F, Suske G, Philipsen S, Gittenberger-de Groot AC. Transcription factor Sp3 knockout mice display serious cardiac malformations. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 27: 8571-82. PMID 17923686 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.01350-07  0.349
2007 de Laat W, Grosveld F. Inter-chromosomal gene regulation in the mammalian cell nucleus. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. 17: 456-64. PMID 17884460 DOI: 10.1016/J.Gde.2007.07.009  0.733
2007 Gutiérrez L, Nikolic T, van Dijk TB, Hammad H, Vos N, Willart M, Grosveld F, Philipsen S, Lambrecht BN. Gata1 regulates dendritic-cell development and survival. Blood. 110: 1933-41. PMID 17505015 DOI: 10.1182/Blood-2006-09-048322  0.347
2007 Kooren J, Palstra RJ, Klous P, Splinter E, von Lindern M, Grosveld F, de Laat W. Beta-globin active chromatin Hub formation in differentiating erythroid cells and in p45 NF-E2 knock-out mice. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 282: 16544-52. PMID 17428799 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M701159200  0.765
2007 Ferreira R, Wai A, Shimizu R, Gillemans N, Rottier R, von Lindern M, Ohneda K, Grosveld F, Yamamoto M, Philipsen S. Dynamic regulation of Gata factor levels is more important than their identity. Blood. 109: 5481-90. PMID 17327407 DOI: 10.1182/Blood-2006-11-060491  0.402
2007 Pourfarzad F, Grosveld F. Characterization of human γ-globin silencing complex(es) in order to re-activate γ-globin expression for the treatment of β-thalassemia and sickle cell anemia Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases. 38: 173-174. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bcmd.2006.10.121  0.304
2007 Kooren J, Palstra R, Splinter E, Klous P, Grosveld F, de Laat W. I/11 cells as a model system to study LCR mediated beta-globin expression Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases. 38: 149. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bcmd.2006.10.072  0.366
2006 Drabek K, van Ham M, Stepanova T, Draegestein K, van Horssen R, Sayas CL, Akhmanova A, Ten Hagen T, Smits R, Fodde R, Grosveld F, Galjart N. Role of CLASP2 in microtubule stabilization and the regulation of persistent motility. Current Biology : Cb. 16: 2259-64. PMID 17113391 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cub.2006.09.065  0.318
2006 Meier N, Krpic S, Rodriguez P, Strouboulis J, Monti M, Krijgsveld J, Gering M, Patient R, Hostert A, Grosveld F. Novel binding partners of Ldb1 are required for haematopoietic development. Development (Cambridge, England). 133: 4913-23. PMID 17108004 DOI: 10.1242/Dev.02656  0.397
2006 Janssens R, Dekker S, Hendriks RW, Panayotou G, van Remoortere A, San JK, Grosveld F, Drabek D. Generation of heavy-chain-only antibodies in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103: 15130-5. PMID 17015837 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0601108103  0.325
2006 Splinter E, Heath H, Kooren J, Palstra RJ, Klous P, Grosveld F, Galjart N, de Laat W. CTCF mediates long-range chromatin looping and local histone modification in the beta-globin locus. Genes & Development. 20: 2349-54. PMID 16951251 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bcmd.2006.10.131  0.737
2006 Rodriguez P, Braun H, Kolodziej KE, de Boer E, Campbell J, Bonte E, Grosveld F, Philipsen S, Strouboulis J. Isolation of transcription factor complexes by in vivo biotinylation tagging and direct binding to streptavidin beads. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 338: 305-23. PMID 16888367 DOI: 10.1385/1-59745-097-9:305  0.35
2006 Tam JL, Triantaphyllopoulos K, Todd H, Raguz S, de Wit T, Morgan JE, Partridge TA, Makrinou E, Grosveld F, Antoniou M. The human desmin locus: gene organization and LCR-mediated transcriptional control. Genomics. 87: 733-46. PMID 16545539 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ygeno.2006.01.009  0.378
2006 Horsman S, Moorhouse MJ, de Jager VC, van der Spek P, Grosveld F, Strouboulis J, Katsantoni EZ. TF Target Mapper: a BLAST search tool for the identification of Transcription Factor target genes. Bmc Bioinformatics. 7: 120. PMID 16524462 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-7-120  0.301
2005 Akhmanova A, Mausset-Bonnefont AL, van Cappellen W, Keijzer N, Hoogenraad CC, Stepanova T, Drabek K, van der Wees J, Mommaas M, Onderwater J, van der Meulen H, Tanenbaum ME, Medema RH, Hoogerbrugge J, Vreeburg J, ... ... Grosveld F, et al. The microtubule plus-end-tracking protein CLIP-170 associates with the spermatid manchette and is essential for spermatogenesis. Genes & Development. 19: 2501-15. PMID 16230537 DOI: 10.1101/Gad.344505  0.314
2005 Driegen S, Ferreira R, van Zon A, Strouboulis J, Jaegle M, Grosveld F, Philipsen S, Meijer D. A generic tool for biotinylation of tagged proteins in transgenic mice. Transgenic Research. 14: 477-82. PMID 16201414 DOI: 10.1007/S11248-005-7220-2  0.369
2005 Komarova Y, Lansbergen G, Galjart N, Grosveld F, Borisy GG, Akhmanova A. EB1 and EB3 control CLIP dissociation from the ends of growing microtubules. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 16: 5334-45. PMID 16148041 DOI: 10.1091/Mbc.E05-07-0614  0.315
2005 Drissen R, von Lindern M, Kolbus A, Driegen S, Steinlein P, Beug H, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. The erythroid phenotype of EKLF-null mice: defects in hemoglobin metabolism and membrane stability. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 25: 5205-14. PMID 15923635 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.25.12.5205-5214.2005  0.452
2005 Rodriguez P, Bonte E, Krijgsveld J, Kolodziej KE, Guyot B, Heck AJ, Vyas P, de Boer E, Grosveld F, Strouboulis J. GATA-1 forms distinct activating and repressive complexes in erythroid cells. The Embo Journal. 24: 2354-66. PMID 15920471 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Emboj.7600702  0.302
2005 Mimori-Kiyosue Y, Grigoriev I, Lansbergen G, Sasaki H, Matsui C, Severin F, Galjart N, Grosveld F, Vorobjev I, Tsukita S, Akhmanova A. CLASP1 and CLASP2 bind to EB1 and regulate microtubule plus-end dynamics at the cell cortex. The Journal of Cell Biology. 168: 141-53. PMID 15631994 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.200405094  0.321
2005 Katsantoni EZ, Horsman S, Moorhouse MJ, Jager VCLd, Spek Pvd, Grosveld F, Strouboulis J. Generation and Analysis of Target Genes Libraries of the Erythropoietic Transcription Factor GATA-1. Blood. 106: 1743-1743. DOI: 10.1182/Blood.V106.11.1743.1743  0.437
2004 Drissen R, Palstra RJ, Gillemans N, Splinter E, Grosveld F, Philipsen S, de Laat W. The active spatial organization of the beta-globin locus requires the transcription factor EKLF. Genes & Development. 18: 2485-90. PMID 15489291 DOI: 10.1101/Gad.317004  0.754
