Carlos D. Aizenman | tadpoles, tectum, xenopus, development, vision | | 2000 | 2004 | Hollis Cline (post-doc) |
Dinu Florin Albeanu | Olfaction, Optogenetics | | | | |
Hoda J Ansari | | | 2021 | | Stephen D. Shea (grad student) |
Alfonso junior Apicella | Neurobiology | | 2006 | | Roberto Malinow (grad student) |
Hiroki Asari | visual system | | | | Anthony M. Zador (grad student) |
Zoltan Asztalos | | | 1992 | 1997 | Tim Tully (post-doc) |
Andrés Barria | Synaptic physiology | | | | Roberto Malinow (post-doc) |
Alexandria Battison | | | | | |
Jennifer Beshel | olfactory bulb, gamma oscillations | | | | |
Jennifer Bestman | developmental neurobiology | | 2003 | 2008 | Hollis Cline (post-doc) |
Semir Beyaz | | | 2014 | 2018 | Omer H. Yilmaz (grad student) |
Francesco Boato | | | | | |
Jason W. Bohland | | | 2007 | | Partha Pratim Mitra (post-doc) |
Francois Bolduc | mental retardation, drosophila learning & memory | | 2003 | 2007 | Tim Tully (grad student) |
Gert Bolwig | | | 1992 | 1995 | Tim Tully (post-doc) |
Jeremy C. Borniger | Cancer Neuroscience | | | | |
Robert Bronstein | Neural stem cells, stroke, neuroepigenetics | Neuroscience | 2015 | | Jessica Tollkuhn (post-doc) |
Javier F. Caceres | mRNA splicing | | | | Adrian R. Krainer (post-doc) |
Robert A. Campbell | Auditory system / Olfaction | | | | Glenn Turner (post-doc) |
Natalia Caporale | STEM Education, Learning Analytics, QualCrit | | 2000 | 2002 | Zachary F. Mainen (research assistant) |
Ofelia P. de Carvalho | Learning, Neurodevelopment, Human Genetics | | 1996 | 2001 | Alcino J. Silva (grad student) |
Brittany Cazakoff | | | | | Stephen D. Shea (grad student) |
Krishna Chatpar | Neuroinformatics | Neuroscience | 2015 | 2017 | Adam Kepecs (research assistant) |
Yao Chen | | | | | Karel Svoboda (research assistant) |
Gengxin Chen | | | | | |
Xiaoyin Chen | Neuroanatomy, spatial transcriptomics, in situ sequencing | | | | |
Hsue-Cheng Chiang | | | | | |
Shu-Ling Chiu | neuronal development, circuit function, synaptic transmission, dendritic plasticity | | 2003 | 2008 | Hollis Cline (grad student) |
Christine E. Cho | sensory adaptation | | | | Josh Dubnau (research assistant) |
Jane Choe | | | 2021 | 2023 | Stephen D. Shea (research assistant) |
Charlie Chung | | | 2019 | | Semir Beyaz (grad student) |
Anne K. Churchland | Decision | | | | |
Hollis Cline | development, visual system | | | | Alan R. Kay (collaborator) |
Alberto Corona | | | 2016 | 2022 | Stephen D. Shea (grad student) |
Matthew Covey | | | | | |
Ben Cowley | | | | | |
Jill R. Crittenden | | | | | Carol W. Greider (grad student) |
Katherine R Day | Neuroscience, Neonatal Development, Oxytocin, Sensory Development | | 2023 | | Stephen D. Shea (post-doc) |
Vincenzo De Paola | Neuroplasticity | | 2003 | 2007 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Kristen Delevich | frontal cortex, microcircuitry, mouse models of psychiatric disease, electrophysiology | | 2009 | | Bo Li (grad student) |
James A. Demas | retina, development | | 2004 | | Hollis Cline (post-doc) |
Ebru Demir | Fly olfaction and courtship behaviour | | | | Glenn Turner (post-doc) |
Heike Demmer | mouse and insect olfaction | | | | Stephen D. Shea (post-doc) |
Michael R. DeWeese | Auditory Cortex | | | | Anthony M. Zador (post-doc) |
Ashesh K. Dhawale | Motor Systems, Learning | | 2008 | 2010 | Dinu Florin Albeanu (grad student) |
