Similar researchers to Stephen Smith:
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Stephen Mark Smith (Info) |
Calcium, GABA, NMDA channels |
smisteph |
2011‑02‑10 |
Asaf Gilboa (Info) |
University of Haifa |
Memory disorders, hippocampus, confabulation |
agilboa |
2008‑07‑24 |
Sim(0.18) |
Patrizia Thoma (Info) |
Ruhr-University Bochum |
jpeters |
2012‑06‑25 |
Sim(0.2) |
Thomas Frank Münte (Info) |
University of Magdeburg |
language, attention, aggression |
dkspring |
2006‑10‑03 |
Sim(0.21) |
Sitthivut Charoensutthivarakul (Info) |
Cambridge (Chemistry Tree) |
Medicinal Chemistry |
sitthivut |
2017‑01‑12 |
Sim(0.21) |
Carlo Arrigo Umiltà (Info) |
Università di Padova |
Spatial Attention |
vallesi |
2009‑09‑29 |
Sim(0.22) |
Craig E. L. Stark (Info) |
UC Irvine |
Memory, medial temporal lobes |
celstark |
2006‑09‑25 |
Sim(0.22) |
Kortney M. Melancon (Info) |
Vanderbilt (Chemistry Tree) |
Inorganic Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Computational Biology |
kmm0264 |
2018‑01‑30 |
Sim(0.22) |
Morris Moscovitch (Info) |
University of Toronto |
Memory, attention, face and object perception |
Jonathan |
2006‑04‑03 |
Sim(0.23) |
Isabel Delgado-Ruz (Info) |
Imperial College |
Computational Neuroscience |
simonschultz |
2009‑08‑25 |
Sim(0.23) |
Andrew R. Mayes (Info) |
University of Manchester |
paller |
2006‑03‑07 |
Sim(0.23) |
Paul Fletcher (Info) |
Cambridge |
Psychiatry, psychosis, schizophrenia, ketamine, fMRI, glutamate, NMDA |
niniella |
2009‑07‑16 |
Sim(0.24) |
Carlo F. Reverberi (Info) |
alessio.toraldo |
2008‑03‑28 |
Sim(0.24) |
Raluca Petrican (Info) |
University of Toronto |
Memory, attention, face and object perception |
pq |
2015‑11‑25 |
Sim(0.25) |
Jochen Kaiser (Info) |
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt |
MEG, gamma oscillations, auditory, multisensory, working memory |
naumer |
2008‑04‑07 |
Sim(0.25) |
Aneta Kielar (Info) |
Western University |
marcj |
2008‑05‑06 |
Sim(0.25) |
Neal J. Cohen (Info) |
Memory systems |
poldrack |
2006‑09‑04 |
Sim(0.25) |
Masud Husain (Info) |
Oxford, UCL |
| |
2005‑10‑18 |
Sim(0.25) |
Albert Postma (Info) |
Utrecht |
clinical neuropsychology |
volcekov |
2008‑03‑11 |
Sim(0.25) |
Daniel Schacter (Info) |
Harvard |
Memory |
sd.slotnick |
2006‑06‑21 |
Sim(0.25) |
Yegor E. Yegorov (Info) |
Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology (Telomere and Telomerase Tree) |
cell biology, telomerase |
yegorov |
2010‑06‑27 |
Sim(0.25) |
Barbara J. Knowlton (Info) |
Basal Ganglia |
hayden |
2006‑07‑29 |
Sim(0.25) |
Saskia Groen (Info) |
Montpellier 3 (PsychTree) |
doc_fr |
2017‑01‑26 |
Sim(0.25) |
Marian E. Berryhill (Info) |
University of Nevada |
Visual memory, attention |
berryhil |
2007‑11‑12 |
Sim(0.26) |
Elizabeth A. Franz (Info) |
University of Otago |
neural mechanisms of complex action |
strooploops |
2007‑06‑24 |
Sim(0.26) |
Pienie Zwitserlood (Info) |
University of Muenster, Germany |
psycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience |
pienie |
2009‑04‑28 |
Sim(0.26) |
Daniel Bor (Info) |
Working Memory, Frontal Lobe, Functional Imaging |
seanfallon |
2008‑09‑30 |
Sim(0.26) |
Michael Jacob Kahana (Info) |
Penn |
Cognitive neuroscience, human memory |
drpeelle |
2005‑08‑03 |
Sim(0.26) |
Brian Levine (Info) |
Rotman Research Institute |
memory, frontal lobes, traumatic brain injury, rehabilitation, neuropsychology, brain imaging |
pls10 |
2006‑12‑12 |
Sim(0.26) |
Hans-Jochen Heinze (Info) |
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg |
bwitt |
2010‑04‑12 |
Sim(0.26) |
Jon S. Simons (Info) |
Cambridge |
Cognitive neuroscience, human memory |
legree17 |
2006‑12‑12 |
Sim(0.26) |
Janelle Montroy (Info) |
Michigan State |
rpbowles |
2019‑10‑16 |
Sim(0.27) |
Kristoffer Y. Romero (Info) |
University of Toronto |
Memory, attention, face and object perception |
pq |
2015‑11‑25 |
Sim(0.27) |
Yuenan Wang (Info) |
Yale |
Neuroscience, brain imaging, MR physics |
pq |
2015‑10‑16 |
Sim(0.27) |
Charles R. Bantz (Info) |
Ohio State (Org Comm Genealogy Project) |
ashley.krysik |
2016‑02‑11 |
Sim(0.27) |
Ingrid R. Olson (Info) |
Temple University |
Human memory |
mooreks |
2006‑05‑30 |
Sim(0.28) |
Le Zong (Info) |
NIH/NIA (GenetiTree) |
isabel.beerman |
2018‑09‑14 |
Sim(0.28) |
Ken A. Paller (Info) |
Northwestern |
Memory |
cab |
2005‑12‑11 |
Sim(0.28) |
Eleanor Maguire (Info) |
cognitive neuroscience, memory |
drpeelle |
2006‑11‑05 |
Sim(0.28) |
Hongchuan Zhang (Info) |
Language, Math Cognition, Functional Connectivity |
jackhczhang |
2009‑12‑08 |
Sim(0.28) |
Stephen F. Chenoweth (Info) |
University of Queensland (FlyTree) |
Sexual Selection, CHCs, mapping |
brfoley |
2010‑03‑22 |
Sim(0.28) |
Richard Henson (Info) |
recollection, familiarity, priming |
muncapher |
2007‑10‑16 |
Sim(0.28) |
Emorie D. Beck (Info) |
Washington University (PsychTree) |
Personality Psychology, Social Psychology |
edbeck |
2016‑08‑24 |
Sim(0.28) |
Giulia Galli (Info) |
Università degli Studi di Firenze |
memory, face |
tsubasagonzo |
2008‑04‑19 |
Sim(0.28) |
Anthony D. Wagner (Info) |
Stanford |
Memory |
cab |
2006‑02‑02 |
Sim(0.29) |
Andrew C. Connolly (Info) |
Penn |
pq |
2015‑11‑24 |
Sim(0.29) |
Jyutika Mehta (Info) |
UT Dallas |
Speech Pathology |
pq |
2016‑03‑01 |
Sim(0.29) |
Diane Swick (Info) |
VA Martinez |
executive control, language |
neuroz |
2006‑06‑30 |
Sim(0.29) |
Ann Sefton (Info) |
University of Sydney |
sefton |
2009‑11‑23 |
Sim(0.29) |
Henry W. Hofstetter (Info) |
Indiana University Bloomington |
Optometry |
r_oshea |
2021‑09‑20 |
Sim(0.29) |
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