Medical University of South Carolina

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
DeAnna L. Adkinsbrain plasticity and recovery of function
Stephanie Aghamoosa Neurology20202022 Andreana Benitez (post-doc)
Rose Marie AkikiMolecular mechanisms of reward learning Neuroscience Neuroscience20202025 Christopher W. Cowan (grad student), Makoto Taniguchi (grad student)
Tanjina Akter2018 Bärbel Rohrer (post-doc)
Ali M AlawiehNeuroimmunology, neurodegeneration, cerebrovascular disease, traumatic brain injury Neurosciences Neurosciences20132018 Stephen Tomlinson (grad student), DeAnna L. Adkins (grad student)
Onder Albayram Adviye Ergul (collaborator), Besim Ogretmen (collaborator), Stephen Tomlinson (collaborator)
Nathan L. AldersonBiochemistry, Neuroscience Biology2007 Hiroko Hama (grad student)
Davide AmatoPsychiatry
Doug Anders
Rachel I. Anderson
Ethan Andersonaddiction research Neuroscience2017 Christopher W. Cowan (post-doc)
Glenn D. Andrews2008 Antonieta Lavin (grad student)
Diego AriasMotor learning, neuromodulation, memory
Juan Jose Arnaiz-Cotelectrophysiology or excitable cells2010 Martin Morad (grad student)
David D. Arrington2008 Rick G. Schnellmann (grad student)
Gary Aston-Jonesneuropharmacology James Olds (grad student), Simon Alford (post-doc)
Carl Atkinson
Bashar W Badran Psychiatry Mark S. George (grad student)
David A. Baker20002003 Peter W. Kalivas (post-doc)
Tiffany G. Bakerauditory system degeneration2013 Lisa L. Cunningham (grad student)
J. Douglas Balentine
Naren L. BanikImmunology, Neuroscience Biology, Pharmacology
Narendra BanikImmunology, Neuroscience Biology
Kelly Marie BannaBehavioral economics, substance abuse, relapse20072008 Ronald E. See (post-doc)
Andrea Baricognition, executive functions, psychopharmacology Gary Aston-Jones (post-doc)
Naren BarikNeuroscience Biology, Immunology, Ophthalmology
Ralph J. Barkerheart connexins2003 Robert G. Gourdie (grad student)
Howard C. Becker Carrie Randall (post-doc)
Darius D Becker-KrailCircadian Rhythms, Reward, Astrocytes, Redox State Neuroscience20122014 Antonieta Lavin (research assistant)
Jacob Beckley Neuroscience2013 John Woodward (grad student)
Guinevere H. BellPharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology2011 Kennerly Patrick (grad student)
Spencer Bell Neuroscience2015 Colleen A. Hanlon (grad student)
Andreana Benitez Radiology Radiology20112013 Jens H. Jensen (post-doc), Joseph A. Helpern (post-doc)
Brandon S. Bentzleydecision, reward2014 Gary Aston-Jones (grad student)
William J. Berglind2008 Jacqueline F. McGinty (grad student)
Andree-Anne Berthiaume Neuroscience2016 Andy Y. Shih (grad student)
Stefano BertoNeurogenomics
Krishna L. BharaniHuman Aging Pathology20172021 Ann-Charlotte Granholm (grad student), Steven L. Carroll (grad student)
Mehmet Bilgen
Heather A. Bogerdopamine, GDNF, Parkinson's disease2006 Ann-Charlotte Granholm (grad student)
William O. BogganPsychopharmacology
Leonardo Bonilha
Robert R. Bowersadipose tissue, obesity2004 Timothy J. Bartness (grad student)
Jamie BoydTwo-photon microscopy Prakash Kara (post-doc)
Kathleen Brady
Kevin M Braunscheidelnicotine addiction, brain-body interactions Neuroscience2015 John Woodward (grad student)
Joshua C BrownBrain stimulation mechanisms Psychiatry2017 Mark George (post-doc)
Truman R. BrownMagnetic resonance applications
