Sarah D. Sahni, PhD

Social & Economic Policy Abt Associates Inc. 
Education and Early Childhood
"Sarah Sahni"
Mean distance: 16.28 (cluster 15)
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Yuko Munakata research assistant University of Denver
David Rakison research assistant Carnegie Mellon
Jenny R. Saffran grad student 2003-2010 UW Madison
 (The effect of semantic density and sound density on early word learning.)
Mark S. Seidenberg grad student 2003-2010 UW Madison
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Sahni SD, Seidenberg MS, Saffran JR. (2010) Connecting cues: overlapping regularities support cue discovery in infancy. Child Development. 81: 727-36
Stedron JM, Sahni SD, Munakata Y. (2005) Common mechanisms for working memory and attention: the case of perseveration with visible solutions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 17: 623-31
Munakata Y, Sahni SD, Yerys BE. (2001) An embodied theory in search of a body: Challenges for a dynamic systems model of infant perseveration Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 24: 56-57
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