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Peter Franz Riederer, PhD - Publications

Psychiatry Julius-Maximilans-Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Bayern, Germany 

270 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Kagerer SM, Awasthi S, Ripke S, Maceski A, Benkert P, Fall AB, Riederer P, Fischer P, Walitza S, Grünblatt E, Kuhle J, Unschuld PG. Polygenic risk for Alzheimer's disease is associated with neuroaxonal damage before onset of clinical symptoms. Alzheimer's & Dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 16: e12504. PMID 38213949 DOI: 10.1002/dad2.12504  0.525
2023 Lapikova-Bryhinska T, Ministrini S, Puspitasari YM, Kraler S, Mohamed SA, Costantino S, Paneni F, Khetsuriani M, Bengs S, Liberale L, Montecucco F, Krampla W, Riederer P, Hinterberger M, Fischer P, et al. Long non-coding RNAs H19 and NKILA are associated with the risk of death and lacunar stroke in the elderly population. European Journal of Internal Medicine. PMID 37981527 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejim.2023.11.013  0.465
2023 Wenzl FA, Mengozzi A, Mohammed SA, Pugliese NR, Mongelli A, Gorica E, Ambrosini S, Riederer P, Fischer P, Hinterberger M, Puspitasari Y, Lüscher TF, Camici GG, Matter CM, Fadini GP, et al. Circulating Long Noncoding RNA Signatures Associate With Incident Diabetes in Older Adults: a Prospective Analysis From the VITA Cohort Study. Diabetes Care. PMID 37040472 DOI: 10.2337/dc23-0012  0.442
2023 Grünblatt E, Homolak J, Babic Perhoc A, Davor V, Knezovic A, Osmanovic Barilar J, Riederer P, Walitza S, Tackenberg C, Salkovic-Petrisic M. From attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder to sporadic Alzheimer's disease-Wnt/mTOR pathways hypothesis. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 17: 1104985. PMID 36875654 DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2023.1104985  0.51
2023 de Rojas I, Moreno-Grau S, Tesi N, Grenier-Boley B, Andrade V, Jansen IE, Pedersen NL, Stringa N, Zettergren A, Hernández I, Montrreal L, Antúnez C, Antonell A, Tankard RM, Bis JC, ... ... Riederer P, et al. Author Correction: Common variants in Alzheimer's disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores. Nature Communications. 14: 716. PMID 36759603 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-36192-x  0.561
2022 Bellenguez C, Küçükali F, Jansen IE, Kleineidam L, Moreno-Grau S, Amin N, Naj AC, Campos-Martin R, Grenier-Boley B, Andrade V, Holmans PA, Boland A, Damotte V, van der Lee SJ, Costa MR, ... ... Riederer P, et al. New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Nature Genetics. PMID 35379992 DOI: 10.1038/s41588-022-01024-z  0.585
2021 de Rojas I, Moreno-Grau S, Tesi N, Grenier-Boley B, Andrade V, Jansen IE, Pedersen NL, Stringa N, Zettergren A, Hernández I, Montrreal L, Antúnez C, Antonell A, Tankard RM, Bis JC, ... ... Riederer P, et al. Common variants in Alzheimer's disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores. Nature Communications. 12: 3417. PMID 34099642 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-22491-8  0.588
2020 Riederer P, Meulen VT. Coronaviruses: a challenge of today and a call for extended human postmortem brain analyses. Journal of Neural Transmission. 127: 1217-1228. PMID 32725545 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-020-02230-X  0.323
2020 Urban P, Falkenburger B, Jost WH, Ransmayr G, Riederer P, Winkler C. [Structure and efferences of the substantia nigra pars compacta in Parkinson's disease]. Fortschritte Der Neurologie-Psychiatrie. PMID 32396943 DOI: 10.1055/A-1149-9280  0.316
2020 Sian-Hulsmann J, Riederer P. The role of alpha-synuclein as ferrireductase in neurodegeneration associated with Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neural Transmission. 127: 749-754. PMID 32318880 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-020-02192-0  0.313
2020 Barilar JO, Knezovic A, Perhoc AB, Homolak J, Riederer P, Salkovic-Petrisic M. Shared cerebral metabolic pathology in non-transgenic animal models of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neural Transmission. 127: 231-250. PMID 32030485 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-020-02152-8  0.356
2020 Tábi T, Vécsei L, Youdim MB, Riederer P, Szökő É. Selegiline: a molecule with innovative potential. Journal of Neural Transmission. 127: 831-842. PMID 31562557 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-019-02082-0  0.325
2019 Riederer P, Berg D, Casadei N, Cheng F, Classen J, Dresel C, Jost W, Krüger R, Müller T, Reichmann H, Rieß O, Storch A, Strobel S, van Eimeren T, Völker HU, et al. α-Synuclein in Parkinson's disease: causal or bystander? Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). PMID 31240402 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-019-02025-9  0.3
2019 Leupold D, Szyc L, Stankovic G, Strobel S, Völker HU, Fleck U, Müller T, Scholz M, Riederer P, Monoranu CM. Melanin and Neuromelanin Fluorescence Studies Focusing on Parkinson's Disease and Its Inherent Risk for Melanoma. Cells. 8. PMID 31208049 DOI: 10.3390/Cells8060592  0.328
2019 Andreazza AC, Laksono I, Fernandes BS, Toben C, Lewczuk P, Riederer P, Kennedy SH, Kapogiannis D, Thibaut F, Gerlach M, Gallo C, Kim YK, Grünblatt E, Yatham L, Berk M, et al. Guidelines for the standardized collection of blood-based biomarkers in psychiatry: Steps for laboratory validity - a consensus of the Biomarkers Task Force from the WFSBP. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry : the Official Journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. 1-12. PMID 30907211 DOI: 10.1080/15622975.2019.1574024  0.518
2019 Babic Perhoc A, Osmanovic Barilar J, Knezovic A, Farkas V, Bagaric R, Svarc A, Grünblatt E, Riederer P, Salkovic-Petrisic M. Cognitive, behavioral and metabolic effects of oral galactose treatment in the transgenic Tg2576 mice. Neuropharmacology. 148: 50-67. PMID 30571958 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropharm.2018.12.018  0.544
2019 Strobel S, Grünblatt E, Heinsen H, Riederer P, Espach T, Meder M, Monoranu CM. Astrocyte- and Microglia-Specific Mitochondrial DNA Deletions Levels in Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. 67: 149-157. PMID 30475765 DOI: 10.3233/Jad-180661  0.587
2018 Riederer P, Jellinger KA, Kolber P, Hipp G, Sian-Hülsmann J, Krüger R. Lateralisation in Parkinson disease. Cell and Tissue Research. PMID 29656343 DOI: 10.1007/S00441-018-2832-Z  0.33
2018 Riederer P, Müller T. Monoamine oxidase-B inhibitors in the treatment of Parkinson's disease: clinical-pharmacological aspects. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). PMID 29569037 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-018-1876-2  0.327
2018 Knezovic A, Barilar JO, Babic A, Bagaric R, Farkas V, Riederer P, Salkovic-Petrisic M. Glucagon-like peptide-1 mediates effects of oral galactose in streptozotocin-induced rat model of sporadic Alzheimer's disease. Neuropharmacology. PMID 29501615 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropharm.2018.02.027  0.317
2018 Sian-Hülsmann J, Monoranu CM, Grünblatt E, Riederer P. Neurochemical markers as potential indicators of postmortem tissue quality. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. 150: 119-127. PMID 29496135 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-63639-3.00009-8  0.517
2018 Szökő É, Tábi T, Riederer P, Vécsei L, Magyar K. Pharmacological aspects of the neuroprotective effects of irreversible MAO-B inhibitors, selegiline and rasagiline, in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). PMID 29417334 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-018-1853-9  0.312
2018 Grünblatt E, Ruder J, Monoranu CM, Riederer P, Youdim MB, Mandel SA. Differential Alterations in Metabolism and Proteolysis-Related Proteins in Human Parkinson's Disease Substantia Nigra. Neurotoxicity Research. 33: 560-568. PMID 29218503 DOI: 10.1007/S12640-017-9843-5  0.609
2017 Lewczuk P, Riederer P, O'Bryant SE, Verbeek MM, Dubois B, Visser PJ, Jellinger KA, Engelborghs S, Ramirez A, Parnetti L, Jack CR, Teunissen CE, Hampel H, Lleó A, Jessen F, et al. Cerebrospinal fluid and blood biomarkers for neurodegenerative dementias: An update of the Consensus of the Task Force on Biological Markers in Psychiatry of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry : the Official Journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. 1-85. PMID 29076399 DOI: 10.1080/15622975.2017.1375556  0.343
2017 Scholz CJ, Weber H, Jungwirth S, Danielczyk W, Reif A, Tragl KH, Fischer P, Riederer P, Deckert J, Grünblatt E. Explorative results from multistep screening for potential genetic risk loci of Alzheimer's disease in the longitudinal VITA study cohort. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). PMID 29027019 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-017-1796-6  0.568
2017 Riederer P, Korczyn AD, Ali SS, Bajenaru O, Choi MS, Chopp M, Dermanovic-Dobrota V, Grünblatt E, Jellinger KA, Kamal MA, Kamal W, Leszek J, Sheldrick-Michel TM, Mushtaq G, Meglic B, et al. The diabetic brain and cognition. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). PMID 28766040 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-017-1763-2  0.56
2017 Bartl J, Palazzesi F, Parrinello M, Leif H, Riederer P, Walitza S, Grünblatt E. The impact of methylphenidate and its enantiomers on dopamine synthesis and metabolism in vitro. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. PMID 28690202 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pnpbp.2017.07.002  0.537
2017 Müller T, Riederer P, Grünblatt E. Determination of Monoamine Oxidase A and B Activity in Long-Term Treated Patients With Parkinson Disease. Clinical Neuropharmacology. PMID 28682929 DOI: 10.1097/Wnf.0000000000000233  0.567
2017 Müller T, Riederer P, Grünblatt E. Simultaneous determination of MAO-A and -B activity following first time intake of an irreversible MAO-B inhibitor in patients with Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). PMID 28299453 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-017-1705-Z  0.553
