University of Oslo, Norway

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ida EJ AasebøVisual system, Extracellular recordings, Anesthesia, Hippocampal neurogenesis Department of medicine Department of medicine2023 Jan G. Bjaalie (research scientist), Trygve B. Leergaard (research scientist)
Irene Adrian-KalchhauserNon-genetic inheritance, fish, ecology and evolution, disease pathology20062011 Rafal Ciosk (grad student)
Samira Aminihajibashi Psychology Bruno Laeng (grad student)
Per AndersenLTP, learning & memory
Ole Andreassen
James A. Ashton-Miller Pediatrics Lars B. Skogland (grad student)
Shahram Bahrami
Neal BarmackCerebellar physiology19691970 Per Andersen (post-doc)
Carol Ann Barneshippocampus, memory, & aging Per Andersen (post-doc)
Shlomo BentinCongitive neuroscience Per Andersen (grad student)
Jan G. Bjaalie
Ingvild Elise Bjerke Trygve B. Leergaard (grad student), Jan G. Bjaalie (grad student)
Tim BlissNeurophysiology, Long-term potentiation1968 Per Andersen (post-doc)
Ilona M. Bloemvision, visual psychophysics, fmri20112011 Bruno Laeng (research assistant)
Agata Bochynskalinguistic development, language and cognition, psycholinguistics, spatial language, visuospatial memory, spatial cognition, language and perception Department of Psychology Psychology20122015 Bruno Laeng (grad student), Bruno Laeng (research assistant)
Jean-Luc Boulland Molecular Medicine Joel C. Glover (grad student)
Clive R BramhamNeuroscience, Synaptic Plasticity, LTP, BDNF, Arc, Translation control Ole Petter Ottersen (grad student)
Molly Carlyle Psychology20162019 Anke Karl (grad student)
Olga Chelnokova Siri Leknes (grad student)
Weiqiu Cheng
Ane Charlotte Christensen Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Torkel Hafting (grad student)
Rafal Ciosk
Egidio D'AngeloCerebellum, Granular layer19911991 Per Andersen (research scientist)
Carmen Díaz Joel C. Glover (post-doc)
Ray Dingledineepilepsy, glutamate receptors, neuroinflammation19771978 Per Andersen (post-doc)
Xinkai DuPsychological Methods; Psychopathology
Marie EikemoReward, psychopharmacology, opioid system, decision-making, value Siri Leknes (grad student)
Tor Endestad
Vera Fominykh
Eric Frank Jan Birger Jansen (post-doc)
Oleksandr Frei
Marianne Fyhngrid cells, entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, navigation, memory
Anna Maria GiglioHippocampus, potassium channels20082010 Johan Frederik Storm (grad student)
Joel C. GloverDevelopmental neuroscience, Vestibular system, Brain stem development, Spinal cord development, Stem cell biology19841986 Jan KS Jansen (post-doc)
Sverre Grimnes
Ning Guelectrophysiology, potassium channels, hippocampus2001 Johan Frederik Storm (grad student)
Amund Gulsvik Jon Rasmus Vale (grad student)
Brigitta B. GundersenDepression, Neurogenesis, Stress, Epigenetics20032003 Ole Petter Ottersen (research assistant)
Torkel Haftinggrid cells, entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, visual cortex, memory
Thomas Hagen Psychology Bruno Laeng (grad student)
Espen Hagen
Nicholas Hagger-Vaughan
Guy Hindley
Hua HuCellular neurophysiology, Electrophysiology20062006 Johan Frederik Storm (grad student), Johan Frederik Storm (post-doc)
Guo-Yuan HuNeuropharmacology19841990 Per Andersen (grad student)
Hu HuaCellular neurophysiology, Electrophysiology
Martha Hvoslef-EideBehavioural neuroscience, memory, attention Marianne Fyhn (post-doc)
Jan KS JansenNeuromuscular development Birger Kaada (grad student)
Jan Birger Jansen
Naz Karadagepilepsy, genetics, neurodevelopmental disorders, psychiatry20242024 Olav B. Smeland (grad student), Ole Andreassen (grad student), Oleksandr Frei (grad student), Alexey A. Shadrin (collaborator), Espen Hagen (collaborator), Kevin S. O'Connell (collaborator), Guy Hindley (collaborator), Nadine Parker (collaborator), Shahram Bahrami (collaborator), Vera Fominykh (collaborator), Erik Taubøll (collaborator), Nils Eiel Steen (collaborator), Zillur Rahman (collaborator), Weiqiu Cheng (collaborator), Gleda Kutrolli (collaborator), Børge Holen (collaborator), Torill Ueland (collaborator)
Nedim Kasumacic20072012 Marie-Claude Perreault (grad student)
Viktor N. KharaziaHistology and microscopy; neurological and psychatric conditions, drug abuse Eric Rinvik (research assistant), Ole Petter Ottersen (research assistant)
Uwe Klein
Heidi KlevenNeuroanatomy
Jakub Kopal
Damien P. Kufflernerve regeneration Jan Birger Jansen (post-doc)
Jonas Kunst Psychology Lotte Thomsen (grad student)
Gleda Kutrolli
Jean-Claude Lacaille Per Andersen (post-doc)
Bruno LaengLaterality, Perception, Attention, Imagery, Synesthesia, Optical Illusions, Music19931994 Michael Peters (post-doc)
Bruno Laengpsychology, neuroscience