2004 Patrinos GP, de Krom M, de Boer E, Langeveld A, Imam AM, Strouboulis J, de Laat W, Grosveld FG. Multiple interactions between regulatory regions are required to stabilize an active chromatin hub. Genes & Development. 18: 1495-509. PMID 15198986 DOI: 10.1101/gad.289704  0.75
2004 Gutiérrez L, Lindeboom F, Langeveld A, Grosveld F, Philipsen S, Whyatt D. Homotypic signalling regulates Gata1 activity in the erythroblastic island. Development (Cambridge, England). 131: 3183-93. PMID 15175249 DOI: 10.1242/Dev.01198  0.337
2004 Katsantoni EZ, de Krom M, Kong-a-San J, Imam AM, Grosveld F, Anagnou NP, Strouboulis J. An embryonic-specific repressor element located 3' to the Agamma-globin gene influences transcription of the human beta-globin locus in transgenic mice. Experimental Hematology. 32: 224-33. PMID 15102485 DOI: 10.1016/J.Exphem.2003.11.001  0.485
2004 Splinter E, Grosveld F, de Laat W. 3C technology: analyzing the spatial organization of genomic loci in vivo. Methods in Enzymology. 375: 493-507. PMID 14870685 DOI: 10.1016/S0076-6879(03)75030-7  0.719
2004 Schuh AH, Hamlett I, Strouboulis J, Grosveld F, Vyas P, Porcher C. The oncoprotein SCL/Tal-1 associates with the co-repressor ETO-2 in multiprotein complexes in erythroid cells and megalkaryocytes. Blood. 104: 2772-2772. DOI: 10.1182/Blood.V104.11.2772.2772  0.39
2003 Samson SI, Richard O, Tavian M, Ranson T, Vosshenrich CA, Colucci F, Buer J, Grosveld F, Godin I, Di Santo JP. GATA-3 promotes maturation, IFN-gamma production, and liver-specific homing of NK cells. Immunity. 19: 701-11. PMID 14614857 DOI: 10.1016/S1074-7613(03)00294-2  0.317
2003 Haley JD, Smith DE, Schwedes J, Brennan R, Pearce C, Moore C, Wang F, Petti F, Grosveld F, Jane SM, Noguchi CT, Schechter AN. Identification and characterization of mechanistically distinct inducers of gamma-globin transcription. Biochemical Pharmacology. 66: 1755-68. PMID 14563486 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-2952(03)00542-2  0.447
2003 Palstra RJ, Tolhuis B, Splinter E, Nijmeijer R, Grosveld F, de Laat W. The beta-globin nuclear compartment in development and erythroid differentiation. Nature Genetics. 35: 190-4. PMID 14517543 DOI: 10.1038/Ng1244  0.76
2003 de Laat W, Grosveld F. Spatial organization of gene expression: the active chromatin hub. Chromosome Research : An International Journal On the Molecular, Supramolecular and Evolutionary Aspects of Chromosome Biology. 11: 447-59. PMID 12971721 DOI: 10.1023/A:1024922626726  0.768
2003 Lindeboom F, Gillemans N, Karis A, Jaegle M, Meijer D, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. A tissue-specific knockout reveals that Gata1 is not essential for Sertoli cell function in the mouse. Nucleic Acids Research. 31: 5405-12. PMID 12954777 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/Gkg723  0.459
2003 Wai AW, Gillemans N, Raguz-Bolognesi S, Pruzina S, Zafarana G, Meijer D, Philipsen S, Grosveld F. HS5 of the human beta-globin locus control region: a developmental stage-specific border in erythroid cells. The Embo Journal. 22: 4489-500. PMID 12941700 DOI: 10.1093/Emboj/Cdg437  0.417
2003 Bottardi S, Aumont A, Grosveld F, Milot E. Developmental stage-specific epigenetic control of human beta-globin gene expression is potentiated in hematopoietic progenitor cells prior to their transcriptional activation. Blood. 102: 3989-97. PMID 12920025 DOI: 10.1182/Blood-2003-05-1540  0.48
2003 Katsantoni EZ, Langeveld A, Wai AW, Drabek D, Grosveld F, Anagnou NP, Strouboulis J. Persistent gamma-globin expression in adult transgenic mice is mediated by HPFH-2, HPFH-3, and HPFH-6 breakpoint sequences. Blood. 102: 3412-9. PMID 12855570 DOI: 10.1182/Blood-2003-05-1681  0.398
2003 de Boer E, Rodriguez P, Bonte E, Krijgsveld J, Katsantoni E, Heck A, Grosveld F, Strouboulis J. Efficient biotinylation and single-step purification of tagged transcription factors in mammalian cells and transgenic mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100: 7480-5. PMID 12802011 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1332608100  0.36
2003 Jaegle M, Ghazvini M, Mandemakers W, Piirsoo M, Driegen S, Levavasseur F, Raghoenath S, Grosveld F, Meijer D. The POU proteins Brn-2 and Oct-6 share important functions in Schwann cell development. Genes & Development. 17: 1380-91. PMID 12782656 DOI: 10.1101/Gad.258203  0.374
2003 Van Loo PF, Bouwman P, Ling KW, Middendorp S, Suske G, Grosveld F, Dzierzak E, Philipsen S, Hendriks RW. Impaired hematopoiesis in mice lacking the transcription factor Sp3. Blood. 102: 858-66. PMID 12676787 DOI: 10.1182/Blood-2002-06-1848  0.337
2003 Drabek D, Zagoraiou L, deWit T, Langeveld A, Roumpaki C, Mamalaki C, Savakis C, Grosveld F. Transposition of the Drosophila hydei Minos transposon in the mouse germ line. Genomics. 81: 108-11. PMID 12620388 DOI: 10.1016/S0888-7543(02)00030-7  0.325
2003 Gillemans N, McMorrow T, Tewari R, Wai AW, Burgtorf C, Drabek D, Ventress N, Langeveld A, Higgs D, Tan-Un K, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. Functional and comparative analysis of globin loci in pufferfish and humans. Blood. 101: 2842-9. PMID 12517812 DOI: 10.1182/Blood-2002-09-2850  0.433
2002 Tolhuis B, Palstra RJ, Splinter E, Grosveld F, de Laat W. Looping and interaction between hypersensitive sites in the active beta-globin locus. Molecular Cell. 10: 1453-65. PMID 12504019 DOI: 10.1016/S1097-2765(02)00781-5  0.763
2002 Ghazvini M, Mandemakers W, Jaegle M, Piirsoo M, Driegen S, Koutsourakis M, Smit X, Grosveld F, Meijer D. A cell type-specific allele of the POU gene Oct-6 reveals Schwann cell autonomous function in nerve development and regeneration. The Embo Journal. 21: 4612-20. PMID 12198163 DOI: 10.1093/Emboj/Cdf475  0.335
2002 Hoogenraad CC, Koekkoek B, Akhmanova A, Krugers H, Dortland B, Miedema M, van Alphen A, Kistler WM, Jaegle M, Koutsourakis M, Van Camp N, Verhoye M, van der Linden A, Kaverina I, Grosveld F, et al. Targeted mutation of Cyln2 in the Williams syndrome critical region links CLIP-115 haploinsufficiency to neurodevelopmental abnormalities in mice. Nature Genetics. 32: 116-27. PMID 12195424 DOI: 10.1038/Ng954  0.333
2002 de Wit T, Grosveld F, Drabek D. The tomato RNA-directed RNA polymerase has no effect on gene silencing by RNA interference in transgenic mice. Transgenic Research. 11: 305-10. PMID 12113462 DOI: 10.1023/A:1015687008357  0.339
2002 de Krom M, van de Corput M, von Lindern M, Grosveld F, Strouboulis J. Stochastic patterns in globin gene expression are established prior to transcriptional activation and are clonally inherited. Molecular Cell. 9: 1319-26. PMID 12086628 DOI: 10.1016/S1097-2765(02)00558-0  0.464