Deanne Marie Buffalariamygdala, stress, electrophysiology2007 Ronald E. See (post-doc)
Catalin V. Buhusi
Chase Burton Neuroscience Andy Y. Shih (grad student)
Melanie Canterberry Psychiatry20122015 Colleen A. Hanlon (grad student)
David B. Carrserotonin, orbital cortex
Jordan S CarterSex differences, Estradiol, Amygdala, BLA, Heroin, SUD, OUD, Addiction Neurosciences2020 Carmela M. Reichel (grad student)
Samuel W Centanniaddiction neuroscience20102015 L. Judson Chandler (grad student)
Jeong-Ho Chae Psychaitry Mark George (research scientist)
L. Judson Chandler
Ying Chao20162022 Thomas C. Jhou (grad student)
Charalambos C CharalambousMotor Neuroscience, Motor Recovery, Walking, NIBS, Neuromechanics Health Sciences and Research Health Sciences and Research2015 Mark G. Bowden (grad student), Jesse C. Dean (grad student)
Pratik Yashvant Chhatbarneuromodulation in stroke rehabilitation; In vivo two-photon imaging of visual cortex; sensorimotor neuroprosthetics using microelectrode arrays in non-human primates Neurosciences Neurology20142017 Prakash Kara (post-doc), Wuwei Feng (post-doc)
Jennifer Y ChoNeurodevelopment2019 Christopher W. Cowan (grad student)
Lars Cleemannelectrophysiology or excitable cells1970 Martin Morad (grad student)
Zackary A. Cope Neuroscience2014 Gary Aston-Jones (grad student)
Brittney M. CoxBehavioral Neuroscience, Addiction Neuroscience Neuroscience20102015 Gary Aston-Jones (grad student), Ronald E. See (grad student)
Stewart Cox Neurosciences20162020 Carmela M. Reichel (grad student)
O. Paul Culver Neurosciences2020 Thomas C. Jhou (grad student)
Lisa L. Cunninghamauditory system degeneration19992003 Edwin W. Rubel (post-doc)
Angelo Oscar Da Rosahypoxia antidepressants nociception electrophysiology20092013 Martin Morad (post-doc)
Jared Presley Dempseyaddiction, neuroscience, recovery, startle, fnir, functional near infrared spectroscopy Center for drug and alcohol problems20062008 Carrie Randall (post-doc)
Carolina R den Hartogalcohol addiction, locus coeruleus, NMDARs Neuroscience20092015 John Woodward (grad student)
Torry S. Dennis Addiction
Elizabeth M. DoncheckMotivated Behavior, Sex Differences, Hormones, Endocannabinoids, Learning & Memory Neuroscience2019 James M. Otis (post-doc)
Logan Dowdle Neuroscience2019 Colleen A. Hanlon (grad student)
Aviroop Dutt-MazumderPostural Control Health Professions20162017 Richard L. Segal (post-doc)
Andre C. Eaddy2013 Rick G. Schnellmann (grad student)
Mark A. EckertSpeech, Language, Aging, Neurogenetic disorders, Neuroimaging
Maya Eid20152020 Thomas C. Jhou (grad student)
Jon D. ElhaiClinical Psychology B. Christopher Frueh (grad student)
Jay C. ElliottPsychoneuroimmunology Neuroscience20052006 Ronald E. See (post-doc)
Eric T Everettcraniofacial genetics, animal models, bone homeostasis, fluoride Medicine E Carwille LeRoy (grad student)
Rebecca V FallonAddiction, Behavior, Neurocircuits20082011 Gary Aston-Jones (research assistant)
Matthew W. FeltensteinPhysiological Psychology, Pharmacology Neuroscience20042012 Ronald E. See (post-doc)
Wuwei Feng
Janet FisherGABAA biophysics
Ashley M. Fortressaging2011 Ann-Charlotte Granholm (grad student)
Shimon P. Francisauditory system degeneration2011 Lisa L. Cunningham (grad student)
Linnea R. Freemandiets, aging2011 Ann-Charlotte Granholm (grad student)
B. Christopher Frueh
Rita A. FuchsAddiction Ronald E. See (post-doc)