2016 Schmitt A, Martins-de-Souza D, Akbarian S, Cassoli JS, Ehrenreich H, Fischer A, Fonteh A, Gattaz WF, Gawlik M, Gerlach M, Grünblatt E, Halene T, Hasan A, Hashimoto K, Kim YK, ... ... Riederer P, et al. Consensus paper of the WFSBP Task Force on Biological Markers: Criteria for biomarkers and endophenotypes of schizophrenia, part III: Molecular mechanisms. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry : the Official Journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. 1-27. PMID 27782767 DOI: 10.1080/15622975.2016.1224929  0.586
2016 Bandelow B, Baldwin D, Abelli M, Bolea-Alamanac B, Bourin M, Chamberlain SR, Cinosi E, Davies S, Domschke K, Fineberg N, Grünblatt E, Jarema M, Kim YK, Maron E, Masdrakis V, ... ... Riederer P, et al. Biological markers for anxiety disorders, OCD and PTSD: A consensus statement. Part II: Neurochemistry, neurophysiology and neurocognition. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry : the Official Journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. 1-53. PMID 27419272 DOI: 10.1080/15622975.2016.1190867  0.514
2016 Bandelow B, Baldwin D, Abelli M, Altamura C, Dell'Osso B, Domschke K, Fineberg NA, Grünblatt E, Jarema M, Maron E, Nutt D, Pini S, Vaghi MM, Wichniak A, Zai G, ... Riederer P, et al. Biological markers for anxiety disorders, OCD and PTSD - a consensus statement. Part I: Neuroimaging and genetics. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry : the Official Journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. 1-45. PMID 27403679 DOI: 10.1080/15622975.2016.1181783  0.515
2016 Schmitt A, Rujescu D, Gawlik M, Hasan A, Hashimoto K, Iceta S, Jarema M, Kambeitz J, Kasper S, Keeser D, Kornhuber J, Koutsouleris N, Lanzenberger R, Malchow B, Saoud M, ... ... Riederer P, et al. Consensus paper of the WFSBP Task Force on Biological Markers: Criteria for biomarkers and endophenotypes of schizophrenia part II: Cognition, neuroimaging and genetics. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry : the Official Journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. 1-23. PMID 27311987 DOI: 10.1080/15622975.2016.1183043  0.409
2016 Grünblatt E, Riederer P. Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 123: 83-90. PMID 25298080 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-014-1320-1  0.598
2016 Naoi M, Riederer P, Maruyama W. Modulation of monoamine oxidase (MAO) expression in neuropsychiatric disorders: genetic and environmental factors involved in type A MAO expression Journal of Neural Transmission. 123: 91-106. DOI: 10.1007/S00702-014-1362-4  0.324
2015 Salkovic-Petrisic M, Knezovic A, Osmanovic-Barilar J, Smailovic U, Trkulja V, Riederer P, Amit T, Mandel S, Youdim MB. Multi-target iron-chelators improve memory loss in a rat model of sporadic Alzheimer's disease. Life Sciences. 136: 108-19. PMID 26159898 DOI: 10.1016/J.Lfs.2015.06.026  0.321
2015 Grünblatt E, Bartl J, Iuhos DI, Knezovic A, Trkulja V, Riederer P, Walitza S, Salkovic-Petrisic M. Characterization of cognitive deficits in spontaneously hypertensive rats, accompanied by brain insulin receptor dysfunction. Journal of Molecular Psychiatry. 3: 6. PMID 26110057 DOI: 10.1186/s40303-015-0012-6  0.477
2015 Knezovic A, Osmanovic-Barilar J, Curlin M, Hof PR, Simic G, Riederer P, Salkovic-Petrisic M. Staging of cognitive deficits and neuropathological and ultrastructural changes in streptozotocin-induced rat model of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 122: 577-92. PMID 25808906 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-015-1394-4  0.31
2015 Sian-Hulsmann J, Monoranu C, Strobel S, Riederer P. Lewy Bodies: A Spectator or Salient Killer? Cns & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets. 14: 947-955. PMID 25801839 DOI: 10.2174/1871527314666150317225659  0.309
2015 Strobel S, Grünblatt E, Riederer P, Heinsen H, Arzberger T, Al-Sarraj S, Troakes C, Ferrer I, Monoranu CM. Changes in the expression of genes related to neuroinflammation over the course of sporadic Alzheimer's disease progression: CX3CL1, TREM2, and PPARγ. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 122: 1069-76. PMID 25596843 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-015-1369-5  0.546
2015 Barilar JO, Knezovic A, Grünblatt E, Riederer P, Salkovic-Petrisic M. Nine-month follow-up of the insulin receptor signalling cascade in the brain of streptozotocin rat model of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease Journal of Neural Transmission. 122: 565-576. PMID 25503661 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-014-1323-Y  0.494
2014 Brem S, Grünblatt E, Drechsler R, Riederer P, Walitza S. The neurobiological link between OCD and ADHD. Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders. 6: 175-202. PMID 25017045 DOI: 10.1007/S12402-014-0146-X  0.515
2014 Scholz CJ, Jungwirth S, Danielczyk W, Weber H, Wichart I, Tragl KH, Fischer P, Riederer P, Deckert J, Grünblatt E. Investigation of association of serotonin transporter and monoamine oxidase-A genes with Alzheimer's disease and depression in the VITA study cohort: a 90-month longitudinal study. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics : the Official Publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics. 165: 184-91. PMID 24443391 DOI: 10.1002/Ajmg.B.32220  0.58
2014 Gerschütz A, Heinsen H, Grünblatt E, Wagner AK, Bartl J, Meissner C, Fallgatter AJ, Al-Sarraj S, Troakes C, Ferrer I, Arzberger T, Deckert J, Riederer P, Fischer M, Tatschner T, et al. Neuron-specific alterations in signal transduction pathways associated with Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. 40: 135-42. PMID 24334724 DOI: 10.3233/Jad-131280  0.32
2014 Bartl J, Müller T, Grünblatt E, Gerlach M, Riederer P. Chronic monoamine oxidase-B inhibitor treatment blocks monoamine oxidase-A enzyme activity. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 121: 379-83. PMID 24272680 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-013-1120-Z  0.545
2014 Michel TM, Käsbauer L, Gsell W, Jecel J, Sheldrick AJ, Cortese M, Nickl-Jockschat T, Grünblatt E, Riederer P. Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 in sporadic Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 20: S68-72. PMID 24262192 DOI: 10.1016/S1353-8020(13)70018-X  0.317
2013 Bartl J, Mori T, Riederer P, Ozawa H, Grünblatt E. Correction: Methylphenidate enhances neural stem cell differentiation. Journal of Molecular Psychiatry. 1: 10. PMID 25408903 DOI: 10.1186/2049-9256-1-10  0.435
2013 Bartl J, Mori T, Riederer P, Ozawa H, Grünblatt E. Methylphenidate enhances neural stem cell differentiation. Journal of Molecular Psychiatry. 1: 5. PMID 25408898 DOI: 10.1186/2049-9256-1-5  0.47
2013 Gerschütz A, Heinsen H, Grünblatt E, Wagner AK, Bartl J, Meissner C, Fallgatter AJ, Al-Sarraj S, Troakes C, Ferrer I, Arzberger T, Deckert J, Riederer P, Fischer M, Tatschner T, et al. Neuron-specific mitochondrial DNA deletion levels in sporadic Alzheimer's disease. Current Alzheimer Research. 10: 1041-6. PMID 24156256 DOI: 10.2174/15672050113106660166  0.314
2013 Salkovic-Petrisic M, Knezovic A, Hoyer S, Riederer P. What have we learned from the streptozotocin-induced animal model of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease, about the therapeutic strategies in Alzheimer’s research Journal of Neural Transmission. 120: 233-252. PMID 22886150 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-012-0877-9  0.319
2013 Bartl J, Meyer A, Brendler S, Riederer P, Grünblatt E. Different effects of soluble and aggregated amyloid β42 on gene/protein expression and enzyme activity involved in insulin and APP pathways. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 120: 113-20. PMID 22782687 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-012-0852-5  0.554
2013 Gerlach M, Halley P, Riederer P, Buuse Mvd. The effect of piribedil on L-DOPA-induced dyskinesias in a rat model of Parkinson's disease: differential role of α(2) adrenergic mechanisms. Journal of Neural Transmission. 120: 31-36. PMID 22592937 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-012-0818-7  0.305
2013 Bartl J, Monoranu CM, Wagner AK, Kolter J, Riederer P, Grünblatt E. Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes: two diseases, one common link? The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry : the Official Journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. 14: 233-40. PMID 22332892 DOI: 10.3109/15622975.2011.650204  0.575
2013 Gschmack E, Steigerwald F, Oberländer U, Arzberger T, Tatschner T, Volkmann J, Riederer P, Gerlach M, Koutsilieri E, Scheller C. Role of neuromelanin as an autoantigen in Parkinson's disease Basal Ganglia. 3: 41. DOI: 10.1016/J.Baga.2013.01.007  0.321
2012 Molochnikov L, Rabey JM, Dobronevsky E, Bonucelli U, Ceravolo R, Frosini D, Grünblatt E, Riederer P, Jacob C, Aharon-Peretz J, Bashenko Y, Youdim MB, Mandel SA. A molecular signature in blood identifies early Parkinson's disease. Molecular Neurodegeneration. 7: 26. PMID 22651796 DOI: 10.1186/1750-1326-7-26  0.567
2012 Müller T, Gerlach M, Youdim MBH, Riederer P. Psychiatric, nonmotor aspects of Parkinson's disease. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. 106: 477-490. PMID 22608639 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-52002-9.00028-0  0.327
2012 Grünblatt E, Geissler J, Jacob CP, Renner T, Müller M, Bartl J, Gross-Lesch S, Riederer P, Lesch KP, Walitza S, Gerlach M, Schmitt A. Pilot study: potential transcription markers for adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in whole blood. Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders. 4: 77-84. PMID 22562805 DOI: 10.1007/S12402-012-0074-6  0.536
2012 Durrenberger PF, Grünblatt E, Fernando FS, Monoranu CM, Evans J, Riederer P, Reynolds R, Dexter DT. Inflammatory Pathways in Parkinson's Disease; A BNE Microarray Study. Parkinson's Disease. 2012: 214714. PMID 22548201 DOI: 10.1155/2012/214714  0.58
