University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Jessica L. AblesNeuroscience, Circuitry, Behavior, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience20052009 Amelia J. Eisch (grad student)
Lavanya Acharyaspatial learning and memory, multisensory integration Neuroscience2019 Brad E. Pfeiffer (post-doc)
Victoria A. Acosta-Rodriguez20132023 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc)
Sadia Afrin Internal Medicine Kevin W. Williams (research assistant)
Newaz Ahmed Neuroscience20172023 Genevieve Konopka (grad student)
Jason Ajwani Internal Medicine2022 Kevin W. Williams (research assistant)
Erika Alexandercognition, emotion Lisa M. Monteggia (grad student)
Donald Dean AndersonCholesterol metabolism, folate metabolism
Ethan Andersonaddiction research Psychiatry20132017 David W. Self (post-doc)
Amy Arguello Psychiatry20052009 Amelia J. Eisch (grad student)
Anita E. Autryparenting, depression, galanin, stress20072011 Lisa M. Monteggia (grad student)
Peter G. Barr-Gillespiehair cell transduction A. James Hudspeth (post-doc)
Aundrea F. BartleyNeuroscience, Hippocampus, Interneurons, Presynaptic, Adhesion Molecules2007 Jay R. Gibson (grad student), Kimberly Huber (grad student)
James Battiste Neuroscience Jane E. Johnson (grad student)
Uwe Beffertneurodevelopment19992006 Joachim Herz (post-doc)
David Roger Benavides James A. Bibb (grad student)
Amal Kanti Beraion channel, gap junction, GABAA receptor, stroke19992000 shmuel Muallem (post-doc)
Marcus Berndt Neuroscience2016 Lenora Volk (grad student)
Olivier BERTONNeuroscience20012008 Eric J. Nestler (post-doc)
James Bertz
James A. Bibb Corinna Burger (collaborator)
Thomas Biederersynapse formation19992003 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Eileen H. BigioAlzheimer's disease and related disorders19891992 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Srijani Biswas
Cory Ann BlaissLearning and Memory Neurology Craig M. Powell (post-doc)
Patricia Blauvestibular, psychopharmacology
Jacqueline BlundellMouse Models of Autism/Mental Retardation Neurology20062009 Craig M. Powell (post-doc)
Carlos A. Bolanos-Guzman Eric J. Nestler (post-doc)
Barry Botterman
Karen Brewer Psychiatry19941996 Munro Cullum (post-doc)
Richard W. Briggs
Nils Brosesynapse formation and function Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Daniel F. BrownOverlap of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease pathology19961999 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Michael Stuart Brown
Sarah E. BulinAdult hippocampal neurogenesis20082015 Amelia J. Eisch (grad student)
Dennis K. Burns19861988 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Nicole BuzinTrkB signalling and addiction David W. Self (grad student)
E. William ByrdFertilization
Hillary Cansler Neuroscience20122018 Julian P. Meeks (grad student)
Jianhong Cao Internal Medicine20182019 Kevin W. Williams (grad student)
Alexandre Caron Internal Medicine20192020 Joel Elmquist (post-doc), Shawn C. Burgess (post-doc)
Basar CenikNeurodegeneration
Dhananjay ChaturvediGermline Stem cells Molecular Biology20082014 Michael H. Buszczak (grad student)
Dominic Chau Internal Medicine2019 Kevin W. Williams (research assistant)
Elizabeth H. Chen
Jonathan ChengLong gap nerve regeneration, nerve-machine interface Cell Biology2008 Barry Botterman (research scientist)
Bo Cheng Internal Medicine20192020 Kevin W. Williams (grad student)
Peter Chidiac Pharmacology1999 Elliott M. Ross (post-doc)
Rati Chkheidze20182020 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Hyemi Chong
