People with institution matching "CBDB, GCAP, NIMH, DIRP, NIH": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Julius Axelrod (Info) NIMH Neurotransmitters david 2005‑11‑02
Serapio Michael Baca (Info) UCLA Systems Neuroscience smbaca 2005‑12‑04
Susan E. Bachus (Info) UMBC motivation, psychiatric disorders sbachus 2011‑06‑23
Danielle S. Bassett (Info) UC Santa Barbara, Penn Information and Decision Systems dp317 2010‑05‑13
Karen F. Berman (Info) NIMH Schizophrenia, Neurogenomics, Williams Syndrome rkolsen 2007‑09‑23
John Calhoun (Info) NIMH Ecology alwinch 2011‑03‑14
Joseph H. Callicott (Info) NIMH/NIH Schizophrenia, fMRI ntreeuser 2006‑12‑20
Alan Ceaser (Info) Washington University Schizophrenia, working memory, executive functioning aceaser 2012‑01‑15
Igor Dawid (Info) NIH testtest 2009‑02‑18
Dwight Dickinson (Info) CBDB, GCAP, NIMH, DIRP, NIH Schizophrenia, Neuropsychology wisnerk 2012‑02‑06
Jacques Glowinski (Info) University of Paris baraban 2006‑11‑02
James M. Gold (Info) University of Maryland Medical School Neuropsychology, Schizophrenia jwaltz 2009‑06‑03
Stephanie Morgan Greer (Info) Stanford Emotion, Decision Making kathleen 2006‑07‑25
Robyn Honea (Info) Oxford structural brain imaging, schizophrenia, imaging genetics joseph.callicott 2007‑10‑16
Joel E. Kleinman (Info) CBDB, GCAP, NIMH, DIRP, NIH neuropathology, schizophrenia joseph.callicott 2007‑10‑16
Daniel S. Levine (Info) University of Texas at Arlington Neural Networks, Decision-Making alwinch 2011‑02‑24
Laura A. Libby (Info) UC Davis cognitive neuroscience / memory lalibby 2012‑12‑20
Martina Ly (Info) University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, UW Madison, Scripps College martinaly 2011‑09‑09
Paul D. MacLean (Info) NIMH Neurology hayden 2006‑04‑11
Frédéric Rosa (Info) ENS Paris testtest 2009‑02‑17
Monsheel Sodhi (Info) UAB, Vanderbilt, University of Illinois, Chicago, Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine, Oxford Genetic predictors of mood and psychosis msodhi 2011‑02‑03
Daniel R. Weinberger (Info) NIMH/NIH Schizophrenia, Imaging, Genetics ntreeuser 2006‑12‑20
Krista M. Wisner (Info) UMN, Indiana University Bloomington psychosis, substance use, stress, neuroimaging, individual differences wisnerk 2012‑02‑06
Caroline F. Zink (Info) NIH hayden 2006‑08‑07
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