People with institution matching "Sussex University ": Advanced Search
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Harry Barrow (Info) Sussex University Computational vision goodhill 2009‑09‑03
Julian Burke (Info) Sussex University kingsleycox 2016‑10‑18
Max Coltheart (Info) Macquarie University Reading aloud, speech production, cognitive modeling paul.dux 2006‑10‑25
Kingsley J. Cox (Info) SUNY Stony Brook learning and cortical circuitry kingsleycox 2016‑10‑18
Christopher J. Darwin (Info) Sussex University bobcarlyon 2009‑12‑17
Gwenaelle S.G. Geleoc (Info) Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Inner ear physiology, hair cells, gene therapy ggeleoc 2019‑03‑11
Massimo Grassi (Info) University of Padova Hearing massimo006 2012‑11‑21
Stephen T. Hamilton (Info) UC Davis Psycholingustics cljohns 2014‑11‑18
Henning Holle (Info) University of Sussex, UK dkoester 2010‑09‑15
Ashok Jansari (Info) University of East London, Goldsmiths College Face memory r_oshea 2021‑11‑18
Phil Johnson-Laird (Info) Princeton timdalgleish 2008‑02‑12
Dirk Koester (Info) Bielefeld University, Germany psycholinguistics, action, perception, cognitive neuroscience dkoester 2010‑09‑15
Cornelius Kros (Info) Sussex University ggeleoc 2019‑03‑11
David Leavens (Info) Sussex University Animal Cognition, Cognitive Development, Communication, Comparative psychology, Developmental psychology, Evolution of language, Experimental psychology, Gestures, Observational methods, Pointing R0bert 2018‑03‑20
Richard G.M. Morris (Info) Edinburgh Learning and Memory, synaptic plasticity hayden 2006‑04‑12
William R. A. Muntz (Info) The University of Sussex, University of Stirling, Monash University (Australia) Intraocular transfer in octopus, Ocular media & spectral sensitivity in fish and frog shawnpg 2016‑07‑18
Jane Oakhill (Info) Sussex University Text Comprehension jojolabricole 2011‑09‑30
Alan R. Palmer (Info) Nottingham david 2005‑07‑05
Alan Parkin (Info) Sussex University r_oshea 2021‑11‑20
Jennifer Rusted (Info) Birkbeck College MaxColtheart 2018‑04‑29
Michael Schartner (Info) Sussex University Levels of consciousness, complexity Mschart 2016‑01‑24
Alice Skelton (Info) Sussex University Aes31 2019‑07‑09
Norman Stuart Sutherland (Info) Sussex University katejeffery 2018‑11‑21
Ian M. Winter (Info) Cambridge marksayles 2014‑02‑03
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