Alexander A. ChubykinPersistent neuronal activity, synaptic plasticity, visual cortex20002006 Thomas C. Sudhof (grad student)
Deborah J. Clegghypothalamic regulation of adiposity
Samantha Iiams CleverCurrent: Circadian clocks and rhythms, Aging, Dietary restriction, Mice. Previous: Circadian clocks and rhythms, Seasonal Responses, Monarch Butterfly.2021 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc)
Marissa CoNeurodevelopmental disorders20142019 Genevieve Konopka (grad student)
Sarah M. Colvin19961998 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Kristin ConnorsState Dependent Sensory Integration2019 Daisuke Hattori (research assistant)
Laurent F. CoqueBipolar disorder20072011 Colleen Ann McClung (post-doc)
Kevin D. CourtneyMolecular Biology, Cell Biology
Kimberly Hillsman Coxreproductive neuroendocrinology, behavioral neuroendocrinology Neuroscience20182020 Joseph S. Takahashi (research scientist)
Munro CullumNeuropsychology of concussion and dementia
M. Anas DababoNeuropathology19941996 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Travis Danielsen Pathology20142016 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Gaudenz Danusercomputer vision, light sheet microscopy
Elena Daoud20192021 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Hector De Jesus-CortesNeuroprotection Psychiatry20112015 Andrew A. Pieper (grad student)
Yves De Koninckpain, neuroplasticity Istvan Mody (post-doc)
Yanel De Los Santos20212023 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Nathan A. DeCarolisAdult hippocampal neurogenesis20052010 Amelia J. Eisch (grad student)
Jeremy Keith DeischNeuropathology20092011 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Zhuo Deng Internal Medicine20132014 Kevin W. Williams (grad student)
Kaltra Dhima Psychiatry Shawn M McClintock (grad student)
Nyaz Didehbani
Yanbin Dong Internal Medicine2019 Kevin W. Williams (grad student)
Michael H Donovan20032008 Amelia J. Eisch (grad student)
Wayne Doyle Neuroscience2013 Julian P. Meeks (grad student)
Thomas Dunham Neuroscience Lenora Volk (grad student)
Deniz Durakoglugil Radiology Jeff L Waugh (research scientist)
Scott EdwardsDrug Addiction David W. Self (grad student)
David Ehichioya Neuroscience2021 Shin Yamazaki (post-doc)
Meghan Eller Rachel Bailey (grad student)
Jeffrey L. Elliott William Snider (post-doc)
Kathleen EnsticeNeuropathology20052007 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Felipe Espinosa-Becerra Neurology Craig M. Powell (grad student), Craig M. Powell (post-doc)
Ronald W. EstabrookCytochrome P450
Lauren EthridgeFragile X John A. Sweeney (post-doc)
Bret Evers Pathology20142016 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Edgardo Falconcircadian genes, drug addiction Colleen Ann McClung (grad student)
Junmei Fan20092018 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc)
Rafael Fernandez-Chacon Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Irina Filonova Neurology2014 Craig M. Powell (post-doc)
Stephanie FisherAdult hippocampal neurogenesis20052007 Amelia J. Eisch (post-doc)
Daniel W. FisherAgining in the Brain20092010 Shuxin Li (research assistant)
Danilo Flores Neuroscience20142015 Shin Yamazaki (grad student)
Miles Fontenot20132017 Joseph S. Takahashi (grad student)
Christos Fotiadis20052007 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Melissa Fowler20042009 Donald C. Cooper (grad student)
Yu (Vicky) Fu Neurology Stephen C. Cannon (grad student)
Zhongzheng (Brooks) FuCognitive neuroscience
Teppei Fujikawa2012 Joel Elmquist (post-doc)
Hirofumi FujitaNeuroanatomy; Neurodevelopment; Cerebellum
Yong Gao Internal Medicine20142016 Kevin W. Williams (grad student)