2002 Chow CM, Athanassiadou A, Raguz S, Psiouri L, Harland L, Malik M, Aitken MA, Grosveld F, Antoniou M. LCR-mediated, long-term tissue-specific gene expression within replicating episomal plasmid and cosmid vectors. Gene Therapy. 9: 327-36. PMID 11938452 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Gt.3301654  0.482
2001 Simon I, Tenzen T, Mostoslavsky R, Fibach E, Lande L, Milot E, Gribnau J, Grosveld F, Fraser P, Cedar H. Developmental regulation of DNA replication timing at the human beta globin locus. The Embo Journal. 20: 6150-7. PMID 11689454 DOI: 10.1093/Emboj/20.21.6150  0.433
2001 Ristaldi MS, Drabek D, Gribnau J, Poddie D, Yannoutsous N, Cao A, Grosveld F, Imam AM. The role of the -50 region of the human gamma-globin gene in switching. The Embo Journal. 20: 5242-9. PMID 11566887 DOI: 10.1093/Emboj/20.18.5242  0.477
2001 Zagoraiou L, Drabek D, Alexaki S, Guy JA, Klinakis AG, Langeveld A, Skavdis G, Mamalaki C, Grosveld F, Savakis C. In vivo transposition of Minos, a Drosophila mobile element, in mammalian tissues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98: 11474-8. PMID 11562481 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.201392398  0.435
2001 Göllner H, Bouwman P, Mangold M, Karis A, Braun H, Rohner I, Del Rey A, Besedovsky HO, Meinhardt A, van den Broek M, Cutforth T, Grosveld F, Philipsen S, Suske G. Complex phenotype of mice homozygous for a null mutation in the Sp4 transcription factor gene. Genes to Cells : Devoted to Molecular & Cellular Mechanisms. 6: 689-97. PMID 11532028 DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-2443.2001.00455.X  0.363
2001 Koutsourakis M, Keijzer R, Visser P, Post M, Tibboel D, Grosveld F. Branching and differentiation defects in pulmonary epithelium with elevated Gata6 expression. Mechanisms of Development. 105: 105-14. PMID 11429286 DOI: 10.1016/S0925-4773(01)00386-0  0.322
2001 Dingjan GM, Middendorp S, Dahlenborg K, Maas A, Grosveld F, Hendriks RW. Bruton's tyrosine kinase regulates the activation of gene rearrangements at the lambda light chain locus in precursor B cells in the mouse. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 193: 1169-78. PMID 11369788 DOI: 10.1084/Jem.193.10.1169  0.326
2001 Akhmanova A, Hoogenraad CC, Drabek K, Stepanova T, Dortland B, Verkerk T, Vermeulen W, Burgering BM, De Zeeuw CI, Grosveld F, Galjart N. Clasps are CLIP-115 and -170 associating proteins involved in the regional regulation of microtubule dynamics in motile fibroblasts. Cell. 104: 923-35. PMID 11290329 DOI: 10.1016/S0092-8674(01)00288-4  0.308
2001 Karis A, Pata I, van Doorninck JH, Grosveld F, de Zeeuw CI, de Caprona D, Fritzsch B. Transcription factor GATA-3 alters pathway selection of olivocochlear neurons and affects morphogenesis of the ear. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 429: 615-30. PMID 11135239 DOI: 10.1002/1096-9861(20010122)429:4<615::Aid-Cne8>3.0.Co;2-F  0.32
2000 Tanimoto K, Liu Q, Grosveld F, Bungert J, Engel JD. Context-dependent EKLF responsiveness defines the developmental specificity of the human epsilon-globin gene in erythroid cells of YAC transgenic mice. Genes & Development. 14: 2778-94. PMID 11069894 DOI: 10.1101/Gad.822500  0.491
2000 Zafarana G, Rottier R, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. Erythroid overexpression of C/EBPgamma in transgenic mice affects gamma-globin expression and fetal liver erythropoiesis. The Embo Journal. 19: 5856-63. PMID 11060036 DOI: 10.1093/Emboj/19.21.5856  0.387
2000 Fortunati E, Ehlert E, van Loo ND, Wyman C, Eble JA, Grosveld F, Scholte BJ. A multi-domain protein for beta1 integrin-targeted DNA delivery. Gene Therapy. 7: 1505-15. PMID 11001371 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Gt.3301258  0.36
2000 McMorrow T, van den Wijngaard A, Wollenschlaeger A, van de Corput M, Monkhorst K, Trimborn T, Fraser P, van Lohuizen M, Jenuwein T, Djabali M, Philipsen S, Grosveld F, Milot E. Activation of the beta globin locus by transcription factors and chromatin modifiers. The Embo Journal. 19: 4986-96. PMID 10990462 DOI: 10.1093/Emboj/19.18.4986  0.511
2000 Whyatt D, Lindeboom F, Karis A, Ferreira R, Milot E, Hendriks R, de Bruijn M, Langeveld A, Gribnau J, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. An intrinsic but cell-nonautonomous defect in GATA-1-overexpressing mouse erythroid cells. Nature. 406: 519-24. PMID 10952313 DOI: 10.1038/35020086  0.378
2000 Mandemakers W, Zwart R, Jaegle M, Walbeehm E, Visser P, Grosveld F, Meijer D. A distal Schwann cell-specific enhancer mediates axonal regulation of the Oct-6 transcription factor during peripheral nerve development and regeneration. The Embo Journal. 19: 2992-3003. PMID 10856243 DOI: 10.1093/Emboj/19.12.2992  0.336
2000 Lim KC, Lakshmanan G, Crawford SE, Gu Y, Grosveld F, Engel JD. Gata3 loss leads to embryonic lethality due to noradrenaline deficiency of the sympathetic nervous system. Nature Genetics. 25: 209-12. PMID 10835639 DOI: 10.1038/76080  0.349
2000 Bouwman P, Göllner H, Elsässer HP, Eckhoff G, Karis A, Grosveld F, Philipsen S, Suske G. Transcription factor Sp3 is essential for post-natal survival and late tooth development. The Embo Journal. 19: 655-61. PMID 10675334 DOI: 10.1093/Emboj/19.4.655  0.327
1999 Guy J, Willemsen R, Langeveld A, Grosveld F, Drabek D. Murine MHC class II locus control region drives expression of human beta-glucocerebrosidase in antigen presenting cells of transgenic mice. Gene Therapy. 6: 498-507. PMID 10476209 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Gt.3300855  0.341
1999 Koutsourakis M, Langeveld A, Patient R, Beddington R, Grosveld F. The transcription factor GATA6 is essential for early extraembryonic development. Development (Cambridge, England). 126: 723-32. PMID 10383242  0.315
1999 Hendriks RW, Nawijn MC, Engel JD, van Doorninck H, Grosveld F, Karis A. Expression of the transcription factor GATA-3 is required for the development of the earliest T cell progenitors and correlates with stages of cellular proliferation in the thymus. European Journal of Immunology. 29: 1912-8. PMID 10382753 DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1521-4141(199906)29:06<1912::Aid-Immu1912>3.0.Co;2-D  0.368
1999 Custódio N, Carmo-Fonseca M, Geraghty F, Pereira HS, Grosveld F, Antoniou M. Inefficient processing impairs release of RNA from the site of transcription. The Embo Journal. 18: 2855-66. PMID 10329631 DOI: 10.1093/Emboj/18.10.2855  0.39
1999 Grosveld F. Activation by locus control regions? Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. 9: 152-7. PMID 10322132 DOI: 10.1016/S0959-437X(99)80023-9  0.308
