Tamara Y. Swaab, PhD

2002- Psychology University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
Cognitive Neuroscience: Language
"Tamara Swaab"
Mean distance: 13.87 (cluster 15)
Cross-listing: LinguisTree


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Adam R. Blalock grad student UC Davis
Trevor Brothers grad student UC Davis
Michele Diaz grad student Duke
Liv Hoversten grad student UC Davis
Timothy G Trammel grad student 2019- UC Davis
Sarah Wang grad student 2023- UC Davis
Chrissy C. Camblin grad student 2005 Duke
Clinton L. Johns grad student 2004-2009 UC Davis
Kristen M. Tooley grad student 2004-2009 UC Davis
Megan A. Boudewyn grad student 2007-2012 UC Davis
Raechel Steckley grad student 2008-2012 UC Davis
Megan Zirnstein grad student 2010-2012 UC Davis
Kathryn Bousquet grad student 2013-2019 UC Davis
Edith Kaan post-doc Duke
Kerry Ledoux post-doc UC Davis
Hiroko Nakano post-doc UC Davis
Miguel Oliveira research scientist 2016-2017 UC Davis (LinguisTree)
Natalia Khodayari research scientist 2019-2020 UC Davis


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Fernanda Ferreira collaborator UC Davis
Peter C. Gordon collaborator NCSU
Matthew Traxler collaborator UC Davis
Debra L. Long collaborator 2009- UC Davis
BETA: Related publications


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Trammel T, Khodayari N, Luck SJ, et al. (2023) Decoding semantic relatedness and prediction from EEG: A classification method comparison. Neuroimage. 120268
Dave S, Brothers T, Hoversten LJ, et al. (2021) Cognitive control mediates age-related changes in flexible anticipatory processing during listening comprehension. Brain Research. 1768: 147573
Bousquet K, Swaab TY, Long DL. (2020) The use of context in resolving syntactic ambiguity: Structural and semantic influences. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 35: 43-57
Brothers T, Hoversten LJ, Dave S, et al. (2019) Flexible predictions during listening comprehension: Speaker reliability affects anticipatory processes. Neuropsychologia. 107225
Boudewyn MA, Blalock AR, Long DL, et al. (2019) Adaptation to Animacy Violations during Listening Comprehension. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience
Bousquet K, Swaab TY, Long DL. (2019) The use of context in resolving syntactic ambiguity: structural and semantic influences Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 35: 43-57
Dave S, Brothers TA, Traxler MJ, et al. (2018) Electrophysiological Evidence for Preserved Primacy of Lexical Prediction in Aging. Neuropsychologia
Dave S, Brothers TA, Swaab TY. (2018) 1/f neural noise and electrophysiological indices of contextual prediction in aging. Brain Research. 1691: 34-43
Karimi H, Swaab TY, Ferreira F. (2018) Electrophysiological evidence for an independent effect of memory retrieval on referential processing Journal of Memory and Language. 102: 68-82
Hoversten LJ, Brothers T, Swaab TY, et al. (2017) Early processing of orthographic language membership information in bilingual visual word recognition: Evidence from ERPs. Neuropsychologia. 103: 183-190
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