Irvin Thomas GarzaAAV Capsid Engineering, Gene therapy Pediatrics Neurology Center for Alzheimers. and Neurodegenerative Diseases2023 Steven J. Gray (grad student), Rachel Bailey (grad student)
Joshua W. GatsonNeuroscience Biology James W. Simpkins (research scientist)
Maria Magdalena Georgescu Pathology20132015 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Howard Gershenfeld Psychiatry19791984 Irving L. Weissman (grad student)
Atossa Ghorashi
Jay R. Gibson1996 John HR Maunsell (grad student), Sacha B. Nelson (post-doc), Barry W. Connors (post-doc)
Stacey Glasgow Neuroscience Jane E. Johnson (grad student)
Donald Glass Gerard Karsenty (grad student)
Stephen J. Gold
Joseph L. GoldsteinGenetics1966 Donald W. Seldin (grad student)
Dante A. Gonzalez Adrian Rothenfluh (grad student)
Jeffrey H. Goodmanepilepsy Physiology Neurology Robert Lebovitz (grad student), Richard Homan (post-doc)
Sonal GoswamiCircuit hyperexcitability Neuroscience2015 Jay R. Gibson (post-doc)
Danielle L. Graham David W. Self (post-doc)
Steven J. Gray
Thomas A. Greenaddiction20022007 Eric J. Nestler (post-doc)
Tracy L. Greerneuroscience, depression, eyeblink conditioning
Kyle Grose Internal Medicine Kevin W. Williams (research assistant)
Daniel Guzmanpsychostimulant addiction, glutamate, VTA David W. Self (post-doc)
Nicole Marie Gautier Hall20002006 Thomas C. Sudhof (research assistant)
Hiroko HamaBiochemistry, Neuroscience Biology Bruce F. Horazdovsky (post-doc)
Weiping HanMetabolic Diseases19992005 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Ming-Hu HanDepression Eric J. Nestler (research scientist)
Tina Wei Han20052012 Steven L. McKnight (grad student)
Gwyndolen C. HarburgStem Cell Biology20042007 Amelia J. Eisch (grad student)
Asim A Hassan Pediatric Neurology2019 Jeff L Waugh (research assistant)
Kimmo J. HatanpaaNeurodegenerative diseases, Brain tumors
Christopher Hauch Pathology20172019 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Ammar H. Hawasli James A. Bibb (grad student)
Michael Edward HawsLearning and Memory20072011 Craig M. Powell (grad student)
Seth HaysMotor plasticity, stroke Kimberly Huber (grad student)
Michael HeHippocampal Neurogenesis
zhenyan he Internal Medicine20162019 Kevin W. Williams (grad student)
Amy White HelmsSpinal cord development Jane E. Johnson (grad student)
Mark HenkemeyerDevelopment, neuroscience
John Raymond HeplerG protein signaling, RGS proteins, GPCR Pharmacology19901996 Alfred G. Gilman (post-doc)
Lorena D Herbert Pediatric Neurology2020 Jeff L Waugh (grad student)
Emily Herndon20062008 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Joachim Herzcholesterol metabolism, Alzheimer's Michael Stuart Brown (post-doc), Joseph L. Goldstein (post-doc)
Cason L HicksConcussion, mTBI, TBI, Sleep, Head injury, Brain Psychiatry Psychiatry2015 Nyaz Didehbani (collaborator), Munro Cullum (research scientist)
Tsutomu Higashijima Pharmacology Elliott M. Ross (post-doc)
Angela HoAlzheimer's disease, autism19992007 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Andrew J HolleyEpilepsy, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning and Memory, Fragile X Neuroscience Neuroscience2018 Jay R. Gibson (post-doc), Kimberly Huber (post-doc)
Richard Homan
Kei Hori Neuroscience Jane E. Johnson (post-doc)
Jenny Hsieh
Chou-Long Huang
Yiru Huang Internal Medicine20162018 Kevin W. Williams (grad student)
Guocun Huang20092014 Joseph S. Takahashi (research scientist)
Kimberly Huberltd, hippocampus
Matthew Hudgens-Haney Psychiatry2017 Carol A. Tamminga (post-doc)
A. James HudspethAudition
Mustafa Husain
Eunsang Hwang Internal Medicine2021 Kevin W. Williams (post-doc)
