Princeton University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Henry D I AbarbanelComputational modeling, dynamics Physics Richard Blankenbecler (grad student)
Robert P. AbelsonSocial psychology, Cognitive Science Department of Psychology Department of Psychology John Wilder Tukey (grad student), Silvan Solomon Tomkins (grad student)
Ralph N. AdamsNeurochemistry1953 Nathaniel Howell Furman (grad student)
James S. Adelman2010 Michaela Hau (grad student)
William T. Adler
Tyson Aflalo Psychology2013 Michael Graziano (grad student)
Nikolaos C. AggelopoulosNeurophysiology20062007 Sabine Kastner (research scientist)
Hessameddin Akhlaghpour Princeton Neuroscience Institute20122017 Ilana B. Witten (grad student)
Michael R. Akinssynapse formation, Fragile X19981999 Joe Tsien (research assistant)
Athena AkramiComputational Neuroscience Carlos D. Brody (post-doc)
Naseem Al-AidroosVisual cognitive neuroscience20102011 Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (post-doc)
Thomas D. AlbrightVision Charles Gross (grad student)
Nicholas Victor Julius Alexander
Robert D. Allen
Kachina AllenAuditory perception Matthew M. Botvinick (post-doc)
Mariam Alyepisodic memory, attention, visual perception, medial temporal lobe20132017 Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (post-doc)
Anthony E. Ambrosinivirology, circuit tracers, pathogenesis Molecular Biology2014 Lynn W. Enquist (grad student)
Daniel Ames2014 Susan Fiske (grad student)
Nadav AmirComputational Cognitive Science
Dario Amodei Physics Physics2011 Michael J. Berry (grad student), William Bialek (grad student)
Spiros H. AnastasiadisPolymer Science; Polymer Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films; Polymer Blends and Homopolymer / Copolymer Blends; Dynamics & Diffusion in Multiconstituent Systems; Organic/Inorganic Nanohybrid Materials; Responsive Polymer Systems Department of Chemical Engineering19831988 Jeffrey T. Koberstein (grad student)
Joshua D. Angrist economics economics1989 Orley Ashenfelter (grad student), David Card (grad student)
Mikio Christian AoiComputational Neuroscience
Mikio Aoi20152020 Jonathan Pillow (post-doc)
Michael Arcarovisual system Psychology20082013 Sabine Kastner (grad student)
Adel ArdalanComputational Neuroscience Princeton Neuroscience Institute Timothy J. Buschman (post-doc)
Rachel Nicole AreyAging, C. Elegans Coleen T. Murphy (post-doc)
P Alexander ArguelloBehavioral Neuroscience, Neurogenetics2010 Samuel S.-H. Wang (post-doc)
Charlotte Arlt20092010 Samuel S.-H. Wang (research assistant)
Dmitriy Aronov2010 David W. Tank (post-doc)
Anushri Arora CS2023 Jonathan Pillow (grad student)
James Rowan AshenhurstAddiction, Mesolimbic dopamine system20062008 Bart G. Hoebel (research assistant)
Zoe Ashwood Computer Science20182022 Jonathan Pillow (grad student)
Christopher L. AsplundAttention, working memory, reasoning, fMRI20012003 Phil Johnson-Laird (research assistant)
S. Atwood
Nicole M. Avena2006 Bart G. Hoebel (grad student)
Holger Awater
Aleksandra Baduracerebellum, systems neuroscience2012 Samuel S.-H. Wang (post-doc)
Sophie Françoise Janine Bagurelectrophysiology, sleep, oscillations, fear Department of Molecular Biology20122012 Michael J. Berry (grad student)
Ji Hyun Baktheoretical/computational biophysics, computational neuroscience Princeton Neuroscience Institute Physics20152016 Jonathan Pillow (grad student), William Bialek (grad student)
Vijay Balasubramanianstring theory, neuroscience1997 Curtis Gove Callan (grad student)
Fuat BalciInterval Timing, Decision-Making, Animal Learning2009 Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc), Ritwik K. Niyogi (collaborator), Philip J. Holmes (post-doc)
Christopher A. Baldassano Psychology Psychology20152018 Uri Hasson (post-doc), Kenneth A. Norman (post-doc)
Sean G. BaronConceptual Composition, Face Processing Psychology2012 Daniel N. Osherson (grad student), Alexander T. Todorov (grad student)
Russell J. Barrnett Joel Cooper (grad student)
Adrian M. BartlettVision, Electrophysiology, Oscillations, Attention, Audiovisual Integration, Neuroethology, Active Perception
Roy F. Baumeisteremotion, social neuroscience, sexuality Edward E. Jones (grad student)
Diane M. BeckVisual system2005 Sabine Kastner (post-doc), Mark A. Pinsk (collaborator)
Taylor Beckhuman episodic memory, dreaming, science writing20032007 Kenneth A. Norman (research assistant)
Jacinta BeehnerBiopsychology, Endocrinology, Primatology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Jeanne Altmann (post-doc)
Vikranth Rao BejjankiComputational neuroscience, Cognitive Science20122016 Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (post-doc)
Arielle Belluckdevelopmental psychology Psychology2022 Adele Eva Goldberg (research assistant)
Barbara S. Beltzneurogenesis Alan Gelperin (grad student)
Hilary B. BergsiekerSocial Psychology Psychology2012 Nicole Shelton (grad student)
Jonathan BerlinerMotor Control, Computational Psychology Matthew M. Botvinick (grad student)
Gordon BermanTheoretical and computational biophysics, animal behavior, neuroscience, biomechanics, and machine learning. Physics20092015 William Bialek (post-doc), Joshua W. Shaevitz (post-doc)
Michael J. BerryRetina Markus Meister (post-doc)
Andrea BertozziNonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematics1991 Andrew Joseph Majda (grad student)
Anna V. BeylinNeurogenesis2000 Elizabeth Gould (grad student)
Max Bialek Carlos D. Brody (research assistant)
William BialekComputation & Theory Michael J. Berry (collaborator)
Jennifer K. BilzSocial Psychology2006 John M. Darley (grad student)
Sonia J. BishopCognitive Neuroscience Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc)
Shane F. Blackman Psychology2014 Joel Cooper (grad student)
Hart BlantonSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Behavioral Psychology19901994 Joel Cooper (grad student)
David Meir BleiStatistical Machine Learning, Topic Models, Scalable Bayesian Computation
Miriam E. BocarslyNeurogenesis Neuroscience Neuroscience20082013 Elizabeth Gould (grad student), Bart G. Hoebel (grad student)
David BohmQuantum physics, particle physics
Krista M. Bondmotor learning, structure learning Psychology20132017 Jordan A. Taylor (research assistant)
Adrian Gopnik Bondyperceptual decision making Carlos D. Brody (post-doc)
Jeremy I. Borjondevelopmental systems, neuroethology, autonomic physiology20122017 Asif A. Ghazanfar (grad student), Alexander T. Todorov (research assistant)
Aaron M. BornsteinDecision making; Episodic memory; Reinforcement learning2013 Kenneth A. Norman (post-doc), Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc)
Rober BoshraSystems neuroscience, Machine learning, thalamus Neuroscience2020 Sabine Kastner (post-doc)
Matthew M. Botvinick
Lisa M. Boulangerbrain development and plasticity; immune proteins in the brain
Seth E. BouvierVisual System2007 Anne Treisman (post-doc)
Eric M. Bowmandopamine, single neuron recording, neurphysiology, learning, reward19841989 Carl R. Olson (grad student)
Jeremy Boyd20072009 Adele Eva Goldberg (post-doc)
Jordan Boyd-GraberArtificial Intelligence, Linguistics Language, Statistics2010 David Meir Blei (grad student)
Ellie Breitfeld20172020 Casey Lew-Williams (grad student)
Amy Doris Brideau2000 Lynn W. Enquist (grad student)
Adam T Brockett Psychology20122017 Elizabeth Gould (grad student)
Carlos D. Brody David A. Markowitz (collaborator)
Eric T. Brown2004 Philip J. Holmes (grad student)
Charles BruceFrontal cortex Charles Gross (post-doc)
Alla Brukmanvirology, circuit tracers, pathogenesis2006 Lynn W. Enquist (grad student)
Bingni Wen Brunton Molecular Biology2012 Carlos D. Brody (grad student)
Ronnie E. Bryanface perception20042006 James Haxby (research assistant)
Alfred Buck Anne Treisman (grad student)
Mark J. Burishheadache, pain20002002 Samuel S.-H. Wang (research assistant)
Shannon M Burnssocial psychology, social neuroscience, interpersonal neural processes Psychology Department20202021 Diana I. Tamir (post-doc)
Timothy J. BuschmanSystems, Attention, Cogntive Control
Laura A. Bustamante Jonathan D. Cohen (grad student)
Peter A. ButcherCognitive Neuroscience2014 Jordan A. Taylor (post-doc)
Samantha ButlerAxon Guidance, axon regeneration19901996 Yasushi Hiromi (grad student)