2012 Gerlach M, Maetzler W, Broich K, Hampel H, Rems L, Reum T, Riederer P, Stöffler A, Streffer J, Berg D. Biomarker candidates of neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease for the evaluation of disease-modifying therapeutics. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 119: 39-52. PMID 21755462 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-011-0682-X  0.324
2012 Knezović A, Knapić M, Osmanović-Barilar J, Mandel S, Youdim M, Riederer P, Šalković-Petrišić M. Therapeutic potential of a novel multifunctional iron chelator on cognitive decicits and insulin degrading enzyme expression in a rat model of sporadic Alzheimer's disease Bmc Clinical Pharmacology. 13: 1-2. DOI: 10.1186/2050-6511-13-S1-A65  0.309
2012 Gerlach M, Reichmann H, Riederer P. A critical review of evidence for preclinical differences between rasagiline and selegiline Basal Ganglia. 2. DOI: 10.1016/J.Baga.2012.04.032  0.327
2011 Riederer P, Laux G. MAO-inhibitors in Parkinson's Disease Experimental Neurobiology. 20: 1-17. PMID 22110357 DOI: 10.5607/En.2011.20.1.1  0.327
2011 Bartl J, Scholz CJ, Hinterberger M, Jungwirth S, Wichart I, Rainer MK, Kneitz S, Danielczyk W, Tragl KH, Fischer P, Riederer P, Grünblatt E. Disorder-specific effects of polymorphisms at opposing ends of the Insulin Degrading Enzyme gene. Bmc Medical Genetics. 12: 151. PMID 22107728 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2350-12-151  0.546
2011 Weinreb O, Amit T, Riederer P, Youdim MB, Mandel SA. Neuroprotective profile of the multitarget drug rasagiline in Parkinson's disease. International Review of Neurobiology. 100: 127-49. PMID 21971006 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-386467-3.00007-8  0.331
2011 Schulz JB, Gerlach M, Gille G, Kuhn W, Müngersdorf M, Riederer P, Südmeyer M, Ludolph A. Basic science in Parkinson's disease: its impact on clinical practice. Journal of Neurology. 258: S299-306. PMID 21560059 DOI: 10.1007/S00415-011-6040-Y  0.317
2011 Salkovic-Petrisic M, Osmanovic-Barilar J, Brückner MK, Hoyer S, Arendt T, Riederer P. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy in streptozotocin rat model of sporadic Alzheimer's disease: a long-term follow up study. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 118: 765-72. PMID 21533606 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-011-0651-4  0.309
2011 Grünblatt E, Reif A, Jungwirth S, Galimberti D, Weber H, Scarpini E, Sauer C, Wichart I, Rainer MK, Huber K, Danielczyk W, Tragl KH, Deckert J, Fischer P, Riederer P. Genetic variation in the choline O-acetyltransferase gene in depression and Alzheimer's disease: the VITA and Milano studies. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 45: 1250-6. PMID 21507424 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpsychires.2011.03.017  0.548
2011 Giaccone G, Arzberger T, Alafuzoff I, Al-Sarraj S, Budka H, Duyckaerts C, Falkai P, Ferrer I, Ironside JW, Kovács GG, Meyronet D, Parchi P, Patsouris E, Revesz T, Riederer P, et al. New lexicon and criteria for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. The Lancet. Neurology. 10: 298-9; author reply . PMID 21435593 DOI: 10.1016/S1474-4422(11)70055-2  0.306
2011 Mandel S, Grünblatt E, Riederer P. Iron in brain function and neurodegenerative disorders. Editorial. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 118: 299-300. PMID 21400002 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-011-0618-5  0.544
2011 Grünblatt E, Schmidt WJ, Scheller DK, Riederer P, Gerlach M. Transcriptional alterations under continuous or pulsatile dopaminergic treatment in dyskinetic rats. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 118: 1717-25. PMID 21188436 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-010-0552-Y  0.518
2011 Sian-Hülsmann J, Mandel S, Youdim MB, Riederer P. The relevance of iron in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurochemistry. 118: 939-57. PMID 21138437 DOI: 10.1111/J.1471-4159.2010.07132.X  0.322
2011 Reif A, Grünblatt E, Herterich S, Wichart I, Rainer MK, Jungwirth S, Danielczyk W, Deckert J, Tragl KH, Riederer P, Fischer P. Association of a functional NOS1 promoter repeat with Alzheimer's disease in the VITA cohort. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. 23: 327-33. PMID 21098972 DOI: 10.3233/Jad-2010-101491  0.572
2011 Michel TM, Sheldrick AJ, Camara S, Grünblatt E, Schneider F, Riederer P. Alteration of the pro-oxidant xanthine oxidase (XO) in the thalamus and occipital cortex of patients with schizophrenia. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry : the Official Journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. 12: 588-97. PMID 21073395 DOI: 10.3109/15622975.2010.526146  0.527
2011 Grünblatt E, Bartl J, Riederer P. The link between iron, metabolic syndrome, and Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 118: 371-9. PMID 20556444 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-010-0426-3  0.578
2011 Riederer P, Bartl J, Laux G, Grünblatt E. Diabetes type II: a risk factor for depression-Parkinson-Alzheimer? Neurotoxicity Research. 19: 253-65. PMID 20552313 DOI: 10.1007/S12640-010-9203-1  0.575
2011 Grünblatt E, Bartl J, Hofmann S, Borst A, Riederer P, Walitza S. d/l threo-methylphenidate enantiomers influence on catecholaminergic enzyme activities Pharmacopsychiatry. 21. DOI: 10.1055/S-0031-1292484  0.49
2011 Petrisic MS, Knezovic A, Grünblatt E, Brueckner MK, Arendt T, Hoyer S, Riederer P. Correlation of cognitive deficits and brain cholinesterase activity in streptozotocin-intracerebroventricularly treated rat model of sporadic alzheimer's disease Alzheimers & Dementia. 7. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2011.05.328  0.573
2010 Bartl J, Link P, Schlosser C, Gerlach M, Schmitt A, Walitza S, Riederer P, Grünblatt E. Effects of methylphenidate: the cellular point of view. Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders. 2: 225-32. PMID 21432609 DOI: 10.1007/S12402-010-0039-6  0.544
2010 Grünblatt E, Zehetmayer S, Jacob CP, Müller T, Jost WH, Riederer P. Pilot study: peripheral biomarkers for diagnosing sporadic Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 117: 1387-93. PMID 21069393 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-010-0509-1  0.576
2010 Zheng B, Liao Z, Locascio JJ, Lesniak KA, Roderick SS, Watt ML, Eklund AC, Zhang-James Y, Kim PD, Hauser MA, Grünblatt E, Moran LB, Mandel SA, Riederer P, Miller RM, et al. PGC-1α, a potential therapeutic target for early intervention in Parkinson's disease. Science Translational Medicine. 2: 52ra73. PMID 20926834 DOI: 10.1126/Scitranslmed.3001059  0.59
2010 Grünblatt E, Proft F, Apfelbacher M, Deckert J, Roggendorf W, Riederer P, Monoranu CM. Brain tryptophan rather than pH-value is altered as consequence of artificial postmortem interval and storage conditions. Neurochemistry International. 57: 819-22. PMID 20817063 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuint.2010.08.020  0.54
2010 Double KL, Halliday GM, Dunkley PR, Dickson PW, Gerlach M, Riederer P. Pigmentation in the human brain and risk of Parkinson's disease. Annals of Neurology. 67: 553-4. PMID 20437597 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.21882  0.331
2010 Michel TM, Gsell W, Geuder J, Frangou S, Durany N, Kircher T, Sheldrick AJ, Tatschner T, Schneider F, Riederer P, Grünblatt E. Can enzyme kinetics of prooxidants teach us a lesson about the treatment of Alzheimer's disease: a pilot post-mortem study. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry : the Official Journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. 11: 677-81. PMID 20380619 DOI: 10.3109/15622971003728014  0.337
2010 Michel TM, Camara S, Tatschner T, Frangou S, Sheldrick AJ, Riederer P, Grünblatt E. Increased xanthine oxidase in the thalamus and putamen in depression. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry : the Official Journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. 11: 314-20. PMID 20218795 DOI: 10.3109/15622970802123695  0.301
2010 Riedel O, Klotsche J, Spottke A, Deuschl G, Förstl H, Henn F, Heuser I, Oertel W, Reichmann H, Riederer P, Trenkwalder C, Dodel R, Wittchen HU. Frequency of dementia, depression, and other neuropsychiatric symptoms in 1,449 outpatients with Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurology. 257: 1073-82. PMID 20140443 DOI: 10.1007/S00415-010-5465-Z  0.301
2010 Osmanovic J, Plaschke K, Salkovic-Petrisic M, Grünblatt E, Riederer P, Hoyer S. Chronic exogenous corticosterone administration generates an insulin-resistant brain state in rats. Stress. 13: 123-131. PMID 19929311 DOI: 10.3109/10253890903080379  0.543
2010 Šalković-Petrišić M, Riederer P. Brain glucose transporter protein 2 and sporadic Alzheimer’s disease Translational Neuroscience. 1: 200-206. DOI: 10.2478/V10134-010-0030-Y  0.307
2009 Naoi M, Yi H, Maruyama W, Inaba K, Shamoto-Nagai M, Akao Y, Gerlach M, Riederer P. Glutathione redox status in mitochondria and cytoplasm differentially and sequentially activates apoptosis cascade in dopamine-melanin-treated SH-SY5Y cells. Neuroscience Letters. 465: 118-122. PMID 19737600 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neulet.2009.08.082  0.302
2009 Salkovic-Petrisic M, Osmanovic J, Grünblatt E, Riederer P, Hoyer S. Modeling sporadic Alzheimer's disease: the insulin resistant brain state generates multiple long-term morphobiological abnormalities including hyperphosphorylated tau protein and amyloid-beta. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. 18: 729-50. PMID 19661616 DOI: 10.3233/Jad-2009-1184  0.585
2009 Stober G, Ben-Shachar D, Cardon M, Falkai P, Fonteh AN, Gawlik M, Glenthoj BY, Grunblatt E, Jablensky A, Kim YK, Kornhuber J, McNeil TF, Muller N, Oranje B, Saito T, ... ... Riederer P, et al. Schizophrenia: from the brain to peripheral markers. A consensus paper of the WFSBP task force on biological markers. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry : the Official Journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. 10: 127-55. PMID 19396704 DOI: 10.1080/15622970902898980  0.605