Chris Inra Children's Research Institute20112015 Sean J. Morrison (grad student)
Amal IsaiahSleep disordered breathing; statistical modeling; brain outcomes; technology development
Naoum P. IssaVisual cortex19911995 A. James Hudspeth (grad student)
Mariko IzumoCircadian clock Neuroscience2009 Joseph S. Takahashi (research scientist)
Vikram Jakkamsetticortical plasticity Kimberly Huber (post-doc)
Khuloud Jaqamanreceptors, tracking, lamins
Thomas JaramilloAutism, Epilepsy, Sleep, Circadian2010 Craig M. Powell (post-doc)
Fernán JaramilloVestibular system, Mechanoelectric transduction, Stochastic resonance A. James Hudspeth (post-doc)
Byeongha Jeong2016 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc)
Jinzhao JiDepartment of Psychiatry
Madeleine A. JohnsonAdult hippocampal neurogenesis20082010 Amelia J. Eisch (post-doc)
Jane E. Johnson
Seth V. Joneslearning, memory, fear, olfaction, autism20072010 Craig M. Powell (grad student)
Anita Kabahizi Internal Medicine2019 Kevin W. Williams (research assistant)
Takeshi Katafuchi20182019 Joseph S. Takahashi (research scientist)
Ege T. KavalaliSynaptic Transmission Lisa M. Monteggia (collaborator)
Ossama Khalaf Physiology20112012 Peter Robin Hiesinger (grad student)
Nitin KhandelwalNeurodevelopment, patch clamp, single cell Neuroscience Neuroscience Neuroscience Neuroscience20182018 Genevieve Konopka (post-doc), Ege T. Kavalali (post-doc), Lisa M. Monteggia (post-doc), Jay R. Gibson (post-doc)
Tae-Kyung KimActivity-regulated genetic program
Euiseok J Kim Neuroscience Jane E. Johnson (grad student)
Ji-Woon Kimpharmacology
Tara M. KistlerNeuroscience, Pharmacology
Takashi KitamuraLearning & Memory
Mark A. Kittisopikulimage analysis, lamins, systems biology, bacillus subtilis, biofilms20072012 Gurol Mehmet Süel (grad student)
Nobuya Koike20092013 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc)
Mehreen KouserAutism, synaptic plasticity20102015 Craig M. Powell (grad student)
Helmut Krämer
Vivek KumarAddiction, Forward Genetics, Mouse Genetics20092014 Joseph S. Takahashi (research scientist)
Victoria Kyrychenko Natalia Shirokova (post-doc)
Laura Lacritz Psychiatry19951997 Munro Cullum (post-doc)
Diane C. Lagace20042008 Amelia J. Eisch (post-doc)
Helen C. Lai Neuroscience Jane E. Johnson (post-doc)
Isara Laothamatas2021 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc)
Erin Beth Larsondrug addiction2006 David W. Self (post-doc)
Sarah E. LatchneyNeurogenesis20122015 Amelia J. Eisch (post-doc)
Robert Lebovitz
Ivan Leecircadian rhythms20092013 Joseph S. Takahashi (grad student)
Chang Hoon Lee2017 Joseph S. Takahashi (research scientist)
Jeremy LeitzSynaptic Vesicle Recycling20082014 Ege T. Kavalali (grad student)
Luis A Leon MercadoNeuroscience, Metabolism Internal Medicine, Division of hypothalamic research2017 Joel Elmquist (grad student)
Alan John LesselyongDrug Abuse, Schizophrenia
Yun LiStem cells, Autism, Organoids20022008 Luis Parada (grad student)
Shuxin LiRegenerative Neuroscience
Yan Li20092020 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc)
I-Mei Liao20182022 Joseph S. Takahashi (grad student)
Linh Lieu Internal Medicine2017 Kevin W. Williams (research assistant)
Weichun Linsynapse development
Ling Lin Medicine20002002 Zhen Yan (research assistant)
Chen LiuCentral Feeding Circuits2010 Joel Elmquist (post-doc)
Shunan Liu Neurology2012 Craig M. Powell (research assistant)
Xiaorong LiuGlaucoma, retinal ganglion cells Neuroscience19972002 Carla B. Green (grad student)
Xuebin Liu Internal Medicine20002002 Zhen Yan (post-doc)
Christian LoBueTraumatic brain injury, neurodegenerative disorders, neuromodulation
