University of Otago

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Wickliffe C. Abraham Graham V. Goddard (post-doc), Joanna M. Williams (collaborator)
Joseph T. AltobelliZoology, Biology, Behavior Ecology
Yousif Alyousif20092010 Colin H. Brown (grad student)
Rachael A. Augustine2010 Colin H. Brown (post-doc)
Tugce Bakir-Demir
Rachel BarrMemory, Infant & Child Media Harlene Hayne (grad student)
Marthinus Bekker Psychology Psychology20112011 Louis Leland Jr. (grad student), Robert P. O'Shea (research assistant)
David Henry Bergin Wickliffe C. Abraham (grad student)
Rishi BhardwajVision, binocular vision, optometry Psychology20062009 Robert P. O'Shea (grad student), Jeff O. Miller (grad student)
Shane Gregory BlackburnVisual perception, Kinetic depth effect Psychology19902011 Robert P. O'Shea (grad student)
Laura J BoddingtonSystems Neuroscience, Motor and Sensory, Stroke Anatomy20132017 John N. Reynolds (grad student)
Jared B Bowden Wickliffe C. Abraham (grad student)
Jack Brooks School of Physiotherapy2019 Daniel Cury Ribeiro (research scientist)
Colin H. Brown
Rebecca E. Campbell Allan Herbison (post-doc)
Thomas J CawoodPsychiatric Disorders, Psychosis, Neuroimaging, Biomarkers Psychology Pharmacy Psychology2021 Olivia Harrison (grad student), Bruce R. Russell (grad student), Richard J Linscott (grad student)
Sophie Cawood2020 Joanna M. Williams (grad student)
Nick ChandlerVisual illusions, Endodontics
Ana M. Claasensynaptic plasticity, alzheimer\'s disease, local protein synthesis, translation regulation, proteomics2008 Joanna M. Williams (grad student), Warren P. Tate (grad student)
Andrew Clarksonstroke, neural plasticity, GABA
Michael ColomboNeural Basis of Learning and Memory
Tamlin Conner
Colleen Coop Psychology19871990 Neil McNaughton (grad student)
Emily S. Crossaction perception, action execution, motor imagery, dance Elizabeth A. Franz (grad student)
John F Cutfield
Michael Charles Davison1968 Barry John Kirkwood (grad student)
Cyril Dejeanbasal ganglia
James R. E. DignanVisual perception, size preception, perception of visual angle Psychology19951997 Robert P. O'Shea (grad student)
Jennifer Do20082009 Colin H. Brown (grad student)
Michael Dragunowneuropharmacology Richard Laverty (grad student)
Megan Kate ElderAlzheimer's disease, protein synthesis, mitochondria, synaptic modulation Anatomy Biochemistry20142017 Joanna M. Williams (grad student), Warren P. Tate (grad student)
Thomas W. ElstonElectrophysiology, Cognitive neuroscience, Primate, Reinforcement Learning, Task Model20142018 David K. Bilkey (grad student), David K. Bilkey (grad student)
Ruth Empson
Matteo Paolo FerlaBiochemistry, Bioinformatics, synthetic biology Biochemistry20102015 Wayne Michael Patrick (grad student)
Benjamin D. Fletcher Psychology20192022 Tamlin Conner (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Franzneural mechanisms of complex action
Hanna K Friedlanderlateral septum, hippocampal circuitry Anatomy2023 Robert G K Munn (grad student)
Steve Gallagherdecision making, signal detection theory, behavoural detection, learning design Andrew Davison (grad student)
Susan J. GalvinVisual perception, Blur preception
Graham V. Goddard
Kate GodfreyDepression, TMS Psychology Psychology Blake S Porter (grad student), David K. Bilkey (grad student)
Donovan Garth GovanVisual perception Psychology20042007 Robert P. O'Shea (grad student), Liana Machado (grad student), Susan J. Galvin (grad student), Robert P. O'Shea (grad student)
Todd GraciaVisual illusions, size perception in dentistry20032006 Robert P. O'Shea (grad student), Nick Chandler (grad student)
Su Young Han20102013 Colin H. Brown (grad student)
Malcolm HandleyVision, binocular vision Psychology19981999 Robert P. O'Shea (research assistant)
Michael HawkenVisual system John I. Hubbard (grad student)
Harlene HayneMemory, Developmental psychology
Chris J. Heathmedical education Edward G. Jones (grad student)
Diana Florence Hill
John I. HubbardSynaptic Transmission
Charmayne M. Hughes Department of Psychology20062006 Elizabeth A. Franz (research assistant)
Kana Imuta Damian Scarf (grad student), Harlene Hayne (grad student)
David Rey Ireland Wickliffe C. Abraham (grad student)
Bradley B. Jamieson
Natalie Joe20112013 Colin H. Brown (grad student)
Louis Leland Jr.