Anthony R. Caggiula Bart G. Hoebel (grad student)
Mingbo CaiSpontaneous thoughts, Brain imaging, Decision making, Learning, Time Perception, Machine learning
Adam J. Calhoun
Carlo CampagnoliPsychophysics, 3D Vision, Motor Learning, Virtual Reality Psychology20172021 Jordan A. Taylor (post-doc)
Byron Campbell Burrhus Frederic Skinner (post-doc)
Sally CamperPituitary developement Molecular Biology Shirley Tilghman (post-doc)
Hadley Cantril
Gideon Paul CaplovitzVisual Neuroscience20082010 Sabine Kastner (post-doc)
Julia M. CaponitiNeurogenesis Psychology2012 Elizabeth Gould (grad student)
Erica C. Carlisledecision making2003 Eldar Shafir (grad student)
Erica CarranzaSocial Psychology, Physiological Psychology2004 Deborah Prentice (grad student)
Marisa Carrascoattention, visual psychophysics Ronald Kinchla (grad student)
Alessio Carusochemistry, biochemistry, enzymology, structural biology
Alessio Carusochemistry, biochemistry, enzymology, structural biology Chemistry20162021 Mohammad R. Seyedsayamdost (grad student)
Skylar Cassity Program in Neuroscience20202022 Ehren L. Newman (research assistant)
Toh Hean Ch'ng Lynn W. Enquist (grad student)
Toh H. Ch'ngvirology, circuit tracers, pathogenesis2005 Lynn W. Enquist (grad student)
Marcelo Chacon20092010 Lisa M. Boulanger (post-doc)
Stephanie C.Y. Chandecision-making; computational memory2010 Kenneth A. Norman (grad student)
Chandramouli ChandrasekaranAuditory Cortex, Coherence20062011 Asif A. Ghazanfar (grad student)
Sanjay J. Chandrianicancer, transcription factors2005 Michael D. Cole (grad student)
Jeremy ChangNeuroscience Neuroscience David W. Tank (grad student)
David A Chang van Oordtecoimmunology, disease ecology, animal behavior, immunoparasitology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2023 Andrea L. Graham (post-doc)
Adam Charles20152019 Jonathan Pillow (post-doc)
Julie A Charlton
David Thanh Chau2001 Bart G. Hoebel (grad student)
Kevin S. ChenSystems Neuroscience; Computational Neuroscience; Biophysics Neuroscience, Physics Princeton Neuroscience Institute2018 Andrew M. Leifer (grad student), Jonathan Pillow (grad student)
Zhe ChenVisual attention; Object perception; Memory Anne Treisman (grad student)
Janice ChenMemory, Perception2012 Uri Hasson (post-doc), Kenneth A. Norman (post-doc)
Yu-Wei Chenaddiction Psychology2012 Elizabeth Gould (grad student)
Jin Hyun Cheong
E. J. Chichilniskyvisual system, retina19831986 Donald Ready (research assistant)
Gitanjali Chimalakondabacterial genetics
Raymond Y. Choschizophrenia, cognitive control Jonathan D. Cohen (grad student)
Min H. ChoLearning and Memory2007 Joe Tsien (grad student)
Ryan ChoDopamine, Optical imaging, Decision making Princeton Neuroscience Institute2019 Ilana B. Witten (post-doc)
Jung Yoon Choi
Sang-Chul Chong Anne Treisman (grad student)
Sang C. Chongvisual attention, object perception and memory2004 Anne Treisman (grad student)
George A. Cicala psychology Byron Campbell (grad student)
Mina Cikara2010 Susan Fiske (grad student)
Jaime E. Cisternas2003 Philip J. Holmes (grad student)
Eugene F. Civilliconeocortical and cerebellar physiology; optical methods2006 Samuel S.-H. Wang (post-doc)
Damon A. Clark20002001 Samuel S.-H. Wang (research assistant)
Jesse T. Clarkelection research
Jan Clemensauditory system, insects, computational biology2012 Mala Murthy (post-doc)
Philip A. CoenSystems Neuroscience Neuroscience20102015 Mala Murthy (grad student)
Jonathan D. Cohenattention, computation & theory
Forrest C. Collman20032009 David W. Tank (grad student), David A. Markowitz (collaborator)
Charles Collyer
Christine M. Constantinople2013 David W. Tank (post-doc), Carlos D. Brody (post-doc)
David Contreras RosEmotion and decision-making20072007 Jonathan D. Cohen (grad student), Patrick A. Simen (collaborator)
Andrew R. A. Conwayworking memory, intelligence
Dylan F. CookeNeuroplasticity, Sensorimotor integration, Evolution20022005 Michael Graziano (grad student), Charles Gross (grad student), Charles Gross (research assistant)
Joel Cooper
Natalia Cordova20122017 Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (grad student)
Greg S. Corrado William Bialek (research assistant)
Lauren M. Costa2009 Michaela Hau (grad student)
Ellen Covey19801981 Charles Gross (post-doc)
Ben Cowley Princeton Neuroscience Institute20182022 Jonathan Pillow (post-doc)
James C. Craigtactile psychophysics Frank A. Geldard (grad student)
Matthew Creamer PNI2019 Jonathan Pillow (post-doc)
Amanda Crocker2010 Mala Murthy (post-doc)
Dusica Curanovicvirology, circuit tracers, pathogenesis2009 Lynn W. Enquist (grad student)
Kimberlee D'Ardenne2008 Jonathan D. Cohen (grad student)
Federico d'Oleire UquillasNeuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience Neuroscience Neuroscience Samuel S.-H. Wang (grad student), Jesse Gomez (grad student)
Maria Cristina da Silva2003 Lynn W. Enquist (grad student)
John I. Dallandcomparative psychology, auditory function19621967 Ernest Glen Wever (post-doc)
John M. DarleySocial Psychology
Aditi DasLipid Biochemistry2005 Michael H. Hecht (grad student)
Nathaniel D. DawReward, learning, and decision making
Megan deBettencourt20102016 Kenneth A. Norman (grad student), Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (grad student)
Hugo Defienne
Hugo DefienneOptics, quantum physics
Tony Del Riovirology, circuit tracers, pathogenesis2004 Lynn W. Enquist (grad student)
Dedra Demaree Physics Gordon Aubrecht (grad student)
Benny deMayo2020 Casey Lew-Williams (grad student)
Emily Jane Dennis PNI2018 Carlos D. Brody (post-doc)
Brian D. DePasqualeComputation & Theory Princeton Neuroscience Institute Princeton Neuroscience Institute20162022 Jonathan Pillow (post-doc), Carlos D. Brody (post-doc)
Robert DesimoneSystems, attention, vision Charles Gross (grad student)
Kevin DeSimoneImaging20032005 Sabine Kastner (research assistant)
Laura A. deSouzabirdsong20092011 Jonathan D. Cohen (research assistant)
Greg Detre2000 Kenneth A. Norman (grad student)
Gregory J. DetreHuman memory & learning2010 Kenneth A. Norman (grad student)
Dudi Deutsch2014 Mala Murthy (post-doc)
Michael R. DeWeeseAuditory Cortex William Bialek (grad student)
Zahra Mansoor Dhanerawala Neuroscience20182020 Samuel S.-H. Wang (research assistant)
Robert H. Dicke
Carlos G. Diuk WasserLearning, Basal Ganglia2009 Matthew M. Botvinick (post-doc)
Chad Dodson Psychology Marcia K. Johnson (grad student)
Daniel A. DombeckBehavior Cognition Language, Brain Imaging, Cell Imaging & Electrophysiology, Learning & Memory, Systems Neuroscience David W. Tank (post-doc)
Cristina Domnisoruoptical imaging David W. Tank (grad student)
Jeff A. Drocco20052011 Eric F. Wieschaus (grad student), David W. Tank (grad student)
Chunyu Ann Duan Carlos D. Brody (grad student)
Sarah DuBrow2016 Kenneth A. Norman (post-doc)
Acheson Duncan
Lea Duncker Princeton Neuroscience Institute20152016 Jonathan Pillow (research assistant)
Sophie Dvali Physics2019 Andrew M. Leifer (grad student)
R Becket Ebitzattention, decision-making, internal states Princeton Neuroscience Institute Princeton Neuroscience Institute Princeton Neuroscience Institute20152017 Timothy J. Buschman (post-doc), Daniel Yasumasa Takahashi (collaborator), Jonathan D. Cohen (collaborator)
Maria A. Echeverry-Galvis Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20072012 Michaela Hau (grad student)
Philip A. Eckhoff2009 Philip J. Holmes (grad student)
Jonathan EggenschwllerMolecular Biology, Human Development, Neuroscience Biology
David Eisenbergprotein interactions19641966 Walter Kauzmann (post-doc)
Yousuf El-Jayyousi PNI PNI2022 Jonathan Pillow (grad student), Ilana B. Witten (grad student)
Tamer el-Leithy2005 Michael I. Jordan (grad student)
Eran Eldar
Cameron Ellis Department of Psychology2015 Jonathan D. Cohen (grad student)
Lauren Emberson
Tatiana Emmanouilattention2009 Anne Treisman (grad student)
Esteban A. EngelVirology, viral transport, viral spread, neuroscience, viral vectors Molecular Biology Molecular Biology20102015 Lynn W. Enquist (post-doc), Moriah L. Szpara (collaborator)
Barbara Elizabeth EngelhardtMachine learning, Bayesian statistics, statistical genetics, computational biology, quantitative genetics.