1999 Samakoglu S, Philipsen S, Grosveld F, Lüleci G, Bagci H. Nucleotide changes in the gamma-globin promoter and the (AT)xNy(AT)z polymorphic sequence of beta LCRHS-2 region associated with altered levels of HbF. European Journal of Human Genetics : Ejhg. 7: 345-56. PMID 10234511 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Ejhg.5200284  0.371
1999 Calzolari R, McMorrow T, Yannoutsos N, Langeveld A, Grosveld F. Deletion of a region that is a candidate for the difference between the deletion forms of hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin and deltabeta-thalassemia affects beta- but not gamma-globin gene expression. The Embo Journal. 18: 949-58. PMID 10022837 DOI: 10.1093/Emboj/18.4.949  0.484
1999 Koutsourakis M, Langeveld A, Patient R, Beddington R, Grosveld F. The transcription factor GATA6 is essential for early extraembryonic development. Development (Cambridge, England). 126: 723-32. PMID 9895320  0.326
1999 Lakshmanan G, Lieuw KH, Lim KC, Gu Y, Grosveld F, Engel JD, Karis A. Localization of distant urogenital system-, central nervous system-, and endocardium-specific transcriptional regulatory elements in the GATA-3 locus. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 19: 1558-68. PMID 9891089 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.19.2.1558  0.476
1999 Trimborn T, Gribnau J, Grosveld F, Fraser P. Mechanisms of developmental control of transcription in the murine alpha- and beta-globin loci. Genes & Development. 13: 112-24. PMID 9887104 DOI: 10.1101/Gad.13.1.112  0.494
1998 Lakshmanan G, Lieuw KH, Grosveld F, Engel JD. Partial rescue of GATA-3 by yeast artificial chromosome transgenes. Developmental Biology. 204: 451-63. PMID 9882482 DOI: 10.1006/Dbio.1998.8991  0.471
1998 Hoogenraad CC, Eussen BH, Langeveld A, van Haperen R, Winterberg S, Wouters CH, Grosveld F, De Zeeuw CI, Galjart N. The murine CYLN2 gene: genomic organization, chromosome localization, and comparison to the human gene that is located within the 7q11.23 Williams syndrome critical region. Genomics. 53: 348-58. PMID 9799601 DOI: 10.1006/Geno.1998.5529  0.437
1998 Gribnau J, de Boer E, Trimborn T, Wijgerde M, Milot E, Grosveld F, Fraser P. Chromatin interaction mechanism of transcriptional control in vivo. The Embo Journal. 17: 6020-7. PMID 9774345 DOI: 10.1093/Emboj/17.20.6020  0.478
1998 Gillemans N, Tewari R, Lindeboom F, Rottier R, de Wit T, Wijgerde M, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. Altered DNA-binding specificity mutants of EKLF and Sp1 show that EKLF is an activator of the beta-globin locus control region in vivo. Genes & Development. 12: 2863-73. PMID 9744863 DOI: 10.1101/Gad.12.18.2863  0.384
1998 Dingjan GM, Maas A, Nawijn MC, Smit L, Voerman JS, Grosveld F, Hendriks RW. Severe B cell deficiency and disrupted splenic architecture in transgenic mice expressing the E41K mutated form of Bruton's tyrosine kinase. The Embo Journal. 17: 5309-20. PMID 9736610 DOI: 10.1093/Emboj/17.18.5309  0.335
1998 Grosveld F, De Boer E, Dillon N, Gribnau J, Milot E, Trimborn T, Wijgerde M, Fraser P. The dynamics of globin gene expression and gene therapy vectors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 850: 18-27. PMID 9705737 DOI: 10.1111/J.1749-6632.1998.Tb10458.X  0.487
1998 Levavasseur F, Mandemakers W, Visser P, Broos L, Grosveld F, Zivkovic D, Meijer D. Comparison of sequence and function of the Oct-6 genes in zebrafish, chicken and mouse. Mechanisms of Development. 74: 89-98. PMID 9651490 DOI: 10.1016/S0925-4773(98)00067-7  0.408
1998 Fraser P, Grosveld F. Locus control regions, chromatin activation and transcription. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 10: 361-5. PMID 9640537 DOI: 10.1016/S0955-0674(98)80012-4  0.431
1998 Kleinjan DA, Dekker S, Guy JA, Grosveld FG. Cloning and sequencing of the CRABP-I locus from chicken and pufferfish: analysis of the promoter regions in transgenic mice. Transgenic Research. 7: 85-94. PMID 9608736  0.352
1998 Grosveld F, de Boer E, Dillon N, Gribnau J, McMorrow T, Milot E, Trimborn T, Wijgerde M, Fraser P. The dynamics of globin gene expression and position effects. Novartis Foundation Symposium. 214: 67-79; discussion 79. PMID 9601012 DOI: 10.1002/9780470515501.Ch5  0.504
1998 Grosveld F, de Boer E, Dillon N, Fraser P, Gribnau J, Milot E, Trimborn T, Wijgerde M. The dynamics of globin gene expression and gene therapy vectors. Seminars in Hematology. 35: 105-11. PMID 9565153  0.375
1998 Tewari R, Gillemans N, Wijgerde M, Nuez B, von Lindern M, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. Erythroid Krüppel-like factor (EKLF) is active in primitive and definitive erythroid cells and is required for the function of 5'HS3 of the beta-globin locus control region. The Embo Journal. 17: 2334-41. PMID 9545245 DOI: 10.1093/Emboj/17.8.2334  0.493
1998 Wang ZG, Delva L, Gaboli M, Rivi R, Giorgio M, Cordon-Cardo C, Grosveld F, Pandolfi PP. Role of PML in cell growth and the retinoic acid pathway. Science (New York, N.Y.). 279: 1547-51. PMID 9488655 DOI: 10.1126/Science.279.5356.1547  0.364
1998 Antoniou M, Geraghty F, Hurst J, Grosveld F. Efficient 3'-end formation of human beta-globin mRNA in vivo requires sequences within the last intron but occurs independently of the splicing reaction. Nucleic Acids Research. 26: 721-9. PMID 9443963 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/26.3.721  0.407
1998 van Leeuwen FW, de Kleijn DP, van den Hurk HH, Neubauer A, Sonnemans MA, Sluijs JA, Köycü S, Ramdjielal RD, Salehi A, Martens GJ, Grosveld FG, Peter J, Burbach H, Hol EM. Frameshift mutants of beta amyloid precursor protein and ubiquitin-B in Alzheimer's and Down patients. Science (New York, N.Y.). 279: 242-7. PMID 9422699 DOI: 10.1126/Science.279.5348.242  0.308
1998 de Wit T, Drabek D, Grosveld F. Microinjection of cre recombinase RNA induces site-specific recombination of a transgene in mouse oocytes. Nucleic Acids Research. 26: 676-8. PMID 9421533 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/26.2.676  0.335
1998 Grosveld F. Control of globin gene switching and the search for foetal globin activating compounds Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 50: 25-25. DOI: 10.1111/J.2042-7158.1998.Tb02225.X  0.33
1997 Whyatt DJ, Karis A, Harkes IC, Verkerk A, Gillemans N, Elefanty AG, Vairo G, Ploemacher R, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. The level of the tissue-specific factor GATA-1 affects the cell-cycle machinery. Genes and Function. 1: 11-24. PMID 9680325  0.32
