People with institution matching "MGH Martinos Center": Advanced Search | |||||
Name | Institution | Area | Added by | Date | |
Moshe Bar (Info) | Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School | High Level Vision, Cognitive Neuroscience, Object Recognition, Contextual Processing, first impressions, preference formation and attitudes | edvessel | 2006‑10‑12 | |
Jasmine Boshyan (Info) | Brandeis | Social-Developmental | jasmine | 2007‑10‑22 | |
Andreja Bubic (Info) | MGH Martinos Center | Mona | 2010‑06‑11 | ||
Brittany S. Cassidy (Info) | Brandeis | social neuroscience, memory, aging | Jeremy | 2007‑10‑18 | |
Nima Dehghani (Info) | UNIC-CNRS/Harvard/UCSD | Computational Neuroscience | nima | 2010‑10‑29 | |
Gaelle Desbordes (Info) | Boston University | gdesbord | 2007‑10‑14 | ||
Kathryn J. Devaney (Info) | Boston Universtiy | Visual System, fMRI | kdevaney | 2006‑09‑26 | |
Leeland B. Ekstrom (Info) | MIT / MGH Martinos Center | fMRI of Visual System | lekstrom | 2005‑12‑15 | |
Bruce Fischl (Info) | MGH | cortical surface reconstruction | smk | 2007‑07‑08 | |
Stephanie A. Gagnon (Info) | Stanford | memory, decision-making | steph10 | 2010‑10‑04 | |
Nouchine Hadjikhani (Info) | MGH | Pathophysiology | kathleen | 2005‑10‑29 | |
Eric Halgren (Info) | UCSD | sahin | 2006‑11‑03 | ||
Kathrin-Sophie Herbst (Info) | HU Berlin | Mona | 2010‑06‑10 | ||
Daphne Holt (Info) | Harvard Medical School | psychiatry, functional neuroanatomy | csaper | 2007‑07‑06 | |
Nicholas Kurkjy (Info) | Boston University | Audiotry Attention | nkurkjy | 2009‑10‑08 | |
Kestutis Kveraga (Info) | MGH Martinos Center | jasmine | 2007‑10‑22 | ||
Claus Lamm (Info) | University of Vienna | empathy; social neuroscience; self-other distinction; neuroimaging; prosocial behavior; stress | clauslamm | 2019‑03‑11 | |
Adrian KC Lee (Info) | University of Washington | psychoacoustics, neuroimaging, neuroengineering | antje | 2008‑02‑24 | |
Janine D. Mendola (Info) | McGill | fMRI of visual system | jmendola | 2006‑03‑15 | |
Alex Millner (Info) | Harvard | Mona | 2010‑06‑10 | ||
Rebecca Saxe (Info) | MIT | theory of mind | nkanwisher | 2006‑10‑01 | |
Adriane E. Seiffert (Info) | Vanderbilt | motion perception, attention to motion | AdrianeSeiffert | 2006‑04‑03 | |
David C. Somers (Info) | Boston University | fMRI, Visual Attention, Visual Perception, Cortical Circuit Models, Oscillations | somers | 2006‑10‑19 | |
Roger Tootell (Info) | Harvard Medical School | Visual cortex | david | 2005‑01‑22 | |
Mona Tousian (Info) | UC Berkeley | Neuroimaging | Mona | 2010‑06‑09 | |
Kay M. Tye (Info) | MIT, Salk Institute, UCSD | Amygdala, Reward, Anxiety, Plasticity, Social Homeostasis | kaytye | 2006‑10‑13 | |
Wim Vanduffel (Info) | Harvard Medical School | visual cortex organization and function | kathleen | 2005‑01‑22 | |
Richard J. Wurtman (Info) | MIT | Cell membrane | dguez | 2006‑04‑11 | |
Jeremy C. Young (Info) | MIT | Alzheimer's and aging, memory, Parkinson's | Jeremy | 2007‑10‑18 | |
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