New York State Psychiatric Institute/Columbia University Medical Center

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Elias Dakwar
Anahid AkbaryanEEG Lauren C Shuffrey (research assistant)
Natalie Hiromi BritoEarly Home Environment and Neurobehavioral Development Developmental Neuroscience20132017 William Fifer (post-doc)
Nina Burtchen20122015 William Fifer (post-doc)
Dana Byrd20052007 William Fifer (post-doc)
Bridget Laura Callaghandevelopmental neuroscience, microbiome, adversity20172019 William Fifer (post-doc)
Kelly Clemenza Substance Use Research Center20132014 Elias Dakwar (research assistant)
Julianna I. Collazo Vargas Lauren C Shuffrey (research assistant)
Elias Dakwar
Lisa Ecklund-Flores William Fifer (post-doc)
Inge-Marie Eigisti20032005 William Fifer (post-doc)
Lauren M. Ellmanschizophrenia, pregnancy, neurodevelopment19951998 Beatrice Beebe (research assistant)
Andrea Fields William Fifer (post-doc)
William Fifer
Morgan Firestein2019 William Fifer (post-doc)
Adrienne Hezghiamood disorders, traumatic brain injuries, polyunsaturated fatty acids
Ken Jamel HoyteCognitive Neuroscience and Neuroepidemiology2007 Bradley Peterson (grad student)
Maristella Lucchini Psychiatry2019 William Fifer (post-doc)
Rachel Marsh
Yoko Nomura20072010 William Fifer (post-doc)
Kally C. O'Reilly Sparkslearning & memory, neuroanatomy Child and Adolescent Psychiatry2018 Jeremy Veenstra-VanderWeele (research scientist)
David Pagliaccioemotion, depression, anxiety, irritability, stress, fMRI, neuroimaging Child and Adolescent Psychiatry2017 Rachel Marsh (research scientist)
Kimberly Parsons20132015 William Fifer (post-doc)
Nicolo Pini2020 William Fifer (post-doc)
Diana V. Rodriguez MorenofMRI, disorders of consciousness, decision making
Ayesha Sania2018 William Fifer (research scientist)
Lauren C Shuffreyautism, neurodevelopment, EEG/ERP Psychiatry2017 William Fifer (post-doc)
Shari A. Steinmananxiety, OCD, cognitive bias, cognitive behavioral therapy Anxiety Disorders Clinic20142016 H Blair Simpson (post-doc)
Amanda Tarullo20082011 William Fifer (post-doc)
Sonya Violet Troller-RenfreeDevelopment, Cognition, Neuroscience William Fifer (post-doc)
Ismee Williams20072009 William Fifer (post-doc)
Joel Yang20112017 William Fifer (post-doc)