Andrew D. EngellVisual system, fMRI, EEG, Social percepton20032008 Alexander T. Todorov (grad student), James Haxby (grad student)
Lynn W. Enquistvirology, circuit tracers, pathogenesis
Jeffrey C. Erlichdecision-making, quantitative models2006 Carlos D. Brody (post-doc)
Neir EshelSystems and cognitive neuroscience, electrophysiology, optogenetics, fMRI, TMS, dopamine, computation20042007 Jonathan D. Cohen (research assistant)
Karla K. Evans Anne Treisman (grad student), Frank Tong (research assistant)
Karla K. EvansVision, Attention, Memory, Crossmodal Perception Psychology20022007 Anne Treisman (grad student)
Adrienne Fairhall William Bialek (post-doc), Rob de Ruyter van Steveninck (post-doc)
Mazyar FallahVisual Cortex, Attention2001 Charles Gross (grad student)
Virginia B. Falvello Psychology2014 Alexander T. Todorov (research assistant)
Judith E. Fan20112016 Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (grad student), Jordan A. Taylor (grad student)
Richard R. FayHearing1970 Ernest Glen Wever (grad student)
Hilda M. FehdMotion Perception and Attention20022004 Sabine Kastner (research assistant)
Samuel F. Feng Applied and Computational Mathematics2012 Philip J. Holmes (grad student)
Liang Feng François M. M. Morel (grad student)
Alicia Fenley
Bernardo FerdmanIndustrial Organizational Psychology, Social Psychology, organizational behavior, Behavioral Psychology, Occupational Health and Safety Psychology Psychology19791980 John M. Darley (research assistant), Edward E. Jones (research assistant)
Frank Albert Fetter
Ian C. FiebelkornOscillations, Attention, Multisensory2012 Sabine Kastner (post-doc)
Gabriel Finkelsteinhistory of neurophysiology, history of science, German history, history of exploration, historiography19881996 Gerald L. Geison (grad student), Harold James (grad student)
William W. FlemingPharmacology1957 Arthur K. Parpart (grad student)
Sammy Floyd Department of Psychology2016 Casey Lew-Williams (grad student)
Stephen C. Fowlerpsychopharmacology, dopamine system Joseph M. Notterman (grad student)
Carl Peter FranckCondensed Matter Physics1978 Stephen E. Schnatterly (grad student)
Johannes FrasnelliOlfaction Daniel Kahneman (grad student)
Karla Frietze Molecular Biology20112017 Lisa M. Boulanger (grad student)
Juan Joanne GaoDynamics of neural networks
Juan GaoComputational neuroscience
Ricardo GattassVisual cortex Charles Gross (post-doc)
Jeffrey L. Gauthierhippocampus, navigation20102019 David W. Tank (post-doc)
Victor Geadah Applied Math2021 Jonathan Pillow (grad student)
Andra Geanadecision-making, learning2010 Jonathan D. Cohen (grad student)
Maria Neimark Geffensensory systems20002003 John J. Hopfield (research assistant)
Gerald L. GeisonHistory of Physiology Frederic L. Holmes (grad student)
Frank A. Geldardtactile research, human factors
Alan GelperinBiological, computational and electronic olfaction; learning and memory.
Margaret E. GerbasiSocial Psychology2011 Deborah Prentice (grad student)
Sherif Gerges20152016 Andrew M. Leifer (research assistant)
Sean M. GerrishComputer Science, Statistics, Theory and Methods Computer Science2013 David Meir Blei (grad student)
Samuel GershmanComputational cognitive neuroscience of learning and memory20082013 Yael Niv (grad student), Kenneth A. Norman (grad student)
Sam J. GershmanCognitive & computational neuroscience Psychology2013 Kenneth A. Norman (grad student)
Sarah Jean Getz Psychology2013 Jonathan D. Cohen (grad student)
Asif A. Ghazanfar
Raffaele M. Ghigliazza2004 Philip J. Holmes (grad student)
Rajarshi Ghosh"evolution of neural circuits,behavior" Leonid Kruglyak (post-doc)
James Jerome GibsonEcological Psychology Edwin Bissell Holt (grad student), Herbert Langfeld (grad student)
Daniel T. GilbertSocial Cognition Psychology19811985 Edward E. Jones (grad student)
Mark Samuel Gilzenrat2006 Jonathan D. Cohen (grad student)
Cyrille GirardinVisual System20112013 Mala Murthy (post-doc)
Joan S. Girgusvisual perception
Stephanie E. Goldfarb Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering2013 Philip J. Holmes (grad student)
Robert D. GoldmanCell Biology, Molecular Neuroscience Biology19631967 Lionel Israel Rebhun (grad student)
Cynthia M. GoochTime perception19931997 Gregory A. Clark (grad student)
Geoffrey P. Goodwin2006 Phil Johnson-Laird (grad student)
Stephanie A. GoodwinSocial Psychology Susan Fiske (grad student)
Prem K. GopalanComputer Science Computer Science2015 David Meir Blei (grad student)
Elizabeth GouldNeurogenesis
Andrea E. Granstedtvirology, circuit tracers, pathogenesis Molecular Biology2013 Lynn W. Enquist (grad student)
Peter R. GrantEvolutionary Biology
Michael Grazianosensorimotor integration19921996 Charles Gross (grad student)
Barry G. Greentaste, chemesthesis, flavor, temperature, touch, pain19781980 Frank A. Geldard (post-doc)
Joshua D. GreeneMoral judgment/decision-making, cognitive neuroscience2002 Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc), David Lewis (grad student), Gilbert Harman (grad student)
Erich J. GreeneSocial Psychology2003 John M. Darley (grad student)
John R. Gregg Arthur K. Parpart (grad student)
Karol Gregorcomputational neuroscience, learning, vision2006 Shivaji Lal Sondhi (grad student)
Dena M. GrometSocial Psychology2009 John M. Darley (grad student)
Charles GrossVisual system Elizabeth Gould (collaborator)
Alyssa Guilluchild development, emotion development, language development Psychology2022 Casey Lew-Williams (research assistant)
Morgan L. Gustison20172018 Asif A. Ghazanfar (post-doc)
Laura M. Haetzel
Crystal C. HallFace Processing Department of Psychology20032008 Alexander T. Todorov (grad student), Eldar Shafir (grad student)
Alexandria Hammons2013 Mala Murthy (grad student)
Walton M. Hancock Acheson Duncan (grad student)
Timothy D. Hanks Carlos D. Brody (post-doc)
Stevan Harnad Department of Psychology1992 Julian Jaynes (grad student)
Sevan K Harootoniancomputational modeling, spatial cognition, path integration2020 Yael Niv (grad student)
Lasana T. HarrisSocial Neuroscience Susan Fiske (grad student)
Berit HartjenAttention, Cognitive Neuroscience, EEG Princeton Neuroscience Institute2020 Sabine Kastner (post-doc)
Megan HarveyHuman Motor Cortex20052007 Michael Graziano (research assistant), Sabine Kastner (research assistant)
Christopher Harvey David W. Tank (post-doc)
Liat Hasenfratz Psychology Ariel Knafo-Noam (post-doc)
Steven Hamed Hassani Physics2012 William Bialek (grad student)
Uri HassonCognition, neuroimaging2004 Sam Glucksberg (grad student), Phil Johnson-Laird (grad student)
Uri HassonCognitive neuroscience
Nicholas HastingsNeuroendocrinology Elizabeth Gould (post-doc)
John (Woody) Woodland Hastingscircadian clock controls1951 Edmund Newton Harvey (grad student)
Robert D. HawkinsSocial Interaction Psychology2019 Thomas L. Griffiths (post-doc)
Harlene HayneMemory, Developmental psychology Byron Campbell (post-doc)
Qinpu He
Carl HempelPhilosophy
Augustin C Hennings Princeton Neuroscience Institute2022 Kenneth A. Norman (post-doc)
Allison M. Hermanncognitive psychology
Diana M. Hill2010 Joel Cooper (grad student)
James Hilton Psychology John M. Darley (grad student)
Nicholas C. Hindy20122017 Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (post-doc)
Mark K. Ho Psychology20152017 Joseph L. Austerweil (grad student)
Bartley G. HoebelNeuroscience Biology, Physiological Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology
Bart G. HoebelMotivation, Reward Philip Teitelbaum (grad student)
Joseph HoffmanDirect visualization of the membrane pool ATP Arthur K. Parpart (grad student)
Philip J. Holmes
Christopher J. Honeybrain networks, temporal integration, narrative cognition, memory20092013 Uri Hasson (post-doc)
Tycho M. HooglandIn Vivo Imaging and Behavior; Cerebellum; Locomotion; Sensorimotor integration; Cerebello-Cebrocortical Loops; Optical methods; Miniscopes; Multi-photon microscopy; Optogenetics; Science Outreach Samuel S.-H. Wang (post-doc)
John J. HopfieldModelling David A. Markowitz (collaborator)
Jon C. Horvitz Barry L. Jacobs (post-doc)
Andrew A. HouckApplied Physics,Photonics,Quantum Information
Xintian HuOculomotor system, sensory motor integration, Primate2000 Charles Gross (grad student)
