People with institution matching "Cambridge University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Horace Barlow (Info) Cambridge Computation & Theory hayden 2005‑01‑15
Tristan Andres Bekinschtein (Info) MRC-CBU cognition trisbek 2008‑06‑12
German E. Berrios (Info) Cambridge University UK r_oshea 2022‑05‑20
Raymond Chan (Info) Cambridge University UK stuartmaudsley 2020‑07‑07
Rocco Chiou (Info) Oxford Cognitive Neuroscience, Language, Visual Cognition AninaRich 2020‑07‑08
V. Peter Collins (Info) Addenbrooks Hospital, Cambridge University george.perry 2011‑02‑20
Alistair Cameron Crombie (Info) Trinity College, University of Oxford r_oshea 2022‑05‑20
Lee H. de-Wit (Info) KU Leuven Vision, attention, action bobk 2010‑08‑04
Ahmad Reza Dehpour (Info) Tehran University of Medical Sciences Opioids, Cannabinoids ptahsili 2006‑11‑10
James Gray (Info) Cambridge University & The Marine Biological Association, Plymouth Experimental Zoology DavidJMiller 2014‑05‑06
John B. Gurdon (Info) Cambridge testtest 2009‑02‑18
Robert A. Hinde (Info) Cambridge Anthropology david 2005‑12‑16
Staffan Holmqvist (Info) Lund University, Cambridge Neurobiology, Stem cells StaffanHolmqvist 2014‑02‑15
Jade B Jackson (Info) Macquarie University Awoolgar 2017‑07‑30
Yasir Nihad Jassam (Info) Tufts University School of Medicine, National Institutes of Health-NINDS, Kansas University Medical Center, Cambridge University (U.K), Hoag memorial hospital Neurolmmunology yjassam 2024‑05‑19
Matthew A. Lambon Ralph (Info) University of Manchester RJBin 2018‑01‑19
Junjie Liu (Info) Stanford Vision kathleen 2005‑10‑04
Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins (Info) University of Sussex artificial intelligence, theoretical chemistry brianmingus 2010‑06‑05
David M. Lovinger (Info) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Alcohol neurobiology bmccool 2006‑12‑29
Liria Masuda-Nakagawa (Info) Cambridge University (Magdalene College) MOdurih 2024‑01‑26
Stuart Maudsley (Info) Duke University / HHMI, Medical Research Council, Edinburgh, National Inst. on Aging, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins Medical School, University of Antwerp G protein-coupled receptors, Molecular Pharmacology, Proteomics, Bioinformatics, Molecular Gerontology stuartmaudsley 2019‑03‑25
Frank Michal (Info) Cambridge University, Tehran University Platelet biology alirezamani 2010‑12‑10
François Nédélec (Info) EMBL Heidelberg jbelmonte 2017‑04‑11
Hans Op de Beeck (Info) KU Leuven visual and cognitive neuroscience nkanwisher 2006‑10‑01
Carl Fredrick Abel Pantin (Info) Cambridge Nerve nets simon laughlin 2006‑07‑04
Gordon Speedie Pask (Info) Brunel University London, University of Illinois, Chicago, UIUC, Concordia University Montreal Cybernetics DavidSDouglass 2020‑09‑07
Ute Pohl (Info) Addenbrooks Hospital, Cambridge University Brain tumour pathology and genetics, muscle pathology & genetics, general neurogenetic george.perry 2010‑03‑20
Anina N Rich (Info) Macquarie University (Australia) cognitive neuroscience, attention, synaesthesia AninaRich 2020‑07‑08
John G. Robson (Info) Cambridge Early vision willmore 2005‑01‑17
David H. Rowitch (Info) UCSF, Cambridge oligodendrocyte, glioblastoma, stem cells gpot9883 2008‑08‑19
Afonso C. Silva (Info) National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland neuromuscular coupling, transgenic marmosets, MRI, fMRI, optical imaging, stroke cecilyen 2011‑09‑14
Giuseppe Talani (Info) Dep. of Experimental Biology Neuroscience giuseppetalani 2011‑02‑24
Yamil Vidal (Info) SISSA, Trieste, Donders Center for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour Predictive Processes perrine 2016‑04‑12
Andrew B. Watson (Info) NASA, Apple Inc. vision, perception, psychology, neuroscience, imaging technology 2011‑12‑10
Torkel Weis-Fogh (Info) Cambridge Insect flight felloe 2006‑12‑11
Lewis Wolpert (Info) Developmental Biology domhenri 2013‑02‑19
Alexandra Woolgar (Info) Macquarie University Cognitive control, neuroimaging, visual cognition Awoolgar 2017‑07‑30
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