2009 Grünblatt E, Bartl J, Zehetmayer S, Ringel TM, Bauer P, Riederer P, Jacob CP. Gene expression as peripheral biomarkers for sporadic Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. 16: 627-34. PMID 19276557 DOI: 10.3233/Jad-2009-0996  0.576
2009 Grünblatt E, Zehetmayer S, Bartl J, Löffler C, Wichart I, Rainer MK, Jungwirth S, Bauer P, Danielczyk W, Tragl KH, Riederer P, Fischer P. Genetic risk factors and markers for Alzheimer's disease and/or depression in the VITA study. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 43: 298-308. PMID 18603262 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpsychires.2008.05.008  0.559
2009 Schmitt A, Hall F, Perona M, Ortega G, Hofmann M, Sora I, Uhl G, Riederer P, Lesch K, Gerlach M, Grünblatt E. Stress and methylphenidate treatment, both modulate neuronal activity in an animal model for ADHD Pharmacopsychiatry. 42. DOI: 10.1055/S-0029-1240220  0.518
2009 Grünblatt E, Riederer P. Potential gene expression biomarkers in whole blood of Alzheimer's disease Alzheimers & Dementia. 5: 148. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2009.05.509  0.566
2008 Riederer P, Youdim MB, Mandel S, Gerlach M, Grünblatt E. Genomic aspects of sporadic Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 14: S88-91. PMID 18585078 DOI: 10.1016/J.Parkreldis.2008.04.009  0.534
2008 Gerlach M, Hendrich A, Hueber R, Jost W, Winkler J, Woitalla D, Riederer P. Early detection of Parkinson's disease: Unmet needs Neurodegenerative Diseases. 5: 137-139. PMID 18322371 DOI: 10.1159/000113683  0.306
2008 Riedel O, Klotsche J, Spottke A, Deuschl G, Förstl H, Henn F, Heuser I, Oertel W, Reichmann H, Riederer P, Trenkwalder C, Dodel R, Wittchen HU. Cognitive impairment in 873 patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Results from the German Study on Epidemiology of Parkinson's Disease with Dementia (GEPAD). Journal of Neurology. 255: 255-64. PMID 18204803 DOI: 10.1007/S00415-008-0720-2  0.334
2008 Meisner F, Scheller C, Kneitz S, Sopper S, Neuen-Jacob E, Riederer P, ter Meulen V, Koutsilieri E. Memantine upregulates BDNF and prevents dopamine deficits in SIV-infected macaques: a novel pharmacological action of memantine. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 33: 2228-36. PMID 17971830 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Npp.1301615  0.336
2007 Youdim MB, Riederer PF. Monoamine oxidase A and B inhibitors in Parkinson's disease. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. 84: 93-120. PMID 18808943 DOI: 10.1016/S0072-9752(07)84034-6  0.337
2007 Koutsilieri E, Riederer P. Excitotoxicity and new antiglutamatergic strategies in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 13. PMID 18267259 DOI: 10.1016/S1353-8020(08)70025-7  0.322
2007 Grünblatt E, Zander N, Bartl J, Jie L, Monoranu CM, Arzberger T, Ravid R, Roggendorf W, Gerlach M, Riederer P. Comparison analysis of gene expression patterns between sporadic Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. 12: 291-311. PMID 18198416 DOI: 10.3233/Jad-2007-12402  0.597
2007 Kneitz S, Meisner F, Sopper S, Kaiser F, Grünblatt E, Scheller C, Riederer P, ter Meulen V, Koutsilieri E. Biostatistical analysis of gene microarrays reveals diverse expression clusters between macaque subspecies in brain SIV infection. Journal of Neural Transmission. Supplementum. 317-22. PMID 17982909 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-211-73574-9_39  0.517
2007 Tahirović I, Sofić E, Šapčanin A, Gavrankapetanović I, Bach-Rojecky L, Šalković-Petrišić M, Lacković Z, Hoyer S, Riederer P. Brain antioxidant capacity in rat models of betacytotoxic-induced experimental sporadic Alzheimer's disease and diabetes mellitus. Journal of Neural Transmission-Supplement. 2007: 235-240. PMID 17982899 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-211-73574-9_29  0.308
2007 Tahirovic I, Sofic E, Sapcanin A, Gavrankapetanovic I, Bach-Rojecky L, Salkovic-Petrisic M, Lackovic Z, Hoyer S, Riederer P. Reduced brain antioxidant capacity in rat models of betacytotoxic-induced experimental sporadic Alzheimer's disease and diabetes mellitus. Neurochemical Research. 32: 1709-1717. PMID 17605105 DOI: 10.1007/S11064-007-9410-1  0.303
2007 Grünblatt E, Salkovic-Petrisic M, Osmanovic J, Riederer P, Hoyer S. Brain insulin system dysfunction in streptozotocin intracerebroventricularly treated rats generates hyperphosphorylated tau protein. Journal of Neurochemistry. 101: 757-70. PMID 17448147 DOI: 10.1111/J.1471-4159.2006.04368.X  0.559
2007 Jacob CP, Koutsilieri E, Bartl J, Neuen-Jacob E, Arzberger T, Zander N, Ravid R, Roggendorf W, Riederer P, Grünblatt E. Alterations in expression of glutamatergic transporters and receptors in sporadic Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. 11: 97-116. PMID 17361039 DOI: 10.3233/Jad-2007-11113  0.534
2007 Schmitt A, Hall F, Kreutzfeldt M, Perona M, Ortega M, Hofmann M, Siemer M, Nietzer S, Sora I, Uhl G, Riederer P, Gerlach M, Lesch K, Grünblatt E. The effect of methylphenidate treatment on the expression of synaptic vesicle proteins in a mouse model for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Pharmacopsychiatry. 40. DOI: 10.1055/S-2007-991888  0.467
2007 Grünblatt E, Mandel S, Müller T, Jost WH, Youdim MBH, Riederer PF. 1.100 Early diagnosis for Parkinson's disease according to whole blood gene profile Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 13. DOI: 10.1016/S1353-8020(08)70371-7  0.519
2007 Grünblatt E, Mandel S, Müller T, Jost WH, Youdim MBH, Riederer PF. 1.011 Early diagnosis for Parkinson's disease according to whole blood gene profile Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 13. DOI: 10.1016/S1353-8020(08)70357-2  0.519
2006 Luckhaus C, Spiegler C, Ibach B, Fischer P, Wichart I, Sterba N, Gatterer G, Rainer M, Jungwirth S, Huber K, Tragl KH, Grünblatt E, Riederer P, Sand PG. Estrogen receptor beta gene (ESRbeta) 3'-UTR variants in Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders. 20: 322-3. PMID 17132983 DOI: 10.1097/01.Wad.0000213861.12484.33  0.55
2006 Kornhuber J, Riederer P, Bleich S, Wiltfang J, Kraus T, Meineke I. Pharmacokinetic characterization of amantadine in human brain tissue. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. 28: 693-695. PMID 17038888 DOI: 10.1097/01.Ftd.0000245390.48552.04  0.419
2006 Grünblatt E, Löffler C, Zehetmayer S, Jungwirth S, Tragl KH, Riederer P, Fischer P. Association study of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and depression in 75-Year-Old nondemented subjects from the Vienna Transdanube Aging (VITA) study. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 67: 1373-8. PMID 17017823 DOI: 10.4088/Jcp.V67N0907  0.547
2006 Grünblatt E, Koutsilieri E, Hoyer S, Riederer P. Gene expression alterations in brain areas of intracerebroventricular streptozotocin treated rat. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. 9: 261-71. PMID 16914836 DOI: 10.3233/Jad-2006-9305  0.584
2006 Yun SW, Gerlach M, Riederer P, Klein MA. Oxidative stress in the brain at early preclinical stages of mouse scrapie Experimental Neurology. 201: 90-98. PMID 16806186 DOI: 10.1016/J.Expneurol.2006.03.025  0.309
2006 Grünblatt E, Hupp E, Bambula M, Zehetmayer S, Jungwirth S, Tragl KH, Fischer P, Riederer P. Association study of BDNF and CNTF polymorphism to depression in non-demented subjects of the "VITA" study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 96: 111-6. PMID 16797081 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2006.05.008  0.488
2006 Kornhuber J, Wiltfang J, Riederer P, Bleich S. Neuroleptic drugs in the human brain: clinical impact of persistence and region-specific distribution. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 256: 274-280. PMID 16788768 DOI: 10.1007/S00406-006-0661-7  0.437
2006 Völkel W, Sicilia T, Pähler A, Gsell W, Tatschner T, Jellinger K, Leblhuber F, Riederer P, Lutz WK, Götz ME. Increased brain levels of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal glutathione conjugates in severe Alzheimer's disease. Neurochemistry International. 48: 679-86. PMID 16483694 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuint.2005.12.003  0.357
2006 Salkovic-Petrisic M, Tribl F, Schmidt M, Hoyer S, Riederer P. Alzheimer-like changes in protein kinase B and glycogen synthase kinase-3 in rat frontal cortex and hippocampus after damage to the insulin signalling pathway. Journal of Neurochemistry. 96: 1005-1015. PMID 16412093 DOI: 10.1111/J.1471-4159.2005.03637.X  0.301
2006 Glatz DC, Rujescu D, Tang Y, Berendt FJ, Hartmann AM, Faltraco F, Rosenberg C, Hulette C, Jellinger K, Hampel H, Riederer P, Möller HJ, Andreadis A, Henkel K, Stamm S. The alternative splicing of tau exon 10 and its regulatory proteins CLK2 and TRA2-BETA1 changes in sporadic Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neurochemistry. 96: 635-44. PMID 16371011 DOI: 10.1111/J.1471-4159.2005.03552.X  0.31
2006 Kornhuber J, Weigmann H, Röhrich J, Wiltfang J, Bleich S, Meineke I, Zöchling R, Härtter S, Riederer P, Hiemke C. Region specific distribution of levomepromazine in the human brain. Journal of Neural Transmission. 113: 387-397. PMID 15997416 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-005-0331-3  0.329
2005 Scheller C, Sopper S, Jenuwein M, Neuen-Jacob E, Tatschner T, Grünblatt E, ter Meulen V, Riederer P, Koutsilieri E. Early impairment in dopaminergic neurotransmission in brains of SIV-infected rhesus monkeys due to microglia activation. Journal of Neurochemistry. 95: 377-87. PMID 16190867 DOI: 10.1111/J.1471-4159.2005.03373.X  0.563
2005 Mandel S, Grunblatt E, Riederer P, Amariglio N, Hirsch JJ, Rechavi G, Youdim MBH. Gene expression profiling of sporadic Parkinson's disease substantia nigra pars compacta reveals impairment of ubiquitin-proteasome subunits, SKP1A, aldehyde dehydrogenase, and chaperone HSC-70 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1053: 356-375. PMID 16179542 DOI: 10.1196/annals.1344.031  0.525
