Carlos Gonzalez - Publications

Universidad de Valparaiso 
Ion Channel Biophysics

84 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Fernández M, Alvear-Arias JJ, Carmona EM, Carrillo C, Pena-Pichicoi A, Hernandez-Ochoa EO, Neely A, Alvarez O, Latorre R, Garate JA, Gonzalez C. Trapping Charge Mechanism in Hv1 Channels (Hv1). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 25. PMID 38203601 DOI: 10.3390/ijms25010426  0.819
2023 Peña-Pichicoi A, Fernández M, Navarro-Quezada N, Alvear-Arias JJ, Carrillo CA, Carmona EM, Garate J, Lopez-Rodriguez AM, Neely A, Hernández-Ochoa EO, González C. N-terminal region is responsible for mHv1 channel activity in MDSCs. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 14: 1265130. PMID 37915407 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1265130  0.802
2023 Ozu M, Galizia L, Alvear-Arias JJ, Fernández M, Caviglia A, Zimmermann R, Guastaferri F, Espinoza-Muñoz N, Sutka M, Sigaut L, Pietrasanta LI, González C, Amodeo G, Garate JA. Mechanosensitive aquaporins. Biophysical Reviews. 15: 497-513. PMID 37681084 DOI: 10.1007/s12551-023-01098-x  0.61
2023 Alvear-Arias JJ, Pena-Pichicoi A, Carrillo C, Fernandez M, Gonzalez T, Garate JA, Gonzalez C. Role of voltage-gated proton channel (Hv1) in cancer biology. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 14: 1175702. PMID 37153807 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1175702  0.843
2022 Ozu M, Alvear-Arias JJ, Fernandez M, Caviglia A, Peña-Pichicoi A, Carrillo C, Carmona E, Otero-Gonzalez A, Garate JA, Amodeo G, Gonzalez C. Aquaporin Gating: A New Twist to Unravel Permeation through Water Channels. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23. PMID 36293170 DOI: 10.3390/ijms232012317  0.801
2022 Alvear-Arias JJ, Carrillo C, Villar JP, Garcia-Betancourt R, Peña-Pichicoi A, Fernandez A, Fernandez M, Carmona EM, Pupo A, Neely A, Alvarez O, Garate J, Barajas-Martinez H, Larsson HP, Lopez-Rodriguez A, ... ... Gonzalez C, et al. Expression of H1 proton channels in myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) and its potential role in T cell regulation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2104453119. PMID 35377790 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2104453119  0.766
2021 Contreras GF, Saavedra J, Navarro-Quezada N, Mellado G, Gonzalez C, Neely A. Direct inhibition of Ca2.3 by Gem is dynamin dependent and does not require a direct alfa/beta interaction. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 586: 107-113. PMID 34837834 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.11.052  0.783
2021 Carmona EM, Fernandez M, Alvear-Arias JJ, Neely A, Larsson HP, Alvarez O, Garate JA, Latorre R, Gonzalez C. The voltage sensor is responsible for ΔpH dependence in H1 channels. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118. PMID 33941706 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2025556118  0.836
2021 Martín P, Moncada M, Castillo K, Orsi F, Ducca G, Fernández-Fernández JM, González C, Milesi V. Arachidonic acid effect on the allosteric gating mechanism of BK (Slo1) channels associated with the β1 subunit. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. Biomembranes. 183550. PMID 33417967 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2021.183550  0.561
2019 Granados ST, Castillo K, Bravo-Moraga F, Sepúlveda RV, Carrasquel-Ursulaez W, Rojas M, Carmona E, Lorenzo-Ceballos Y, González-Nilo F, González C, Latorre R, Torres YP. The molecular nature of the 17β-Estradiol binding site in the voltage- and Ca-activated K (BK) channel β1 subunit. Scientific Reports. 9: 9965. PMID 31292456 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-019-45942-1  0.825
2019 Alvarez O, Castillo K, Carmona E, Gonzalez C, Latorre R. Methods for Investigating TRP Channel Gating. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1987: 167-185. PMID 31028680 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9446-5_11  0.85
