Nathan W. Gouwens - Publications

Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States 

18 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Sorensen SA, Gouwens NW, Wang Y, Mallory M, Budzillo A, Dalley R, Lee B, Gliko O, Kuo HC, Kuang X, Mann R, Ahmadinia L, Alfiler L, Baftizadeh F, Baker K, et al. Connecting single-cell transcriptomes to projectomes in mouse visual cortex. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology. PMID 38168270 DOI: 10.1101/2023.11.25.568393  0.437
2023 Lee BR, Dalley R, Miller JA, Chartrand T, Close J, Mann R, Mukora A, Ng L, Alfiler L, Baker K, Bertagnolli D, Brouner K, Casper T, Csajbok E, Donadio N, ... ... Gouwens NW, et al. Signature morphoelectric properties of diverse GABAergic interneurons in the human neocortex. Science (New York, N.Y.). 382: eadf6484. PMID 37824669 DOI: 10.1126/science.adf6484  0.366
2022 Berg J, Sorensen SA, Ting JT, Miller JA, Chartrand T, Buchin A, Bakken TE, Budzillo A, Dee N, Ding SL, Gouwens NW, Hodge RD, Kalmbach B, Lee C, Lee BR, et al. Author Correction: Human neocortical expansion involves glutamatergic neuron diversification. Nature. PMID 34992294 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-04322-4  0.317
2021 Gala R, Budzillo A, Baftizadeh F, Miller J, Gouwens N, Arkhipov A, Murphy G, Tasic B, Zeng H, Hawrylycz M, Sümbül U. Consistent cross-modal identification of cortical neurons with coupled autoencoders. Nature Computational Science. 1: 120-127. PMID 35356158 DOI: 10.1038/s43588-021-00030-1  0.418
2021 Berg J, Sorensen SA, Ting JT, Miller JA, Chartrand T, Buchin A, Bakken TE, Budzillo A, Dee N, Ding SL, Gouwens NW, Hodge RD, Kalmbach B, Lee C, Lee BR, et al. Human neocortical expansion involves glutamatergic neuron diversification. Nature. 598: 151-158. PMID 34616067 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03813-8  0.373
2021 Lee BR, Budzillo A, Hadley K, Miller JA, Jarsky T, Baker K, Hill D, Kim L, Mann R, Ng L, Oldre A, Rajanbabu R, Trinh J, Vargas S, Braun T, ... ... Gouwens NW, et al. Scaled, high fidelity electrophysiological, morphological, and transcriptomic cell characterization. Elife. 10. PMID 34387544 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.65482  0.657
2020 Gouwens NW, Sorensen SA, Baftizadeh F, Budzillo A, Lee BR, Jarsky T, Alfiler L, Baker K, Barkan E, Berry K, Bertagnolli D, Bickley K, Bomben J, Braun T, Brouner K, et al. Integrated Morphoelectric and Transcriptomic Classification of Cortical GABAergic Cells. Cell. 183: 935-953.e19. PMID 33186530 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.09.057  0.365
2020 Billeh YN, Cai B, Gratiy SL, Dai K, Iyer R, Gouwens NW, Abbasi-Asl R, Jia X, Siegle JH, Olsen SR, Koch C, Mihalas S, Arkhipov A. Systematic Integration of Structural and Functional Data into Multi-scale Models of Mouse Primary Visual Cortex. Neuron. PMID 32142648 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2020.01.040  0.64
2019 Gouwens NW, Sorensen SA, Berg J, Lee C, Jarsky T, Ting J, Sunkin SM, Feng D, Anastassiou CA, Barkan E, Bickley K, Blesie N, Braun T, Brouner K, Budzillo A, et al. Classification of electrophysiological and morphological neuron types in the mouse visual cortex. Nature Neuroscience. PMID 31209381 DOI: 10.1038/S41593-019-0417-0  0.695
2018 Arkhipov A, Gouwens NW, Billeh YN, Gratiy S, Iyer R, Wei Z, Xu Z, Abbasi-Asl R, Berg J, Buice M, Cain N, da Costa N, de Vries S, Denman D, Durand S, et al. Visual physiology of the layer 4 cortical circuit in silico. Plos Computational Biology. 14: e1006535. PMID 30419013 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pcbi.1006535  0.663
2018 Gratiy SL, Billeh YN, Dai K, Mitelut C, Feng D, Gouwens NW, Cain N, Koch C, Anastassiou CA, Arkhipov A. BioNet: A Python interface to NEURON for modeling large-scale networks. Plos One. 13: e0201630. PMID 30071069 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0201630  0.371
2018 Teeter C, Iyer R, Menon V, Gouwens N, Feng D, Berg J, Szafer A, Cain N, Zeng H, Hawrylycz M, Koch C, Mihalas S. Generalized leaky integrate-and-fire models classify multiple neuron types. Nature Communications. 9: 709. PMID 29459723 DOI: 10.1038/S41467-017-02717-4  0.323
2018 Gouwens NW, Berg J, Feng D, Sorensen SA, Zeng H, Hawrylycz MJ, Koch C, Arkhipov A. Systematic generation of biophysically detailed models for diverse cortical neuron types. Nature Communications. 9: 710. PMID 29459718 DOI: 10.1038/S41467-017-02718-3  0.428
2016 Hawrylycz M, Anastassiou C, Arkhipov A, Berg J, Buice M, Cain N, Gouwens NW, Gratiy S, Iyer R, Lee JH, Mihalas S, Mitelut C, Olsen S, Reid RC, Teeter C, et al. Inferring cortical function in the mouse visual system through large-scale systems neuroscience. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113: 7337-44. PMID 27382147 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1512901113  0.645
2010 Gouwens NW, Zeberg H, Tsumoto K, Tateno T, Aihara K, Robinson HP. Synchronization of firing in cortical fast-spiking interneurons at gamma frequencies: a phase-resetting analysis. Plos Computational Biology. 6. PMID 20941393 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pcbi.1000951  0.365
2009 Gouwens NW, Wilson RI. Signal propagation in Drosophila central neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 29: 6239-49. PMID 19439602 DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0764-09.2009  0.655
2007 Bhandawat V, Olsen SR, Gouwens NW, Schlief ML, Wilson RI. Sensory processing in the Drosophila antennal lobe increases reliability and separability of ensemble odor representations. Nature Neuroscience. 10: 1474-82. PMID 17922008 DOI: 10.1038/Nn1976  0.608
2003 Khaliq ZM, Gouwens NW, Raman IM. The contribution of resurgent sodium current to high-frequency firing in Purkinje neurons: an experimental and modeling study. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 23: 4899-912. PMID 12832512 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.23-12-04899.2003  0.611
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