Liqiang Huang Anne Treisman (post-doc)
Zhao Huang2009 David W. Tank (grad student)
Pamela S. Huntdevelopmental, Pavlovian conditioning Byron Campbell (post-doc)
Lindsay E. Hunter Nathaniel D. Daw (grad student)
J. Benjamin HutchinsonCognitive Neuroscience, Memory, Attention Psychology20112016 Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (post-doc)
Sarah A. HutterMotor learning, motor control, reinforcement learning Jordan A. Taylor (grad student), Nathaniel D. Daw (grad student)
Marius Cătălin IordanObject Perception, Categorization, Real-Time fMRI
Barry L. Jacobs
Drew S. Jacoby-SenghorSocial Psychology Psychology2014 Stacey Sinclair (grad student)
Rudolf JaenischMouse development19701972 Arnold Levine (post-doc)
Kimberly M. JaffeComputational Development, Molecular Neuroscience, Neurobiology of Disease, Signal Transduction Molecular Biology20082011 Rebecca D. Burdine (post-doc)
Sagi Jaffe-DaxDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology2016 Lauren Emberson (post-doc)
Roshan A. Jain20002007 Liz Gavis (grad student)
Hee Jae Jang
Vasanthi Jayaramanmembrane proteins, glutamate receptors, ligand gated ion channels19901995 Thomas G. Spiro (grad student)
Su Keun JeongVisual cognition Princeton Neuroscience Institute20142016 Sabine Kastner (post-doc)
Aditi Jha ECE20192024 Jonathan Pillow (grad student)
Matt A. Johnson Psychology2013 Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (grad student)
Phil Johnson-Laird
Phillip N. Johnson-LairdCognitive Psychology
Edward E. Jones
Joshua B. Juliancognitive neuroscience Princeton Neuroscience Institute Princeton Neuroscience Institute2019 Carlos D. Brody (post-doc), David W. Tank (post-doc)
Ari E. KahnLearning and Decision Making, Graph Learning Neuroscience Nathaniel D. Daw (post-doc)
Daniel Kahnemandecision making, behavioral economics
Aarat P Kalraprotein polymers, biomedical engineering, bioengineering, biophotonics, bioelectronics Chemistry Molecular Biology20212023 Gregory D. Scholes (post-doc), Sabine Petry (collaborator)
Jesse Kaminsky
Yukiyasu KamitaniComputational/cognitive Frank Tong (post-doc)
Nancy KanwisherVentral stream Anne Treisman (post-doc)
Sabine Kastner
Hope H KeanCognitive Neuroscience Princeton Neuroscience Institute20142018 Michael Graziano (research assistant)
Stephen Keeley Princeton Neuroscience Institute20182020 Jonathan Pillow (post-doc)
Jonathan Patrick Kelleystatistics,behavior,bioacoustics20022003 Martin Wikelski (research assistant)
Andreana C. KenrickSocial Psychology Psychology2014 Stacey Sinclair (grad student)
Waitsang Jane KeungCognitive neuroscience Princeton Neuroscience Institute2010 Jonathan D. Cohen (grad student)
Hyewon Kim20162019 Michael J. Berry (research assistant)
Timothy Doyeon Kim Carlos D. Brody (grad student)
Y. Rachel KimMolecular Metabolism, Eating Behaviors2009 Liz Gavis (research assistant)
Olivia A Kim Psychology20202023 Jordan A. Taylor (post-doc)
Jiye G. KimVisual Cognition, Object Recognition, Scene Comprehension2011 Sabine Kastner (post-doc)
Ghootae KimVisual cognition20112016 Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (grad student), Kenneth A. Norman (grad student)
Ronald Kinchla
Michael S. King19821986 Alan Gelperin (research assistant)
Carlton Kingsford Department of Computer Science Mona Singh (grad student)
Gunnar A. KleemannC. elegans Coleen T. Murphy (post-doc)
Alexander D. KlothStatistics, computation, biological dynamics Molecular Biology20092014 Samuel S.-H. Wang (grad student)
Pavlos KolliasLanguage Modeling, Cognitive Control, Working Memory, Decision Making Psychology Psychology Psychology20142021 Timothy J. Buschman (grad student), Timothy J. Buschman (grad student), Matthew M. Botvinick (grad student)
Christina S. KonenPosterior Parietal Cortex2006 Sabine Kastner (post-doc)
Wouter KoolCognitive control and decision making20102015 Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (grad student), Matthew M. Botvinick (grad student)
Charles D. KopecLTP, AMPA receptors, dendritic spine morphology, time perception, decision making Carlos D. Brody (post-doc)
Aaron C. KoralekSkill learning20052006 James Haxby (research assistant)
Thomas B. Kornberg19731975 Abraham Worcel (post-doc)
Jessica Kosie Department of Psychology2019 Casey Lew-Williams (grad student)
Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy2007 Elizabeth Gould (grad student)
Tal KramerAxonal Transport, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Mitochondrial Dynamics Molecular Biology20072012 Lynn W. Enquist (grad student)
Richard J. Krauzlisvisual neuroscience1985 Carl R. Olson (research assistant)
Kamesh Krishnamurthytheoretical neuroscience, machine learning, biophysics Physics William Bialek (post-doc)
Dmitry Krotov Physics2014 William Bialek (grad student)
Paul M. Kruegercomputational cognitive science
Lu L. KuangSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology2009 Virginia Kwan (grad student)
Matthew B. Kugler2010 Joel Cooper (grad student)
Bernd KuhnCerebellum, Optical Recording, Cerebrum, two-photon microscopy, voltage imaging Molecular Biology20042010 Samuel S.-H. Wang (post-doc), Jane Flint (post-doc)
Raghavendra Kukillaya2010 Philip J. Holmes (grad student)
Ipek G. KulahciAnimal behavior and cognition20092014 Asif A. Ghazanfar (grad student), Daniel Ian Rubenstein (grad student)
Manoj Kumarvision, semantics, statistical learning, fMRI
Manoj KumarVisual Perception, Cognitive Neuroscience, Semantic Representations, Statistical Learning, Memory2017 Kenneth A. Norman (post-doc)
Sreejan KumarCognitive Science
Chun-Chia Kung
Mark N Kvale1989 Philip Warren Anderson (grad student)
Virginia KwanSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology
Brandon P Labbree Department of Psychology/Princeton Neuroscience Institute20172020 Alexander T. Todorov (research assistant)
Vanisha LakhinaAxon regeneration, aging Coleen T. Murphy (post-doc)
Alexandra LandsmanLaser physics2005 Samuel Alan Cohen (grad student)
Angela Langdon Princeton Neuroscience Institute2013 Yael Niv (post-doc)
Herbert Langfeld
Herbert Sidney Langfield
Kelly LaRue2011 Mala Murthy (grad student)
Robyn A. LeBoeufdecision making2002 Eldar Shafir (grad student)
Kelly A. LeeEcology Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2006 Martin Wikelski (grad student)
Junuk LeeNeurophysiology Princeton Neuroscience Institute20142016 Ilana B. Witten (post-doc)
Kisuk Lee2012 H Sebastian Seung (grad student)
Crystal Lee2019 Casey Lew-Williams (grad student)
Kyoung Jin Lee Physics19941995 Raymond E. Goldstein (post-doc)
Andrew M. LeiferC. elegans, Neural dynamics, Behavior, Optogenetics
Luis LemusSomatosensory20092011 Asif A. Ghazanfar (post-doc)
Agatha Lenartowiczsystem-interactions in attention-control2008 Jonathan D. Cohen (grad student), Neir Eshel (collaborator)
Yulia LernerNeurobiology, visual system20092011 Uri Hasson (post-doc)
Benedetta Leuner2005 Elizabeth Gould (post-doc)
Eric Levine Barry L. Jacobs (grad student), Barry L. Jacobs (grad student)
Herbert Levinedynamics of biological systems1979 Roger F. Dashen (grad student)
Casey Lew-Williams
Rick L. Lewiscomputational modeling, language processing, humor Psychology Psychology19941995 George A. Miller (post-doc), Philip Johnson-Laird (post-doc)
Jarrod A. Lewis-PeacockMemory, Cognitive Control, fMRI Princeton Neuroscience Institute20102013 Kenneth A. Norman (post-doc), Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc)
Casey LewryCognitive psychology Psychology2021 Tania Lombrozo (grad student)
Andrew C LiVisual perception, Information visualization Jiaying Zhao (grad student)
Fei-Fei LiElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Natural Scene Perception, Object Recognition
Diana A. Liao2013 Asif A. Ghazanfar (grad student)
Charles P. Lin19861989 Warren S. Warren (post-doc)
Shin-Yi LinMolecular Biology, Human Development, Neuroscience Biology Molecular Biology20042011 Jonathan Eggenschwller (grad student), Rebecca D. Burdine (grad student)
Ashley Linder Neuroscience20132017 Andrew M. Leifer (grad student), Joshua W. Shaevitz (grad student)
D. Stephen LindsayMemory Marcia K. Johnson (grad student)
Robert D. Lisk George Evelyn Hutchinson (grad student)