Graziella Di Cristo | Visual cortical plasticity, GABAergic circuits | | | | Z. Josh Huang (post-doc) |
Josh Dubnau | Memory, Learning, Drosophila, Genetics, Genomics, Neurodegeneration | | | | |
Dimitri Dumontier | | | | | Gabrielle Pouchelon (post-doc) |
Dennis Eckmeier | | | 2011 | 2015 | Stephen D. Shea (post-doc) |
Ingrid Ehrlich | | | | | Roberto Malinow (post-doc) |
Bradford M. Elmer | synapse development, neurogenesis | | 2013 | | Linda Van Aelst (grad student) |
Juan Manuel Encinas | | | | | Grigori Enikolopov (grad student) |
Tatiana Engel | | | | | |
Armen Enikolopov | Olfaction | | 2007 | 2008 | Alexei Koulakov (research assistant) |
Grigori Enikolopov | neurogenesis | | | | |
Ilgin Ergin | | | 2019 | | Semir Beyaz (grad student) |
Onur Eskiocak | | | 2018 | | Semir Beyaz (research assistant) |
Jose A. Esteban | AMPA Receptor Trafficking | | 1997 | 1999 | Roberto Malinow (post-doc), Jean Christophe Poncer (collaborator) |
Claudia Feierstein | Olfactory physiology | | | | Zachary F. Mainen (grad student) |
Gidon Felsen | Systems | | 2005 | | Zachary F. Mainen (post-doc) |
Robert K. Filipkowski | Adult brain neurogenesis | | | 1998 | Alcino J. Silva (research scientist) |
Daniel Fürth | | | 2017 | | Je H. Lee (post-doc) |
Peter K. Giese | Learning & Memory | | 1993 | 1998 | Alcino J. Silva (post-doc) |
Jacqueline R Giovanniello | neuroscience | | 2014 | 2019 | Bo Li (grad student) |
Thiago S. Gouvea | Neuroscience | | 2016 | | Adam Kepecs (post-doc) |
Noah W. Gray | In Vivo Imaging | | 2004 | 2007 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Shiv Grewal | | | | | |
Eyal Gruntman | Olfaction | | | | Glenn Turner (grad student) |
Kurt Haas | Dendrite Growth | | | | Hollis Cline (post-doc) |
Hiroaki Hagiwara | Alzheimer's Disease | | | | |
Ira M. Hall | | | 2004 | 2004 | Shiv Grewal (grad student), Michael Wigler (post-doc) |
Douglas Hanahan | Genetics, Cell Biology, Oncology | | | | |
Balazs Hangya | rodent cognition, basal forebrain | | 2010 | | Adam Kepecs (post-doc) |
Christopher Harvey | | | | | Karel Svoboda (grad student) |
Yasunori Hayashi | Synaptic Plasticity, Glutamate Receptor, Hippocampus, Memory | | 1997 | 1999 | Roberto Malinow (post-doc), Jean Christophe Poncer (collaborator) |
Miao He | miRNA, GABAergic, autism | | | | |
Toshihide Hige | | | | | Glenn Turner (post-doc) |
Heather L. Hinds | | | 1995 | 1997 | Roberto Malinow (grad student) |
Masaki Hiramoto | Visual System, Mechanosensory System | | 2006 | | Hollis Cline (post-doc) |
Anthony Holtmaat | Cortical Plasticity | | 2001 | 2007 | Karel Svoboda (research scientist) |
Kyle Honegger | olfaction, individual variation, evolution of behavior | | | | Glenn Turner (grad student) |
Guy Horev | animal behavior, motor activity, rat vibrissae, autism | | | | |
Tomas Hromadka | auditory cortex | | | | Anthony M. Zador (grad student) |
Hailan Hu | | | 2003 | 2008 | Roberto Malinow (post-doc) |
Z. Josh Huang | GABA network development | | | | Susumu Tonegawa (post-doc) |
Longwen Huang | | | | | Anthony M. Zador (post-doc) |
Z Josh Huang | | | | | |
Dhananjay Huilgol | Cortical development | Neuroscience | 2013 | | Z. Josh Huang (post-doc) |
Bing-Xing Huo | neuroinformatics, cerebrovasculature | | 2015 | | Partha Pratim Mitra (post-doc) |
Kanae Iijima | | | 2004 | 2006 | Tim Tully (post-doc) |
Emily C Isko | evolution, bioinformatics, transciptomics, vocal circuits | | 2020 | | Arkarup Banerjee (grad student) |