2005 Wiltfang J, Lewczuk P, Riederer P, Grünblatt E, Hock C, Scheltens P, Hampel H, Vanderstichele H, Iqbal K, Galasko D, Lannfelt L, Otto M, Esselmann H, Henkel AW, Kornhuber J, et al. Consensus paper of the WFSBP Task Force on Biological Markers of Dementia: the role of CSF and blood analysis in the early and differential diagnosis of dementia. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry : the Official Journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. 6: 69-84. PMID 16156480 DOI: 10.1080/15622970510029786  0.359
2005 Gerlach M, Reichmann H, Riederer P, Olanow CW, Agid Y, Mizuno Y. Levodopa in the treatment of Parkinson's disease: Current controversies: Letter to the Editors Movement Disorders. 20: 643-643. PMID 15732130 DOI: 10.1002/Mds.20435  0.307
2005 Grünblatt E, Schlösser R, Fischer P, Fischer MO, Li J, Koutsilieri E, Wichart I, Sterba N, Rujescu D, Möller HJ, Adamcyk W, Dittrich B, Müller F, Oberegger K, Gatterer G, ... ... Riederer P, et al. Oxidative stress related markers in the "VITA" and the centenarian projects. Neurobiology of Aging. 26: 429-38. PMID 15653171 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neurobiolaging.2004.06.001  0.509
2005 Mandel S, Grunblatt E, Riederer P, Amariglio N, Hirsch JJ, Rechavi G, Youdim MBH. Gene expression profiling of sporadic Parkinson's disease substantia nigra pars compacta reveals impairment of ubiquitin-proteasome subunits, SKP1A, aldehyde dehydrogenase, and chaperone HSC-70. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1053: 356-375. DOI: 10.1111/J.1749-6632.2005.Tb00044.X  0.573
2005 Grünblatt E, Mandel S, Jacob-Hirsch J, Zeligson S, Amariglo N, Rechavi G, Ravid R, Arzberger T, Roggendorf W, Youdim M, Riederer P. Genexpressionanalysen von Substantia-nigra-Gewebe Parkinson-Kranker Aktuelle Neurologie. 32. DOI: 10.1055/S-2005-866647  0.556
2004 Braungart E, Gerlach M, Riederer P, Baumeister R, Hoener MC. Caenorhabditis elegans MPP+ model of Parkinson's disease for high-throughput drug screenings. Neuro-Degenerative Diseases. 1: 175-83. PMID 16908987 DOI: 10.1159/000080983  0.321
2004 Zecca L, Youdim MB, Riederer P, Connor JR, Crichton RR. Iron, brain ageing and neurodegenerative disorders. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience. 5: 863-73. PMID 15496864 DOI: 10.1038/Nrn1537  0.314
2004 Youdim MB, Riederer PF. A review of the mechanisms and role of monoamine oxidase inhibitors in Parkinson's disease. Neurology. 63: S32-5. PMID 15477584 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.63.7_Suppl_2.S32  0.303
2004 Grünblatt E, Mandel S, Jacob-Hirsch J, Zeligson S, Amariglo N, Rechavi G, Li J, Ravid R, Roggendorf W, Riederer P, Youdim MB. Gene expression profiling of parkinsonian substantia nigra pars compacta; alterations in ubiquitin-proteasome, heat shock protein, iron and oxidative stress regulated proteins, cell adhesion/cellular matrix and vesicle trafficking genes. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 111: 1543-73. PMID 15455214 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-004-0212-1  0.51
2004 Riederer P, Lachenmayer L, Laux G. Clinical applications of MAO-inhibitors. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 11: 2033-2043. PMID 15279566 DOI: 10.2174/0929867043364775  0.3
2004 Heim C, Sontag TA, Kolasiewicz W, Ulrich F, Pardowitz I, Horn HJ, Gerlach M, Riederer P, Sontag KH. Consequences of a single short lasting cerebral oligemia and the influence of iron injected into the substantia nigra or in the ventrolateral striatum of the rat. Trigger of Parkinson's disease pathogenesis? Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 111: 641-66. PMID 15168213 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-003-0028-4  0.308
2004 Grünblatt E, Hoyer S, Riederer P. Gene expression profile in streptozotocin rat model for sporadic Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 111: 367-86. PMID 14991460 DOI: 10.1007/S00702-003-0030-X  0.534
2004 Gsell W, Jungkunz G, Riederer P. Functional neurochemistry of Alzheimer's disease. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 10: 265-93. PMID 14754387 DOI: 10.2174/1381612043386473  0.328
2004 Riederer P, Danielczyk W, Grünblatt E. Monoamine oxidase-B inhibition in Alzheimer's disease. Neurotoxicology. 25: 271-277. PMID 14697902 DOI: 10.1016/S0161-813X(03)00106-2  0.583
2004 Braungart E, Gerlach M, Riederer P, Baumeister R, Hoener MC, Silva OABdCe, Vieira SI, Silva EFdCe, Froelich-Fabre S, Skoglund L, Ostojic J, Kilander L, Lindau M, Rebelo S, Hartmann D, et al. DIADEM / Participants Directory Neurodegenerative Diseases. 1: 243-244. DOI: 10.1159/000082213  0.33
2003 Mandel S, Grünblatt E, Riederer P, Gerlach M, Levites Y, Youdim MB. Neuroprotective strategies in Parkinson's disease : an update on progress. Cns Drugs. 17: 729-62. PMID 12873156 DOI: 10.2165/00023210-200317100-00004  0.586
2003 Grünblatt E, Schlösser R, Gerlach M, Riederer P. Preclinical versus clinical neuroprotection. Advances in Neurology. 91: 309-28. PMID 12442689  0.457
2003 Mandel S, Grünblatt E, Riederer P, Youdim MB. Genes and oxidative stress in parkinsonism: cDNA microarray studies. Advances in Neurology. 91: 123-32. PMID 12442671  0.482
2002 Riederer P, Gille G, Müller T, Przuntek H, Reichmann H, Riess O, Schwartz A, Schwarz J, Vogt T. Practical importance of neuroprotection in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurology. 249: 1-1. PMID 12522574 DOI: 10.1007/S00415-002-1311-2  0.319
2002 Koutsilieri E, Scheller C, Grünblatt E, Nara K, Li J, Riederer P. Free radicals in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurology. 249: II1-5. PMID 12375056 DOI: 10.1007/S00415-002-1201-7  0.529
2002 Riederer P, Foley P, Bringmann G, Feineis D, Brückner R, Gerlach M. Biochemical and pharmacological characterization of 1-trichloromethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carboline: a biologically relevant neurotoxin? European Journal of Pharmacology. 442: 1-16. PMID 12020676 DOI: 10.1016/S0014-2999(02)01308-0  0.317
2001 Dukic-Stefanovic S, Schinzel R, Riederer P, Münch G. AGES in brain ageing: AGE-inhibitors as neuroprotective and anti-dementia drugs? Biogerontology. 2: 19-34. PMID 11708614 DOI: 10.1023/A:1010052800347  0.304
2001 Retz W, Thome J, Durany N, Harsányi A, Retz-Junginger P, Kornhuber J, Riederer P, Rösler M. Potential genetic markers of sporadic Alzheimer's dementia. Psychiatric Genetics. 11: 115-122. PMID 11702052 DOI: 10.1097/00041444-200109000-00002  0.349
2001 Heneka MT, Wiesinger H, Dumitrescu-Ozimek L, Riederer P, Feinstein DL, Klockgether T. Neuronal and glial coexpression of argininosuccinate synthetase and inducible nitric oxide synthase in Alzheimer disease. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 60: 906-16. PMID 11556547 DOI: 10.1093/Jnen/60.9.906  0.324
2001 Ibarra C, Nedvetsky PI, Gerlach M, Riederer P, Schmidt HHHW. Regional and age-dependent expression of the nitric oxide receptor, soluble guanylyl cyclase, in the human brain. Brain Research. 907: 54-60. PMID 11430885 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(01)02588-4  0.307
2001 Mössner R, Henneberg A, Schmitt A, Syagailo YV, Grässle M, Hennig T, Simantov R, Gerlach M, Riederer P, Lesch KP. Allelic variation of serotonin transporter expression is associated with depression in Parkinson's disease. Molecular Psychiatry. 6: 350-352. PMID 11326308 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Mp.4000849  0.315
2001 Braunewell K, Riederer P, Spilker C, Gundelfinger ED, Bogerts B, Bernstein HG. Abnormal localization of two neuronal calcium sensor proteins, visinin-like proteins (vilips)-1 and -3, in neocortical brain areas of Alzheimer disease patients. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. 12: 110-6. PMID 11173883 DOI: 10.1159/000051244  0.314
2000 Gerlach M, Double KL, Youdim MB, Riederer P. Strategies for the protection of dopaminergic neurons against neurotoxicity. Neurotoxicity Research. 2: 99-114. PMID 16787835 DOI: 10.1007/Bf03033788  0.327
2000 Cruz-Sánchez FF, Durany N, Thome J, Riederer P, Zambón D. Correlation between Apolipoprotein-E polymorphism and Alzheimer's disease pathology. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. 2: 223-9. PMID 12214086 DOI: 10.3233/Jad-2000-23-404  0.309
2000 Riederer P, Brücke T, Müller T, Schwartz A, Storch A, Winner B. Workshop II: "neuroprotection"--the Lugano consensus. Journal of Neurology. 247: 36-37. PMID 11199817 DOI: 10.1007/Pl00007774  0.311
2000 Durany N, Michel T, Kurt J, Cruz-Sánchez FF, Cervás-Navarro J, Riederer P. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-3 levels in Alzheimer's disease brains. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the International Society For Developmental Neuroscience. 18: 807-13. PMID 11156744 DOI: 10.1016/S0736-5748(00)00046-0  0.347
2000 Savvateeva E, Popov A, Kamyshev N, Bragina J, Heisenberg M, Senitz D, Kornhuber J, Riederer P. Age-dependent memory loss, synaptic pathology and altered brain plasticity in the Drosophila mutant cardinal accumulating 3-hydroxykynurenine. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 107: 581-601. PMID 11072753 DOI: 10.1007/S007020070080  0.429
2000 Foley P, Riederer P. Influence of neurotoxins and oxidative stress on the onset and progression of Parkinson’s disease Journal of Neurology. 247: 82-94. PMID 10991671 DOI: 10.1007/Pl00007766  0.301
2000 Wüllner U, Weller M, Kornhuber J, Bornemann A, Schulz JB, Riederer P, Klockgether T. Altered expression of calcium- and apoptosis-regulating proteins in multiple system atrophy Purkinje cells. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 15: 269-75. PMID 10752575 DOI: 10.1002/1531-8257(200003)15:2<269::Aid-Mds1009>3.0.Co;2-0  0.396
2000 Frey U, Retz W, Riederer P, Rösler M. Neue Aspekte in der antidementiven Pharmakotherapie der Alzheimer-Erkrankung Aktuelle Neurologie. 27: 305-317. DOI: 10.1055/S-2007-1017557  0.334
1999 Durany N, Münch G, Michel T, Riederer P. Investigations on oxidative stress and therapeutical implications in dementia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 249: 68-73. PMID 10654103 DOI: 10.1007/Pl00014177  0.313
