Richard W. Tsien, D. Phil.

1970-1988 Physiology Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 
 1988-2011 Molecular and Cellular Physiology Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
 2012- Physiology and Neuroscience New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States 
calcium channel physiology and function in heart and neurons
"Richard Tsien"

Mean distance: 11.38 (cluster 11)
Cross-listing: Physiology Academic Tree


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Julian Jack research assistant Oxford
Denis Noble research assistant Oxford
Jean Banister grad student 1970 Oxford (Physiology Academic Tree)
 (The kinetics of conductance changes in heart cells)


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Karl Deisseroth grad student Stanford
N. Charles Harata grad student University of Iowa
W Jon Lederer grad student University of Maryland
William Jonathan Lederer grad student
Li Li grad student Stanford Medical School
Eduardo Marbán grad student Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute
Scott F. Owen grad student Stanford Medical School
Wayne R. Giles grad student 1975 Yale (E-Tree)
Steven A. Siegelbaum grad student 1980 Yale
Patrick Ellinor grad student 1995 Stanford (Chemistry Tree)
Jeremy Ballard Bergsman grad student 2000 Stanford
Keith Roger Bley grad student 2002 Yale
Tara C. Thiagarajan grad student 2004 Stanford
Alexander M. Aravanis grad student 2005 Stanford
Jason Lee Pyle grad student 2005 Stanford
Edward S. Boyden grad student 1999-2005 Stanford
Natasha Noel Tirko grad student 2011-2016 NYU School of Medicine
Samuel M. Cohen grad student 2012-2016 NYU
Simón(e) D Sun grad student 2014-2021 NYU School of Medicine, Smilow Neuroscience Program
Patrick Luzi Bader post-doc NYU School of Medicine
Bruce P. Bean post-doc Yale
Haruhiko Bito post-doc Stanford
Yu-qing Cao post-doc Stanford
Gong Chen post-doc Penn State
Sukwoo Choi post-doc Stanford
Hollis Cline post-doc Stanford
Aaron P. Fox post-doc Chicago
Xue Han post-doc Stanford
Peter Hess post-doc Yale School of Medicine
Ege T. Kavalali post-doc Stanford
Jurgen Klingauf post-doc
Diane Lipscombe post-doc Stanford
Guosong Liu post-doc Stanford
Antonio Malgaroli post-doc Stanford
Roberto Malinow post-doc Yale
Edwin McCleskey post-doc HHMI
Paul G. Mermelstein post-doc Stanford
Hyokeun Park post-doc HKUST (Chemistry Tree)
Andrew Randall post-doc University of Bristol
Gangyi Wu post-doc Stanford
Naibo Yang post-doc MDS (Molecular Devices Corp)
Jian Yang post-doc Stanford
Qi Zhang post-doc 2004- Stanford
Rachel D. Groth post-doc 2006- Stanford
Ananya Mitra post-doc 2008- Stanford Medical School
Michael R. Tadross post-doc 2009- Stanford
Robert S. Kass post-doc 1982 Stanford
Jeffry B. Lansman post-doc 1983-1985 Yale Med Sch
Robert L. Rosenberg post-doc 1985-1988 Yale School of Medicine
Daniel V. Madison post-doc 1986-1988 Yale School of Medicine
Julie A. Kauer post-doc 1989-1991 Brown
David Friel post-doc 1994 Stanford
Felix E. Schweizer post-doc 1990-1994 Stanford
William A. Sather post-doc 1991-1994 Stanford
Min Zhuo post-doc 1995-1996 Stanford
Vadim E. Degtyar post-doc 1996-1998 Stanford
Stephen Mark Smith post-doc 1996-2000 Stanford
Erika S. Piedras-Renteria post-doc 1997-2001 Loyola University Chicago
Houhui Hugh Xia post-doc 2002-2003 Stanford University Medical School
Damian G. Wheeler post-doc 2002-2009 Stanford
Yulong Li post-doc 2006-2012 Stanford
Huan Ma post-doc 2009-2012 Stanford
Huan Ma post-doc 2012-2015 NYU
Simon Chamberland post-doc 2017-2024
Israeli Ran research scientist 2011- NYU School of Medicine, Smilow Neuroscience Program
Alejandro Salah research scientist 2012- NYU School of Medicine


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Roger Y. Tsien collaborator UCSD (Chemistry Tree)
David John Gross collaborator 1993-1994 Stanford University Medical School (Physics Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Chamberland S, Grant G, Machold R, et al. (2024) Functional specialization of hippocampal somatostatin-expressing interneurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121: e2306382121
Zhang Y, Karadas M, Liu J, et al. (2024) Interaction of acetylcholine and oxytocin neuromodulation in the hippocampus. Neuron
Ma H, Khaled HG, Wang X, et al. (2023) Excitation-transcription coupling, neuronal gene expression and synaptic plasticity. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience
Chamberland S, Grant G, Machold R, et al. (2023) Functional specialization of hippocampal somatostatin-expressing interneurons. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Chamberland S, Nebet ER, Valero M, et al. (2023) Brief synaptic inhibition persistently interrupts firing of fast-spiking interneurons. Neuron
Rosenberg EC, Chamberland S, Bazelot M, et al. (2023) Cannabidiol modulates excitatory-inhibitory ratio to counter hippocampal hyperactivity. Neuron
Liu JJ, Eyring KW, König GM, et al. (2022) Oxytocin-Modulated Ion Channel Ensemble Controls Depolarization, Integration and Burst Firing in CA2 Pyramidal Neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 42: 7707-7720
Park C, Chen X, Tian CL, et al. (2021) Unique dynamics and exocytosis properties of GABAergic synaptic vesicles revealed by three-dimensional single vesicle tracking. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118
Li B, Suutari BS, Sun SD, et al. (2020) Neuronal Inactivity Co-opts LTP Machinery to Drive Potassium Channel Splicing and Homeostatic Spike Widening. Cell
Wang X, Tsien RW. (2020) Suspect that modulates the heartbeat is ensnared. Nature. 577: 624-626
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