Jason A. Funk2012 Rick G. Schnellmann (grad student)
Amanda GabrieleNeurobiology of Learning and Memory Neuroscience20082011 Ronald E. See (post-doc)
Anny Ganoalcohol, stress, neuroimmunology
Sara M. Garrett2014 Rick G. Schnellmann (grad student)
Mark George Robert Post (post-doc)
Mark S. Georgebrain imaging, brain stimulation
Margaret J. Gill Ronald E. See (post-doc)
William B. Glen2010 Antonieta Lavin (grad student)
Bok Soon GoCocaine addiction Neuroscience20082015 Jacqueline F. McGinty (grad student)
Heinrich S. GompfSleep, circadian Gary Aston-Jones (post-doc)
Robert G. Gourdieheart connexins
L GranholmNeuroscience Biology
Ann-Charlotte Granholm-BentleyPharmacology, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
Roger I. Grant Neuroscience Neuroscience20182018 Andy Y. Shih (research assistant), James M. Otis (grad student)
Mary L. GregoryDrug addiction2006 Peter W. Kalivas (grad student)
William C. Griffinneurobiology of drug abuse Lawrence D. Middaugh (post-doc), Howard C. Becker (post-doc)
Mary K. GuytonImmunology2009 Naren L. Banik (grad student)
Stephen Haines
Mark A. Hallman2009 Rick G. Schnellmann (grad student)
Hiroko HamaBiochemistry, Neuroscience Biology
Colleen A. Hanlonneuroimaging, motor control, addiction Mark S. George (grad student)
David A. Hartmann Neuroscience Andy Y. Shih (grad student)
Denise L. HeaneyPathology, Audiology2002 Bradley A. Schulte (grad student)
Matt C. HearingDrug addiction, Girk channels, PFC-VTA20042010 Jacqueline F. McGinty (grad student)
Tal Herbsman2005 Ziad Nahas (post-doc)
James J. HickmanNeuroscience Biology
Madeleine Hohmeister Neurosciences2022 Thomas C. Jhou (grad student)
Jordan L HopkinsAddiction, Behavior, Neurocirciutry
Zachary Hough Neurosciences2022 Thomas C. Jhou (post-doc)
Brandon W Hughes Neurosciences20162022 Christopher W. Cowan (grad student)
Chris Hunteraging, alzheimer's disease20002004 Ann-Charlotte Granholm (grad student)
Masaaki IshiiVisual neuroscience, Synaptic Transmisson, mitochondria Ophthalmology2014 Bärbel Rohrer (post-doc)
Thomas C. JhouRMTg, motivated behavior, dopamine
Peter W. KalivasDrug addiction
Peter KalnasNeuroscience Biology
Prakash KaraTwo-photon calcium imaging, binocular disparity, postnatal development, critical periods
Eda Karakaya Onder Albayram (grad student)
Jolanda G. Karten
Joshua N. KellnerPathology, Cell Biology2012 Bradley A. Schulte (grad student)
Noam I. KerenCognitive Neuroscience, Neuromodulation, Neuroimaging, 2007 Mark A. Eckert (research scientist), Gary Aston-Jones (grad student)
Gilbert R. Kinsey2007 Rick G. Schnellmann (grad student)
Tod KippinNeurobiology of behavior, stem cells Neuroscience20042005 Ronald E. See (post-doc)
Lori A. Knackstedt Peter W. Kalivas (post-doc)
Saurabh S KokaneAddiction research, Neuroscience, sex differences, electrophysiology, PFC, NAc, cocaine, heroin Neuroscience Neuroscience2021 Jacqueline F. McGinty (post-doc), James M. Otis (collaborator)
Yiannis Koutalos King-Wai Yau (post-doc)
Sven KroenerPrefrontal cortex, Dopamine, schizophrenia, electrophysiology20042005 Jeremy K. Seamans (post-doc)
Paul J. KruzichAddiction2000 Ronald E. See (grad student)
Stefanie Ellen KuchinskyCognitive neuroscience, Language comprehension, Language production2009 Mark A. Eckert (post-doc)
Yonatan M. KupchikDrug addiction, Obesity Neurosciences20102014 Peter W. Kalivas (post-doc)