1999 Ozawa H, Ukai W, Kornhuber J, Yamaguchi T, Froelich L, Ikeda H, Saito T, Riederer P. Postnatal ontogeny of GTP binding protein in the human frontal cortex. Life Sciences. 65: 2315-2323. PMID 10597886 DOI: 10.1016/S0024-3205(99)00498-1  0.398
1999 Czygan M, Hallensleben W, Hofer M, Pollak S, Sauder C, Bilzer T, Blümcke I, Riederer P, Bogerts B, Falkai P, Schwarz MJ, Masliah E, Staeheli P, Hufert FT, Lieb K. Borna disease virus in human brains with a rare form of hippocampal degeneration but not in brains of patients with common neuropsychiatric disorders. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 180: 1695-9. PMID 10515835 DOI: 10.1086/315068  0.313
1999 Kornhuber J, Jellinger K, Wiltfang J, Leblhuber F, Riederer P. The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor channel blocker amantadine does not cause histopathological alterations in human brain tissue. Acta Neuropathologica. 98: 85-90. PMID 10412804 DOI: 10.1007/S004010051054  0.456
1999 Blum-Degen D, Heinemann T, Lan J, Pedersen V, Leblhuber F, Paulus W, Riederer P, Gerlach M. Characterization and regional distribution of nitric oxide synthase in the human brain during normal ageing Brain Research. 834: 128-135. PMID 10407101 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(99)01444-4  0.321
1999 Kornhuber J, Schultz A, Wiltfang J, Meineke I, Gleiter CH, Zöchling R, Boissl K, Leblhuber F, Riederer P. Persistence of haloperidol in human brain tissue. American Journal of Psychiatry. 156: 885-890. PMID 10360127 DOI: 10.1176/Ajp.156.6.885  0.442
1999 Bernstein HG, Ansorge S, Riederer P, Reiser M, Frölich L, Bogerts B. Insulin-degrading enzyme in the Alzheimer's disease brain: prominent localization in neurons and senile plaques. Neuroscience Letters. 263: 161-4. PMID 10213160 DOI: 10.1016/S0304-3940(99)00135-4  0.328
1999 Wüllner U, Kornhuber J, Weller M, Schulz JB, Löschmann PA, Riederer P, Klockgether T. Cell death and apoptosis regulating proteins in Parkinson's disease--a cautionary note. Acta Neuropathologica. 97: 408-12. PMID 10208281 DOI: 10.1007/S004010051005  0.438
1999 Yamamoto-Sasaki M, Ozawa H, Saito T, Rösler M, Riederer P. Impaired phosphorylation of cyclic AMP response element binding protein in the hippocampus of dementia of the Alzheimer type. Brain Research. 824: 300-303. PMID 10196463 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(99)01220-2  0.306
1998 Münch G, Gerlach M, Sian J, Wong A, Riederer P. Advanced glycation end products in neurodegeneration: More than early markers of oxidative stress? Annals of Neurology. 44. PMID 9749578 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.410440713  0.306
1998 Münch G, Schinzel R, Loske C, Wong A, Durany N, Li JJ, Vlassara H, Smith MA, Perry G, Riederer P. Alzheimer's disease--synergistic effects of glucose deficit, oxidative stress and advanced glycation endproducts. Journal of Neural Transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). 105: 439-61. PMID 9720973 DOI: 10.1007/S007020050069  0.31
1998 Münch G, Cunningham AM, Riederer P, Braak E. Advanced glycation endproducts are associated with Hirano bodies in Alzheimer's disease. Brain Research. 796: 307-10. PMID 9689484 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(98)00328-X  0.322
1998 Thome J, Baumer A, Kornhuber J, Rösler M, Riederer P. Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin bi-allele polymorphism, apolipoprotein-E tri-allele polymorphism and genetic risk of Alzheimer's syndrome. Journal of Neural Transmission. Parkinson's Disease and Dementia Section. 10: 207-12. PMID 9620064 DOI: 10.1007/BF02251232  0.316
1998 Kroemer RT, Koutsilieri E, Hecht P, Liedl KR, Riederer P, Kornhuber J. Quantitative analysis of the structural requirements for blockade of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor at the phencyclidine binding site. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 41: 393-400. PMID 9464369 DOI: 10.1021/Jm9704412  0.399
1997 Becker T, Becker G, Seufert J, Hofmann E, Lange KW, Naumann M, Lindner A, Reichmann H, Riederer P, Beckmann H, Reiners K. Parkinson's disease and depression: evidence for an alteration of the basal limbic system detected by transcranial sonography. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 63: 590-6. PMID 9408098 DOI: 10.1136/Jnnp.63.5.590  0.321
1997 Lange KW, Kornhuber J, Riederer P. Dopamine/glutamate interactions in Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 21: 393-400. PMID 9195597 DOI: 10.1016/S0149-7634(96)00043-7  0.468
1997 Münch G, Thome J, Foley P, Schinzel R, Riederer P. Advanced glycation endproducts in ageing and Alzheimer's disease. Brain Research. Brain Research Reviews. 23: 134-43. PMID 9063589 DOI: 10.1016/S0165-0173(96)00016-1  0.31
1997 Thome J, Gsell W, Rösler M, Kornhuber J, Frölich L, Hashimoto E, Zielke B, Wiesbeck GA, Riederer P. Oxidative-stress associated parameters (lactoferrin, superoxide dismutases) in serum of patients with Alzheimer's disease. Life Sciences. 60: 13-9. PMID 8995527 DOI: 10.1016/S0024-3205(96)00583-8  0.344
1997 Youdim MBH, Riederer P. Understanding Parkinson's disease. Scientific American. 276: 52-59. PMID 8972618 DOI: 10.1038/Scientificamerican0197-52  0.32
1997 Retz W, Thome J, Sitzmann L, Kornhuber J, Riederer P, Rösler M. P.4.012 No interaction of apolipoprotein-E and α1-antichymotrypsin polymorphism in alzheimer's disease European Neuropsychopharmacology. 7. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-977X(97)88821-9  0.331
1997 Kornhuber J, Schultz A, Riederer P. Haloperidol concentration in human brain tissue: Effects of dosage, duration of treatment and drug-free time Biological Psychiatry. 42: 1-4. DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3223(97)87615-9  0.417
1996 Retz W, Kornhuber J, Riederer P. Neurotransmission and the ontogeny of human brain Journal of Neural Transmission. 103: 403-419. PMID 9617785 DOI: 10.1007/Bf01276417  0.349
1996 Thome J, Kornhuber J, Münch G, Schinzel R, Taneli Y, Zielke B, Rösler M, Riederer P. A new hypothesis for the etiopathogenesis of the Alzheimer's syndrome. Advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) Nervenarzt. 67: 924-929. PMID 9064552 DOI: 10.1007/S001150050073  0.358
1996 Kornhuber J, Schoppmeyer K, Bendig C, Riederer P. Characterization of [3H]pentazocine binding sites in post-mortem human frontal cortex. Journal of Neural Transmission. 103: 45-53. PMID 9026376 DOI: 10.1007/Bf01292615  0.413
1996 Gerlach M, Riederer P. Animal models of Parkinson's disease: an empirical comparison with the phenomenology of the disease in man. Journal of Neural Transmission. 103: 987-1041. PMID 9013391 DOI: 10.1007/Bf01291788  0.329
1996 Kupsch A, Sautter J, Schwarz J, Riederer P, Gerlach M, Oertel WH. 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-induced neurotoxicity in non-human primates is antagonized by pretreatment with nimodipine at the nigral, but not at the striatal level Brain Research. 741: 185-196. PMID 9001722 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(96)00917-1  0.316
1996 Gerlach M, Gsell W, Kornhuber J, Jellinger K, Krieger V, Pantucek F, Vock R, Riederer P. A post mortem study on neurochemical markers of dopaminergic, GABA-ergic and glutamatergic neurons in basal ganglia-thalamocortical circuits in Parkinson syndrome. Brain Research. 741: 142-52. PMID 9001716 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(96)00915-8  0.463
1996 Mogi M, Harada M, Kondo T, Mizuno Y, Narabayashi H, Riederer P, Nagatsu T. The soluble form of Fas molecule is elevated in parkinsonian brain tissues Neuroscience Letters. 220: 195-198. PMID 8994226 DOI: 10.1016/S0304-3940(96)13257-2  0.31
1996 Gerlach M, Youdim MBH, Riederer P. Pharmacology of selegiline Neurology. 47. PMID 8959982 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.47.6_Suppl_3.137S  0.359
1996 Thome J, Durany N, Harsányi A, Foley P, Palomo A, Kornhuber J, Weijers HG, Baumer A, Rösler M, Cruz-Sánchez FF, Beckmann H, Riederer P. A null mutation allele in the CNTF gene and schizophrenic psychoses. Neuroreport. 7: 1413-6. PMID 8856688 DOI: 10.1097/00001756-199605310-00018  0.391
1996 Koutsilieri E, Kornhuber J, Degen H-, Lesch KP, Sopper S, Meulen Vt, Riederer P. U‐373 MG glioblastoma and IMR‐32 neuroblastoma cell lines express the dopamine and vesicular monoamine transporters Journal of Neuroscience Research. 45: 269-275. PMID 8841987 DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1097-4547(19960801)45:3<269::Aid-Jnr8>3.0.Co;2-B  0.314
1996 Thome J, Kornhuber J, Baumer A, Rösler M, Beckmann H, Riederer P. Association between a null mutation in the human ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) gene and increased incidence of psychiatric diseases? Neuroscience Letters. 203: 109-110. PMID 8834105 DOI: 10.1016/0304-3940(95)12274-5  0.438
1996 Thome J, Münch G, Müller R, Schinzel R, Kornhuber J, Blum-Degen D, Sitzmann L, Rösler M, Heidland A, Riederer P. Advanced glycation endproducts-associated parameters in the peripheral blood of patients with Alzheimer's disease. Life Sciences. 59: 679-85. PMID 8761018 DOI: 10.1016/0024-3205(96)00349-9  0.455
1996 Thome J, Kornhuber J, Baumer A, Rösler M, Beckmann H, Riederer P. CNTF and endogenous psychoses? Nature Genetics. 12: 123. PMID 8563747 DOI: 10.1038/Ng0296-123  0.392
1996 Thome J, Rösier M, Riederer P, Kornhuber J. Reply to “CNTF and psychiatric disorders” Nature Genetics. 13: 144-144. DOI: 10.1038/Ng0696-144A  0.366
1995 Kornhuber J, Parsons CG, Hartmann S, Retz W, Kamolz S, Thome J, Riederer P. Orphenadrine is an uncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist: binding and patch clamp studies Journal of Neural Transmission. 102: 237-246. PMID 8788072 DOI: 10.1007/Bf01281158  0.395
1995 Kornhuber J, Quack G, Danysz W, Jellinger K, Danielczyk W, Gsell W, Riederer P. Therapeutic brain concentration of the NMDA receptor antagonist amantadine. Neuropharmacology. 34: 713-21. PMID 8532138 DOI: 10.1016/0028-3908(95)00056-C  0.449
1995 Müller WE, Mutschler E, Riederer P. Noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists with fast open-channel blocking kinetics and strong voltage-dependency as potential therapeutic agents for Alzheimer's dementia. Pharmacopsychiatry. 28: 113-124. PMID 7491365 DOI: 10.1055/S-2007-979603  0.305