2019 Carmona EM, Alvarez O, Neely A, Latorre R, Gonzalez C. pH Dependence of a Monomeric Non-Conducting Voltage-Gated Proton Channel (HV1) Biophysical Journal. 116. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2018.11.1636  0.846
2018 Carmona EM, Larsson HP, Neely A, Alvarez O, Latorre R, Gonzalez C. Gating charge displacement in a monomeric voltage-gated proton (H1) channel. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. PMID 30127012 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1809705115  0.85
2018 García IE, Villanelo F, Contreras GF, Pupo A, Pinto BI, Contreras JE, Pérez-Acle T, Alvarez O, Latorre R, Martínez AD, González C. The syndromic deafness mutation G12R impairs fast and slow gating in Cx26 hemichannels. The Journal of General Physiology. PMID 29643172 DOI: 10.1085/Jgp.201711782  0.809
2018 Contreras GF, Navarro N, Mellado G, De Giorgis D, Gonzalez C, Neely A. Direct Inhibition of CaV2.3 by Gem Does Not Requiere a Direct Alpha1E/Beta Interaction Biophysical Journal. 114: 640a. DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2017.11.3453  0.639
2018 Carmona EM, Baez-Nieto D, Pupo A, Castillo K, Alvarez O, Neely A, Latorre R, Gonzalez C. Properties of the Voltage-Gated Proton Channel Gating Currents Biophysical Journal. 114. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2017.11.2986  0.858
2017 Pinto BI, Pupo A, García IE, Mena-Ulecia K, Martínez AD, Latorre R, Gonzalez C. Calcium binding and voltage gating in Cx46 hemichannels. Scientific Reports. 7: 15851. PMID 29158540 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-017-15975-5  0.682
2017 Latorre R, Castillo K, Carrasquel-Ursulaez W, Sepulveda RV, Gonzalez-Nilo F, Gonzalez C, Alvarez O. Molecular Determinants of BK Channel Functional Diversity and Functioning. Physiological Reviews. 97: 39-87. PMID 27807200 DOI: 10.1152/Physrev.00001.2016  0.793
2017 Lorenzo Y, Castillo K, Contreras G, Carrasquel-Ursulaez W, Gonzalez C, Latorre R. Voltage and Ca2+ Sensor Coupling Modulation by β Subunits in the BK Channel Biophysical Journal. 112. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2016.11.629  0.847
2017 Contreras GF, Savalli N, Pantazis A, Gonzalez C, Olcese R, Neely A. The Calcium Channel A2D Subunit Increases the Gating Charges of Ca v 1.2 Channels Biophysical Journal. 112: 108a. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2016.11.614  0.843
2017 Pinto BI, Pupo A, Garcia I, Mena-Ulecia K, Martinez A, Latorre R, Gonzalez C. Voltage Dependent Inhibition of Cx46 Hemichannels by Calcium Biophysical Journal. 112. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2016.11.1392  0.726
2016 Qiu F, Chamberlin A, Watkins BM, Ionescu A, Perez ME, Barro-Soria R, González C, Noskov SY, Larsson HP. Molecular mechanism of Zn2+ inhibition of a voltage-gated proton channel. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. PMID 27647906 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1604082113  0.642
2016 Diaz-Franulic I, Poblete H, Miño-Galaz G, González C, Latorre R. Allosterism and Structure in Thermally Activated Transient Receptor Potential Channels. Annual Review of Biophysics. PMID 27297398 DOI: 10.1146/Annurev-Biophys-062215-011034  0.773
2016 Fernandez A, Pupo A, Mena-Ulecia K, Gonzalez C. Pharmacological modulation of proton channel Hv1 in cancer therapy: Future perspectives. Molecular Pharmacology. PMID 27260771 DOI: 10.1124/mol.116.103804  0.313
2016 García IE, Prado P, Pupo A, Jara O, Rojas-Gómez D, Mujica P, Flores-Muñoz C, González-Casanova J, Soto-Riveros C, Pinto BI, Retamal MA, González C, Martínez AD. Connexinopathies: a structural and functional glimpse. Bmc Cell Biology. 17: 17. PMID 27228968 DOI: 10.1186/S12860-016-0092-X  0.433
2016 Pinto BI, García IE, Pupo A, Retamal MA, Martínez AD, Latorre R, González C. Charged residues at the first transmembrane region contribute to the voltage dependence of connexins slow gate. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. PMID 27143357 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M115.709402  0.748