1997 Dillon N, Trimborn T, Strouboulis J, Fraser P, Grosveld F. The effect of distance on long-range chromatin interactions. Molecular Cell. 1: 131-9. PMID 9659910 DOI: 10.1016/S1097-2765(00)80014-3  0.443
1997 Kleinjan DA, Dekker S, Vaessen MJ, Grosveld F. Regulation of the CRABP-I gene during mouse embryogenesis. Mechanisms of Development. 67: 157-69. PMID 9392513 DOI: 10.1016/S0925-4773(97)00116-0  0.414
1997 Maas A, Dingjan GM, Savelkoul HF, Kinnon C, Grosveld F, Hendriks RW. The X-linked immunodeficiency defect in the mouse is corrected by expression of human Bruton's tyrosine kinase from a yeast artificial chromosome transgene. European Journal of Immunology. 27: 2180-7. PMID 9341757 DOI: 10.1002/Eji.1830270910  0.385
1997 Lieuw KH, Li Gl, Zhou Y, Grosveld F, Engel JD. Temporal and spatial control of murine GATA-3 transcription by promoter-proximal regulatory elements. Developmental Biology. 188: 1-16. PMID 9245507 DOI: 10.1006/Dbio.1997.8575  0.423
1997 Marin M, Karis A, Visser P, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. Transcription factor Sp1 is essential for early embryonic development but dispensable for cell growth and differentiation. Cell. 89: 619-28. PMID 9160753 DOI: 10.1016/S0092-8674(00)80243-3  0.416
1997 Ellis J, Pasceri P, Tan-Un KC, Wu X, Harper A, Fraser P, Grosveld F. Evaluation of beta-globin gene therapy constructs in single copy transgenic mice. Nucleic Acids Research. 25: 1296-302. PMID 9092642 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/25.6.1296  0.468
1997 Drabek D, Guy J, Craig R, Grosveld F. The expression of bacterial nitroreductase in transgenic mice results in specific cell killing by the prodrug CB1954. Gene Therapy. 4: 93-100. PMID 9081711 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Gt.3300366  0.402
1997 Wilming LG, Snoeren CA, van Rijswijk A, Grosveld F, Meijers C. The murine homologue of HIRA, a DiGeorge syndrome candidate gene, is expressed in embryonic structures affected in human CATCH22 patients. Human Molecular Genetics. 6: 247-58. PMID 9063745 DOI: 10.1093/Hmg/6.2.247  0.44
1997 Ma GT, Roth ME, Groskopf JC, Tsai FY, Orkin SH, Grosveld F, Engel JD, Linzer DI. GATA-2 and GATA-3 regulate trophoblast-specific gene expression in vivo. Development (Cambridge, England). 124: 907-14. PMID 9043071  0.369
1997 Drabek D, Raguz S, De Wit TP, Dingjan GM, Savelkoul HF, Grosveld F, Hendriks RW. Correction of the X-linked immunodeficiency phenotype by transgenic expression of human Bruton tyrosine kinase under the control of the class II major histocompatibility complex Ea locus control region. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 94: 610-5. PMID 9012832 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.94.2.610  0.359
1996 Yannoutsos N, Ijzermans JN, Harkes C, Bonthuis F, Zhou CY, White D, Marquet RL, Grosveld F. A membrane cofactor protein transgenic mouse model for the study of discordant xenograft rejection. Genes to Cells : Devoted to Molecular & Cellular Mechanisms. 1: 409-19. PMID 9135084 DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-2443.1996.D01-244.X  0.339
1996 Tewari R, Gillemans N, Harper A, Wijgerde M, Zafarana G, Drabek D, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. The human beta-globin locus control region confers an early embryonic erythroid-specific expression pattern to a basic promoter driving the bacterial lacZ gene. Development (Cambridge, England). 122: 3991-9. PMID 9012519  0.434
1996 Wijgerde M, Gribnau J, Trimborn T, Nuez B, Philipsen S, Grosveld F, Fraser P. The role of EKLF in human beta-globin gene competition. Genes & Development. 10: 2894-902. PMID 8918890 DOI: 10.1101/Gad.10.22.2894  0.487
1996 Hendriks RW, de Bruijn MF, Maas A, Dingjan GM, Karis A, Grosveld F. Inactivation of Btk by insertion of lacZ reveals defects in B cell development only past the pre-B cell stage. The Embo Journal. 15: 4862-72. PMID 8890160 DOI: 10.1002/J.1460-2075.1996.Tb00867.X  0.334
1996 Milot E, Strouboulis J, Trimborn T, Wijgerde M, de Boer E, Langeveld A, Tan-Un K, Vergeer W, Yannoutsos N, Grosveld F, Fraser P. Heterochromatin effects on the frequency and duration of LCR-mediated gene transcription. Cell. 87: 105-14. PMID 8858153 DOI: 10.1016/S0092-8674(00)81327-6  0.48
1996 Jaegle M, Mandemakers W, Broos L, Zwart R, Karis A, Visser P, Grosveld F, Meijer D. The POU factor Oct-6 and Schwann cell differentiation. Science (New York, N.Y.). 273: 507-10. PMID 8662541 DOI: 10.1126/Science.273.5274.507  0.336
1996 Mazarakis N, Michalovich D, Karis A, Grosveld F, Galjart N. Zfp-37 is a member of the KRAB zinc finger gene family and is expressed in neurons of the developing and adult CNS. Genomics. 33: 247-57. PMID 8660973 DOI: 10.1006/Geno.1996.0189  0.452
1996 Elefanty AG, Antoniou M, Custodio N, Carmo-Fonseca M, Grosveld FG. GATA transcription factors associate with a novel class of nuclear bodies in erythroblasts and megakaryocytes. The Embo Journal. 15: 319-33. PMID 8617207  0.301
1996 Ellis J, Tan-Un KC, Harper A, Michalovich D, Yannoutsos N, Philipsen S, Grosveld F. A dominant chromatin-opening activity in 5' hypersensitive site 3 of the human beta-globin locus control region. The Embo Journal. 15: 562-8. PMID 8599939  0.342
1996 Ronchi A, Berry M, Raguz S, Imam A, Yannoutsos N, Ottolenghi S, Grosveld F, Dillon N. Role of the duplicated CCAAT box region in gamma-globin gene regulation and hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin. The Embo Journal. 15: 143-9. PMID 8598197  0.306
1995 Nuez B, Michalovich D, Bygrave A, Ploemacher R, Grosveld F. Defective haematopoiesis in fetal liver resulting from inactivation of the EKLF gene. Nature. 375: 316-8. PMID 7753194 DOI: 10.1038/375316A0  0.484
1995 Wijgerde M, Grosveld F, Fraser P. Transcription complex stability and chromatin dynamics in vivo. Nature. 377: 209-13. PMID 7675106 DOI: 10.1038/377209A0  0.459
1995 Einerhand MP, Antoniou M, Zolotukhin S, Muzyczka N, Berns KI, Grosveld F, Valerio D. Regulated high-level human beta-globin gene expression in erythroid cells following recombinant adeno-associated virus-mediated gene transfer. Gene Therapy. 2: 336-43. PMID 7671109  0.352
1995 Sadelain M, Wang CH, Antoniou M, Grosveld F, Mulligan RC. Generation of a high-titer retroviral vector capable of expressing high levels of the human beta-globin gene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 92: 6728-32. PMID 7624311 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.92.15.6728  0.365
1995 Antoniou M, de Boer E, Spanopoulou E, Imam A, Grosveld F. TBP binding and the rate of transcription initiation from the human beta-globin gene. Nucleic Acids Research. 23: 3473-80. PMID 7567458 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/23.17.3473  0.421