Ryan T. LaLumiereDrug addiction, learning and memory20052010 Peter W. Kalivas (post-doc)
Hainan LangAuditory neuroscience Bärbel Rohrer (collaborator)
Hainan LangAuditory Neuroscience Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery Richard Schmiedt (post-doc)
Christopher C. LapishPrefrontal Cortex, Dopamine, Working Memory, Motivation20022006 Jeremy K. Seamans (grad student)
Antonieta Lavin
Christina LebonvilleConditioning, Addiction
Jose H LedoNeuro-immunology - Alzheimer’s Disease
Tod A. LeighfieldToxicology, General Chemistry, General Biology2013 John S. Ramsdell (grad student)
Daniel Lench Neuroscience2019 Colleen A. Hanlon (grad student)
Anthony Leonard Pharmaceutical Sciences20092013 Bärbel Rohrer (grad student)
E Carwille LeRoy
Manuel Levyvision Neuroscience Andy Y. Shih (grad student)
Stacia I Lewandowski Neurosciences2021 Carmela M. Reichel (post-doc)
Hao Li20152019 Thomas C. Jhou (grad student)
xingbao Li Psychiatry Mark S. George (post-doc)
Jing Nong Liang Richard L. Segal (post-doc)
Kathy L. Lindquistaddiction, thalamus, patch clamp electrophysiology, cortex, Neuroscience Neuroscience2021 Patrick J. Mulholland (grad student), Christopher D. Walker (collaborator)
Jordan Blake LogueElectrophysiology2023 Lori L. McMahon (post-doc)
Zhongyang LuTwo-photon calcium imaging Prakash Kara (post-doc)
Kosuke Magami Neuroscience Makoto Taniguchi (post-doc)
Stephen V. MahlerBehavioral neuroscience, addiction, pleasure, motivation, desire, opioid, dopamine, cannabinoid20092015 Gary Aston-Jones (post-doc)
Erin L MartinAddiction pharmacotherapy, endo/cannabinoids Neuroscience2019 Aimee McRae-Clark (grad student)
Daniel McCalley Neuroscience2017 Colleen A. Hanlon (grad student)
Carolyn McClaskey20102016 Kourosh Saberi (grad student)
Jacqueline F. McGinty
Joselyn McLaughlinExperimental Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Neuroscience Biology Neuroscience20002002 Ronald E. See (post-doc)
Linda K. McLoonNeuroscience Biology Anatomy Raymond D. Lund (post-doc)
Aimee McRae-Clark Psychiatry Kathleen Brady (post-doc)
Maggie Mae MellVisual Cortex, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Humans, Image Processing Neurosciences20152020 Thomas Naselaris (grad student)
Ana C. Melo RodriguesMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology2001 John S. Ramsdell (grad student)
Jerrold S. MeyerDevelopmental Neurotoxicology, Drugs of Abuse, Stress, Serotonin, HPA Axis19741976 William O. Boggan (post-doc)
Lawrence D. Middaugh
Larry MiddaughNeuroscience Biology
David Moormanexecutive function, motivation2006 Gary Aston-Jones (post-doc)
Martin Moradelectrophysiology or excitable cells
Margaret M. Moran-Santa MariaNeuroscience Biology2006 Peter Kalnas (grad student)
Patrick J. MulhollandExperimental Psychology Neuroscience20052008 John Woodward (post-doc), L. Judson Chandler (post-doc)
Ziad Nahasdepression, affective disorders Mark George (grad student), Mark S. George (research scientist)
Thomas Naselaris
Katharine Hayley NelsonBehavioral Pharmacology; Psychopharmacology Neuroscience2021 Carmela M. Reichel (post-doc)
Todd B. NentwigDrug addiction Neuroscience2018 L. Judson Chandler (grad student)
Sudarat Nimitvilai John Woodward (post-doc)
MIchael P. O'Quinnheart connexins2011 Robert G. Gourdie (grad student)
Elizabeth Obert Neurosciences20112015 Bärbel Rohrer (grad student)
James M. OtisNeural circuits of reward seeking behaviors.