2016 Retamal MA, García IE, Pinto BI, Pupo A, Báez D, Stehberg J, Del Rio R, González C. Extracellular Cysteine in Connexins: Role as Redox Sensors. Frontiers in Physiology. 7: 1. PMID 26858649 DOI: 10.3389/Fphys.2016.00001  0.424
2016 Klionsky DJ, Abdelmohsen K, Abe A, Abedin MJ, Abeliovich H, Acevedo Arozena A, Adachi H, Adams CM, Adams PD, Adeli K, Adhihetty PJ, Adler SG, Agam G, Agarwal R, Aghi MK, ... ... Gonzalez CB, et al. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Autophagy. 12: 1-222. PMID 26799652 DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356  0.488
2016 García IE, Bosen F, Mujica P, Pupo A, Flores-Muñoz C, Jara O, González C, Willecke K, Martínez AD. From Hyperactive Connexin26 Hemichannels to Impairments in Epidermal Calcium Gradient and Permeability Barrier in the Keratitis-Ichthyosis-Deafness Syndrome. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology. PMID 26777423 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jid.2015.11.017  0.319
2016 De Giorgis D, Contreras G, Savalli N, Navarro-Quezada N, Gonzalez C, Olcese R, Neely A. Regulation of Voltage Sensing Structures of CaV1.2 Calcium Channels by the Auxiliary β-Subunit (β3) Biophysical Journal. 110: 444a. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2015.11.2390  0.837
2016 García IE, Contreras G, Pupo A, Pinto B, Latorre R, Contreras JE, Martínez AD, González C. Molecular Determinants Underlying the Pathogenic Mechanism of Kid Syndrome Elicited by Cx26G12R Mutation Biophysical Journal. 110. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2015.11.1900  0.84
2015 Morera FJ, Saravia J, Pontigo JP, Vargas-Chacoff L, Contreras GF, Pupo A, Lorenzo Y, Castillo K, Tilegenova C, Cuello LG, Gonzalez C. Voltage-dependent BK and Hv1 channels expressed in non-excitable tissues: New therapeutics opportunities as targets in human diseases. Pharmacological Research. PMID 26305431 DOI: 10.1016/J.Phrs.2015.08.011  0.866
2015 Castillo K, Pupo A, Baez-Nieto D, Contreras GF, Morera FJ, Neely A, Latorre R, Gonzalez C. Voltage-gated proton (Hv1) channels, a singular voltage sensing domain. Febs Letters. PMID 26296320 DOI: 10.1016/J.Febslet.2015.08.003  0.882
2015 Retamal MA, Reyes EP, García IE, Pinto B, Martínez AD, González C. Diseases associated with leaky hemichannels. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 9: 267. PMID 26283912 DOI: 10.3389/Fncel.2015.00267  0.362
2015 Retamal MA, León-Paravic CG, Ezquer M, Ezquer F, Rio RD, Pupo A, Martínez AD, González C. Carbon monoxide: A new player in the redox regulation of connexin hemichannels. Iubmb Life. 67: 428-37. PMID 26031630 DOI: 10.1002/Iub.1388  0.406
2015 Castillo K, Contreras GF, Pupo A, Torres YP, Neely A, González C, Latorre R. Molecular mechanism underlying β1 regulation in voltage- and calcium-activated potassium (BK) channels. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: 4809-14. PMID 25825713 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1504378112  0.845
2015 García IE, Maripillán J, Jara O, Ceriani R, Palacios-Muñoz A, Ramachandran J, Olivero P, Perez-Acle T, González C, Sáez JC, Contreras JE, Martínez AD. Keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome-associated Cx26 mutants produce nonfunctional gap junctions but hyperactive hemichannels when co-expressed with wild type Cx43. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 135: 1338-47. PMID 25625422 DOI: 10.1038/Jid.2015.20  0.307
2015 Carrasquel-Ursulaez W, Contreras GF, Sepúlveda RV, Aguayo D, González-Nilo F, González C, Latorre R. Hydrophobic interaction between contiguous residues in the S6 transmembrane segment acts as a stimuli integration node in the BK channel. The Journal of General Physiology. 145: 61-74. PMID 25548136 DOI: 10.1085/Jgp.201411194  0.855
2015 Poblete H, Oyarzún I, Olivero P, Comer J, Zuñiga M, Sepulveda R, Báez-Nieto D, González C, Gonzalez-Nilo F, Latorre R. The Molecular Determinants of PI(4,5)P2 Binding to TRPV1 Channels Biophysical Journal. 108. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2014.11.698  0.674