1995 Pandolfi PP, Sonati F, Rivi R, Mason P, Grosveld F, Luzzatto L. Targeted disruption of the housekeeping gene encoding glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD): G6PD is dispensable for pentose synthesis but essential for defense against oxidative stress. The Embo Journal. 14: 5209-15. PMID 7489710 DOI: 10.1002/J.1460-2075.1995.Tb00205.X  0.358
1994 Foley KP, Pruzina S, Winick JD, Engel JD, Grosveld F, Fraser P. The chicken beta/epsilon-globin enhancer directs autonomously regulated, high-level expression of the chicken epsilon-globin gene in transgenic mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 91: 7252-6. PMID 8041775 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.91.15.7252  0.49
1994 Dillon N, Grosveld F. Chromatin domains as potential units of eukaryotic gene function. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. 4: 260-4. PMID 8032204 DOI: 10.1016/S0959-437X(05)80053-X  0.429
1994 George KM, Leonard MW, Roth ME, Lieuw KH, Kioussis D, Grosveld F, Engel JD. Embryonic expression and cloning of the murine GATA-3 gene. Development (Cambridge, England). 120: 2673-86. PMID 7956841  0.354
1994 Bonifer C, Yannoutsos N, Krüger G, Grosveld F, Sippel AE. Dissection of the locus control function located on the chicken lysozyme gene domain in transgenic mice. Nucleic Acids Research. 22: 4202-10. PMID 7937146 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/22.20.4202  0.454
1994 Pruzina S, Antoniou M, Hurst J, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. Transcriptional activation by hypersensitive site three of the human beta-globin locus control region in murine erythroleukemia cells. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1219: 351-60. PMID 7918632 DOI: 10.1016/0167-4781(94)90059-0  0.46
1994 Müller AM, Medvinsky A, Strouboulis J, Grosveld F, Dzierzak E. Development of hematopoietic stem cell activity in the mouse embryo. Immunity. 1: 291-301. PMID 7889417 DOI: 10.1016/1074-7613(94)90081-7  0.309
1993 Dillon N, Grosveld F. Transcriptional regulation of multigene loci: multilevel control. Trends in Genetics : Tig. 9: 134-7. PMID 8516848 DOI: 10.1016/0168-9525(93)90208-Y  0.45
1993 Wijnholds J, Philipsen S, Pruzina S, Fraser P, Grosveld F, Ab G. Estrogen-inducible and liver-specific expression of the chicken Very Low Density Apolipoprotein II gene locus in transgenic mice. Nucleic Acids Research. 21: 1629-35. PMID 8479914 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/21.7.1629  0.411
1993 Philipsen S, Pruzina S, Grosveld F. The minimal requirements for activity in transgenic mice of hypersensitive site 3 of the beta globin locus control region. The Embo Journal. 12: 1077-85. PMID 8458325 DOI: 10.1002/J.1460-2075.1993.Tb05749.X  0.485
1993 Yazdanbakhsh K, Fraser P, Kioussis D, Vidal M, Grosveld F, Lindenbaum M. Functional analysis of the human neurofilament light chain gene promoter. Nucleic Acids Research. 21: 455-61. PMID 8441658 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/21.3.455  0.422
1993 Ellis J, Talbot D, Dillon N, Grosveld F. Synthetic human beta-globin 5'HS2 constructs function as locus control regions only in multicopy transgene concatamers. The Embo Journal. 12: 127-34. PMID 8428573 DOI: 10.1002/J.1460-2075.1993.Tb05638.X  0.383
1993 Fraser P, Pruzina S, Antoniou M, Grosveld F. Each hypersensitive site of the human beta-globin locus control region confers a different developmental pattern of expression on the globin genes. Genes & Development. 7: 106-13. PMID 8422981 DOI: 10.1101/Gad.7.1.106  0.474
1993 Grosveld F, Dillon N, Higgs D. The regulation of human globin gene expression. Bailliã¨Re's Clinical Haematology. 6: 31-55. PMID 8353317 DOI: 10.1016/S0950-3536(05)80065-4  0.439
1993 Whyatt DJ, deBoer E, Grosveld F. The two zinc finger-like domains of GATA-1 have different DNA binding specificities. The Embo Journal. 12: 4993-5005. PMID 8262042 DOI: 10.1002/J.1460-2075.1993.Tb06193.X  0.383
1993 Grosveld F, Antoniou M, Berry M, De Boer E, Dillon N, Ellis J, Fraser P, Hanscombe O, Hurst J, Imam A. The regulation of human globin gene switching. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 339: 183-91. PMID 8097049 DOI: 10.1098/Rstb.1993.0015  0.468
1993 Shelton PA, Davies NW, Antoniou M, Grosveld F, Needham M, Hollis M, Brammar WJ, Conley EC. Regulated expression of K+ channel genes in electrically silent mammalian cells by linkage to beta-globin gene-activation elements. Receptors & Channels. 1: 25-37. PMID 8081711  0.38
1993 Grosveld F, Antoniou M, Berry M, de Boer E, Dillon N, Ellis J, Fraser P, Hurst J, Imam A, Meijer D. Regulation of human globin gene switching. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative Biology. 58: 7-13. PMID 7956087 DOI: 10.1101/Sqb.1993.058.01.004  0.396
1993 Ellis J, Grosveld F. Nuclear factors regulating erythroid progenitor cell differentiation and gene expression Seminars in Developmental Biology. 4: 359-369. DOI: 10.1006/Sedb.1993.1040  0.454
1992 Needham M, Gooding C, Hudson K, Antoniou M, Grosveld F, Hollis M. LCR/MEL: a versatile system for high-level expression of heterologous proteins in erythroid cells. Nucleic Acids Research. 20: 997-1003. PMID 1549512 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/20.5.997  0.449
1992 Strouboulis J, Dillon N, Grosveld F. Developmental regulation of a complete 70-kb human beta-globin locus in transgenic mice. Genes & Development. 6: 1857-64. PMID 1383089 DOI: 10.1101/Gad.6.10.1857  0.512
1992 Berry M, Grosveld F, Dillon N. A single point mutation is the cause of the Greek form of hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin. Nature. 358: 499-502. PMID 1379347 DOI: 10.1038/358499A0  0.374
1992 McLean J, Hollis M, Needham M, Gooding C, Hudson K, Scanlon D, McLaughlin F, Grosveld F, Antoniou M. A Novel Mammalian Expression System Based On The Globin Locus Control Region Animal Cell Technologydevelopments, Processes and Products. 68-70. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-7506-0421-5.50023-4  0.435
1991 Pruzina S, Hanscombe O, Whyatt D, Grosveld F, Philipsen S. Hypersensitive site 4 of the human beta globin locus control region. Nucleic Acids Research. 19: 1413-9. PMID 2027748 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/19.7.1413  0.424
1991 Talbot D, Grosveld F. The 5'HS2 of the globin locus control region enhances transcription through the interaction of a multimeric complex binding at two functionally distinct NF-E2 binding sites. The Embo Journal. 10: 1391-8. PMID 1902783 DOI: 10.1002/J.1460-2075.1991.Tb07659.X  0.359