Trygve B. Leergaard
Siri Leknespain, pleasure, addiction, opioids
Kristian Lensjo Departement of Biosciences20142017 Torkel Hafting (grad student)
Marit ML LobbenNeurolinguistics, nominal classifiers, peripersonal space, embodied cognition, neural representation of concepts Department of psychology Department of Linguistics20132017 Bruno Laeng (post-doc), Rolf Theil (grad student)
Aagot Christie Loken
Terje LomoLTP19741975 Per Andersen (grad student), Clarke R. Slater (collaborator)
Ørjan Martinsen
Julien MayorExperimental psychology, language acquisition, word learning, computational modeling
Bruce L. McNaughtonLearning & memory,Aging Per Andersen (post-doc)
Miguel A. MerchanAuditory System19922009 Kirsten Kjelsberg Osen (research scientist)
Peyman MirtaheriSensorimotor Interaction, Neuromechanical Mechanism, Neural Imaging Techniques (fNIRS+EEG), Energy-aware Neuroglial Processes, Brain-inspired Technologies Departement of Physics Departement of Physics Sverre Grimnes (grad student), Ørjan Martinsen (grad student)
Milad Hobbi Mobarhan20142018 Marianne Fyhn (grad student)
Sturla MoldenHippocampal-entorhinal memory system
Olve Moldestad Johan Frederik Storm (grad student)
Edvard I. Moserspatial orientation Per Andersen (grad student)
May-Britt MoserSpatial recognition Per Andersen (grad student)
Shoaib Nabil Psychology Bruno Laeng (research assistant)
Maximiliano Josè NigroNeuroscience20092012 Johan Frederik Storm (post-doc)
Sven Nissen-Meyerbiostatistics
Arild Njå Jan KS Jansen (grad student)
Kevin S. O'Connell
Milan Obaidi Psychology Lotte Thomsen (grad student)
Kirsten Kjelsberg OsenAuditory Neuroscience1971 Jan Birger Jansen (grad student)
Ole Petter OttersenAquaporins Fred Cornelius Walberg (grad student)
Abhilash D. PandyaNeuro-Immunology
Eszter Agnes Papprat brain atlasing, MRI, image processing, Waxholm Space Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Institute of Basic Medical Sciences20102017 Jan G. Bjaalie (grad student), Trygve B. Leergaard (grad student)
Alexandre Pastor-Bernier Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Institute of Basic Medical Sciences2005 Marie-Claude Perreault (research assistant), Joel C. Glover (research assistant)
Ole PaulsenNeuronal oscillations, Synaptic plasticity Per Andersen (grad student)
Paola Pedarzani19921995 Johan Frederik Storm (grad student)
Athanassios Protopapas
Morten Raastad Per Andersen (grad student)
Zillur Rahman
Eric RinvikNeuroanatomy Fred Cornelius Walberg (grad student)
David Russell
Olav Sandpatch clamp, ion channels, pituitary, Per S. Enger (grad student)
Phillip A. SchwartzkroinEpilepsy Per Andersen (post-doc)
Martijn M. SeltenNeurophysiology20102011 Johan Frederik Storm (research assistant)
Henrik Seyffarth
Alexey A. Shadrin
Gordon M. G. ShepherdCortical Microcircuitry19992001 Per Andersen (post-doc), Morten Raastad (post-doc)
Olafur Sigurjonsson Joel C. Glover (grad student)
Akvile Sinkeviciute Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies Julien Mayor (grad student), Natalia Kartushina (grad student)
Magne Sand Sivertsen20102015 Marie-Claude Perreault (grad student)
Lars B. Skogland
Olav B. Smeland
Connor Spiech Psychology Department of Psychology20192022 Bruno Laeng (grad student), Tor Endestad (grad student)
Nils Eiel Steen
Johan Frederik StormCellular neurophysiology, Electrophysiology, Ion channel functions, Hippocampal neurons19811984 Per Andersen (grad student)
Jon Storm-Mathisenamino acid transmitters19841989 Nicholas Dale (collaborator)
Jon Storm-Mathisensynaptic neurochemistry
Karolina Szokol20062009 Marie-Claude Perreault (grad student)
Christina SørensenVisual cortex, Auditory cortex, stress, neural plasticity Department of Biosciences20112015 Marianne Fyhn (post-doc)
Erik Taubøll
Timothy J. TeylerLTP Per Andersen (research scientist)
Lars Thomasssenstroke Department of Neurology2006 David Russell (grad student)
Wesley J. Thompson Jan Birger Jansen (post-doc)
Lotte ThomsenPolitical Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Haug TrudeIon channels Olav Sand (grad student), Johan Frederik Storm (grad student)
Frode A. TuvnesNeuroscience
Tor Inge Tønnessen
Torill Ueland
Jon Rasmus Vale
Dennis van der Meerpsychiatric genetics
David C. Van EssenVisual system Jan Birger Jansen (post-doc)
Koen VervaekeBarrel cortex, cerebellar cortex, hippocampus, basal forebrain20022007 Johan Frederik Storm (grad student)
Sven Ivar Walaassynaptic transmission, basal ganglia, synapsins
Fred Cornelius WalbergNeuroanatomy
Lars Walløe Jan KS Jansen (grad student)
Trygve Wessel-Aas Department of Thoracic Medicine Sven Nissen-Meyer (grad student)
Mattis Brænne Wigestrand Departement of Biosciences Marianne Fyhn (grad student)