Alejandra Pacchioni Neuroscience20082009 Ronald E. See (post-doc)
Joseph A. Palatinusheart connexins2012 Robert G. Gourdie (grad student)
Jeffrey Parrilla-Carrero Neurosciences20182021 Thomas C. Jhou (post-doc)
Aram ParsegianAddiction2007 Ronald E. See (grad student)
Nathaniel Parsons Ophthalmology2018 Bärbel Rohrer (grad student)
Sunil Patel
Kennerly PatrickNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology, Psychobiology Psychology
Phenor Perot
Phanor Perot
Jamie Lynn PetersDrug addiction20022007 Peter W. Kalivas (grad student)
Kirsten A. Porter-Stranskydopamine, norepinephrine, reward, addiction, Parkinson's disease, sleep Neurosciences Gary Aston-Jones (post-doc)
Kathleen Allston Potter2008 Howard C. Becker (grad student)
Kimber L. PriceNeuroscience Biology2007 Larry Middaugh (grad student)
Vorani S. RamachandraAddiction, Dopamine, Ethanol2010 Howard C. Becker (post-doc)
Sammanda RamamoorthyNeuroscience Biology
Tonisha Kearney Ramos Psychiatry Colleen A. Hanlon (grad student)
John S. RamsdellMolecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Carrie Randall
Kyle A. Rasbach2008 Rick G. Schnellmann (grad student)
Carmela M. Reicheladdiction Neurosciences20092012 Ronald E. See (post-doc)
Marcelo Bussotti ReyesInterval timing Catalin V. Buhusi (post-doc)
Joshua M. Rhettheart connexins2010 Robert G. Gourdie (grad student)
Matthew D. RiedyBehavioral Electrophysiology2009 Gary Aston-Jones (post-doc)
Jason L. RogersBehavioral Neuroscience, Market Research20052008 Ronald E. See (post-doc)
Bärbel Rohrerretina, neuroinflammation, mitochondria Immunology Ophthalmology2006 Stephen Tomlinson (collaborator), Carl Atkinson (collaborator), Rosalie Crouch (collaborator)
M. Andrew Rowley
Kumar SambamurtiNeuroscience Biology
Gregory C. Sartoraddiction20072011 Gary Aston-Jones (grad student)
Alicia J. Saylor2008 Jacqueline F. McGinty (grad student)
Todd J ScarbroughChemistry, radiation oncology Radiation Oncology19992001 Charles R. Thomas,Jr (grad student)
Kurt E. SchaecherCell Biology, Immunology2001 Naren L. Banik (grad student)
Richard Schmiedt
Rick G. SchnellmannPharmaceutical Sciences
Terri L. Schochetdrugs of abuse, plasticity, prefrontal cortex, development20062009 Jacqueline F. McGinty (post-doc)
Adrien SCHRAMMElectrophysiology in vivo, Visual system, 2-Photons, Epilepsy Prakash Kara (post-doc)
Bradley A. SchultePathology, Audiology, Neuroscience Biology
Marek SchwendtNeurobiology of drug addiction
Michael D. ScofieldAddiction, Nucleus Accumbens, Astrocytes, Nitric Oxide
Ronald E. SeeNeuropsychopharmacology; Addiction; Antipsychotic drugs
Richard L. Segal
zhiming shenvisual system Prakash Kara (post-doc)
Benjamin SiemsenDrug addiction, molecular neuroscience, cellular signaling Neuroscience2013 Jacqueline F. McGinty (grad student)
Tarkesh SinghSensorimotor Neuroscience Neurology20162017 Leonardo Bonilha (post-doc)
Michael T. Smith
Alexander W. SmithPsychostimulant Addiction, Matrix Metalloproteinases
Alexander CW SmithSynaptic plasticity, addiction, extracellular matrix Neuroscience20102015 Peter W. Kalivas (grad student)
Amena W. SmithNeuroscience Biology, Immunology, Ophthalmology2013 Naren Barik (grad student)
Rachel Joann Smith Thomas C. Jhou (post-doc)
Corigan Smothers
Eric A. SribnickMolecular Biology2005 Naren L. Banik (grad student)
Michael T. StefanikDrug addiction2014 Peter W. Kalivas (grad student)