2015 Pinto BI, Baez-Nieto D, Pupo A, Martinez A, Latorre R, Gonzalez C. Residues Involved in Cx26 Hemichannels Voltage Dependent Gating Biophysical Journal. 108. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2014.11.2415  0.788
2015 Pupo A, Baez-Nieto D, Otarola E, Yañez O, Vergara-Jaque A, Gonzalez W, Castillo K, Contreras G, Larsson HP, Latorre R, Gonzalez C. Proton Permeation in Ci-Hv1 Voltage-Gated Proton Channels occurs through a Proton Wire Involving Residues D160 and D222 and It is Modulated by N264 Biophysical Journal. 108. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2014.11.2398  0.83
2015 Raddatz N, Castillo JP, Gonzalez C, Alvarez O, Latorre R. Temperature and Voltage Coupling to TRPM8 Channel Opening Biophysical Journal. 108. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2014.11.233  0.796
2015 Ferreira G, Raddatz N, Lorenzo Y, González C, Latorre R. Biophysical and molecular features of thermosensitive TRP channels involved in sensory transduction Trp Channels in Sensory Transduction. 1-39. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-18705-1_1  0.7
2014 Baez D, Raddatz N, Ferreira G, Gonzalez C, Latorre R. Gating of thermally activated channels. Current Topics in Membranes. 74: 51-87. PMID 25366233 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-800181-3.00003-8  0.783
2014 Raddatz N, Castillo JP, Gonzalez C, Alvarez O, Latorre R. Temperature and voltage coupling to channel opening in transient receptor potential melastatin 8 (TRPM8). The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 289: 35438-54. PMID 25352597 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M114.612713  0.796
2014 Pupo A, Baez-Nieto D, Martínez A, Latorre R, González C. Proton channel models filling the gap between experimental data and the structural rationale. Channels (Austin, Tex.). 8: 180-92. PMID 24755912 DOI: 10.4161/Chan.28665  0.756
2014 Martín P, Moncada M, Enrique N, Asuaje A, Valdez Capuccino JM, Gonzalez C, Milesi V. Arachidonic acid activation of BKCa (Slo1) channels associated to the β1-subunit in human vascular smooth muscle cells. PflüGers Archiv : European Journal of Physiology. 466: 1779-92. PMID 24375290 DOI: 10.1007/S00424-013-1422-X  0.612
2014 Otarola E, Baez-Nieto DE, Contreras G, Yañez O, Castillo K, Larsson P, Latorre R, Gonzalez C. The Permeation Pathway Mechanism in Ciona Intestinalis Hv Channel Biophysical Journal. 106. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2013.11.3102  0.876
2014 Carrasquel-Ursulaez W, Contreras GF, Sepúlveda R, Aguayo D, Gonzalez-Nilo FD, González C, Latorre R. Substitutions at F380 in S6 by Small Hydrophobic Amino Acids Makes the Opening Transition in BK Channels Rate Limiting Biophysical Journal. 106. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2013.11.2460  0.871
2014 Baez-Nieto D, Otarola E, Contreras G, Larsson P, Latorre R, Gonzalez C. Gating Currents of Monomeric Hv Channel Reveals a Permeation Pathway Coupled to the Voltage Activation Biophysical Journal. 106: 2-3. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2013.11.1364  0.883
2013 Contreras GF, Castillo K, Enrique N, Carrasquel-Ursulaez W, Castillo JP, Milesi V, Neely A, Alvarez O, Ferreira G, González C, Latorre R. A BK (Slo1) channel journey from molecule to physiology. Channels (Austin, Tex.). 7: 442-58. PMID 24025517 DOI: 10.4161/Chan.26242  0.877
2013 Trigo C, Vivar JP, Gonzalez CB, Brauchi S. A cell-free assay to determine the stoichiometry of plasma membrane proteins. Biotechniques. 54: 191-6. PMID 23581465 DOI: 10.2144/000113977  0.605
2013 Gonzalez C, Rebolledo S, Perez ME, Larsson HP. Molecular mechanism of voltage sensing in voltage-gated proton channels. The Journal of General Physiology. 141: 275-85. PMID 23401575 DOI: 10.1085/Jgp.201210857  0.697
2013 Qiu F, Rebolledo S, Gonzalez C, Larsson HP. Subunit interactions during cooperative opening of voltage-gated proton channels. Neuron. 77: 288-98. PMID 23352165 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2012.12.021  0.731
