Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ian Max AndolinaVisual system, visual perception, cortical feedback
Wen-Jie BianSleep, Neural circuit development, neuronal morphology, neuromodulation
Haijiang Caineuroscience, physiology, biophysics, behavior20002001 xu zhang (research assistant)
Hsiang-Tung Chang John Farquhar Fulton (grad student)
tan zhong chaoVisual system
Yan-min Chen20042006 Zhen-ge Luo (research scientist)
Fei Chen Zhen-ge Luo (grad student)
Yuchu ChenBehavioral Neurophysiology of Primate Hsiang-Tung Chang (grad student)
Nanhui ChenBehavioral Neurophysiology of Primate19951998 Chien-Ping Wu (grad student)
Xiaodong ChenVisual system20022008 Yang Dan (grad student), Chao-Yi Li (grad student), Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Daofen Chen19821985 Chien-Ping Wu (grad student)
Xuemei Chen Yousheng Shu (grad student)
Wei R. Chen Chien-Ping Wu (grad student)
Ming Chen2008 Haidong D. Lu (grad student)
Cheng Chen2006 Haishan Yao (grad student)
Mo Chenexpress saccade, PPC20082013 Mingsha Zhang (grad student)
Jiadong Chenglia
Ke Chenlearning and memory
Ke ChenGustatory system Neurobiology and Behavior20112014 Aike Guo (grad student)
Yuejun ChenNeural Differentiation, Cell Therapy, Parkinson's Disease, Lineage Tracing20132015 Su-Chun Zhang (post-doc)
Leping ChengNeural Development20022005 Qiufu Ma (post-doc)
Zhixian ChengMultisensory integration, Self-motion percpeption Yong Gu (grad student)
Tian-Lin Cheng20082014 Zilong Qiu (grad student)
Jin-Xia Dai Yu-Qiang Ding (grad student)
Wei Dong Shigang He (grad student)
Wei Dongsynaptic transmission, synaptic plasticity20002005 Shigang He (grad student)
Jiulin Duretina, zebrafish, neuromodulator, vescular
Xufei Duzebrafish20062013 Jiulin Du (grad student)
Bo DuanDevelopment and function of sensory circuitry20022010 Tian-Le Xu (grad student)
Yang Fang2010 Haidong D. Lu (grad student)
Shengjie Feng wang yizheng (grad student)
Chen GangfMRI, Visual system Chao-Yi Li (grad student)
Lixia Gaoauditory thalamus Mu-Ming Poo (grad student), Xinde Sun (grad student), Jufang He (grad student)
Yong GuMultisensory integration, Self-motion percpeption Dora Angelaki (grad student)
Shaobo Guanspatial cognition, visual system, oculomotor, PPC, electrophysiology,, behaving monkeys, computation, psychophysics2010 Mingsha Zhang (research assistant), Si Wu (research assistant)
Ji-Song Guan20012006 xu zhang (grad student)
Chen-bing GuanDevelopmental Neuroscience
Jing Guangattention, saccade
Chao Guo Yu-Qiang Ding (grad student), Hai-Yan Qiu (collaborator)
Wiengqieng Gwomotor control systematic neuroscience He Cui (grad student)
Chao Han2008 Haidong D. Lu (grad student)
Jiang Hao Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Zhuohao HeNeurodegeneration, Neurobiology20052012 wang yizheng (grad student)
Jie He
Han Houdecision-making, reinforcement learning, large-scale ephys20112019 Yousheng Shu (research assistant), Yong Gu (grad student)
Ze-Lan Hu Yu-Qiang Ding (grad student)
Wenqin Huaxonal channel and network function2006 Yousheng Shu (grad student)
Jiaming Hu2010 Haidong D. Lu (grad student)
Zeng Huan-huanprimate auditory system
Ying Huang Yu-Qiang Ding (research assistant)
Tianwen HuangNeural Development20052012 Leping Cheng (grad student)
Wei Huanglearning and memory20072008 Jiulin Du (research assistant)
Fude Huangneurodegerative disease and drosophila
Man Jiangsynapse, microcircuit20062012 Yousheng Shu (grad student)
Xin JiangNeurodegeneration diseases
Yanbo JiangSchizophrenia
Bian Shao kangVisual system,visual illusion