Amy Lovett-Racke Jerry Wolinsky (grad student)
Nicola Ludin Neuroscience20142014 Shin Yamazaki (grad student)
Ellen A. LumpkinSensory Physiology, Biophysics/ion Channels, Synapses and Circuits, Cell Specification and Differentiation, Mechanosensory Transduction in Mammalian Touch Receptors A. James Hudspeth (grad student)
Peter Ly
Zhenzhong Zack MaNeural Stem Cells, Adult Neurogenesis, Mental Disorders20152018 Luis Parada (post-doc), Jane E. Johnson (post-doc)
Melissa Mahgoub Lisa M. Monteggia (grad student)
Patrick Malafronte Pathology20112013 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
James S. MalterRNA biology, Alzheimers Disese
Chitra D. Mandyam20012005 Amelia J. Eisch (post-doc)
Qinwen Mao20072009 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Katrina B MarHost pathogen interactions, immunology
William D. MarksHippocampus, neurovirology, HIV, episodic memory, temporal processing
Irene Masiulis BowenAdult hippocampal neurogenesis20102012 Amelia J. Eisch (post-doc)
Derek MathisNeuropathology20102012 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Anton MaximovNeuroscience20022007 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Carrie McAdamsEating Disorders; Neuroimaging; Identity
Shawn M McClintockneuromodulation, clinical neuropsychology, mood disorders Psychiatry Psychiatry Mustafa Husain (post-doc), A. John Rush (post-doc)
Colleen Ann McClungCircadian clock, mood disorders, drug addiction Eric J. Nestler (post-doc)
Aaron M McLaughlin Pediatric Neurology2019 Jeff L Waugh (grad student)
Julian P. Meeksolfaction, vomeronasal system, hippocampus
Neal Melvinneurogenesis20082010 Amelia J. Eisch (post-doc)
Matthew Mendoza Neuroscience2016 Lenora Volk (grad student)
Meizhen Meng
Andrea MeredithIon channels Jane E. Johnson (grad student)
Natalie J. Michaelhypothalamic neurophysiology20172020 Joel Elmquist (post-doc)
Haylie L. MillerDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Matthew W. Mosconi (post-doc)
Rosa E. MinoDrosophila, microtubules, axon, development Cell Biology20162020 Sandra Schmid (post-doc)
Rahulraj MishraNeuronal circuit and behavior
Jennifer A. Mohawk Neuroscience20102015 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc)
Lisa M. Monteggia
Haley Moore Neuroscience2019 Genevieve Konopka (grad student)
shmuel Muallemcalcium signal
Indrajith R NairAnterior Cingulate Cortex,Spatial Navigation, Hippocampus, Place cells, Head Direction Cells, Grid Cells, Reward
Abigail I. NashMolecular biophysics, biochemistry, electrophysiology, pharmacology, structural biology, psychiatry, GABA Biophysics20052009 Kevin H. Gardner (grad student)
Mostafa A. NashaatNeocortical Circuitry, dendrites, Virtual Reality, Augmented reality20092010 Jenny Hsieh (grad student)
Baochan Nguyen James A. Bibb (grad student)
Trung Nguyen Kyle B. Womack (post-doc)
Khang Nguyen
Michele A. Noonandrug addiction, adult neurogenesis20042008 Amelia J. Eisch (grad student)
Christine F. Ochoa Neurology2013 Craig M. Powell (grad student)
Ken Ohi19891992 Joseph S. Takahashi (research scientist)
Shamsideen Ojelade Adrian Rothenfluh (grad student)
Sterling B. OrtegaNeuroimmunology20132018 Ann Stowe (post-doc)
Ana Ortizgenomics; autism; development Neuroscience2017 Genevieve Konopka (grad student)
Miriam E. Osterfield
Puey Ounjai Cell Biology Qiu-Xing Jiang (post-doc)
Angela Renee OzburnNeuroscience, Addiction2009 Colleen Ann McClung (post-doc)
Lucia Pagani20112016 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc)
Heidi Pak2022 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc)
Lauren Palluth2022 Joseph S. Takahashi (grad student)