2013 García IE, Retamal MA, Jara O, González C, Martínez AD. Is the Gain of Hemichannel Activity a Common Feature Shared by Cx26 Syndromic Deafness Mutants? Biophysical Journal. 104: 492a-493a. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2012.11.2715  0.361
2013 Neely A, Contreras GF, Alvarez O, Gonzalez CL, Ramon L. Global Fit to Model Modulation of Voltage and Calcium Activated K-Channels by Auxiliary ß Subunits Biophysical Journal. 104: 471a-472a. DOI: 10.1016/J.BPJ.2012.11.2605  0.776
2013 Baez-Nieto D, Alvarez O, Brauchi S, Gonzalez C, Latorre R. Voltage-Dependence in Thermo-Voltage Sensitive Channel TRPV1. A Delocalized Voltage Sensor? Biophysical Journal. 104: 456a. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2012.11.2525  0.872
2013 Qiu F, Rebolledo S, Gonzalez C, Larsson HP. Cooperative Opening of Voltage Gated Proton Channels Involves Inter-Subunit Interactions Biophysical Journal. 104. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2012.11.1172  0.711
2013 Latorre R, González C, Rojas P. Signal transduction-dependent channels Neuroscience in the 21st Century: From Basic to Clinical. 81-107. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-1997-6_5  0.703
2012 Gonzalez C, Contreras GF, Peyser A, Larsson P, Neely A, Latorre R. Voltage sensor of ion channels and enzymes. Biophysical Reviews. 4: 1-15. PMID 28509999 DOI: 10.1007/S12551-011-0061-8  0.883
2012 González C, Baez-Nieto D, Valencia I, Oyarzún I, Rojas P, Naranjo D, Latorre R. K(+) channels: function-structural overview. Comprehensive Physiology. 2: 2087-149. PMID 23723034 DOI: 10.1002/Cphy.C110047  0.759
2012 Contreras GF, Neely A, Alvarez O, Gonzalez C, Latorre R. Modulation of BK channel voltage gating by different auxiliary β subunits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109: 18991-6. PMID 23112204 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1216953109  0.883
2012 Morera FJ, Alioua A, Kundu P, Salazar M, Gonzalez C, Martinez AD, Stefani E, Toro L, Latorre R. The first transmembrane domain (TM1) of β2-subunit binds to the transmembrane domain S1 of α-subunit in BK potassium channels. Febs Letters. 586: 2287-93. PMID 22710124 DOI: 10.1016/J.Febslet.2012.05.066  0.736
2012 Contreras GF, Neely A, Alvarez O, Gonzalez C, Latorre R. Differential Effects of Beta Subunits on the Voltage Sensor of Ca2+ and Voltage-Activated K+ Channels Biophysical Journal. 102. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2011.11.3748  0.852
2012 Raddatz N, Baez-Nieto D, Rosenmann E, Neely A, Gonzalez C, Alvarez O, Latorre R. The C Terminus is Responsible of the Thermo Sensitivity in TRPM8 Channels Biophysical Journal. 102. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2011.11.1888  0.782
2012 Gonzalez C, Contreras GF, Peyser A, Larsson P, Neely A, Latorre R. Voltage sensor of ion channels and enzymes Biophysical Reviews. 4: 1-15. DOI: 10.1007/s12551-011-0061-8  0.839
2011 Gonzalez C, Lopez-Rodriguez A, Srikumar D, Rosenthal JJ, Holmgren M. Editing of human K(V)1.1 channel mRNAs disrupts binding of the N-terminus tip at the intracellular cavity. Nature Communications. 2: 436. PMID 21847110 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms1446  0.68
2011 Manzanares D, Gonzalez C, Ivonnet P, Chen RS, Valencia-Gattas M, Conner GE, Larsson HP, Salathe M. Functional apical large conductance, Ca2+-activated, and voltage-dependent K+ channels are required for maintenance of airway surface liquid volume. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286: 19830-9. PMID 21454692 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M110.185074  0.652
2011 Osteen JD, Gonzalez C, Sampson KJ, Iyer V, Rebolledo S, Larsson HP, Kass RS. A novel Beta Subunit Mechanism in a Critical Heart K Channel: KCNE1 Alters the Voltage Sensor Movements Necessary to Open the KCNQ1 Channel Gate Biophysical Journal. 100: 29a-30a. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2010.12.365  0.648