Vijay Iyer | Optical Imaging | | | | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Santiago Jaramillo | Auditory physiology, Cognition, Computation & Theory | | 2007 | 2013 | Anthony M. Zador (post-doc) |
Ashley L. Juavinett | Mouse visual cortex and thalamus | | 2016 | 2018 | Anne K. Churchland (post-doc) |
Claudia Jurgensen | | | | | |
Alla Karpova | | | 2001 | 2007 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Matthew T. Kaufman | Decision making, motor control, dynamical systems, interneurons | | 2012 | | Anne K. Churchland (post-doc) |
Paul D. Kaufman | | | 1992 | 1996 | Bruce W. Stillman (post-doc) |
Justus M Kebschull | tool development, circuit evolution, connectomics | | | | |
Sean Michael Kelly | GABAergic circuits | | | | Z. Josh Huang (grad student) |
Adam Kepecs | Sniffing | | | | Zachary F. Mainen (post-doc) |
Yongsoo Kim | Adult SVZ neurogenesis | | | | |
Brian Kolterman | Theoretical Neuroscience | | 2009 | | Alexei Koulakov (post-doc) |
Charles D. Kopec | LTP, AMPA receptors, dendritic spine morphology, time perception, decision making | | | | Roberto Malinow (grad student) |
Jonathan Kopecky | | | | | Carlos D. Brody (grad student) |
Alexei Koulakov | Theoretical Neuroscience | | | | |
Adrian R. Krainer | mRNA splicing | | | | |
Christopher S Krasniak | | | 2017 | | Anthony M. Zador (grad student) |
Keerthi Krishnan | Rett Syndrome, GABAergic neurons, MeCP2 | | 2008 | | Z. Josh Huang (post-doc), Stephen D. Shea (collaborator) |
Sandra Kuhlman | | | | | Z. Josh Huang (post-doc) |
Armin Lak | Decision Making, Dopamine, Electrophysiology | | 2008 | 2009 | Adam Kepecs (research assistant) |
Billy Lau | | | | | Stephen D. Shea (post-doc) |
Je H. Lee | | | | | |
Jianli Li | neuroscience | | 2004 | | Hollis Cline (post-doc) |
Bo Li | fear conditioning, neural plasticity | | 2003 | 2008 | Roberto Malinow (post-doc) |
Qian Li | Neuroscience | | | | Adam Kepecs (post-doc) |
Yi Li | | | 2018 | | Z. Josh Huang (post-doc) |
Haohong Li | | | 2008 | 2013 | Bo Li (post-doc) |
Tristan G. Liu | Neuroscience | Neuroscience | 2021 | 2023 | Anthony M. Zador (grad student) |
Mingzhe J. Liu | Neuroscience | | 2022 | | Bo Li (post-doc) |
Jiangteng Lu | GABA system | | 2007 | | Z. Josh Huang (post-doc) |
Christian K. Machens | Computation & Theory | | 2002 | 2003 | Carlos D. Brody (post-doc), Anthony M. Zador (post-doc) |
Jakob H. Macke | Computation and Theory, Vision | | 2004 | 2004 | Karel Svoboda (research assistant) |
Stephen L. Macknik | visual system, olfactory system, imaging, electrophysiology | | 1999 | 2001 | Zachary F. Mainen (post-doc) |
Zachary F. Mainen | Olfaction | | 1997 | 1999 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc), Roberto Malinow (post-doc) |
Miguel Maravall | Somatosensory system, mechanisms of coding & response properties, electrophysiology | | 1999 | 2002 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Carla Margulies | | | 2004 | 2005 | Tim Tully (post-doc) |
Toma Marinov | Theoretical Neuroscience | | 2009 | 2011 | Alexei Koulakov (post-doc) |
Katherine SH Matho | | Neuroscience | 2015 | | Z. Josh Huang (post-doc) |
Ronald D.G. McKay | stem cells | | | | James D. Watson (research scientist) |
Tatyana V. Michurina | | | | | Grigori Enikolopov (research scientist) |
John Mignone | | | | | Grigori Enikolopov (grad student) |
Partha Pratim Mitra | | | | | |