1991 Dillon N, Kollias G, Grosveld F, Williams JG. Expression of adult and tadpole specific globin genes from Xenopus laevis in transgenic mice. Nucleic Acids Research. 19: 6227-30. PMID 1720238 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/19.22.6227  0.453
1991 Hanscombe O, Whyatt D, Fraser P, Yannoutsos N, Greaves D, Dillon N, Grosveld F. Importance of globin gene order for correct developmental expression. Genes & Development. 5: 1387-94. PMID 1714415 DOI: 10.1101/Gad.5.8.1387  0.481
1991 Dillon N, Grosveld F. Human gamma-globin genes silenced independently of other genes in the beta-globin locus. Nature. 350: 252-4. PMID 1706482 DOI: 10.1038/350252A0  0.462
1991 Spanopoulou E, Giguere V, Grosveld F. The functional domains of the murine Thy-1 gene promoter. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 11: 2216-28. PMID 1672442 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.11.4.2216  0.414
1990 Hanscombe O, Vidal M, Kaeda J, Luzzatto L, Greaves DR, Grosveld F. High-level, erythroid-specific expression of the human alpha-globin gene in transgenic mice and the production of human hemoglobin in murine erythrocytes. Genes & Development. 3: 1572-81. PMID 2612906 DOI: 10.1101/Gad.3.10.1572  0.423
1990 Bonifer C, Vidal M, Grosveld F, Sippel AE. Tissue specific and position independent expression of the complete gene domain for chicken lysozyme in transgenic mice. The Embo Journal. 9: 2843-8. PMID 2390972  0.363
1990 Antoniou M, Grosveld F. beta-globin dominant control region interacts differently with distal and proximal promoter elements. Genes & Development. 4: 1007-1013. PMID 2384211 DOI: 10.1101/Gad.4.6.1007  0.464
1990 Fraser P, Hurst J, Collis P, Grosveld F. DNasel hypersensitive sites 1, 2 and 3 of the human β-globin dominant control region direct position-independent expression Nucleic Acids Research. 18: 3503-3508. PMID 2362805 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/18.12.3503  0.424
1990 Talbot D, Philipsen S, Fraser P, Grosveld F. Detailed analysis of the site 3 region of the human beta-globin dominant control region. The Embo Journal. 9: 2169-77. PMID 2357965 DOI: 10.1002/J.1460-2075.1990.Tb07386.X  0.46
1990 Philipsen S, Talbot D, Fraser P, Grosveld F. The beta-globin dominant control region: hypersensitive site 2. The Embo Journal. 9: 2159-67. PMID 2357964 DOI: 10.1002/J.1460-2075.1990.Tb07385.X  0.498
1990 Greaves DR, Fraser P, Vidal MA, Hedges MJ, Ropers D, Luzzatto L, Grosveld F. A transgenic mouse model of sickle cell disorder. Nature. 343: 183-5. PMID 2296310 DOI: 10.1038/343183A0  0.401
1990 Grosveld F, Greaves D, Philipsen S, Talbot D, Pruzina S, deBoer E, Hanscombe O, Belhumeur P, Hurst J, Fraser P. The dominant control region of the human beta-globin domain. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 612: 152-9. PMID 2291544 DOI: 10.1111/J.1749-6632.1990.Tb24301.X  0.327
1990 Lindenbaum MH, Grosveld F. An in vitro globin gene switching model based on differentiated embryonic stem cells. Genes & Development. 4: 2075-85. PMID 2269427 DOI: 10.1101/Gad.4.12A.2075  0.496
1990 Sim BC, Grosveld FG, Hui KM. Inactivation of the H-2Klk gene could involve the substitutions of methylated CpGs. Journal of Immunogenetics. 17: 133-50. PMID 2212699 DOI: 10.1111/J.1744-313X.1990.Tb00866.X  0.396
1990 Eccles S, Sarner N, Vidal M, Cox A, Grosveld F. Enhancer sequences located 3' of the mouse immunoglobulin lambda locus specify high-level expression of an immunoglobulin lambda gene in B cells of transgenic mice. The New Biologist. 2: 801-11. PMID 2126202  0.389
1990 GROSVELD F. Regulation of the human beta-globin gene domain Cell Biology International Reports. 14: 5. DOI: 10.1016/0309-1651(90)90130-Q  0.304
1990 Vidal M, Morris R, Grosveld F, Spanopoulou E. Tissue‐specific control elements of the Thy‐1 gene. The Embo Journal. 9: 833-840. DOI: 10.1002/J.1460-2075.1990.Tb08180.X  0.468
1990 Collis P, Antoniou M, Grosveld F. Definition of the minimal requirements within the human beta-globin gene and the dominant control region for high level expression. The Embo Journal. 9: 233-240. DOI: 10.1002/J.1460-2075.1990.Tb08100.X  0.485
1989 Assendelft GBv, Hanscombe O, Grosveld F, Greaves DR. The β-globin dominant control region activates homologous and heterologous promoters in a tissue-specific manner Cell. 56: 969-977. PMID 2924354 DOI: 10.1016/0092-8674(89)90630-2  0.425
1989 Talbot D, Collis P, Antoniou M, Vidal M, Grosveld F, Greaves DR. A dominant control region from the human beta-globin locus conferring integration site-independent gene expression. Nature. 338: 352-5. PMID 2922063 DOI: 10.1038/338352A0  0.508
1989 Eccles SJ, Vidal MA, Wrighton CJ, Grosveld F, Burke J. Rapid detection of ultraviolet-induced reversion of an amber mutation in mouse L cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 86: 1297-1301. PMID 2919178 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.86.4.1297  0.41
1989 Mignotte V, Wall L, deBoer E, Grosveld F, Romeo PH. Two tissue-specific factors bind the erythroid promoter of the human porphobilinogen deaminase gene. Nucleic Acids Research. 17: 37-54. PMID 2911469 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/17.1.37  0.406
1989 Spanopoulou E, Early A, Elliott J, Crispe N, Ladyman H, Ritter M, Watt S, Grosveld F, Kioussis D. Complex lymphoid and epithelial thymic tumours in Thyl-myc transgenic mice Nature. 342: 185-189. PMID 2572968 DOI: 10.1038/342185A0  0.345
1988 Julien JP, Côté F, Beaudet L, Sidky M, Flavell D, Grosveld F, Mushynski W. Sequence and structure of the mouse gene coding for the largest neurofilament subunit. Gene. 68: 307-14. PMID 3220257 DOI: 10.1016/0378-1119(88)90033-9  0.731
1988 Wrighton N, Grosveld F. A novel in vivo transcription assay demonstrates the presence of globin-inducing trans-acting factors in uninduced murine erythroleukemia cells. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 8: 130-137. PMID 3122020 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.8.1.130  0.406
1988 Spanopoulou E, Giguere V, Grosveld F. Transcriptional unit of the murine Thy-1 gene: different distribution of transcription initiation sites in brain. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 8: 3847-56. PMID 2906111 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.8.9.3847  0.419
1987 Grosveld F, Assendelft GBv, Greaves DR, Kollias G. Position-independent, high-level expression of the human β-globin gene in transgenic mice Cell. 51: 975-985. PMID 3690667 DOI: 10.1016/0092-8674(87)90584-8  0.399
1987 Kollias G, Hurst J, deBoer E, Grosveld F. The human beta-globin gene contains a downstream developmental specific enhancer. Nucleic Acids Research. 15: 5739-47. PMID 3039464 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/15.14.5739  0.444