Shawn C. LittleDevelopmental Biology20092016 Eric F. Wieschaus (post-doc), Thomas Gregor (post-doc)
Mochi Liu Lewis-Sigler Institute Quantitative and Computational Biology20142020 Andrew M. Leifer (grad student), Joshua W. Shaevitz (grad student)
Richard B. LopezIndividual differences in cue reactivity and self-regulation Alexander T. Todorov (research assistant)
Ryan Low David W. Tank (grad student)
Will Lowequantitative social science; text analysis; scaling; causal inference
Qihong Lu2017 Kenneth A. Norman (grad student), Uri Hasson (grad student)
Yao Lu David W. Tank (grad student)
xuemin luneuroscience
Elliot A. LudvigAnimal Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making20112013 Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc)
Thomas Zhihao Luo2016 Carlos D. Brody (post-doc)
Gary Lynchlearning and memory Byron Campbell (grad student)
Loy D. Lytleneuropharmacology; psychopharmacology; neurosciences Psychology19661970 Byron Campbell (grad student)
Scott A MacDougall-ShackletonBirdsong, Seasonality, Stress Thomas P. Hahn (post-doc)
Beth A. MacDougall-Shackleton2000 Thomas P. Hahn (grad student)
Camden J MacDowellNeural Oscillations, Cortical Dynamics, Neurological Disease
Camden J MacDowellCortical Dynamics, Neurological Disease Neuroscience2017 Timothy J. Buschman (grad student)
Diane M Mackie Psychology19801984 Joel Cooper (grad student)
Guy Major David W. Tank (research scientist)
Jeremy R. Manningmemory, ECoG, fMRI, brain network dynamics, Bayesian models Computer Science20112015 Kenneth A. Norman (post-doc), David Meir Blei (post-doc)
Gregory P. Mark Bart G. Hoebel (post-doc)
Nikola T. MarkovSnesory systems, networks and physiology20142018 Timothy J. Buschman (post-doc)
David A. Markowitz20042009 David W. Tank (grad student)
Anne Baldwin MartinVisual system, Attention
Joel Eduardo MartinezSocial Cognition Psychology2015 Alexander T. Todorov (grad student)
Javier Alejandro MasisCognition Molecular Biology Princeton Neuroscience Institute20202013 Michael J. Berry (research assistant), Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc)
Joshua D. Mastvisual system, evolution of behavior
Mara Mathermemory, emotion, aging19952000 Marcia K. Johnson (grad student), Eldar Shafir (grad student)
Tamar Esther Mather2000 Marcia K. Johnson (grad student)
Marcelo Gomes MattarComputational Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Reinforcement Learning Princeton Neuroscience Institute2016 Nathaniel D. Daw (post-doc)
Dave Matthewscomputation and systems; somatosensory processing20042005 Samuel S.-H. Wang (research assistant)
David R. Mazumdersensory cortex, epilepsy Molecular Biology Princeton Neuroscience Institute20152017 Mala Murthy (research assistant), Andrew M. Leifer (research assistant)
Carolyn S. McbrideGenes and neural circuits underlying behavioral evolution.
Kelly M. McCarthy2011 David W. Tank (grad student)
Michael McCloskey1978 Sam Glucksberg (grad student)
Samuel M. McClureNeuroeconomics Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc)
Elizabeth McDevitt Psychology20122017 Sara C. Mednick (grad student)
Samuel D. McDouglelearning, memory, Decision Making2013 Jordan A. Taylor (grad student)
Patrick L. McGeer Charles Phelps Smyth (grad student)
Joe McGuireCognitive neuroscience, cognitive control, decision making Matthew M. Botvinick (grad student)
Joseph T. McGuire2011 Matthew M. Botvinick (grad student)
Thomas J. McKeeffVision2009 Frank Tong (grad student)
Stephanie A. McMainsvisual spatial attention, fMRI2006 Sabine Kastner (post-doc)
Duncan S. MearnsNeuroscience, Neuroethology Princeton Neuroscience Institute2023 Mala Murthy (post-doc)
Jeffrey D. Meiersensorimotor integration Psychology2014 Michael Graziano (grad student)
Michael MenakerCircadian rhythms1960 Colin Pittendrigh (grad student)
Peter E. Mende-Siedleckiface processing, craving regulation, mindfulness2009 Alexander T. Todorov (grad student)
Ming MengVision, neuroimaging, psychophysics20042006 Anne Treisman (grad student), Frank Tong (grad student)
Ravi S. MenonNeuroimaging, MRI David W. Tank (research scientist)
Earl K. MillerSystems Charles Gross (grad student)
Kevin J. MillerDecision making, Reinforcement learning Matthew M. Botvinick (grad student), Carlos D. Brody (grad student)
George A. Miller
Marvin L. Minskyartificial intelligence, human mind1954 Albert William Tucker (grad student)
Robert R. Mirabile2004 Joel Cooper (grad student)
Christian MirescuAdult Neurogenesis, Neuroendocrinology20022004 Elizabeth Gould (grad student)
Andrew Miri20062011 David W. Tank (grad student), Rebecca D. Burdine (grad student)
Kevin Mizesbiophysics, neuroscience of behavior Physics20132016 Andrew M. Leifer (research assistant)
Ida MomennejadHigher cognitive functions, PFC, Prospective memory, Task set structure, computational modeling Princeton Neuroscience Institute2015 Kenneth A. Norman (post-doc), Matthew M. Botvinick (post-doc), Nathaniel D. Daw (post-doc)
Rachel MontanaSocial Psychology, Gender Studies, Women's Studies Psychology2014 Deborah Prentice (grad student)
Kim Montgomerymirror neuron system, fMRI James Haxby (grad student), Kevin Nicholas Ochsner (post-doc)
Martin M. MontiVegetative State, Minimally Conscious State; Reasoning, Language.20022007 Lawrence M. Parsons (grad student), Daniel N. Osherson (grad student)
Tirin Moore20022005 Charles Gross (grad student), Mark A. Pinsk (collaborator)
Chris Moore Kenneth A. Norman (grad student)
Adam B. Mooreworking memory, intelligence2011 Andrew R. A. Conway (grad student)
Wilbert E. Moore
Mike Morais Princeton Neuroscience Institute20162021 Jonathan Pillow (grad student)
Carey K. MorewedgeSocial Cognition Psychology, School of Public Policy20062007 Daniel Kahneman (post-doc)
Benjamin MorinEpidemiology, Mathematical Epidemiology, Mathematical Biology, Homeland Security20122016 Simon Asher Levin (post-doc)
Martin H. MoynihanAnimal Behavior, Ethology, Systematics, Gulls (Laridae), Cephalopods, Charles H. Rogers (grad student)
Ryan E.B. MruczekPrimate Vision, Object Recognition, Working Memory20082012 Sabine Kastner (post-doc)
Ulrich Muellerhair cells, genetics19871991 Thomas E. Shenk (grad student), Walter Doerfler (grad student)
Kristi S. MulthaupCognitive Aging, Memory Psychology Marcia K. Johnson (grad student)
Mala Murthyneuroscience, drosophila, perception, electrophysiology, olfaction, audition, acoustic communication
Sebastian Musslickcognitive control, mental effort, autonomous empirical research
Farzaneh NajafiVisual & Parietal Cortex, Cerebellum, Predictive Processing, Systems, Behavioral & Computational Neuroscience Neuroscience20102013 Samuel S. H. Wang (collaborator), Samuel S.-H. Wang (research scientist)
Darshana Narayanan20092015 Asif A. Ghazanfar (grad student)
Samuel A. NastaseCognitive neuroscience, computational neuroscience Princeton Neuroscience Institute Princeton Neuroscience Institute2018 Uri Hasson (post-doc), Kenneth A. Norman (post-doc), Thomas L. Griffiths (collaborator), Jonathan Pillow (collaborator)
Vaidehi S. NatuFace perception Kenneth A. Norman (research assistant)
Andrea Nedic Electrical Engineering2011 Philip J. Holmes (grad student)
Mira Nencheva Department of Psychology2018 Casey Lew-Williams (grad student)
Keir C. Neumanbiophysics, single molecules, motor proteins, transcription2002 Steven M. Block (grad student)
Ehren L. NewmanLearning & Memory and Neural Circuits20022008 Kenneth A. Norman (grad student)
Edward H. Niehoptogenetics, electrophysiology David W. Tank (post-doc)
Yael Niv20092008 Anastasia Christakou (collaborator), Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc)
Ritwik K. Niyogidecision-making, neural synchronization20082009 Jonathan D. Cohen (research assistant)
Liron Noiman20022006 Christian Mirescu (research assistant), Elizabeth Gould (research assistant)
Erik Christopher NookEmotion, Clinical Psychology, Social Neuroscience, Development
Kenneth A. NormanHuman memory & learning
Edna Normand Mala Murthy (grad student)
Michael I. NortonSocial Psychology2002 John M. Darley (grad student)
Daniel Notterman
Nathan NovemskyMarketing Business Administration, Experimental Psychology2000 Daniel Kahneman (grad student)
