People with institution matching "Cedars Sinai Medical Center": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Maranatha O. Ayodele (Info) Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles cgutierrez2 2022‑10‑29
Joshua J. Breunig (Info) Yale Neurogenesis drgatsby 2007‑12‑20
Victoria J Dardov (Info) Cedars Sinai Medical Center, St Jude Children's Research Hospital ALS, proteomics, stress granules vdardov 2019‑03‑04
Zhongzheng (Brooks) Fu (Info) UT Southwestern Cognitive neuroscience brooksfu89 2018‑11‑13
Veronica J. Garcia (Info) UF Gainesville Crab stomatogastric nervous system verogarcia 2011‑06‑07
Jake Gavenas (Info) Chapman University, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center volition, cognitive control, decision-making, consciousness jakegavenas 2023‑06‑27
Virginia Mattis (Info) Cedars Sinai Medical Center scienceee 2018‑10‑24
Menahem Marcel Maya (Info) Cedars Sinai Medical Center csf leak MarcelMaya 2017‑04‑02
Stefan M. Pulst (Info) University of Utah spinocerebellar ataxias, Parkinson disease david 2009‑10‑28
Ueli Rutishauser (Info) Caltech, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center plasticity, computation, memory urut 2006‑03‑20
Ralph L Sacco (Info) University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Columbia University - College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Mailman School of Public Health Neurology, Epidemiology, Genetics, Neuroscience cgutierrez2 2022‑10‑14
David Saxon (Info) Georgetown Medical School Development and Circuitry of the Limbic System dsaxon 2020‑07‑20
Feng Shi (Info) Cedars Sinai Medical Center Machine Learning, Medical Image Analysis simonsf 2017‑12‑26
Anne F. Simon (Info) City University of New York - York College, Western University, UCLA Medical School, Caltech, Cedars Sinai Medical Center Social Behavior, Drosophila, Aging annefsimon 2011‑10‑06
Kimberly Smith (Info) Cedars Sinai Medical Center Medication Adherence, Cognitive Rehabilitation, HIV Dementia, Mild Cognitive Impairment, Severe Mental Illness, Traumatic Brain Injury, Mullticultural Neuropsychology Drkimsmith 2016‑09‑07
Fayyaz Sutterwala (Info) Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles ullandt 2021‑12‑08
Fayyaz Sutterwala (Info) Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles ullandt 2021‑12‑08
Clive N. Svendsen (Info) Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin Neural Stem Cell biology jlebelle 2007‑11‑16
Tyler K Ulland (Info) UW Madison Neuroimmune response to Neurodegeneration ullandt 2021‑12‑08
Kristen C. Willeumier (Info) UCLA synaptic transmission, presynaptic vesicles, neurodegeneration felixs 2006‑08‑28
Nur Yucer (Info) Cedars Sinai Medical Center scienceee 2018‑10‑24
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