People with institution matching "Flinders University":
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Michael C. Andresen (Info) |
NTS, solitary tract nucleus, vagal afferents, autonomic |
mcandresen |
2010‑07‑07 |
William W. Blessing (Info) |
Flinders University, Flinders Medical Centre |
Thermoregulation, medullary raphe |
npederse |
2008‑01‑03 |
Neil Brewer (Info) |
Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia |
eyewitness memory, confidence, autism spectrum, response time |
csadel |
2021‑07‑04 |
Stuart M. Brierley (Info) |
Flinders University |
dadams |
2017‑09‑28 |
Simona Elisa Carbone (Info) |
Flinders University |
Enteric Nervous System |
carbs |
2012‑07‑31 |
Marcello Costa (Info) |
Flinders University |
Enteric Nervous System, Autonomic nervous system |
marcello costa |
2006‑11‑08 |
James Entwisle (Info) |
Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia |
davidmwpowers |
2022‑10‑14 |
Joseph M. Fabian (Info) |
Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia |
davidoc |
2020‑08‑26 |
Norman T. Feather (Info) |
Flinders University, Australia |
oschultheiss |
2010‑10‑26 |
Laurie B. Geffen (Info) |
University of Queensland |
CameronAM |
2012‑08‑08 |
Brendan Hutchinson (Info) |
ANU, Flinders University |
Consciousness, Inattentional blindness, EEG |
r_oshea |
2023‑05‑24 |
Maarten A. Immink (Info) |
Flinders University, University of South Australia |
motor neuroscience, motor learning, skill acquisition, neurocognition |
RussellChan |
2018‑09‑05 |
Steve M. J. Janssen (Info) |
Amsterdam, Duke, Hokkaido University, Flinders University, University of Nottingham Malaysia |
autobiographical memory |
SteveJanssen |
2019‑07‑01 |
Sonia Kleindorfer (Info) |
Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia |
| |
2021‑09‑12 |
Michael Francis Land (Info) |
University of Sussex |
Neurobiology |
neurophile |
2008‑04‑22 |
Richard E Leibbrandt (Info) |
Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia |
davidmwpowers |
2022‑10‑14 |
Trent W Lewis (Info) |
Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia |
davidmwpowers |
2022‑10‑14 |
Yan Li (Info) |
Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia |
davidmwpowers |
2022‑10‑14 |
Vanessa K Lim (Info) |
University of Auckland, 100% Lim Electronics & Appliances, University of Auckland |
r_oshea |
2021‑11‑18 |
Ida Llewellyn-Smith (Info) |
Flinders University |
Baroreflex, sympathetic nervous system, cardiovascular control, neuroanatomy, spinal cord |
mcandresen |
2010‑07‑07 |
Martin H Luerssen (Info) |
Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia |
davidmwpowers |
2022‑10‑14 |
Stuart M. (Info) |
Flinders University, Australia |
dadams |
2017‑08‑25 |
Stuart M. (Info) |
Flinders University, Australia |
dadams |
2017‑09‑28 |
Ian McKee (Info) |
Flinders University, Australia |
david |
2016‑10‑28 |
Mike Nicholls (Info) |
Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia |
vlim |
2021‑11‑19 |
David Charles O'Carroll (Info) |
University of Lund |
Insect vision, neurophysiology |
neurophile |
2008‑04‑22 |
Youichirou Ootsuka (Info) |
Flinders University |
Thermoregulation, Cardiovascular regulation, Autonomic Neuroscience |
yoro1234 |
2009‑11‑09 |
Nigel P. Pedersen (Info) |
Emory |
Sleep Neuroscience, Brainstem anatomy and physiology |
npederse |
2008‑01‑03 |
David M W Powers (Info) |
Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia |
Cognitive Science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Linguistics, Cognitive Psycholinguistics, Machine Learning, Natural Language, Neural Networks, Statistics |
davidmwpowers |
2022‑10‑14 |
I. Martha Skerrett (Info) |
Buffalo State College |
markswd |
2018‑10‑05 |
Robert J Steele (Info) |
Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia |
davidmwpowers |
2022‑10‑14 |
Frank J. Sulloway (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Evolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology, history of science | |
2021‑09‑12 |
Frank J. Sulloway (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Personality development and family dynamics |
david |
2015‑12‑20 |
Naohito Terui (Info) |
University of Tsukuba |
yoro1234 |
2009‑11‑09 |
Stephen D. Tyerman (Info) |
Flinders University of South Australia |
markswd |
2022‑05‑04 |
Mark Zanin (Info) |
Flinders University |
Neuroscience |
LisaPettingill |
2012‑03‑16 |
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