1994 Kornhuber J, Lange KW, Kruzik P, Rausch W, Gabriel E, Jellinger K, Riederer P. Iron, Copper, Zinc, Magnesium, and Calcium in Postmortem Brain Tissue from Schizophrenic Patients Biological Psychiatry. 36: 31-34. PMID 8080900 DOI: 10.1016/0006-3223(94)90059-0  0.322
1994 Lange KW, Riederer P. Glutamatergic drugs in Parkinson's disease Life Sciences. 55: 2067-2075. PMID 7997066 DOI: 10.1016/0024-3205(94)00387-4  0.318
1994 Götz ME, Künig G, Riederer P, Youdim MBH. Oxidative stress: Free radical production in neural degeneration Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 63: 37-122. PMID 7972344 DOI: 10.1016/0163-7258(94)90055-8  0.31
1994 Berger W, Deckert J, Hartmann J, Krotzer C, Kornhuber J, Ransmayr G, Heinsen H, Beckmann H, Riederer P. Memantine inhibits [3H]MK-801 binding to human hippocampal NMDA receptors Neuroreport. 5: 1237-1240. PMID 7919173 DOI: 10.1097/00001756-199406020-00020  0.429
1993 Reichmann H, Fhirke S, Hebenstreit G, Schrubar H, Riederer P. Analyses of energy metabolism and mitochondrial genome in post-mortem brain from patients with Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neurology. 240: 377-380. PMID 8393094 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00839971  0.317
1993 Knegt RJd, Kornhuber J, Schalm SW, Rusche K, Riederer P, Tan J. Binding of the Ligand (3H)MK-801 to the MK-801 Binding Site of the N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor During Experimental Encephalopathy from Acute Liver Failure and from Acute Hyperammonemia in the Rabbit. Metabolic Brain Disease. 8: 81-94. PMID 8355641 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00996891  0.404
1993 Kornhuber J, Schoppmeyer K, Riederer P. Affinity of 1-aminoadamantanes for the σ binding site in post-mortem human frontal cortex Neuroscience Letters. 163: 129-131. PMID 8309617 DOI: 10.1016/0304-3940(93)90362-O  0.396
1993 Kornhuber ME, Kornhuber J, Retz W, Riederer P. L-glutamate and L-aspartate concentrations in the developing and aging human putamen tissue. Journal of Neural Transmission. 93: 145-150. PMID 8105811 DOI: 10.1007/Bf01245343  0.428
1993 Kornhuber J, Weller M, Riederer P. Glutamate receptor antagonists for neuroleptic malignant syndrome and akinetic hyperthermic parkinsonian crisis. Journal of Neural Transmission. Parkinson's Disease and Dementia Section. 6: 63-72. PMID 8105799 DOI: 10.1007/BF02252624  0.375
1993 Kornhuber J, Riederer P. N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 56: 427. PMID 8097763 DOI: 10.1136/jnnp.56.4.427  0.328
1993 Lange KW, Löschmann PA, Sofic E, Burg M, Horowski R, Kalveram KT, Wachtel H, Riederer P. The competitive NMDA antagonist CPP protects substantia nigra neurons from MPTP-induced degeneration in primates. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology. 348: 586-92. PMID 7907775 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00167234  0.34
1992 Konradi C, Kornhuber J, Sofic E, Heckers S, Riederer P, Beckmann H. Variations of monoamines and their metabolites in the human brain putamen. Brain Research. 579: 285-90. PMID 1628216 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(92)90062-E  0.421
1992 Riederer P, Dirr A, Goetz M, Sofic E, Jellinger K, Youdimt MBH. Distribution of iron in different brain regions and subcellular compartments in Parkinson's disease Annals of Neurology. 32. PMID 1510366 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.410320717  0.317
1992 Sofic E, Lange KW, Jellinger K, Riederer P. Reduced and oxidized glutathione in the substantia nigra of patients with Parkinson's disease Neuroscience Letters. 142: 128-130. PMID 1454205 DOI: 10.1016/0304-3940(92)90355-B  0.322
1992 Wodarz N, Rupprecht R, Kornhuber J, Schmitz B, Wild K, Riederer P. Cell-mediated immunity and its glucocorticoid-sensitivity after clinical recovery from severe major depressive disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders. 25: 31-38. PMID 1320638 DOI: 10.1016/0165-0327(92)90090-S  0.33
1992 Wodarz N, Rupprecht R, Kornhuber J, Schmitz B, Wild K, Braner HU, Riederer P. In Vitro Glucocorticoid-Sensitivity Of Lectin-Driven Lymphocyte Dna-Synthesis After Recovery From Severe Major Depression. Clinical Neuropharmacology. 15. DOI: 10.1097/00002826-199202001-00247  0.374
1992 Künig G, Deckert J, Hartmann J, Lange KW, Kornhuber J, Heinsen H, Ransmayr G, Wree A, Beckmann H, Riederer P. Autoradiographic Distribution Of The Quisqualate Receptor In Human Hippocampus Clinical Neuropharmacology. 15. DOI: 10.1097/00002826-199202001-00028  0.381
1992 Hartmann J, Krotzer C, Künig G, Kornhuber J, Berger W, Lange KW, Wree A, Heinsen H, Beckmann H, Ransmayer G, Riederer P. Quantitative Autoradiography Of The Nmda-Receptor With [3H]Mk-801 And [3H]Glycine In Human Hippocampus Clinical Neuropharmacology. 15. DOI: 10.1097/00002826-199202001-00024  0.376
1992 Lange KW, Oestreicher E, Künig G, Hartmann J, Kornhuber J, Beckmann H, Jellinger K, Riederer P. Distribution Of [3H]-Kainate Binding Sites In Human Brain Clinical Neuropharmacology. 15. DOI: 10.1097/00002826-199202001-00023  0.401
1991 Lestienne P, Nelson I, Riederer P, Reichmann H, Jellinger K. Mitochondrial DNA in postmortem brain from patients with Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurochemistry. 56: 1819-1819. PMID 2013767 DOI: 10.1111/J.1471-4159.1991.Tb02087.X  0.312
1991 Rupprecht M, Rupprecht R, Wodarz N, Braner H-, Kornhuber J, Koch HU, Riederer P, Hornstein OP. In vivo and in vitro effects of glucocorticoids on lectin-induced blastogenesis in atopic dermatitis. Archives of Dermatological Research. 283: 292-296. PMID 1929552 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00376616  0.339
1991 Frölich L, Kornhuber J, Ihl R, Fritze J, Maurer K, Riederer P. Integrity of the blood-CSF barrier in dementia of Alzheimer type: CSF/serum ratios of albumin and IgG. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 240: 363-366. PMID 1831668 DOI: 10.1007/Bf02279767  0.412
1991 Gerlach M, Riederer P, Przuntek H, Youdim MBH. MPTP mechanisms of neurotoxicity and their implications for Parkinson's disease European Journal of Pharmacology. 208: 273-286. PMID 1815982 DOI: 10.1016/0922-4106(91)90073-Q  0.35
1991 Kornhuber J, Bormann J, Hübers M, Rusche K, Riederer P. Effects of the 1-amino-adamantanes at the MK-801-binding site of the NMDA-receptor-gated ion channel: a human postmortem brain study. European Journal of Pharmacology. 206: 297-300. PMID 1717296 DOI: 10.1016/0922-4106(91)90113-V  0.396
1991 Russ H, Mihatsch W, Gerlach M, Riederer P, Przuntek H. Neurochemical and behavioural features induced by chronic low dose treatment with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) in the common marmoset: implications for Parkinson's disease? Neuroscience Letters. 123: 115-118. PMID 1712088 DOI: 10.1016/0304-3940(91)90171-O  0.315
1991 Riederer P, Lange KW, Kornhuber J, Jellinger K. Glutamate receptor antagonism: neurotoxicity, anti-akinetic effects, and psychosis Journal of Neural Transmission-Supplement. 34: 203-210. PMID 1687783 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-7091-9175-0_26  0.409
1991 Riederer P, Lange KW, Kornhuber J, Danielczyk W. Pharmacotoxic psychosis after memantine in Parkinson's disease. The Lancet. 338: 1022-1023. PMID 1681331 DOI: 10.1016/0140-6736(91)91888-2  0.459
1991 Rupprecht M, Rupprecht R, Kornhuber J, Wodarz N, Koch HU, Riederer P, Hornstein OP. Elevated glucocorticoid receptor concentrations before and after glucocorticoid therapy in peripheral mononuclear leukocytes of patients with atopic dermatitis. Dermatology. 183: 100-105. PMID 1660414 DOI: 10.1159/000247646  0.349
1991 Wodarz N, Rupprecht R, Kornhuber J, Schmitz B, Wild K, Braner HU, Riederer P. Normal lymphocyte responsiveness to lectins but impaired sensitivity to in vitro glucocorticoids in major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders. 22: 241-248. PMID 1658104 DOI: 10.1016/0165-0327(91)90070-9  0.326
1991 Rupprecht R, Wodarz N, Kornhuber J, Wild K, Schmitz B, Braner HU, Müller OA, Riederer P, Beckmann H. In vivo and in vitro effects of glucocorticoids on lymphocyte proliferation in depression. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 241: 35-40. PMID 1653618 DOI: 10.1007/Bf02193752  0.322
1991 Rupprecht R, Kornhuber J, Wodarz N, Lugauer J, Göbel C, Riederer P, Beckmann H. Lymphocyte glucocorticoid receptor binding during depression and after clinical recovery Journal of Affective Disorders. 22: 31-35. PMID 1652603 DOI: 10.1016/0165-0327(91)90080-C  0.317
1991 Rupprecht R, Kornhuber J, Wodarz N, Lugauer J, Göbel C, Haack D, Beck G, Müller O, Riederer P, Beckmann H. Disturbed glucocorticoid receptor autoregulation and corticotropin response to dexamethasone in depressives pretreated with metyrapone. Biological Psychiatry. 29: 1099-1109. PMID 1651773 DOI: 10.1016/0006-3223(91)90252-H  0.314
1990 Varebeke PJd, Schallauer E, Rausch WD, Riederer P, Youdim MBH. Milacemide, the selective substrate and enzyme-activated specific inhibitor of monoamine oxidase B, increases dopamine but not serotonin in caudate nucleus of rhesus monkey Neurochemistry International. 17: 325-329. PMID 20504633 DOI: 10.1016/0197-0186(90)90155-M  0.323
1990 Rupprecht R, Kornhuber J, Wodarz N, Göbel C, Lugauer J, Sinzger C, Beckmann H, Riederer P, Möller OA. Characterization of Glucocorticoid Binding Capacity in Human Mononuclear Lymphocytes: Increase by Metyrapone is Prevented by Dexamethasone Pretreatment. Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 2: 803-806. PMID 19215422 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2826.1990.Tb00644.X  0.317
1990 Frölich L, Strauss M, Kornhuber J, Hoyer S, Sorbi S, Riederer P, Amaducci L. Changes in pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHc) activity and [3H]QNB-receptor binding in rat brain subsequent to intracerebroventricular injection of bromopyruvate. Journal of Neural Transmission. Parkinson's Disease and Dementia Section. 2: 169-78. PMID 2257058 DOI: 10.1007/BF02257648  0.375