Murray SteinSocial Anxiety, Treatment, Neurobiology Thomas W Uhde (post-doc)
Philipp M. Summers Neuroscience20122015 Andy Y. Shih (grad student)
Chad J. SwansonDrug addiction2001 Peter W. Kalivas (grad student)
Joshua SwearingenVisual System, Machine Learning, simulation and modeling
Mona Talebauditory system degeneration2008 Lisa L. Cunningham (grad student)
Makoto Taniguchi Neuroscience Christopher W. Cowan (post-doc)
Joseph J. Taylor2013 Mark George (grad student), Mark S. George (grad student)
Zachary J. Taylor Neuroscience20122014 Andy Y. Shih (grad student)
Danielle L Taylor
Susan E. Teubner-Rhodes Mark A. Eckert (research scientist)
Shigenobu Todaaddiction, plasticity
jensen Tomberlin Onder Albayram (grad student)
Stephen Tomlinson
Mary M. TorregrossaAddiction20052007 Peter W. Kalivas (post-doc)
Richard E. Trager DDBS20102014 Rick G. Schnellmann (grad student), Yuri Peterson (grad student)
Nicole N. TragerImmunology, Neuroscience Biology2013 Naren L. Banik (grad student)
Heather Trantham-DavidsonDopamine, Prefrontal Cortex, Working Memory2005 Jeremy K. Seamans (grad student)
Thomas W Uhde
Robert G. Underly Neuroscience Andy Y. Shih (grad student)
Kenneth Vaden2010 Mark A. Eckert (post-doc)
Kucku VargheseNeuroscience Biology2008 James J. Hickman (grad student)
Elena Maria Vazey2009 Gary Aston-Jones (post-doc)
Craig VelozoRehabilitation and Therapy, Psychometrics Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
Peter J. Vento20132021 Thomas C. Jhou (post-doc)
Chitra VenugopalNeuroscience Biology2008 Kumar Sambamurti (grad student)
Christopher D. WalkerAlcohol, Neuroscience, Addiction Neuroscience2023 Patrick J. Mulholland (post-doc)
Bethany C. Wangelinexposure therapy, PTSD, psychophysiology, emotion, attention, fear & anxiety
Robert Parrish Waters Neuroscience20092012 Ronald E. See (post-doc)
Ashley N. Watson Neuroscience Andy Y. Shih (grad student)
Cody A. Weidenthalerneuroscience20112013 David Moorman (research assistant)
Cynthia T. WelshSurgical Pathology, Neuropathology, Pediatric Pathology
Francis Julian White19761981 James Appel (grad student)
Timothy W. Whitfield2010 Jacqueline F. McGinty (grad student)
Armina T. WigginsDrug addiction2010 Peter W. Kalivas (grad student)
Brice J. Williams2006 Ann-Charlotte Granholm (grad student)
Nolan R. Williamsbrain stimulation Psychiatry Psychiatry2012 Mark George (post-doc), Ziad Nahas (grad student), Mark S. George (grad student)
Robin L. Williard-McGovernNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology, Psychobiology Psychology2007 Kennerly Patrick (grad student)
Kion WinstonAddiction, Epigenetics, Bioenergetics Neuroscience Neuroscience20202022 James M. Otis (research assistant), Jennifer A. Rinker (research assistant)
Alex Woodell Neuroscience20102015 Bärbel Rohrer (grad student)
John Woodward
Noushin Yahyavi Neuroscience20082009 Ronald E. See (post-doc)
Sharon D. Yeatts
Julian Youmans
Shan-Ping YuPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology
Paula A. Zamudio-Bulcock John Woodward (post-doc)
Luyi ZhouPsychology Neuroscience20092014 Ronald E. See (post-doc)
Benjamin A. ZimmerSelf-administration, addiction, pharmacology2013 Gary Aston-Jones (post-doc)
Morgan E. ZipperlyNeurobiology of Addiction Neuroscience Psychiatry Lori A. Knackstedt (research assistant), Howard C. Becker (research assistant)