Marta AP Moita | memory formation | | 2002 | 2003 | Anthony M. Zador (post-doc) |
Alejandro Montenegro-Montero | Gene regulation, Fungal.Biology | | | | |
Kazutoshi Mori | UPR | | | | Mary-Jane Gething (post-doc) |
Masayoshi Murakami | | | | | Kensaku Mori (grad student), Zachary F. Mainen (post-doc) |
Karim N'Diaye | OCD, metacognition, fMRI, Deep Brain Stimulation, Cogntive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness, electro/magnetoencephalography (EEG/MEG), emotion, time perception | | 2001 | 2001 | Dmitri "Mitya" Chklovskii (research assistant) |
Nael Nadif Kasri | Synaptic plasticity, epigenetics, intellectual disability | | 2005 | 2010 | Linda Van Aelst (grad student) |
Farzaneh Najafi | Visual & Parietal Cortex, Cerebellum, Predictive Processing, Systems, Behavioral & Computational Neuroscience | | 2014 | 2019 | Anne K. Churchland (post-doc) |
Saket Navlakha | | | | | |
Elly Nedivi | Plasticity | | | | |
Louis N. Nguyen | Synaptic Physiology, Alzheimer's Disease | | 2006 | | Roberto Malinow (grad student) |
Maxim Nikitchenko | Comp and Theor Neuro and Stat | | 2005 | 2006 | Carlos D. Brody (research scientist), Alexei Koulakov (research scientist) |
Esther Nimchinsky | | | 1998 | 2003 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Alexandra Nowlan | | | 2015 | 2021 | Stephen D. Shea (grad student) |
Daniel H. O'Connor | | | | | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Onyekachi Odoemene | Decision-making | | | | Anne K. Churchland (grad student) |
Thomas G. Oertner | synaptic plasticity, two-photon imaging | | 2000 | 2003 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Pavel Osten | Whole brain anatomy and function | | | | |
Michaela Oswald | Neuroscience | | | | |
Gonzalo Otazu | auditory cortex | | | | Anthony M. Zador (post-doc) |
Torben Ott | Cognition, Behavior, Systems Neuroscience, Dopamine, Confidence, Working Memory, Optical Tagging, Optogenetics, Rat, Primate | | | | |
Hysell V. Oviedo | Auditory system | | 2004 | 2013 | Anthony M. Zador (post-doc) |
Hassana Oyibo | Connectomics, Sequencing | | 2008 | | Anthony M. Zador (grad student) |
Mario Rafael Pagani | | | | | |
Alexa H Pagliaro | | | 2019 | 2023 | Stephen D. Shea (grad student) |
Shraddha S. Pai | Time perception, working memory, auditory system | | | | Carlos D. Brody (grad student) |
Anirban Paul | Neurogenomics, GABA interneuron cell-fate determination and diversity | | | | Z. Josh Huang (post-doc) |
Hannah L. Payne | | | 2006 | 2007 | Hollis Cline (research assistant) |
Ian D. Peikon | | | 2009 | | Anthony M. Zador (grad student) |
Mario A. Penzo | Neuroscience Biology | | 2011 | 2015 | Bo Li (post-doc) |
Sashank Pisupati | Computational neuroscience, decision making, behavior | | | | |
Jean Christophe Poncer | Synaptic plasticity, epilepsy | | 1997 | 1999 | Roberto Malinow (post-doc) |
Carlos Portera-Cailliau | development, dendritic spine, two-photon, calcium imaging, somatosensory cortex, visual cortex, perceptual learning, fragile X syndrome, fmr1 | | 2003 | 2004 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Gabrielle Pouchelon | GABAergic interneuron development, cortical circuits | | | | |
Susana Q Lima-Mainen | | | 2005 | | Anthony M. Zador (post-doc) |
Xiaoli Qi | whole mouse brain mapping | | | | Pavel Osten (research scientist) |
Michael Quirk | Olfactory physiology | | | | Zachary F. Mainen (post-doc) |