Max Kleiman-Weiner20072007 Xiang Yu (research assistant)
Zhi-lin LeiSpatial perception2013 Yong Gu (grad student), Han Hou (collaborator)
Zhengchang LeiOlfactory system20052012 Aike Guo (grad student)
Wenliang Leidevelopmental neuroscience
zhilin leiperception of spatial
He ke leneVisual system
Yan Listem cell20002005 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Tun Li Yousheng Shu (grad student)
Chengyu LiNeural circuits19992004 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student), Shumin Duan (grad student), Chien-Ping Wu (grad student)
Peichao Livisual circuits20082013 Haidong D. Lu (grad student)
Xinjian Lilearning and memory
Yan LiMolecular mechanisms of the advanced brain function with multiple approaches Aike Guo (grad student)
Yi LiAxon regeneration, CNS injury
Wenhao Li20152022 Yong Gu (grad student)
Danyang Li20202025 Yu Mu (grad student)
pan linprotein trafficking mirna20092016 xu zhang (grad student)
Zhongqiao Lin20142021 Tianming Yang (grad student)
Kefei Liuneurophysiology20142015 Haishan Yao (grad student), YanGang Sun (research assistant)
Di-Shi Liuion channel20072011 Tian-Le Xu (grad student)
Yueguang Liu20062012 Leping Cheng (grad student)
Yu Liuexpress saccade, PPC20082013 Mingsha Zhang (grad student)
He Liulearning and memory
He Liulearning and memory
Minghai Long2009 Haishan Yao (grad student)
Jiangteng LuGABA system20022007 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Du Wan Luneuroscience
Yi Lu Neuroscience20162019 xu zhang (post-doc)
Zhen-ge LuoSynapse formation, neuron polarity
Jun Madendrite
Shaorong Maprefrontal cortex, stress20122016 wang yizheng (grad student), Fude Huang (grad student)
Shaojie MaBrain development and evolution
Yu Mugiving up; neural-glia interaction; whole-brain functional analysis; zebrafish; neuromodulation
Chechang Nie20142021 Tianming Yang (grad student)
Gouki OkazawaVisual system, Object recognition, Decision making
Yanxia Panvisual system
Yi-Rong PengNeuroscience20052012 Xiang Yu (grad student)
Lei QianSynapse formation, neuron polarity Zhen-ge Luo (grad student)
Yu QianBrain-inspired Computing Jiulin Du (grad student)
Wenhui Qiao2011 Haishan Yao (grad student)
Hai-Yan Qiu Yu-Qiang Ding (post-doc)
Zilong QiuActivity-dependent neural development
Nan-jie Ruan Zhen-ge Luo (grad student)
Chunfeng Shangvisual system20122011 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student), Yang Dan (grad student), Zhuan Zhou (research assistant), Jiulin Du (research scientist)
Mengjun ShengNeural Plasticity20122019 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Ming Shi Yu-Qiang Ding (post-doc)
Yousheng Shu
Chen Song20062009 Haishan Yao (research assistant)
Xuejun Songpain Hsiang-Tung Chang (grad student)
Yilin TaiTRPC channels
Zhongchao Tan20052009 Haishan Yao (grad student)
Guo-He TanNeurobiological Diseases
Cuiping Tian Yousheng Shu (grad student)
Jia Wang Zhen-ge Luo (grad student)
Chun-Lei Wang Yu-Qiang Ding (grad student)
Cheng-Zhong Wang Yu-Qiang Ding (grad student)
Bo Wang20072015 Yousheng Shu (grad student)
dong wangaxon membrane Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Min WangMolecular mechanisms of stress and cognition; Dynamic connectivity in prefrontal cortex Bao-ming Li (grad student)
Cheng WangHippocampus20052010 Haishan Yao (grad student)
Shi-rong WangDopamine
Guangxia Wanglearning and memory
Tianwei Wangmotor control Key laboratory of primate neurobiology2016 He Cui (grad student)
Wei WangVisual system
Jincheng WangASD20182023 Zilong Qiu (grad student)
Qifan Wangneurophysiology, motor control, network20192023 He Cui (grad student)
