University of Sussex

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Mark Agostiniepilepsy Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins (grad student)
Abdoreza Asadpour School of Life Sciences2024 Miguel Maravall (post-doc)
Riccardo Avvisati
Jonathan P. Bacon
Paul Benjamin
Sam C BerensLearning, memory, cognitive modelling, numerical methods, neuroimaging
Robin J. BlaggInorganic Chemistry, Electrochemistry Chemistry20092010 Geoff Cloke (post-doc)
Orla Bonnar School of Psychology2016 Catherine Naledi Hall (grad student)
Katie Boyd School of Psychology Catherine Naledi Hall (grad student)
Leonie S. Brebner Psychology Eisuke Koya (grad student)
Kevin R. BrooksVision, Psychophysics19951999 George Mather (grad student)
Michael BullMobile comminication technologies and their use, Music and sound in urban culture. New directions in Critical Theory (The Frankfurt School), sensory experience and methodologies.
Acer Chang Ryota Kanai (grad student), Anil K. Seth (grad student)
Chris A. Clark Brighton and Sussex Medical School Paul Tofts (grad student)
Devin Clarke School of Psychology2016 Catherine Naledi Hall (grad student)
Thomas CollettVision, Insect Vision, Neuroethology
Neil Collinson19992004 Dai Stephens (grad student)
Andrew K. DaniellVision
Ezequiel A. Di Paolo Cognitive and Computing Sciences1999 Phillip Husbands (grad student)
Anthony Dickinson Euan MacPhail (grad student)
Claire I. DixonDrug addiction Psychology Psychology Psychology20172017 Dai Stephens (grad student), Sarah L. King (post-doc), Hans S. Crombag (post-doc)
Sarah L. Dunworth Dai Stephens (grad student)
Simon Durrant
Martin Egelhaaf School of Life Sciences Paul Benjamin (research assistant)
Maurice R. ElphickComparative physiology & evolution of neuropeptide signalling (focusing on echinoderms), Endocannabinoid signalling, nitric oxide signalling19921994 Michael O'Shea (post-doc)
Carli D Finesynesthesia, embodiment, sensation, perception, sensory integration Psychology2024 Jamie Ward (grad student)
Lewis Forder Forder20162017 Gary Lupyan (post-doc)
Tom Froese Cognitive Science2010 Ezequiel A. Di Paolo (grad student)
Sarah N. Garfinkel Hugo Critchley (research scientist)
Silvia Gennari
Geoffrey J. GoodhillComputational neuroscience, axon guidance, visual system development19881991 Harry Barrow (grad student)
Paul Graham Thomas Collett (grad student)
Dorieke Grijseels School of Psychology2017 Catherine Naledi Hall (grad student)
Inman HarveyTheoretical Neuroscience, Philosophy, Evolution Phillip Husbands (grad student)
Natalie Hempel de Ibarrainsect vision, visual ecology20052006 Thomas Collett (post-doc)
Jessica S. HorstCognitive development, language acquisition
Phillip HusbandsTheoretical Neuroscience, Philosophy, Evolution
Richard J.Andrew
Ryota KanaiNeuroscience
Ryan Gene KavlieDrosophila, Genetics, Developmental Biology
Beena Khurana
Sarah L. King
Yesesvi Somayaji KonakanchiColour perception, Philosophy of colour Psychology Psychology2024 John Maule (grad student), Jenny Bosten (collaborator), Zoltan Dienes (collaborator)
Eisuke Koyamedial prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, neuronal ensembles, drug addiction, slice elctrophysiology
Corne Kroshair cells, physiology
Leon Lagnadosynaptic transmission, ribbon synapses
Claire Lancaster
Michael Francis LandNeurobiology
David Lent Thomas Collett (post-doc)
Sheng Livision, brain imaging20032006 Si Wu (grad student)
Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higginsartificial intelligence, theoretical chemistry
Tom MacphersonStriatum, Basal Ganglia, Decision-Making, Reward20092013 Sarah L. King (grad student), Dai Stephens (grad student)
Paola Manzini
Gabriella Margetts-Smith Psychology Eisuke Koya (research assistant)
Bruno Marie Jonathan P. Bacon (grad student)
John Maule
Gerrit W. MausVisual perception20042008 Romi Nijhawan (grad student)
David J. Maweraddiction, appetitive, motivation, pavlovian conditioning, instrumental learning, dopamine, glutamate, DARPP-3220112014 Hans S. Crombag (grad student), Sarah L. King (grad student)
Andy N. MeadDrug addiction19951999 Dai Stephens (grad student)
Emiliano MerloMemory
Jacopo Modoni School of Psychology20192023 Eisuke Koya (grad student)
Arish Mudra Rakshasa-Lootspsychiatry, HIV, neuroinflammation Brighton & Sussex Medical School (BSMS)20212024 Jaime H. Vera (grad student)
Elizabeth E. Nicholls Natalie Hempel de Ibarra (grad student)
Romi Nijhawan
Michael O'Shea
Eoin C. OConnorpsychology, glutamate, addiction, learning, memory, appetitive 20072011 Dai Stephens (grad student), Hans S. Crombag (grad student)
Swidbert R. OttInvertebrate Neurobiology20032005 Michael O'Shea (post-doc)
Jim Parkinsonvision, action, motor cognition, action-perception link, biological motion, prediction, action simulation Beena Khurana (grad student)
Benjamin A. ParrisExecutive functions and frontal lobe function20012004 Brendan S. Weekes (grad student)
Zuzana Pedan School of Psychology2023 Eisuke Koya (post-doc)
Kate Zara Petersensembles, PFC, appetitive learning, food, cues, reward, dopamine
Andrew O. Philippides
Sadhana PuntambekarEducational Psychology Education, Technology of Education19911996 Benedict du Boulay (grad student)
Charlotte L. Rae2014 Hugo Critchley (post-doc)
Lucia RegolinAnimal cognition and perception; Lateralization Richard J.Andrew (grad student)
Lee Reid19982002 Dai Stephens (grad student)
Darren RhodesTime perception, Bayesian Modeling, Psychophysics Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science2015 Anil K. Seth (post-doc), Warrick Roseboom (collaborator)
Mikkel Roald-Arbølvisual system, sleep, invertebrates, behaviour School of Life Sciences2020 Jeremy E. Niven (grad student)
Yuri Elias RodriguesAlzheimer's Disease Miguel Maravall (post-doc)
Warrick Roseboomhuman time perception
Anil K. SethNeuroscience, Consciousness19972000 Phillip Husbands (grad student)
Kira Shaw School of Psychology2016 Catherine Naledi Hall (post-doc)
Maxine Sherman Ryota Kanai (grad student), Anil K. Seth (grad student)
Rebecca C. Steiner20072008 Sarah L. King (post-doc)
Dai Stephensbehavioral neuroscience, alcohol and drug abuse
Paul Tofts
Katherine E. TwomeyDevelopmental Psychology Jessica S. Horst (grad student)
Philip Vassilev School of Psychology20142018 Aldo Badiani (grad student)
Zuzana Vaverková Psychology2019 Emiliano Merlo (grad student)
Jaime H. Vera
Brendan S. WeekesDisorders of written and spoken language
R Frederick WestbrookLearning processes, Behavioural neuroscience Robert A. Boakes (grad student)
Paul N. Wilson Robert A. Boakes (grad student)
Hannah J WoodMaterials Science Mathematical and Physical Science20192023 Alan B Dalton (grad student)
Joseph J. Ziminski Psychology Eisuke Koya (grad student)