Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Emilio Agostinelli20162020 Anna Menini (grad student)
Anna Nirukshi Arulampalam Anna Menini (post-doc)
Laura Babcock Cognitive Neuroscience20102015 Antonino Vallesi (grad student)
Andrea BarberisNeurobiology2002 Enrico Cherubini (grad student)
Silvia Benavides-Varela20082012 Jacques Mehler (grad student)
Enrico CherubiniLearning and Memory, Neurobiology Leon L. Voronin (collaborator)
Carol Coricellifood, visual system, neuroimaging Cognitive Neuroscience20132018 Raffaella Ida Rumiati (grad student)
Corrado Corradi-Dell'Acqua Raffaella Ida Rumiati (grad student)
Davide Crepaldi
Cristiano Crescentini
Mangesh Damre
Roberto De Filippo Enrico Cherubini (research assistant)
Michele DibattistaOlfaction Anna Menini (grad student)
Elena DreostiGABA receptors20042006 Enrico Cherubini (grad student)
Rossana FotiNeurobiology, Neurodegenerative Diseases2005 Stefano Gustincich (grad student)
Michele FurlanNeuroimaging methods
Judit Gervainlanguage acquisition, developmental psychology, infant speech perception
Kevin Yarib Gonzalez Neurobiology Sector20152019 Anna Menini (grad student)
Alessandro Grecucciaffective neuroscience Neuroscience20062009 Raffaella Ida Rumiati (grad student)
Natalia Grion Rodrigo Quian Quiroga (post-doc)
Domenico Guarascio20162020 Anna Menini (grad student)
Stefano GustincichNeurobiology - Neurodegenerative Diseases
Tiago HenriquesNeuroscience, Metabolism Neurobiology Sector20142018 Anna Menini (grad student)
Andres Alberto Hernandez Neurobiology Sector20132017 Anna Menini (grad student)
Jean-Remy HochmannLanguage Acquisition, Conceptual Development
Pavel M. Itskovsystems neuroscience, memory , somatosensation, categorization, hippocampus20092011 Mathew E. Diamond (grad student), Mathew E. Diamond (post-doc)
Zeynep KasapNeurobiology2006 Enrico Cherubini (grad student)
Laura LagostenaNeurobiology Enrico Cherubini (post-doc)
Corentin Le MagueresseNeurobiology2006 Enrico Cherubini (grad student), Jean-Pierre Changeux (grad student)
Ivan MarchionniNeurobiology20032007 Enrico Cherubini (grad student)
Devendra Maurya20102014 Anna Menini (grad student)
Anna MeniniOlfaction
Federico MinneciNeurobiology2006 Enrico Cherubini (grad student)
Majid H. MohajeraniNeurobiology2006 Enrico Cherubini (grad student)
Matteo Moretto ZitaNeurobiology20032007 Enrico Cherubini (grad student)
Dario MottiNeurobiology20042008 Enrico Cherubini (grad student), Stefano Gustincich (grad student)
Öykü OkurComputational Neuroscience Neuroscience Department2021 Michele Giugliano (research assistant)
Sofia Adelaide OsimoCognitive Neuroscience20142018 Sebastian Korb (grad student)
Gianluca Pietra20122016 Anna Menini (grad student)
Simone Pifferi
Diletta Pozzi
Olga Puccioni Cognitive Neuroscience20092014 Antonino Vallesi (grad student)
Katja Reinhardretina, ganglion cells, electrophysiology20162022 Karl Farrow (post-doc)
Raffaella Ida Rumiati Neuroscience Tim Shallice (post-doc)
Daniela Saderiauditory system2010 Enrico Cherubini (research assistant)
Victoria SafiulinaNeurobiology Enrico Cherubini (post-doc)
Cesar Adolfo Sanchez TrivinoChemoception and cancer research.
Rossana ScuriNeurobiology20062007 Enrico Cherubini (research scientist)
Tim Shallice
Marcelo SiriNeurobiology
Roma SiugzdaiteNeuroimaging, laterality, autism, neurodevelopmental disorders, brain connectivity, GNM Raffaella Ida Rumiati (research scientist)
Sudhir SivakumaranNeuronal Oscillations, Cortical Activity, Neuronal Excitability, Ion-regulatory proteins, Epilepsy, Stroke, GABA, Development, Hippocampus, Memory, Synaptic Plasticity20092011 Enrico Cherubini (grad student), Enrico Cherubini (post-doc)
Elisabetta SolaNeurobiology Enrico Cherubini (post-doc)
Stefano Stabellini Neurobiology Sector20142018 Anna Menini (grad student)
Azadeh TafreshihaVision Tactile Perception and Learning20122014 Mathew E. Diamond (grad student)
Cesar Triviño2019 Anna Menini (grad student)
Antonino VallesiExecutive Functions, Attention, Time Processing, Normal Aging Neuroscience20092012 Tim Shallice (grad student), Cristiano Crescentini (collaborator)
Yamil VidalPredictive Processes Cognitive Neuroscience20162021 Jacques Mehler (grad student), Davide Crepaldi (post-doc)
Paola ZacchiNeurobiology Enrico Cherubini (post-doc)