Harshida PancholiSystems neuroscience, sensation and perception, songbird circuits Neuroscience2019 Todd F. Roberts (grad student)
Zhiping PangNeuroscience, Synaptic transmission20032007 Thomas C. Sudhof (grad student)
Luis ParadaDevelopmental Biology
Jae Mo Park
Noheon Park Neuroscience2013 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc)
Carrie L. Partchmolecular clocks20102011 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc), Kevin H. Gardner (post-doc)
Mario Perello Jeffrey M. Zigman (post-doc)
Raniero L. Peru Adrian Rothenfluh (grad student)
David PetrikAdult neurogenesis, stem cells20082013 Amelia J. Eisch (post-doc)
James Peyer
Brad E. PfeifferHippocampal Function Neuroscience20022008 Kimberly Huber (grad student)
Scott D. PhilibinNeuroscience Behavior Molecular Genetics Addiction
Gary T. PhilipsLearning and Memory, Savings, Aplysia20112012 Joachim Herz (post-doc)
Andrew A. Pieper Biochemistry20052006 Steven L. McKnight (post-doc)
Bryan Portillo Internal Medicine2021 Kevin W. Williams (research assistant)
Craig M. PowellLearning and Memory, Mouse Models of Autism Developmental Biology20032009 Eric J. Nestler (post-doc), Luis Parada (collaborator)
Lilyana Quigley Neuroscience2016 Lenora Volk (grad student)
Ravi Raghavan19982000 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Jack Raisanen
Emil Sjulstok Rasmussen2019 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc)
Ross Reichard20002002 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Jeremy M. ReimersAutism Neurology20122014 Craig M. Powell (post-doc)
William Renthalneuroscience20042008 Eric J. Nestler (grad student)
Timothy Richardson Pathology20162018 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Phillip D RiveraAdult hippocampal neurogenesis, neuroimmunology, behavior, learning and memory, drug addiction20092014 Amelia J. Eisch (grad student)
Todd F. Robertsmotor learning, sensorimotor learning
Scott W. RobertsonBinary cell fate specification during C. elegans embryogenesis
Alfred (AJ) J. RobisonAddiction, synapse, CaMKII, FosB, depression, accumbens, hippocampus20062007 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Juan A. Rodriguez2017 Jeffrey M. Zigman (post-doc)
Elliott M. Ross
Andrea J. RothNeuroscience, Biochemistry19882008 Thomas C. Sudhof (research assistant)
Adrian Rothenfluh Michael W. Young (grad student)
A. John Rush
Bogachan Sahin James A. Bibb (grad student)
Daniel Scottnicotine dependence Department of Psychiatry2013 Carol A. Tamminga (post-doc)
Donald W. SeldinPhysiology and pathophysiology of the kidney
David W. SelfDrug Addiction
Yongli Shan20092020 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc)
Shashank ShekharNeuroscience Neuroscience2020 Helmut Krämer (post-doc)
Paul D. ShepardDopamine, Ion channels, habenula19801986 Dwight Charles German (grad student)
Parkhurst A. ShorePharmacology, monoamines
Kajal Shukla Neurology20052008 Craig M. Powell (research assistant)
Nathan J Skinner2021 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc)
Dean Smith
Jong-Woo Sohn2009 Joel Elmquist (post-doc)
Ivan SolteszHippocampus, synaptic transmission, interneurons, epilepsy19931995 Istvan Mody (post-doc)
Haley E. Speedshort-term plasticity2008 Craig M. Powell (post-doc)
Sade M. SpencerCircdadian rhythms, bipolar disorder20082012 Colleen Ann McClung (grad student)
Thomas C. SudhofSynapse19831986 Joseph L. Goldstein (post-doc), Wade Morishita (collaborator), Ege T. Kavalali (collaborator)
Gurol Mehmet Süelbacillus subtilis, stochasticity, biofilms Rama Ranganathan (grad student)
Lu O. Sun Alex Kolodkin (grad student)