Sadia N Rahman | | | 2023 | | Stephen D. Shea (research assistant) |
Sachin Ranade | Olfaction | | | | Zachary F. Mainen (grad student) |
Hai Rao | Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology | | | | Bruce W. Stillman (grad student) |
Eleonore A. Real | memory, AMPA receptor | | | | |
Michael Regulski | | | 1991 | 2007 | Tim Tully (post-doc) |
Ashlan Paige Reid | | | 2008 | | Anthony M. Zador (post-doc) |
Michelle Reis Faleiro | | | | | |
Michael A. Rogawski | Neurology | | | | Philippe Ascher (post-doc) |
Deborah D Rupert | | | | | Stephen D. Shea (grad student) |
Edward S. Ruthazer | visual system, imaging, activity-dependent, morphology | | 1998 | 2005 | Hollis Cline (post-doc) |
Michael B. Ryan | basal ganglia, movement, electrophysiology, mulitsensory integration | Neuroscience | | | Anne K. Churchland (grad student) |
Bernardo L. Sabatini | Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity | | 1999 | 2001 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Noriko Saitoh | Nuclear structure | | 1998 | 2001 | David L. Spector (post-doc) |
Joshua Sanders | Neural correlates of confidence | | | | Zachary F. Mainen (research assistant), Adam Kepecs (grad student) |
Takashi R. Sato | Visual system, two photon imaging | | 2004 | | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Volker Scheuss | Neurobiology | | | | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
DUSTIN E SCHONES | | Computational Biology and Bioinformatics | | | Michael Q. Zhang (grad student) |
Nina F. Schor | Neuroscience Biology, Oncology, Medicine and Surgery | N/A | 1973 | 1973 | Richard J. Roberts (research assistant) |
Kristina M Shaw | | | 2023 | | Arkarup Banerjee (grad student) |
Stephen D. Shea | mouse olfaction, audition | | | | |
Wanhua Shen | Visual system | | | | |
Luqun Shen | | | 2017 | 2022 | Stephen D. Shea (grad student) |
Gordon M. G. Shepherd | Cortical Microcircuitry | | 2001 | 2005 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Yichun Shuai | memory | | 2010 | 2015 | Yi Zhong (post-doc) |
Matt C. Smear | | | | | Zachary F. Mainen (post-doc) |
Sen Song | Computational Neuroscience, Imaging, Connectomics | | 2002 | 2004 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc), Dmitri "Mitya" Chklovskii (post-doc) |
Dara L. Sosulski | Neural Coding | | 2003 | 2005 | Zachary F. Mainen (research assistant) |
Sarah Starosta | cognition, birds, learning, extinction, single unit recordings | Neuroscience | 2016 | | Adam Kepecs (post-doc) |
Armen Stepanyants | Theoretical Neuroscience | | 2000 | 2005 | Dmitri "Mitya" Chklovskii (post-doc) |
Simón(e) D Sun | | Neuroscience | 2021 | | Jessica Tollkuhn (post-doc) |
Qingtao Sun | feeding, cachexia, basal ganglia | Neuroscience | 2021 | | Bo Li (post-doc) |
Xiaonan Richard Sun | | | | | Anne K. Churchland (post-doc) |
Shreyas M. Suryanarayana | Motor Systems, Attention, Evolution | | | | |
Takuya Takahashi | synaptic plasticity | | 2000 | 2006 | Roberto Malinow (post-doc) |
Hiroki Taniguchi | Development | | | | Z. Josh Huang (post-doc) |
Elizabeth Jane Taparowsky | Cancer, Immunology, Transcription | | 1981 | 1984 | Michael Wigler (post-doc) |
Yaman Thapa | | | 2022 | | Ben Cowley (grad student), Arkarup Banerjee (grad student) |
Vatsala Thirumalai | circuits, computation & theory | | | | Hollis Cline (post-doc) |
Jessica Tollkuhn | Transcriptional Regulation, Nuclear Receptors, Social Behavior | | | | |
