Similar researchers to Nora Bourbia: Advanced Search
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Nora Bourbia (Info) Public Health England nora 2020‑06‑19
Sean L. Hill (Info) Brain Mind Institute, EPFL, University of Toronto (CAMH) Modeling, Sleep, Consciousness, Plasticity, Oscillations slhill 2009‑01‑21 Sim(0.1)
Vivian Henmon (Info) UW Madison (IOTree) skylar4 2021‑10‑18 Sim(0.12)
Simon Y. Tang (Info) RPI (Biomechanics Tree) Biomedical Engineering, Pathology pq 2016‑02‑03 Sim(0.14)
Anton M Unakafov (Info) German Primate Center (DPZ) igork 2022‑10‑06 Sim(0.15)
Jesse David Hellums (Info) Rice University (BME Tree) Biomedical Engineering jandh 2018‑02‑09 Sim(0.15)
Tobias Meilinger (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics MartinaFeierabend 2008‑12‑15 Sim(0.16)
Johannes D. Burge (Info) UC Berkeley, Penn Visual system johannesburge 2007‑09‑24 Sim(0.16)
Jin Hee Han (Info) Seoul National Unviersity mowens 2008‑05‑07 Sim(0.17)
Brad Postle (Info) UW Madison Memory JLand52 2005‑02‑04 Sim(0.17)
Man Ho Wong (Info) MIT synaptic transmission, synapse maturation, development mhwong 2019‑08‑08 Sim(0.17)
Courtney E. Venker (Info) UW Madison Developmental Psychology pq 2015‑10‑10 Sim(0.17)
Susan P. Thompson (Info) Rochester pq 2015‑10‑10 Sim(0.18)
David William Jacobs (Info) University of Maryland Computer Vision zililiu 2006‑10‑04 Sim(0.18)
Elisabeth A. Murray (Info) NIMH Memory hayden 2005‑01‑16 Sim(0.18)
Robert A. Gross (Info) University of Rochester Medical Center neuropharmacology, epilepsy, hippocampal neurogenesis RAGross 2010‑01‑20 Sim(0.18)
Susan Barnett (Info) Indiana University Bloomington (EduTree) ramyajane93 2016‑10‑12 Sim(0.18)
Jean-Louis Deneubourg (Info) Free University of Brussels (Primatology Tree) cedricsueur 2011‑05‑21 Sim(0.19)
Christine M. Gall (Info) UC Irvine Neurotrophins, Learning and Memory edpineda 2008‑04‑08 Sim(0.19)
Giancarlo La Camera (Info) SUNY Stony Brook Theoretical Neuroscience; Learning and Behavior senn 2007‑04‑24 Sim(0.19)
Julien Colomb (Info) ESPCI Learning and memory, olfaction thrawny 2008‑03‑31 Sim(0.2)
Verena Conrad (Info) MPI for Biological Cybernetics Human Perception marcernst 2007‑01‑17 Sim(0.2)
Mattias P. Karlsson (Info) Janelia Farm Learning and memory, hippocampus, mPFC mkarlsso 2009‑07‑07 Sim(0.2)
W. Geoffrey Owen (Info) UC Berkeley early visual system temina 2005‑11‑13 Sim(0.2)
Noud van Kruysbergen (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen psychophysics Verstraten 2005‑10‑25 Sim(0.2)
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Meghan Goyer (Info) Georgia State (PsychTree) jemichel 2019‑03‑27 Sim(0.2)
Kwanwoo Shin (Info) SUNY Stony Brook (Biomechanics Tree) Materials Science Engineering, Polymer Chemistry pq 2016‑02‑06 Sim(0.2)
Fredi Kronenberg (Info) Columbia women's health FrediK 2007‑11‑16 Sim(0.21)
B. Chandrasekaran (Info) Ohio State Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science neurotreejimmyd 2008‑09‑11 Sim(0.21)
Boxing Li (Info) Southern Medical University BK channel boxing 2008‑09‑01 Sim(0.21)
Bolun Chen (Info) Brandeis (Physics Tree) Coupled oscillators, computational neuroscience blchen 2013‑06‑15 Sim(0.21)
Julia B. Udell (Info) UC Davis Auditory system, neural integrators JuliaUdell 2009‑06‑24 Sim(0.21)
Michael Kasten (Info) asalamone 2007‑08‑27 Sim(0.21)
Ricardo Carreira (Info) Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Chemistry Tree) hmsantos 2021‑10‑03 Sim(0.21)
Matthew Eric Shultz (Info) Queens University (Physics Tree) Stellar astronomy and astrophysics, hot star magnetism mericshultz 2012‑01‑12 Sim(0.22)
Scott Alves Barton (Info) NYU Steinhardt (Anthropology Tree) Food Studies, Brazil, Candomblé, Women's knowledge, Tourism, African Diaspora ScottAlvesBarton 2018‑11‑16 Sim(0.22)
Marco Tripodi (Info) Cambridge Neuroscience marco 2007‑06‑27 Sim(0.22)
Andrew Metha (Info) University of Melbourne Vision, Adaptive Optics, Physiological Optics, Color Vision, Neurophysiology, Retina ametha 2006‑11‑06 Sim(0.22)
Raffaella Tonini (Info) Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Cellular Neurophysiology rafton72 2013‑01‑15 Sim(0.22)
Smita Shankar (Info) Cornell (Chemistry Tree) DNA transcription by the enzyme RNA polymerase pq 2015‑10‑16 Sim(0.22)
Sandra Rebelo (Info) University of Aveiro george.perry 2010‑08‑05 Sim(0.22)
Alexander S. Roseman (Info) McLean Hospital schizophrenia aroseman 2010‑10‑20 Sim(0.22)
Daniel V. Madison (Info) Stanford Neuroscience, Synaptic Physiology, Synaptic Plasticity chouhung 2005‑10‑18 Sim(0.22)
Jason Gallivan (Info) Western University Perception and action culham 2006‑04‑02 Sim(0.22)
Scott Loss (Info) Oklahoma State University (Evolution Tree) jared.a.elmore 2019‑04‑01 Sim(0.22)
David Julius (Info) UCSF Somatosensation JLand52 2006‑01‑11 Sim(0.23)
Harold Kalant (Info) University of Toronto Pharmacology mihic 2008‑06‑13 Sim(0.23)
Lawrence Jacobs (Info) hayden 2005‑02‑21 Sim(0.23)
Holden D. Brown (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago neurobiology of learning, acetylcholine and dopamine holdenbrn 2008‑08‑18 Sim(0.23)
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