Similar researchers to Anushka Gupta: Advanced Search
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Anushka Gupta (Info) UC Berkeley (Chemistry Tree) bmanifol 2023‑07‑05 Sim
Aike Guo (Info) zililiu 2006‑10‑05 Sim(0.16)
Sevil Duvarci (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick amygdala, fear conditioning, electrophysiology duvarci 2007‑02‑08 Sim(0.18)
Sasha Devore (Info) Nature Neuroscience sensory neurophysiology sashadevore 2006‑09‑30 Sim(0.21)
Tetsuya Tabata (Info) University of Tokyo belsheba 2012‑04‑22 Sim(0.23)
cyril herry (Info) INSERM U862, Bordeaux, France behavioral neurophysiology cyrilh 2008‑10‑31 Sim(0.24)
Cheryl M. McCormick (Info) Brock Univ. Behavioral neuroendocrinology mm03 2011‑02‑10 Sim(0.24)
Christiane Linster (Info) Cornell Olfaction JLand52 2007‑05‑30 Sim(0.25)
Donald B. Katz (Info) Brandeis Neuroscience rivogel 2005‑11‑01 Sim(0.26)
Gary Ralph Sutherland (Info) University of Arizona pq 2015‑08‑30 Sim(0.27)
Alena Short (Info) Eastern Virginia Medical School (Chemistry Tree) AKerscher 2020‑09‑17 Sim(0.27)
Shaun R. Patel (Info) MGH, BUSM sbone03 2009‑03‑09 Sim(0.27)
Ruidong Chen (Info) Cornell jesseg1 2014‑12‑05 Sim(0.27)
Theofanis Panagiotaropoulos (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics Visual system, early experiences, learning and memory fanispa 2008‑04‑11 Sim(0.27)
Ryan H Kirkpatrick (Info) Queens University eating disorders, eye movements, social cognition ryankirkpatrick 2019‑04‑09 Sim(0.27)
Randolf Menzel (Info) Freie University Olfaction JLand52 2006‑04‑05 Sim(0.27)
Linda M. Columbus (Info) UVA (Chemistry Tree) magnetic resonance, membrane proteins lcolumbus 2012‑04‑22 Sim(0.27)
Ilana B. Witten (Info) Princeton Circuit-level analysis of reward and motivation david 2008‑03‑31 Sim(0.28)
Joseph E. LeDoux (Info) NYU, Weill Medical College Of Cornell Univ emotion, memory hayden 2005‑02‑18 Sim(0.28)
Andreas S. Thum (Info) University of Konstanz belsheba 2012‑04‑22 Sim(0.28)
Ratmir Derda (Info) University of Alberta (Chemistry Tree) drug discovery jandh 2013‑01‑05 Sim(0.29)
Naoshige Uchida (Info) Harvard Olfaction gidon 2005‑11‑11 Sim(0.29)
Yi-Ping Chen (Info) Oxford sslyruc 2014‑02‑03 Sim(0.29)
Jacobo Diego Sitt (Info) Unicog, CEA / Saclay Neuroscience jdsitt 2009‑12‑29 Sim(0.29)
Shane M. O'Mara (Info) Trinity College Dublin hippocampus, learning, memory, synaptic plasticity smomara 2009‑01‑25 Sim(0.29)
Toshihide Hige (Info) CSHL raacampbell 2008‑12‑05 Sim(0.29)
Ellen Moore (Info) University of Missouri - Columbia (Chemistry Tree) marklee 2018‑08‑22 Sim(0.29)
Nicolas Panayotis (Info) Weizmann Institute nicolaspanayotis 2010‑12‑20 Sim(0.3)
Gwenaël Jan (Info) Université Rennes 1 doc_fr 2017‑02‑17 Sim(0.3)
Paul W. Frankland (Info) University of Toronto pfrankla 2005‑11‑21 Sim(0.3)
Brian Lau (Info) Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière Decision making, Reinforcement Learning david 2005‑01‑15 Sim(0.3)
Okihide Hikosaka (Info) NEI hayden 2005‑02‑18 Sim(0.3)
Sam F. Cooke (Info) King's College (London) Synaptic plasticity, learning and memory scooke 2007‑04‑11 Sim(0.3)
Elif Engin (Info) Harvard Medical School / McLean Hospital eengin 2009‑09‑01 Sim(0.3)
takashi toda (Info) Cancer Research UK (PombeTree) cell cycle ttoda 2009‑11‑03 Sim(0.31)
James L. Manley (Info) Columbia mRNA processing xyfuscience 2011‑05‑20 Sim(0.31)
Irena Kareva (Info) Arizona State (Terrestrial Ecology Tree) Mathematical oncology, Evolutionary oncology jdnagy 2013‑08‑21 Sim(0.31)
Allison Doupe (Info) UCSF Birdsong david 2005‑01‑15 Sim(0.31)
Donald A. Wilson (Info) NYU/Nathan Kline Institute Olfaction JLand52 2007‑05‑22 Sim(0.31)
Scott Waddell (Info) UMASS Medical School Learning and Memory SWaddell 2008‑08‑11 Sim(0.31)
Paul Antoine Salin (Info) CNRS Sleep, memory mcondro 2010‑05‑27 Sim(0.31)
Isabella Maita (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick/Piscataway mood, anxiety, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis isabellamaita 2022‑09‑18 Sim(0.31)
Sebastian Busch (Info) Novartis belsheba 2012‑04‑22 Sim(0.32)
Stephen Morris David (Info) UIUC (Literature Tree) pq 2015‑08‑30 Sim(0.32)
Shawn D. Wehe (Info) Stanford (Chemistry Tree) Laser diagnostics and sensors, shock wave physics and chemistry, laser spectroscopy, chemical kinetics, combustion science, and advanced propulsion pq 2015‑11‑16 Sim(0.32)
Mo Xu (Info) National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing (NIBS, Beijing) (Chemistry Tree) 09300720096 2020‑06‑01 Sim(0.33)
Richard Fourness Johnston (Info) UC Berkeley (Evolution Tree) Ornithology gatr 2013‑09‑21 Sim(0.33)
Samantha E. Forde (Info) UC Santa Cruz (Marine Ecology Tree) Marine Ecology raimondi 2011‑09‑26 Sim(0.33)
Daniel H. O'Connor (Info) Johns Hopkins mmeng 2007‑10‑04 Sim(0.33)
Yanying Wu (Info) Oxford Ishaan-kapoor 2022‑05‑31 Sim(0.33)
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