1987 Hurst J, Flavell D, Julien JP, Meijer D, Mushynski W, Grosveld F. The human neurofilament gene (NEFL) is located on the short arm of chromosome 8. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics. 45: 30-2. PMID 3036423 DOI: 10.1159/000132421  0.715
1987 Julien JP, Grosveld F, Yazdanbaksh K, Flavell D, Meijer D, Mushynski W. The structure of a human neurofilament gene (NF-L): a unique exon-intron organization in the intermediate filament gene family. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 909: 10-20. PMID 3034332 DOI: 10.1016/0167-4781(87)90041-8  0.739
1987 Vissing H, Grosveld F, Solomon E, Moore G, Lench N, Shennan N, Williamson R. Progress towards construction of a total restriction fragment map of a human chromosome. Nucleic Acids Research. 15: 1363-1375. PMID 3029713 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/15.4.1363  0.317
1987 Kollias G, Evans DJ, Ritter M, Beech J, Morris R, Grosveld F. Ectopic expression of Thy-1 in the kidneys of transgenic mice induces functional and proliferative abnormalities. Cell. 51: 21-31. PMID 2888537 DOI: 10.1016/0092-8674(87)90006-7  0.422
1987 Kollias G, Spanopoulou E, Grosveld F, Ritter M, Beech J, Morris R. Differential regulation of a Thy-1 gene in transgenic mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 84: 1492-6. PMID 2882505 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.84.6.1492  0.462
1987 Murray EJ, Grosveld F. Site specific demethylation in the promoter of human gamma-globin gene does not alleviate methylation mediated suppression. The Embo Journal. 6: 2329-2335. DOI: 10.1002/J.1460-2075.1987.Tb02508.X  0.359
1986 Hui K, Minamide L, Prandoni N, Festenstein H, Grosveld F. Structural variations in the H-2 genes of AKR lymphomas. International Journal of Immunogenetics. 13: 117-121. PMID 3819448 DOI: 10.1111/J.1744-313X.1986.Tb01092.X  0.317
1986 Kollias G, Wrighton N, Hurst J, Grosveld F. Regulated expression of human A gamma-, beta-, and hybrid gamma beta-globin genes in transgenic mice: manipulation of the developmental expression patterns. Cell. 46: 89-94. PMID 3719696 DOI: 10.1016/0092-8674(86)90862-7  0.48
1986 Liesi P, Julien JP, Vilja P, Grosveld F, Rechardt L. Specific detection of neuronal cell bodies: in situ hybridization with a biotin-labeled neurofilament cDNA probe. The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry : Official Journal of the Histochemistry Society. 34: 923-6. PMID 3458811 DOI: 10.1177/34.7.3458811  0.477
1986 Julien JP, Meyer D, Flavell D, Hurst J, Grosveld F. Cloning and developmental expression of the murine neurofilament gene family. Brain Research. 387: 243-50. PMID 3103856 DOI: 10.1016/0169-328X(86)90030-6  0.561
1986 Khazaie K, Gounari F, Antoniou M, deBoer E, Grosveld F. Beta-globin gene promoter generates 5' truncated transcripts in the embryonic/fetal erythroid environment. Nucleic Acids Research. 14: 7199-212. PMID 2429259 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/14.18.7199  0.483
1985 Julien JP, Ramachandran K, Grosveld F. Cloning of a cDNA encoding the smallest neurofilament protein from the rat. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 825: 398-404. PMID 3925999 DOI: 10.1016/0167-4781(85)90067-3  0.496
1985 Kollias G, Sekeris CE, Grosveld FG. Alpha-amanitin insensitive transcription of the human epsilon-globin gene. Nucleic Acids Research. 13: 7993-8005. PMID 2999711 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/13.22.7993  0.423
1985 Rosenthal A, Wright S, Quade K, Gallimore P, Cedar H, Grosveld F. Increased MHC H-2K gene transcription in cultured mouse embryo cells after adenovirus infection. Nature. 315: 579-81. PMID 2989693 DOI: 10.1038/315579A0  0.381
1985 Rijs Jv, Giguère V, Hurst J, Agthoven Tv, Kessel AGv, Goyert S, Grosveld F. Chromosomal localization of the human Thy-1 gene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 82: 5832-5835. PMID 2863819 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.82.17.5832  0.426
1985 Giguere V, Isobe K, Grosveld F. Structure of the murine Thy-1 gene The Embo Journal. 4: 2017-2024. DOI: 10.1002/J.1460-2075.1985.Tb03886.X  0.442
1985 Kioussis D, Wilson F, Khazaie K, Grosveld F. Differential expression of human globin genes introduced in K562 cells. The Embo Journal. 4: 927-931. DOI: 10.1002/J.1460-2075.1985.Tb03720.X  0.483
1984 Rosenthal A, Wright S, Cedar H, Flavell R, Grosveld F. Regulated expression of an introduced MHC H-2K bm1 gene in murine embryonal carcinoma cells. Nature. 310: 415-8. PMID 6379467 DOI: 10.1038/310415A0  0.616
1984 Wright S, Rosenthal A, Flavell R, Grosveld F. DNA sequences required for regulated expression of beta-globin genes in murine erythroleukemia cells. Cell. 38: 265-73. PMID 6088069 DOI: 10.1016/0092-8674(84)90548-8  0.655
1983 Vanin EF, Henthorn PS, Kioussis D, Grosveld F, Smithies O. Unexpected relationships between four large deletions in the human beta-globin gene cluster. Cell. 35: 701-9. PMID 6652684 DOI: 10.1016/0092-8674(83)90103-4  0.381
1983 Trowsdale J, Lee J, Carey J, Grosveld F, Bodmer J, Bodmer W. Sequences related to HLA-DR alpha chain on human chromosome 6: restriction enzyme polymorphism detected with DC alpha chain probes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 80: 1972-1976. PMID 6300884 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.80.7.1972  0.354
1983 Grosveld FG, Lund T, Murray EJ, Mellor AL, Dahl HH, Flavell RA. The construction of cosmid libraries which can be used to transform eukaryotic cells. Nucleic Acids Research. 10: 6715-32. PMID 6294612 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/10.21.6715  0.618
1982 Lee JS, Trowsdale J, Travers PJ, Carey J, Grosveld F, Jenkins J, Bodmer WF. Sequence of an HLA-DR alpha-chain cDNA clone and intron-exon organization of the corresponding gene. Nature. 299: 750-2. PMID 6811954 DOI: 10.1038/299750A0  0.314
1982 Lund T, Grosveld FG, Flavell RA. Isolation of transforming DNA by cosmid rescue. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 79: 520-4. PMID 6210908 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.79.2.520  0.578
1981 Grosveld FG, Dahl HH, de Boer E, Flavell RA. Isolation of beta-globin-related genes from a human cosmid library. Gene. 13: 227-37. PMID 6266915 DOI: 10.1016/0378-1119(81)90028-7  0.523
1981 Gross G, Mayr U, Bruns W, Grosveld F, Dahl HM, Collins J. The structure of a thirty-six kilobase region of the human chromosome including the fibroblast interferon gene IFN-beta. Nucleic Acids Research. 9: 2495-507. PMID 6168999 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/9.11.2495  0.443
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