Leigh Erik NystromCognitive control, Decision making, fMRI
Daniel H. O'Connor2006 Sabine Kastner (grad student), Samuel S.-H. Wang (grad student)
Kate M. O'Neill Chemical Engineering20102011 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (research assistant)
Daniel J. O'SheaMotor system, Optogenetics, Neural control of movement20082009 Carlos D. Brody (research assistant)
DongWon OhSocial perception, face processing, face perception, stereotypes20132018 Alexander T. Todorov (grad student), Daniel N. Osherson (grad student)
Asana Okocha2020 Casey Lew-Williams (grad student)
Christopher Y. Olivoladecision making2009 Eldar Shafir (grad student)
LeighAnne M. Olsenvirology, circuit tracers, pathogenesis2005 Lynn W. Enquist (grad student)
Gilbert Omenn19611961 Lionel Israel Rebhun (research assistant)
Marlies OostlandNeuronal mechanisms underlying behaviour Princeton Neuroscience Institute20182021 Samuel S.-H. Wang (post-doc)
Daniel N. OshersonReasoning, Concepts & Categories, Choice Theory Rochel Gelman (grad student)
Miriam E. Osterfield20092015 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (post-doc)
Jenny Q. Ouyang Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20072012 Michaela Hau (grad student)
Michael H. OverholtzerMolecular Biology2002 Arnold Levine (grad student)
Diego Pacheco2011 Mala Murthy (grad student)
Marius PachitariuComputational Neuroscience20092010 Carlos D. Brody (research assistant), Philip J. Holmes (research assistant)
Marino PaganSystems Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience20152023 Carlos D. Brody (post-doc)
Stephanie E. Palmer William Bialek (post-doc)
Alejandro Pan Vazquez Ilana B. Witten (post-doc)
Priyanka PanditConsciousness (NCC), Vision James Haxby (research assistant)
Rich Pang2020 Jonathan Pillow (post-doc)
Matthew F. Panichello2013 Timothy J. Buschman (grad student), Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (grad student)
Sero Toriano Parelneuroepigenetics, stress Neuroscience Princeton Neuroscience Institute Molecular Biology2020 Catherine Jensen Peña (grad student), Elizabeth Gould (grad student), Daniel Notterman (grad student)
Arthur K. ParpartErythrocyte physiology
John PearsonComputational neuroscience19992004 Herman Louis Verlinde (grad student)
Marius V. PeelenPerception, Attention, Vision, Emotion, fMRI, Social Neuroscience20072009 Sabine Kastner (post-doc)
Catherine Jensen Peña
Xiaoyu Peng
Francisco Pereiramachine learning Matthew M. Botvinick (post-doc)
Talmo D. Pereiracomputational ethology, deep learning, behavioral quantification Princeton Neuroscience Institute Princeton Neuroscience Institute20152021 Mala Murthy (grad student), Joshua W. Shaevitz (grad student)
Nicole Perfito Michaela Hau (post-doc)
Kenneth Petrenevolutionary biology, adaptive radiation Peter R. Grant (post-doc)
Elizabeth A. Phelpsmemory, emotion Marcia K. Johnson (grad student), William Hirst (grad student)
Pierre PhilippotClinical Psychology; Mindfulness; Emotion; Psychotherapy Department of Psychology Susan Fiske (research assistant)
Alex PietNetwork Dynamics, Working Memory, Decision Making Princeton Neuroscience Institute20132019 Carlos D. Brody (grad student)
Jonathan PillowComputational Neuroscience, Machine Learning20012005 Eero P. Simoncelli (grad student)
Mark A. Pinskvisual system, MRI20052008 Charles Gross (grad student), Sabine Kastner (post-doc), Sabine Kastner (grad student), Ian C. Fiebelkorn (collaborator)
Lucas PintoDecision Making, Neuromodulation, Cortical Circuits, Sensory Processing,2015 Carlos D. Brody (post-doc)
Colin Pittendrighcircadian rhythms
Eugene PohMotor Control Psychology Jordan A. Taylor (post-doc)
Sean M. PolynMemory, Experimental Psychology, Neuroimaging, Computational modeling20022005 Kenneth A. Norman (grad student), Jonathan D. Cohen (grad student)
Jenny M. PorterSocial Neuroscience, Emotion, Empathy20082010 Alexander T. Todorov (research assistant)
Keith R. PorterEM, organelles Gerhard Fankhauser (post-doc)
Dean Abraham PospisilVisual system Neuroscience2021 Jonathan Pillow (post-doc)
Emmanuel N. PothosNeuroscience, Pharmacology, Physiology, Obesity19881994 Bart G. Hoebel (grad student)
Christine E. Potter20162020 Casey Lew-Williams (grad student)
Mick PowerClinical Psychology Phil Johnson-Laird (grad student)
Deborah PrenticeSocial Psychology, Gender Studies, Women's Studies
Joshua L. Proctor2011 Philip J. Holmes (grad student)
Jason L. PuchallaBiophysics Michael J. Berry (post-doc), Elad Schneidman (collaborator)
Joel R. QuammeCognition, Memory, Cognitive Neuroscience20042008 Kenneth A. Norman (post-doc)
Jacqui RabkinDrug addiction20072009 Bart G. Hoebel (research assistant)
Jason J. Radleyneurobiology of stress19952001 Barry L. Jacobs (grad student)
Angela RadulescuAttention and learning, computational modeling, computational psychiatry
Maja RadulovicMolecular Neuroscience Neuroscience20162017 Lisa M. Boulanger (post-doc)
Kanaka RajanComputational neuroscience David W. Tank (post-doc), William Bialek (post-doc)
Claire RamponHippocampal neurogenesis, learning, memory19972000 Joe Tsien (post-doc)
Neelanjana Rayvirology, circuit tracers, pathogenesis2004 Lynn W. Enquist (grad student)
Lionel Israel Rebhun
John A. ReederMemory, Consciousness19912000 Marcia K. Johnson (grad student)
Wade G. Regehr David W. Tank (post-doc)
Mor Regev2011 Uri Hasson (grad student)
Helmut Reimitz
Lina A. ReissAuditory system, cochlear implants19961997 Michael Graziano (research assistant)
David A. RemusVision20022004 Frank Tong (research assistant)
Tracy Reuter20152020 Casey Lew-Williams (grad student)
Paul B. Reverdy Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering2014 Philip J. Holmes (grad student)
José J F Ribas-FernandesAction selection20082012 Matthew M. Botvinick (grad student)
David C. RiccioLearning & Memory; Amnesias; Animal Behavior1962 Byron Campbell (grad student)
P Dylan Rich David W. Tank (post-doc), Nathaniel D. Daw (post-doc)
John Peter Rickgauer David W. Tank (grad student)
Christina P. RiehlBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Ecology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology2011 Martin Wikelski (grad student)
James K. Rilling Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc)
Alexander J. RiordanNeural circuit dynamics, computation, memory2022 H Sebastian Seung (research assistant), David W. Tank (grad student), Jonathan Pillow (post-doc)
Victoria Ritvo20122014 Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (research assistant)
Susan Robisonmemory20042009 Kenneth A. Norman (grad student)
Carlos Eduardo Rocha-MirandaVision, subcortical, electrophysiology Charles Gross (post-doc)
Charles H. Rogersornithology
Forrest D. RogersBehavioral Neuroscience, Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Princeton Neuroscience Institute Molecular Biology2021 Catherine Jensen Peña (post-doc), Ricardo Mallarino (post-doc)
Thomas Rogerson1974 Martin F. Semmelhack (grad student)
Daniel S. RokhsarComputation & Theory19811982 Philip Warren Anderson (research assistant), Daniel L. Stein (research assistant)
Robert H. RomerPhysics19521955 Robert H. Dicke (grad student)
David L. RosenhanClinical psychology, forensic psychology, (Anti)Psychiatry
Joseph S. RossiSocial Psychology, Public Health Charles Collyer (grad student)
Nick A Roy Princeton Neuroscience Institute20152020 Jonathan Pillow (grad student)
Camille Rullan20162017 Jonathan Pillow (research assistant)
Anuththara Rupasinghe Neuroscience2022 Jonathan Pillow (post-doc)
Olga Russakovsky
Abigail A Russomotor control, decision making, learning20192020 Jonathan Pillow (post-doc), Carlos D. Brody (post-doc)
Sadie Jane RyanMedical Geography, Ecology, Conservation Biology, Disease Ecology, Wildlife Biology, Spatial Ecology, Primatology19941998 Andrew Peter Dobson (research assistant)
Yuri B. SaalmannNeuroscience Sabine Kastner (post-doc)
Yotam SagivSystems and computational neuroscience for reinforcement learning Princeton Neuroscience Institute Princeton Neuroscience Institute Computer Science20182018 Nathaniel D. Daw (grad student), Ilana B. Witten (grad student), Jonathan D. Cohen (research assistant)
Christie Sahley Alan Gelperin (post-doc)
