Andrew Yonelinas
Affiliations: | University of California, Davis, Davis, CA |
"Andrew Yonelinas"Mean distance: 13.91 (cluster 15) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorBennet B. Murdock | research assistant | University of Toronto | |
Larry L. Jacoby | grad student | McMaster University |
Sign in to add traineeCollaborators
Sign in to add collaboratorCharan Ranganath | collaborator | UC Davis | |
Tali Sharot | collaborator | 2005-2007 | UCL |
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Hawkins C, Venezia J, Jenkins E, et al. (2024) Recollection and familiarity support auditory working memory in a manner analogous to visual working memory. Cognition. 254: 105987 |
Erickson MA, Boudewyn MA, Winsler K, et al. (2024) Dysfunctional Alpha Modulation as a Mechanism of Working Memory Impairment in Serious Mental Illness. Biological Psychiatry. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging |
Ramey MM, Yonelinas AP, Henderson JM. (2024) How schema knowledge influences memory in older adults: Filling in the gaps, or leading memory astray? Cognition. 250: 105826 |
Duarte SE, Yonelinas AP, Ghetti S, et al. (2024) Multisensory processing impacts memory for objects and their sources. Memory & Cognition |
Sabharwal-Siddiqi S, Grilli MD, Thayer SC, et al. (2024) The hippocampus supports precise memory for public events regardless of their remoteness. Neuropsychologia. 199: 108902 |
Shields GS, Yonelinas AP. (2024) Evidence for response inhibition as a control process distinct from the common executive function: A two-study factor analysis. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition |
Boudewyn MA, Erickson MA, Winsler K, et al. (2024) Assessing Trial-by-Trial Electrophysiological and Behavioral Markers of Attentional Control and Sensory Precision in Psychotic and Mood Disorders. Schizophrenia Bulletin |
Yonelinas A, Hawkins C, Abovian A, et al. (2023) The role of recollection, familiarity, and the hippocampus in episodic and working memory. Neuropsychologia. 193: 108777 |
Riddell C, Yonelinas AP, Shields GS. (2023) When stress enhances memory encoding: The beneficial effects of changing context. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 205: 107836 |
Yonelinas AP. (2023) The role of recollection and familiarity in visual working memory: A mixture of threshold and signal detection processes. Psychological Review |