Joshua Trachtenberg | visual cortex, plasticity, dendrites | | 2000 | 2003 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Ngoc Tran | olfaction, machine learning | | | | |
Dmitry Tsigankov | Theoretical Neuroscience | | 2003 | 2008 | Alexei Koulakov (post-doc) |
Jason Tucciarone | | | | | |
Glenn Turner | | | | | |
Kannan U V | Computational Neuroscience | | 2010 | | Pavel Osten (research scientist), Ignacio Lopez (collaborator) |
Naoshige Uchida | Olfaction | | | 2006 | Zachary F. Mainen (post-doc) |
Anne E Urai | decision-making | | 2018 | 2020 | Anne K. Churchland (post-doc) |
Linda Van Aelst | | | | | |
Greta Vargova | | | 2016 | 2017 | Dinu Florin Albeanu (grad student) |
Lav R. Varshney | | | 2005 | 2005 | Dmitri "Mitya" Chklovskii (grad student) |
Alexander G. Vaughan | Drosophila, courtship behavior, behavioral genetics | | 2012 | | Adam Kepecs (post-doc) |
Alain Verreault | Nucleosome assembly | | | | Bruce W. Stillman (post-doc) |
Nicholas R. Wall | | | 2004 | 2004 | Z. Josh Huang (research assistant) |
Minghui Wang | neuroscience | | | | |
Michael Wehr | Auditory Cortex | | | | Anthony M. Zador (post-doc) |
Wei Wei | Visual system, circuit development | | | | Roberto Malinow (grad student) |
Yi Wei | Theoretical Neuroscience | | 2010 | | Alexei Koulakov (post-doc) |
Robby Weimer | | | 2004 | 2006 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Michael Wigler | Cancer, Molecular Biology | | | | Richard Axel (grad student) |
Linda E. Wilbrecht | adolescent development of circuits involved in value based decision making, addiction | | 2003 | 2007 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Gangyi Wu | | | | | Hollis Cline (grad student) |
Xiaoyun Wu | Interneuron, adolecent development, mouse genetics | | | | |
shouzhen Xia | | | 1997 | 2008 | Tim Tully (post-doc) |
Xiong Xiao | basal ganglia, action selection, reinforcement learning | | 2017 | 2021 | Bo Li (post-doc) |
Yunyao Xie | Social reward; Dopamine; Natural Behavior | | 2019 | | Stephen D. Shea (post-doc) |
Qiaojie Xiong | ion channels, trafficking | | 2008 | 2015 | Anthony M. Zador (post-doc) |
Ning-long Xu | Dendrites, Circuits and Perceptual decision-making | | 2006 | 2008 | Zachary F. Mainen (post-doc) |
Chunsu Xu | fly learning and memory | | | | |
Tao Yang | neuroscience | | 2016 | 2023 | Bo Li (post-doc) |
Ryohei Yasuda | FRET, two photon imaging, Synaptic Plasticity | | 2000 | 2005 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Jerry Yin | | | 1993 | 1996 | Tim Tully (post-doc) |
kai yu | emotion and cognition | | 2013 | | Bo Li (post-doc) |
Brian Yueh | | | 2018 | | Semir Beyaz (research assistant) |
Anthony M. Zador | Auditory Cortex | | | | |
Michael Q. Zhang | | | | | |
Hao Zhang | Neuroscience | | 2022 | | Bo Li (grad student) |
Chaolin Zhang | RNA Systems Biology, Molecular Neuroscience | | 2004 | 2008 | Adrian R. Krainer (grad student), Michael Q. Zhang (grad student) |
Haining Zhong | | | 2004 | 2010 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Yinzhong Zhou | Drosophila, long-term memory&Forgetting | | 2012 | | Yi Zhong (grad student) |
J Julius Zhu | | | | | Roberto Malinow (post-doc) |
Karen Zito | | | 2000 | 2006 | Karel Svoboda (post-doc) |
Petr Znamenskiy | Auditory system, decision making | | | | Anthony M. Zador (grad student) |
Dong-jing Zou | | | | | Hollis Cline (post-doc) |