Chris P. SaidVisual system, fMRI, EEG Alexander T. Todorov (grad student), Kenneth A. Norman (grad student)
Christopher P. SaidFace Processing2010 Alexander T. Todorov (grad student)
Richard J. SamulskiNeuroscience Biology, Virology Biology19841986 Thomas E. Shenk (post-doc)
Yoel Sanchez Araujo Neuroscience Neuroscience2019 Nathaniel D. Daw (research assistant), Nathaniel D. Daw (grad student), Jonathan Pillow (grad student)
Julie Sandell19751979 Charles Gross (research assistant)
Dan H. Sanesdevelopment and plasticity of the auditory system Martha Constantine-Paton (grad student)
Alan G. SanfeyNeuroeconomics, Social Neuroscience, Judgment and Decision-Making Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc)
Dmitry V. Sarkisovcerebellum; brain evolution2006 Samuel S.-H. Wang (grad student)
James C. SaundersAuditory System Ernest Glen Wever (grad student)
Anna C. Schapirolearning, memory, sleep Psychology Psychology20092014 Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (grad student), James L. McClelland (research assistant), Timothy T. Rogers (grad student), Matthew M. Botvinick (grad student), Kenneth A. Norman (grad student)
Steven J. ScherEvolutionary Psychology, Social Psychology John M. Darley (grad student)
John M. Schmitt2001 Philip J. Holmes (grad student)
Stephen E. SchnatterlyExperimental Condensed Matter Physics
Keith A. Schneidersubcortical neuroimaging20052005 Mark A. Pinsk (collaborator), Sabine Kastner (post-doc)
Eve R. SchneiderCerebellum, Dendrites, Ion channels, Hibernation, Mechanotransduction, Development Psychology20072012 Bart G. Hoebel (grad student), Samuel S.-H. Wang (grad student)
Elad Schneidman William Bialek (post-doc), Michael J. Berry (post-doc)
Mark Schnitzerin vivo imaging19941999 Steven M. Block (grad student)
Timothy J. SchoenfeldNeurogenesis Psychology2012 Elizabeth Gould (grad student)
Monika Scholz Physics20172019 Andrew M. Leifer (post-doc)
Manuel SchottdorfNeurscience; Physics
Harold Martin Schroder
Nicolas Schuck
Laura M. Schultz Gregory A. Clark (grad student)
Molly E. SchumerEvolution of Behavior
Aaron SchurgerCognitive Neuroscience, consciousness, perceptual decision making, attention20012008 Jonathan D. Cohen (grad student), Anne Treisman (grad student)
Miranda R. Scolarivisual attention, working memory, perception2011 Sabine Kastner (post-doc)
Benjamin ScottSystems Neurosceince David W. Tank (post-doc), Carlos D. Brody (post-doc)
Paul S ScottiCognitive computational neuroscience, visual memory, fMRI encoding and decoding Princeton Neuroscience Institute2022 Kenneth A. Norman (post-doc)
Thomas Sebeok Anthropology Charles Morris (grad student)
Per B. SederbergComputational Cognitive Neuroscience, Human Memory, EEG, fMRI20062010 Kenneth A. Norman (post-doc)
Audrey Sederberg2011 William Bialek (grad student)
Esra Sefikschizophrenia, autism, genetic risk for neurodevelopmental disorders, copy number variation, cerebellar development, synaptic maturation Princeton Neuroscience Institute2022 Samuel S.-H. Wang (post-doc)
Ronen Segev Elad Schneidman (collaborator), Michael J. Berry (post-doc)
Kathi SeidlAttention, Vision, Natural Scene perception Sabine Kastner (grad student)
Adriane E. Seiffertmotion perception, attention to motion20002004 Anne Treisman (post-doc)
Justin Seipel2006 Philip J. Holmes (grad student)
Terrence J. SejnowskiComputation & Theory19781979 John J. Hopfield (grad student), John Archibald Wheeler (research assistant), Alan Gelperin (post-doc)
Joel C. Selcher19931996 Tracey J. Shors (research assistant)
Richard J. Servatiusstress, anxiety, learning, startle Tracey J. Shors (post-doc)
H Sebastian Seung
Joshua W. Shaevitzbiophysics
Eldar Shafirdecision making
Michael Shafto Psychology Thomas Trabasso (grad student)
Anuj K SharmaNeuroscience, optogenetics, Princeton Neuroscience, Department of Physics2016 Andrew M. Leifer (research scientist)
Eric Shea-Browncomputational neuroscience2004 Philip J. Holmes (grad student)
Nicole SheltonSocial Psychology, Gender Studies, Women's Studies
Amitai ShenhavCognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Control, Decision Making2012 Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc), Matthew M. Botvinick (post-doc)
Stephen V. Shepherdsocial neuroethology20082012 Asif A. Ghazanfar (post-doc)
Shlomi Sher2008 Anne Treisman (grad student)
Yongdae Shin Chemical & Biological Engineering20142017 Clifford P. Brangwynne (post-doc)
Frederick B. ShipleyOptogenetics, Optical Trapping Lewis-Sigler Institute20132015 Andrew M. Leifer (research assistant)
Shy ShohamBiomedical optics; Neural engineering20022005 Samuel S.-H. Wang (post-doc)
Michael Shvartsmanlanguage, sentence processing, decision making, neural data analysis Princeton Neuroscience Institute20142018 Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc)
Lauren J. SilbertCognition, neuroimaging Neuroscience2014 Uri Hasson (grad student)
Patrick A. Simen20082009 Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc), Fuat Balci (collaborator), Ritwik K. Niyogi (collaborator)
James A. Simmonsecholocation1969 Ernest Glen Wever (grad student)
Jonathan Z. SimonMEG, auditory system, computational neuroscience1985 J. Richard Gott (research assistant)
Julie H. Simpson Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology19931995 Yash Hiromi (research assistant)
Stacey SinclairSocial Psychology
Benjamin D. SingerBrain Imaging and Modeling, Software, Vision
Michael J. SiniscalchiDecision Making, Sensorimotor Learning, Neurophysiology Princeton Neuroscience Institute2020 Ilana B. Witten (post-doc)
Jim Skelly19851990 Charles Gross (grad student)
Greg A. Smithneuroinvasive herpesviruses Lynn W. Enquist (post-doc)
Troy R. Smith2003 Philip J. Holmes (grad student)
Jacob Socolar Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20112016 David S. Wilcove (grad student)
Alec SolwayComputational cognitive neuroscience20092014 Matthew M. Botvinick (grad student)
R. Brian SommervilleNeuromuscular disease19992001 Jonathan D. Cohen (research assistant)
Frederick S. SooRetina
Jennifer SounAddiction20062008 Bart G. Hoebel (research assistant)
Rebecca Lynn Sparks-Thissen2000 Lynn W. Enquist (grad student)
Srikanth Srinivasan Electrical Engineering2013 Andrew A. Houck (grad student)
Glenn StanleyIngestive behavior Bart G. Hoebel (grad student)
Susanne StillInformation Theory, Machine Learning William Bialek (post-doc)
Iris Stone Princeton Neuroscience Institute Princeton Neuroscience Institute20182023 Jonathan Pillow (grad student), Ilana B. Witten (grad student)
Alexis M. StranahanNeuroendocrinology, Synaptic Plasticity20032008 Elizabeth Gould (grad student)
Siegfried Streufert1962 Harold Martin Schroder (grad student)
Sebastian StröhVisual Neuroscience, Retina, Retinal Circuitry, Connectomics, Physiology
Peter SuedfeldCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology Jack A. Vernon (grad student)
Megan R. Sullivancerebellum; brain evolution2006 Samuel S.-H. Wang (grad student)
Xiaonan Richard Sun Molecular Biology20082012 Samuel S.-H. Wang (grad student)
Christos Suriano Princeton Neuroscience Institute2018 Lisa M. Boulanger (post-doc)
Abigail B. Sussmandecision making Psychology2013 Eldar Shafir (grad student)
Sara M. SzczepanskiVisual attention20042010 Sabine Kastner (grad student)
Moriah L. SzparaNeural development, neurovirology, pathogens, disease2005 Lynn W. Enquist (post-doc)
Sina Tafazoliobejct recognition in rats Timothy J. Buschman (grad student)
ilias tagkopoulos2008 Sun-yuan Kung (grad student)
Daniel Yasumasa Takahashibioinformatics, mathematics, computational neuroscience2010 Asif A. Ghazanfar (post-doc)
Patima Tanapat2002 Elizabeth Gould (grad student)
Lisa A. TaneyhillMolecular Biology2000 Arnold Levine (grad student)
Hanlin Tang20062008 Michael J. Berry (research assistant)
David W. TankNeural Circuit Dynamics
Charlotte S R Taylor19992004 Charles Gross (grad student)
Jordan A. TaylorMotor Control, Motor Learning2013 Neuro Psychology (grad student)
Mazel Tetruashvilly
Mazell Tetruashvilly Molecular Biology20112016 Lisa M. Boulanger (grad student)
Te Thamrongrattanaritreinforcement learning, decision-making
Christopher R. Thompsonconnectionist modeling, neural basis of communication20092009 Matthew M. Botvinick (research assistant), Uri Hasson (research assistant)