Zhiwei Wangconsciousness, visual perception
Sijia Wang
du wanluTRP channel, neuron survival, stroke20022009 wang yizheng (grad student)
Shijun Wengretina20002005 Shigang He (grad student)
Chien-Ping WuNeurophysiology Hsiang-Tung Chang (grad student)
Ming-Yue Wusensorimotor circuits20112015 Zhi-Qi Xiong (grad student)
Yang Xia Yousheng Shu (grad student)
Ruobing Xiasystems neuroscience Mingsha Zhang (research assistant)
Yang Xie20132019 Tianming Yang (grad student)
Wei Xiongneurotransmission
Ning-long XuDendrites, Circuits and Perceptual decision-making19992006 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student), Chien-Ping Wu (grad student)
Haoran XuVisual system20092016 Haidong D. Lu (grad student)
Ning-long XuNeuroscience
Chun XuEmotional Memory, Spatial Memory, Neural Circuit, Hippocampus
Shengjin Xu20032012 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student), Yang Dan (grad student)
Song Xue-Mei19992005 Chao-Yi Li (grad student)
Dong Yanneuroscience wang yizheng (grad student)
Xingjian YanNeuroplasticity20062014 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Jing Yang Yousheng Shu (grad student)
Xiufeng Yang Yousheng Shu (grad student)
Mingpo Yang Yousheng Shu (research assistant)
Feng YangNeuronal Development and Synaptic Plasticity Chien-Ping Wu (grad student)
lihua yangSpatial Perception2011 Yong Gu (grad student)
guoying yangpolarity
Feng Yang
Tianming YangDecision making, Visual system, Learning & Memory
Haishan YaoVisual system
Yizhou Ye Aike Guo (grad student)
Zengyou YeNeural Computation of Motor Function20032008 Tian-Le Xu (grad student)
Weilong YiBrain imaging2011 Zheng Wang (grad student)
Jiang-an YinIon channels
Jiapeng YinVisual system
wang yizhengTRP channel, neuron survival, cancer cell proliferation
Peng-chun Yusynapse formation
Xuefei Yu
Tifei YuanNMDAR20062006 Yu-Qiang Ding (research assistant)
Xian Zhang20032007 Zhen-ge Luo (grad student)
Si-yu Zhanghomeostatic plasticity20042009 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student)
Dinghong Zhang2009 Haishan Yao (grad student)
xu zhangsensory system
Mingsha Zhangsystem neuroscience
Xiao ZhangNeurodegenerative disease
Yiheng Zhang Key laboratory of primate neurobiology2016 He Cui (grad student)
Youyi Zhang20172022 Shujia Zhu (grad student)
Beizhen Zhangcognition, autism, marmoset, macaque20202021 Ning-long Xu (post-doc)
Changmei ZhangEmotion, neuromodulators
Xiaoliang Zhaocourtship, amyloid, astrocyte20042010 Mu-Ming Poo (grad student), Fude Huang (grad student)
liang xiao zhaointerneuron and alzheimer's disease
Manxia ZhaoElectrophysiology Subplate
Chengjiang ZhaoAddiction, neurodegeneration
Jianjian ZhaoMemory,Cognition
Shan ZhaoDecision making, Working memory20192024 Yu Mu (grad student)
Lian Zheng2009 Haishan Yao (grad student)
Qihao Keo Zhengself-motion perception, multisensory integration, decision-making Yong Gu (grad student), Aike Guo (research assistant)
Xiu-ping Zhou Zhen-ge Luo (grad student)
Jing Zhou Yu-Qiang Ding (grad student)
Yang Zhousaccade, PPC, attention, spatial coding20082013 Mingsha Zhang (grad student)
Li ZhouNeural circuit and development20132017 Yan-Gang Sun (grad student), Xiaohui Zhang (grad student)
Jie Zhu Yousheng Shu (grad student)
Shanshan ZhuEpilepsy, inflammation, NMDA excitotoxicity20032004 Zhi-Qi Xiong (research assistant)
Shude Zhu2009 Haidong D. Lu (grad student)
Yingjie ZhuVisual system20062012 Haishan Yao (grad student)
Jia Zhu20092017 Chengyu Li (grad student)
Hong ZhuNeuroscience Hailan Hu (grad student)
Shujia ZhuNMDA channels
Guolong ZuoDevelopmental neuroscience