Uta Frith

University College London, London, United Kingdom 
Autism, Social Cognition
"Uta Frith"
Mean distance: 14.54 (cluster 23)
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Tony Attwood grad student UCL (PsychTree)
Francesca Happe grad student UCL
Tania Singer grad student
Digby Tantam grad student UCL (PsychTree)
Sarah White grad student (PsychTree)
Simon Baron-Cohen grad student 1982-1985 UCL - London - UK
Ami Klin grad student 1988 University College London
Alan Leslie post-doc UCL
Franck Ramus post-doc 2000-2001 UCL
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore post-doc 2002-2003 UCL
Antonia F. Hamilton post-doc 2003-2006 UCL
Geoffrey Bird post-doc 2004-2006 UCL (PsychTree)
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Quesque F, Apperly I, Baillargeon R, et al. (2024) Defining key concepts for mental state attribution. Communications Psychology. 2: 29
Frith U, Frith C. (2024) What makes us social and what does it tell us about mental disorders? Cognitive Neuropsychiatry. 29: 1-9
Frith CD, Frith U. (2022) The mystery of the brain-culture interface. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Happé F, Frith U. (2020) Dimensional or Categorical Approaches to Autism? Both are Needed. A Reply to Nick Chown and Julia Leatherland. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Zinck A, Frith U, Schönknecht P, et al. (2020) Knowing me, knowing you: Spontaneous use of mentalistic language for self and other in autism. Autism : the International Journal of Research and Practice. 1362361320951017
Happé F, Frith U. (2020) Annual Research Review: Looking back to look forward - changes in the concept of autism and implications for future research. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines
Frith U. (2019) Flux of life. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 38: 100669
Happé F, Frith U. (2014) Annual research review: Towards a developmental neuroscience of atypical social cognition. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines. 55: 553-7
White SJ, Frith U, Rellecke J, et al. (2014) Autistic adolescents show atypical activation of the brain's mentalizing system even without a prior history of mentalizing problems. Neuropsychologia. 56: 17-25
Bernhardt BC, Valk SL, Silani G, et al. (2014) Selective disruption of sociocognitive structural brain networks in autism and alexithymia. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 24: 3258-67
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