Bill ThompsonLanguage
Shirley Tilghman
Gasper Tkacikcomputational neuroscience, biological networks, biophysics20022007 William Bialek (grad student), Curtis Gove Callan (grad student)
Michael Travis Todd Psychology2012 Jonathan D. Cohen (grad student)
Alexander T. TodorovFace Processing
Jared Toettcher Molecular Biology Orion D. Weiner (post-doc)
Mark Tomishima2002 Lynn W. Enquist (grad student)
Andrew Tomlinson Donald Ready (post-doc)
Alexa Tompary20102012 Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (research assistant)
Frank TongVisual cortex, attention, object vision
Thomas Trabasso
Thomas E. TrailSocial Psychology2010 Deborah Prentice (grad student)
Ian Michael Tranielloneurogenomics, sociobiology
Anne Treismanvisual attention, object perception and memory
David TukeySynaptic Plasticity20002002 Joe Tsien (research assistant)
Hjalmar K. Turesson20062011 Asif A. Ghazanfar (grad student)
Nicholas B. Turk-Browne
Carolyn M. Tyler20092015 Lisa M. Boulanger (post-doc)
Devin L. UnderwoodQuantum Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Theory Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Electrical Engineering2015 Andrew A. Houck (grad student)
Catherine D. UnrineMolecular Biology2001 Shirley Tilghman (grad student)
Heather A. Van Buskirkcancer, transcription factors2002 Michael D. Cole (grad student)
Bas van OpheusdenDecision making, Game theory, Perception Princeton Neuroscience Institute20122013 Michael J. Berry (research assistant)
David L. Van ValkenburgAuditory Perception19951996 Anne Treisman (research assistant)
Marieke Karlijn van Vugtcognitive neuroscience and math modeling2008 Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc)
Sarah Jo Venditto Neuroscience Neuroscience2017 Carlos D. Brody (grad student), Nathaniel D. Daw (grad student)
Jack A. Vernoncomparative psychology, human auditory function
Sara C. VeroskyFace Processing Psychology20092012 Alexander T. Todorov (grad student), Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (grad student)
Jessica L Verpeutcerebellum, neural circuits, development, autism Neuroscience2015 Samuel S.-H. Wang (post-doc)
Koen VisscherRegulation of Gene-Expression by Mechanical Force, RNA structure, Optical Tweezers Steven M. Block (post-doc)
Maren N. VitousekEcology Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Zoology Biology2008 Martin Wikelski (grad student)
Shuo Wang20162017 Alexander T. Todorov (post-doc)
David Cheng-Hao WangNeurobiology Molecular biology Bonnie L. Bassler (research assistant)
Z Yan Wang Ecology and Evolution Sarah D. Kocher (post-doc)
Liang WangNeuroscience2010 Sabine Kastner (post-doc)
Michelle D. Wang single molecule biophysics Steven M. Block (post-doc)
Samuel S.-H. Wangcerebellum; brain evolution Guy Major (collaborator)
Adrian A WannerNeuroscience, connectomics, electron microscopy, neuronal circuits Princeton Neuroscience Institute Princeton Neuroscience Institute2017 David W. Tank (post-doc), H Sebastian Seung (post-doc)
Christopher D. Watters1966 Robert D. Allen (grad student)
Kim Weaver2003 Joel Cooper (grad student)
Matthew Webersemantic memory, reasoning, intelligence, neurocognitive development20042009 Daniel N. Osherson (grad student), Kenneth A. Norman (grad student), Anne Treisman (research assistant)
Peggy J. WeidmanGolgi transport, ARF Biology James E. Rothman (post-doc)
Kevin S. WeinerVision20032006 Sabine Kastner (research assistant)
Monte WesterfieldMolecular genetics of human disease; Usher syndrome19711973 Alan Gelperin (research assistant)
Ernest Glen WeverHearing
Robert Bruce WexlerSurface chemistry, computational catalysis, machine learning Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering2019 Emily Ann Carter (post-doc)
Mary Elizabeth Wheeler2001 Anne Treisman (grad student)
John Myles WhiteNeuromodulators,Decision-Making,Neuroeconomics Psychology20092013 Jonathan D. Cohen (grad student)
Harrison C. White Sociology1960 Marion J. Levy (grad student)
Eugene Paul Wigner
Klaus Willecke Arthur B. Pardee (post-doc)
Lindsay C WillmoreModulation, social behavior Neuroscience Neuroscience Ilana B. Witten (grad student), Annegret Lea Falkner (grad student)
Maxwell Z WilsonOptogenetics, Stem Cell Biology, Signal Transduction, Cell Biology, Phase Separation Molecular Biology Molecular Biology Molecular Biology Ned S. Wingreen (grad student), Zemer Gitai (grad student), Jared Toettcher (post-doc)
Robert C. Wilsonreinforcement learning, decision making, neural networks Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc)
Ilana B. WittenCircuit-level analysis of reward and motivation20012002 Michael J. Berry (research assistant), Lee Silver (research assistant)
Gayle M. Wittenberg19972003 Samuel S.-H. Wang (post-doc), John J. Hopfield (grad student)
Maria M. WomackEvolutionary Biology2009 Peter R. Grant (grad student)
KongFatt Wong-LinComputational Neuroscience, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence Department of Psychology, Center for the Study of Brain, Mind and Behavior The Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Center for the Study of Brain, Mind and Behavior, Princeton Neuroscience Institute20082010 Ritwik K. Niyogi (collaborator), Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc), Philip J. Holmes (post-doc)
Marcelo Woodmemory storage, gene expression, epigenetics19952000 Michael D. Cole (grad student)
Abraham Worcel
Jingpeng Wuconnectome Princeton Neuroscience Institute20142020 H Sebastian Seung (post-doc)
Bichan Wu PNI PNI2022 Jonathan Pillow (grad student), Ilana B. Witten (grad student)
Yujie WuVisual attention Princeton Neuroscience2023 Sabine Kastner (post-doc)
Anqi Wu Neuroscience20142019 Jonathan Pillow (grad student)
anqi wu
Katherine Wynne-Edwards Robert D. Lisk (grad student)
Dan XieMicroscopy, behavioral neuroscience20082015 Herschel A. Rabitz (grad student)
Lifeng XuMolecular Biology, Oncology2000 Arnold Levine (grad student)
Shuwa Xu Molecular Biology Paul Schedl (grad student)
Jorge Yanar Neurosceince Carlos D. Brody (grad student)
Runzhe YangArtificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computational Neuroscience
Xiaofang YangAttention
Debbie M. YeeCognitive Control, Decision-Making20112013 Matthew M. Botvinick (research assistant)
Nick YeungAttention and Cognitive control Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc)
Angela J. YuComputational neuroscience2008 Jonathan D. Cohen (post-doc), Ritwik K. Niyogi (collaborator)
Asieh Zadbood Randolph Blake (research scientist)
Diaa A ZekryAerodynamics, system identification, flight dynamics, bioinspired flaps Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Aimy Wissa (grad student)
Martin Zetterstencognitive development, language, language development, word learning, imitation, social cognition Department of Psychology2020 Casey Lew-Williams (post-doc)
Jamie Zhan Molecualr Biology2016 Lisa M. Boulanger (grad student)
Qiong ZhangCognitive Modeling, Machine Learning
Yunchang ZhangLearning and decision making Princeton Neuroscience Institute Princeton Neuroscience Institute2023 Ilana B. Witten (grad student), Nathaniel D. Daw (grad student)
Weiwei Zhang20002002 Anne Treisman (research assistant)
Yisi Zhangneurobiology of communication2014 Asif A. Ghazanfar (post-doc)
Jiaying ZhaoReasoning, Visual Perception, Judgment and Decision Making, Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology20092013 Daniel N. Osherson (grad student), Eldar Shafir (grad student), Nicholas B. Turk-Browne (grad student)
Zhilei ZhaoSocial behavior
Zhihao ZhengNeural circuits, electron microscopy2019 David W. Tank (post-doc), H Sebastian Seung (post-doc)
Anna Zhukovskaya Neuroscience Neuroscience20232024 Ilana B. Witten (grad student), Annegret Lea Falkner (post-doc)
Jayden Zieglerlanguage acquisition, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics Psychology Adele Eva Goldberg (research assistant)
Christopher A Zimmerman2019 Ilana B. Witten (post-doc)
David Zoltowski Princeton Neuroscience Institute20172022 Jonathan Pillow (grad student)
Yuliya Zubaksocial computational psychology Molecular Biology20212023 Martin C. Jonikas (research assistant)