2011 Gonzalez C, Rebolledo S, Wang X, Perez M, Larsson H. Contribution of S4 Charges to Gating Mechanism in Hv Channels Biophysical Journal. 100: 173a. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2010.12.1168  0.626
2010 Osteen JD, Gonzalez C, Sampson KJ, Iyer V, Rebolledo S, Larsson HP, Kass RS. KCNE1 alters the voltage sensor movements necessary to open the KCNQ1 channel gate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107: 22710-5. PMID 21149716 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1016300108  0.727
2010 Gonzalez C, Larsson HP. Permeation mechanism in voltage-activated proton channels: a new glimpse. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107: 1817-8. PMID 20133831 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0913919107  0.691
2010 Gonzalez C, Koch HP, Drum BM, Larsson HP. Strong cooperativity between subunits in voltage-gated proton channels. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 17: 51-6. PMID 20023639 DOI: 10.1038/Nsmb.1739  0.724
2010 Gonzalez C, Koch HP, Drum BM, Larsson HP. Strong Negative Cooperativity Between Subunits in Voltage-Gated Proton Channels Biophysical Journal. 98: 314a. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2009.12.1703  0.658
2007 Morera FJ, Vargas G, González C, Rosenmann E, Latorre R. Ion-channel reconstitution. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 400: 571-85. PMID 17951760 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-59745-519-0_38  0.742
2006 DePuy SD, Yao J, Hu C, McIntire W, Bidaud I, Lory P, Rastinejad F, Gonzalez C, Garrison JC, Barrett PQ. The molecular basis for T-type Ca2+ channel inhibition by G protein beta2gamma2 subunits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103: 14590-5. PMID 16973746 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0603945103  0.603
2005 Gonzalez C, Morera FJ, Rosenmann E, Alvarez O, Latorre R. S3b amino acid residues do not shuttle across the bilayer in voltage-dependent Shaker K+ channels. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102: 5020-5. PMID 15774578 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0501051102  0.794
2003 Latorre R, Olcese R, Basso C, Gonzalez C, Munoz F, Cosmelli D, Alvarez O. Molecular coupling between voltage sensor and pore opening in the Arabidopsis inward rectifier K+ channel KAT1. The Journal of General Physiology. 122: 459-69. PMID 14517271 DOI: 10.1085/Jgp.200308818  0.818
2003 Latorre R, Muñoz F, González C, Cosmelli D. Structure and function of potassium channels in plants: some inferences about the molecular origin of inward rectification in KAT1 channels (Review). Molecular Membrane Biology. 20: 19-25. PMID 12745922 DOI: 10.1080/0968768021000057371  0.788
2003 Hebeisen S, Heidtmann H, Cosmelli D, Gonzalez C, Poser B, Latorre R, Alvarez O, Fahlke C. Anion permeation in human ClC-4 channels. Biophysical Journal. 84: 2306-18. PMID 12668439 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3495(03)75036-X  0.773
2002 Alvarez O, Gonzalez C, Latorre R. Counting channels: a tutorial guide on ion channel fluctuation analysis. Advances in Physiology Education. 26: 327-41. PMID 12444005 DOI: 10.1152/Advan.00006.2002  0.773
2002 Soto MA, González C, Lissi E, Vergara C, Latorre R. Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel inhibition by reactive oxygen species. American Journal of Physiology. Cell Physiology. 282: C461-71. PMID 11832330 DOI: 10.1152/Ajpcell.00167.2001  0.705
2001 Gonzalez C, Rosenman E, Bezanilla F, Alvarez O, Latorre R. Periodic perturbations in Shaker K+ channel gating kinetics by deletions in the S3-S4 linker. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98: 9617-23. PMID 11493701 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.171306298  0.806
2000 Gonzalez C, Rosenman E, Bezanilla F, Alvarez O, Latorre R. Modulation of the Shaker K(+) channel gating kinetics by the S3-S4 linker. The Journal of General Physiology. 115: 193-208. PMID 10653896 DOI: 10.1085/Jgp.115.2.193  0.799
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