Jeremy T. KennardSynaptic plasticity20022008 Wickliffe C. Abraham (grad student), Joanna M. Williams (grad student)
Jason N D KerrCellular physiology, sensory systems, population imaging19941998 Jeff R. Wickens (grad student)
Ian James Kirkmemory systems EEG fMRI Diffusion imaging Psychology19891993 Neil McNaughton (grad student)
Kypros KypriPublic health Social and Preventive Medicine Injury Prevention Unit2003 Rob O. McGee (grad student), John D. Langley (grad student)
John D. LangleyPublic health, Injury prevention
Feng-Chun Lin
Richard J Linscott
Rhys W. Livingstone Anatomy Megan Kate Elder (grad student)
Liana MachadoEye movements, motor control, cognitive psychology, attention
Rob O. McGeePublic health
Neil McNaughtonPsychology, Neuroscience, Emotion, Memory
Robert MillerSchizophrenia, dopamine, basal ganglia
Mahsa Moaddab2010 Colin H. Brown (grad student)
Aleisha M Moore Physiology20122015 Rebecca E. Campbell (grad student)
Robert G K MunnHippocampus, Entorhinal Cortex, Place Cells, Grid Cells, Episodic Memory, Anxiety David K. Bilkey (grad student)
Linda MurdochVision, Women’s and Children’s Health
Raghavendra Y. NagarajaBasal Ganglia
Takashi NakanoBasal ganglia, Synaptic plasticity, Reinforcement learning Jeff R. Wickens (post-doc)
Robert P. O'SheaVision, vision research, binocular vision, visual consciousness, cognitive neuroscience
Wayne Michael Patrick Biochemistry John F Cutfield (research assistant)
Hrishikesh Pattabhiraman Psychology Ryan D. Ward (grad student)
Richard Pietneuroscience, neuroendocrinology, GnRH, kisspeptin, synaptic transmission Physiology2016 Rebecca E. Campbell (collaborator)
Blake S PorterNeural mechanisms of quitting and self control, network interactions, learning and memory, in vivo electrophysiology Psychology Psyschology20172020 David K. Bilkey (grad student), Kristin L Hillman (post-doc), Michael Colombo (research assistant)
Clarke Raymondmemory Wickliffe C. Abraham (grad student)
Rajneesh RoyVisual illusions, Endodontics20062007 Robert P. O'Shea (grad student), Nick Chandler (grad student)
Elizabeth A ScalziNeuroscience
Damian ScarfComparative cognition Harlene Hayne (post-doc)
Victoria Scott20062013 Colin H. Brown (post-doc)
Alexander J. Seymour2013 Colin H. Brown (grad student)
Jonathan ShemmellMotor system, Stroke rehabilitation, Corticospinal excitability
Jason D. ShepherdAMPA receptor trafficking, synaptic plasticity, learning and memory, experience-dependent plasticity, Arc, Autism20022003 Wickliffe C. Abraham (research assistant)
Mauro S.B. SilvaNeuroendocrinology Department of Physiology20152018 Rebecca E. Campbell (grad student)
Abigail SquireVision research, Visual perception, Blur preception19961997 Robert P. O'Shea (grad student)
Paul SzyszkaNeuroscience, Neuroethology, Olfaction, Learning and Memory, Insects, Honey bees, Drosophila
Warren P. Tatesynaptic plasticity, memory, protein synthesis
E. Gail TrippADHD Psychology19841987 Neil McNaughton (grad student)
Helen Shuk Tsui Wickliffe C. Abraham (grad student)
Ryan D. WardBehavioral neuroscience, psychology
Jeff R. WickensBasal Ganglia19801980 Robert Miller (grad student)
Joanna M. Williamssynaptic plasticity Wickliffe C. Abraham (grad student), Warren P. Tate (grad student)
Yi-Sheng Wongmind wandering; attention; cognitive neuroscience Psychology20202022 Liana Machado (grad student)
Calvin Young Department of Psychology2016 Neil McNaughton (post-doc)
Xiao-Ou Zhu Psychology19891993 Neil McNaughton (grad student)