Ayako Suzuki2019 Joseph S. Takahashi (research scientist)
Ruhma Syeda
S K Tahajjul Tahajjul Neuroscience2021 Shin Yamazaki (post-doc)
Joseph S. TakahashiCircadian Clocks, Neuroscience, Genetics
Carol A. Tamminga
Clinton Albert Taylor IVkinase biology, signal transduction, structural biology, biophysics, ERK, WNK, MAPK, cancer Pharmacology20122016 Melanie Cobb (grad student)
Jonathan Terman Alex Kolodkin (grad student)
Melissa I. Torres-AltoroNeuropharmacology, Neuronal Injury, Neuroprotection
Kenneth Trevino Psychiatry Shawn M McClintock (grad student)
Nien-Pei Tsaineurodevelopment2010 Kimberly Huber (post-doc)
Li-Huei Tsaimechanisms of Alzheimer's, neuronal migration and positioning1990 Bradford Webb Ozanne (grad student)
Jonathan W. UhrCancer Immunobiology
Anthony R. Vega Biophysics20142018 Khuloud Jaqaman (grad student)
Tuhin VirmaniMovement Disorders20012005 Ege T. Kavalali (grad student)
Lenora Volk20012007 Kimberly Huber (grad student)
Rachael VollmerAlzheimer's disease, molecular neuroscience Neuroscience2020 Genevieve Konopka (grad student)
Mary B. Vono19992001 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Tou Y. VueNeurobiology Biology Neuroscience Jane E. Johnson (post-doc)
Jamie Walker Pathology20152017 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Angela K. Walker20152016 Amelia J. Eisch (post-doc)
Deanna L. Wallaceaddiction/cognition20032007 Eric J. Nestler (grad student)
Briana Wallace Internal Medicine2019 Kevin W. Williams (research assistant)
Hao-Ran WangNeuroscience/Arrhythmia Internal Medicine20052009 Chou-Long Huang (grad student)
Huaishan WangCancer Immunotherapy
Jinxin Wang Neuroscience2018 Julian P. Meeks (post-doc)
Mengni WangPlace cell
Barry WaterhouseSensory systems, monoamines, serotonin19771980 Donald J. Woodward (post-doc)
Jeff L Waughdystonia, chorea, tic disorders, basal ganglia, striosome, matrix, neuroimaging, diffusion tractography Molecular Psychiatry Molecular Psychiatry20012005 Eric J. Nestler (grad student), Stephen J. Gold (grad student)
Jadon Webb20042008 Stephen C. Cannon (grad student)
Jenny Weon20232025 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Charles L. White, IIIAlzheimer disease, neuropathology
Neda Wick20212023 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Jane Wigginton James W. Simpkins (research scientist)
Kevin W. Williams20062009 Joel Elmquist (post-doc)
Catharine A. Winstanley Eric J. Nestler (post-doc)
Jerry Wolinsky
Wen Mai Wong Neuroscience2016 Julian P. Meeks (grad student)
Fenfen Wumuscle channelopathies20032006 Stephen C. Cannon (post-doc)
Jiang Wu Gerald Crabtree (post-doc)
Mei Xin
Changhong Xing20212023 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Jun XuNeuroscience, synaptic transmission, stem cell20052008 Thomas C. Sudhof (post-doc)
Nan-Jie XuAxon guidance, opiate addiction
Pin XuNeuroscience20122020 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc)
Zhong Xuan Neurology2004 Craig M. Powell (research scientist)
Shin YamazakiCircadian Rhythms
Zhen Yan Phamacology20002002 Alfred G. Gilman (research scientist)
Taehong YangAxon guidance
Shuzhang Yang2008 Joseph S. Takahashi (research scientist)
Ting Yao Internal Medicine20142018 Kevin W. Williams (grad student)
Paul Yell20182020 Charles L. White, III (post-doc)
Tzong-Shiue YuAdult neurogenesis
Haiyang YuNeurodegeneration
Sanghee YunNeurogenesis and mood disorders
Xingjian Zhang Neuroscience2015 Julian P. Meeks (grad student)
Wenhao ZhangComputational neuroscience
Yue Zhang20182019 Joseph S. Takahashi (post-doc)
Hui Zheng
Jeffrey M. ZigmanGut-brain control of eating behavior
Kelsey Zuk Neuroscience2018 Julian P. Meeks (grad student)