1990 Youdim MBH, Ben-Shachar D, Riederer P. The role of monoamine oxidase, iron-melanin interaction, and intracellular calcium in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neural Transmission-Supplement. 32: 239-248. PMID 2089094 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-7091-9113-2_34  0.33
1990 Rupprecht R, Wodarz N, Kornhuber J, Schmitz B, Wild K, Braner HU, Müller OA, Riederer P. In vivo and in vitro Effects of Glucocorticoids on Lymphocyte Proliferation in Man: Relationship to Glucocorticoid Receptors Neuropsychobiology. 24: 61-66. PMID 1966869 DOI: 10.1159/000119462  0.314
1990 Rupprecht R, Frölich L, Mergenthaler T, Kornhuber J, Wodarz N, Riederer P, Maurer K. Glucocortinoid receptors on mononuclear leukocytes in Alzheimer's disease Psychiatry Research-Neuroimaging. 34: 237-241. PMID 1963690 DOI: 10.1016/0165-1781(90)90002-M  0.459
1989 Kornhuber J, Konradi C, Mack-Burkhardt F, Riederer P, Heinsen H, Beckmann H. Ontogenesis of monoamine oxidase-A and -B in the human brain frontal cortex. Brain Research. 499: 81-6. PMID 2804672 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(89)91136-0  0.436
1989 Kornhuber J, Bormann J, Retz W, Hübers M, Riederer P. Memantine displaces [3H]MK-801 at therapeutic concentrations in postmortem human frontal cortex. European Journal of Pharmacology. 166: 589-590. PMID 2680528 DOI: 10.1016/0014-2999(89)90384-1  0.456
1989 Kornhuber J, Mack-Burkhardt F, Konradi C, Fritze J, Riederer P. Effect of antemortem and postmortem factors on [3H]MK-801 binding in the human brain: transient elevation during early childhood. Life Sciences. 45: 745-9. PMID 2674577 DOI: 10.1016/0024-3205(89)90094-5  0.421
1989 Kornhuber J, Mack-Burkhardt F, Kornhuber ME, Riederer P. [3H]MK-801 binding sites in post-mortem human frontal cortex. European Journal of Pharmacology. 162: 483-490. PMID 2663525 DOI: 10.1016/0014-2999(89)90339-7  0.394
1989 Kornhuber J, Mack-Burkhardt F, Riederer P. Regional distribution of [3H]MK-801 binding sites in the human brain Brain Research. 489: 397-399. PMID 2663114 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(89)90879-2  0.415
1989 Konradi C, Kornhuber J, Froelich L, Fritze J, Heinsen H, Beckmann H, Schulz E, Riederer P. Demonstration of monoamine oxidase-A and -B in the human brainstem by a histochemical technique. Neuroscience. 33: 383-400. PMID 2622533 DOI: 10.1016/0306-4522(89)90218-2  0.317
1989 Riederer P, Konradi C, Hebenstreit G, Youdim MB. Neurochemical perspectives to the function of monoamine oxidase. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. Supplementum. 126: 41-5. PMID 2618592 DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0404.1989.Tb01781.X  0.307
1989 Kornhuber J, Riederer P, Reynolds GP, Beckmann H, Jellinger K, Gabriel E. 3H-spiperone binding sites in post-mortem brains from schizophrenic patients: relationship to neuroleptic drug treatment, abnormal movements, and positive symptoms. Journal of Neural Transmission. 75: 1-10. PMID 2563750 DOI: 10.1007/Bf01250639  0.415
1989 Kornhuber J, Mack-Burkhardt F, Riederer P, Hebenstreit GF, Reynolds GP, Andrews HB, Beckmann H. [3H]MK-801 binding sites in postmortem brain regions of schizophrenic patients. Journal of Neural Transmission. 77: 231-6. PMID 2547892 DOI: 10.1007/Bf01248936  0.422
1989 Frölich L, Kornhuber J, Hoyer S, Riederer P. Reduction of cortical muscarinic receptors after inhibition of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHc) in rats—a model of dementia? Journal of Neural Transmission - Parkinson's Disease and Dementia Section. 1: 61-62. DOI: 10.1007/BF02312237  0.304
1989 Frölich L, Kornhuber J, Ihl R, Riederer P, Fritze J, Maurer K. Integrity of the blood-CSF-barrier in dementia of the Alzheimer type Journal of Neural Transmission - Parkinson's Disease and Dementia Section. 1: 59-60. DOI: 10.1007/BF02312236  0.307
1988 Danielczyk W, Streifler M, Konradi C, Riederer P, Moll G. Platelet MAO-B activity and the psychopathology of Parkinson's disease, senile dementia and multi-infarct dementia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 78: 730-6. PMID 3223331 DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0447.1988.Tb06412.X  0.336
1988 Riederer P. Factors contributing to fluctuations of the dopaminergic nigro-striatal feedback system in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neural Transmission-Supplement. 27: 191-199. PMID 3165434 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-7091-8954-2_16  0.335
1988 Kornhuber J, Retz W, Riederer P, Heinsen H, Fritze J. Effect of antemortem and postmortem factors on [3H]glutamate binding in the human brain. Neuroscience Letters. 93: 312-317. PMID 3071745 DOI: 10.1016/0304-3940(88)90101-2  0.414
1987 Riederer P, Youdim MBH. MPTP induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity—a useful model in the study of parkinson's disease? Neurochemistry International. 11: 379-381. PMID 20501184 DOI: 10.1016/0197-0186(87)90026-X  0.321
1986 Guttman M, Seeman P, Reynolds GP, Riederer P, Jellinger K, Tourtellotte WW. Dopamine D2 receptor density remains constant in treated Parkinson's disease. Annals of Neurology. 19: 487-92. PMID 2940960 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.410190510  0.321
1986 Birkmayer W, Riederer P. Biological aspects of depression in Parkinson's disease. Psychopathology. 19: 58-61. PMID 2883700 DOI: 10.1159/000285133  0.568
1986 Riederer P, Youdim MBH. Monoamine oxidase activity and monoamine metabolism in brains of parkinsonian patients treated with l-deprenyl. Journal of Neurochemistry. 46: 1359-1365. PMID 2420928 DOI: 10.1111/J.1471-4159.1986.Tb01747.X  0.303
1985 Birkmayer W, Knoll J, Riederer P, Youdim MB, Hars V, Marton J. Increased life expectancy resulting from addition of L-deprenyl to Madopar treatment in Parkinson's disease: a longterm study. Journal of Neural Transmission. 64: 113-27. PMID 3935752 DOI: 10.1007/BF01245973  0.581
1984 Birkmayer W, Riederer P, Linauer W, Knoll J. L-deprenyl plus L-phenylalanine in the treatment of depression. Journal of Neural Transmission. 59: 81-7. PMID 6425455 DOI: 10.1007/BF01249880  0.556
1983 Birkmayer W, Birkmayer G, Lechner H, Riederer P. DL-3,4-threo-DOPS in Parkinson's disease: effects on orthostatic hypotension and dizziness. Journal of Neural Transmission. 58: 305-13. PMID 6420517 DOI: 10.1007/BF01252816  0.577
1983 Birkmayer W, Knoll J, Riederer P, Youdim MB. (-)-Deprenyl leads to prolongation of L-dopa efficacy in Parkinson's disease. Modern Problems of Pharmacopsychiatry. 19: 170-6. PMID 6408405 DOI: 10.1159/000407513  0.619
1982 Birkmayer W, Riederer P, Youdim MB. (-)Deprenyl in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Clinical Neuropharmacology. 5: 195-230. PMID 6814755 DOI: 10.1097/00002826-198205020-00004  0.621
1980 Riederer P, Birkmayer W, Seemann D, Wuketich S. 4-HYDROXY-3-METHOXYPHENYLGLYCOL AS AN INDEX OF BRAIN NORADRENALINE TURNOVER IN ENDOGENOUS DEPRESSION. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 61: 251-257. PMID 28678359 DOI: 10.1111/acps.1980.61.s280.251  0.556
1980 Jellinger K, Flament H, Riederer P, Schmid H, Ambrozi L. Levodopa in the treatment of (pre) senile dementia. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. 14: 253-264. PMID 7010010 DOI: 10.1016/0047-6374(80)90125-6  0.331
1979 Reynolds GP, Riederer P, Sandler M. 2-Phenylethylamine and amphetamine in human brain: effects of L-deprenyl in Parkinson's disease [proceedings]. Biochemical Society Transactions. 7: 143-145. PMID 437259 DOI: 10.1042/Bst0070143  0.343
1979 Birkmayer W, Riederer P, Youdim BH. Distinction between benign and malignant type of Parkinson's disease. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 81: 158-64. PMID 230930 DOI: 10.1016/0303-8467(79)90003-9  0.61
1978 Riederer P, Youdim MB, Rausch WD, Birkmayer W, Jellinger K, Seemann D. On the mode of action of L-deprenyl in the human central nervous system. Journal of Neural Transmission. 43: 217-26. PMID 745014 DOI: 10.1007/Bf01246958  0.613
1977 Birkmayer W, Riederer P, Ambrozi L, Youdim MB. Implications of combined treatment with 'Madopar' and L-deprenil in Parkinson's disease. A long-term study. Lancet (London, England). 1: 439-43. PMID 65560 DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(77)91940-7  0.58
1975 Birkmayer W, Riederer P. Biochemical post-mortem findings in depressed patients. Journal of Neural Transmission. 37: 95-109. PMID 1185163 DOI: 10.1007/BF01663627  0.566
1975 Birkmayer W, Riederer P. Responsibility of extrastriatal areas for the appearance of psychotic symptoms (clinical and biochemical human post-mortem findings). Journal of Neural Transmission. 37: 175-82. PMID 1185162 DOI: 10.1007/BF01663632  0.566
1975 Birkmayer W, Riederer P, Youdim MB, Linauer W. The potentiation of the anti akinetic effect after L-dopa treatment by an inhibitor of MAO-B, Deprenil. Journal of Neural Transmission. 36: 303-26. PMID 1172524 DOI: 10.1007/BF01253131  0.563
1974 Birkmayer W, Danielczyk W, Neumayer E, Riederer P. Nucleus ruber and L-dopa psychosis: biochemical post-mortem findings. Journal of Neural Transmission. 35: 93-116. PMID 4844103 DOI: 10.1007/BF01250738  0.538
1974 Riederer P, Birkmayer W, Neumayer E, Ambrozi L, Linauer W. The daily rhythm of HVA, VMA, (VA) and 5-HIAA in depression-syndrome. Journal of Neural Transmission. 35: 23-45. PMID 4824677 DOI: 10.1007/BF01245333  0.526
1973 Birkmayer W, Danielcyk W, Neumayer E, Riederer P. L-dopa level in plasma, primary condition for the kinetic effect. Journal of Neural Transmission. 34: 133-43. PMID 4722571 DOI: 10.1007/BF01244666  0.528
1973 Riederer P, Birkmayer W, Neumayer E. The tyrosine-tryptophan-diagram in a longtime study with depressed patients. Journal of Neural Transmission. 34: 31-48. PMID 4714592 DOI: 10.1007/BF01244825  0.536
1972 Birkmayer W, Danielczyk W, Neumayer E, Riederer P. The balance of biogenic amines as condition for normal behaviour. Journal of Neural Transmission. 33: 163-78. PMID 4643007 DOI: 10.1007/BF01260902  0.514
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