Benjamin C. Storm

University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States 
"Benjamin Storm"
Mean distance: 15.93 (cluster 15)


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Arturo E. Hernandez research assistant UC Santa Barbara
Robert A. Bjork grad student 2008 UCLA
 (The dynamics and consequences of inhibition in memory.)
Elizabeth Bjork grad student 2008 UCLA
 (The dynamics and consequences of inhibition in memory.)


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John  F. Nestojko research assistant University of Illinois, Chicago
Nancy L. Sin research assistant 2003-2006 UCLA (PsychTree)
Ian M. McDonough research assistant 2005-2006 UCLA
Michelle L Rivers research assistant 2013-2015 UC Santa Cruz
Madison E. Wright research assistant 2016-2019 UC Santa Cruz
Jexy An Nepangue grad student UC Santa Cruz
Acacia Lauren Overono grad student UC Santa Cruz
Annie Stanfield Ditta grad student 2013-2018 UC Santa Cruz
Julia S. Soares grad student 2014-2020 UC Santa Cruz
Joel Nathaniel Schooler grad student 2015-2020 UC Santa Cruz (PsychTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Fellers C, Storm BC. (2024) The saving enhanced memory effect can be observed when only a subset of items are saved. Memory & Cognition
Arcos K, Hausman H, Storm BC. (2023) Are you sure? Examining the potential benefits of truth-checking as a learning activity. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 17470218231206813
Fellers C, Miyatsu T, Storm BC. (2022) Remembering what to do when the time comes: The effects of offloading in a complex prospective memory task. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Applied
Oliva MT, Storm BC. (2022) Examining the effect size and duration of retrieval-induced facilitation. Psychological Research
Soares JS, Storm BC. (2022) Does taking multiple photos lead to a photo-taking-impairment effect? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Storm BC, Soares JS. (2021) Relearning can eliminate the effect of retrieval-induced forgetting. Psychological Research
Overoye AL, James KK, Storm BC. (2021) A little can go a long way: giving learners some context can enhance the benefits of pretesting. Memory (Hove, England). 1-10
Schooler JN, Storm BC. (2021) Saved information is remembered less well than deleted information, if the saving process is perceived as reliable. Memory (Hove, England). 1-10
Storm BC, James KK, Stone SM. (2021) Pretesting can be beneficial even when using the internet to answer questions. Memory (Hove, England). 1-8
Stone SM, Storm BC. (2019) Search fluency as a misleading measure of memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition
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