Stanislas Dehaene

Neurospin, CEA, Inserm 
"Stanislas Dehaene"
Mean distance: 11.94 (cluster 23)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Jean-Pierre Changeux grad student 1985-1989 Institut Pasteur
Jacques Mehler grad student 1985-1989
Michael I. Posner post-doc 1992-1994 University of Oregon


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Laurie Bayet research assistant 2011-2012 NeuroSpin Cognitive Neuroimaging-Inserm Unit 992 CEA/DSV/I2BM/
Dror Dotan grad student
Lionel Naccache grad student U562
Pedro Pinheiro-Chagas grad student
Fabien Vinckier grad student
Floris P. de Lange grad student 2007- INSERM U562, Paris, France
Clement Moutard grad student 2013- Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit, Neurospin (Inserm & CEA)
Darinka Trübutschek grad student 2014- Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Claire Sergent grad student 2001-2005 UPMC Univ Paris 6
Claire Landmann grad student 2001-2006 INSERM
Veronique Izard grad student 2000-2006 UPMC Univ Paris 6
Arnaud Viarouge grad student 2004-2008 Paris, EHESS
Lucie Charles grad student 2009-2013 UPMC Univ Paris 6
Jean-Rémi King grad student 2009-2014 UPMC Univ Paris 6
Catherine Wacongne grad student 2009-2014 UPMC Univ Paris 6
Marie Amalric grad student 2013-2017
Guido Hesselmann post-doc
Sid Kouider post-doc CNRS, Paris
Sebastien Marti post-doc NeuroSpin CEA, France
Matthew J. Nelson post-doc NeuroSpin CEA, France
Mariano Sigman post-doc INSERM
Marcin Szwed post-doc
Filip Van Opstal post-doc CEA, NeuroSpin MEG Center
Anna J. Wilson post-doc 2003- INSERM
Aaron Schurger post-doc 2008- NeuroSpin, CEA-Saclay, France
Jacobo Diego Sitt post-doc 2010- Unicog, CEA / Saclay
Minye Zhan post-doc 2018- NeuroSpin, INSERM-CEA, France
Alireza Karami post-doc 2023- Neurospin CEA, Saclay, France
Jerome Sackur post-doc 2003-2007 Unicog, CEA / Saclay
Edward M. Hubbard post-doc 2004-2008 INSERM
Andre Knops post-doc 2006-2009 Neurospin, CEA, Inserm
Philippe Pinel research scientist 1995- INSERM
Kimihiro Nakamura research scientist 2002- Neurospin CEA/Inserm U992
Manuela Piazza research scientist 2001-2006 INSERM
Francois J. Tadel research scientist 2007-2009 Neurospin, CEA, Inserm
BETA: Related publications


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Bodien YG, Allanson J, Cardone P, et al. (2024) Cognitive Motor Dissociation in Disorders of Consciousness. The New England Journal of Medicine. 391: 598-608
Potier Watkins C, Dehaene S, Friedmann N. (2024) Characterizing different types of developmental dyslexias in French: The Malabi screener. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 1-32
Desbordes T, King JR, Dehaene S. (2024) Tracking the neural codes for words and phrases during semantic composition, working-memory storage, and retrieval. Cell Reports. 43: 113847
Zhan M, Dehaene S, Cohen L. (2023) [Partially distinct brain regions support reading in Chinese and in English]. Medecine Sciences : M/S. 39: 605-608
Desbordes T, Lakretz Y, Chanoine V, et al. (2023) Dimensionality and ramping: Signatures of sentence integration in the dynamics of brains and deep language models. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Gennari G, Dehaene S, Valera C, et al. (2023) Spontaneous supra-modal encoding of number in the infant brain. Current Biology : Cb. 33: 1906-1915.e6
Zhan M, Pallier C, Agrawal A, et al. (2023) Does the visual word form area split in bilingual readers? A millimeter-scale 7-T fMRI study. Science Advances. 9: eadf6140
Melloni L, Mudrik L, Pitts M, et al. (2023) An adversarial collaboration protocol for testing contrasting predictions of global neuronal workspace and integrated information theory. Plos One. 18: e0268577
Amalric M, Roveyaz P, Dehaene S. (2023) Evaluating the impact of short educational videos on the cortical networks for mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2213430120
Feng X, Monzalvo K, Dehaene S, et al. (2022) Evolution of reading and face circuits during the first three years of reading acquisition. Neuroimage. 119394
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