Sandra Chafouleas - Publications

University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States 
Educational Psychology Education, Special Education

66 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2022 Yu H, Lupas KK, Chafouleas SM, McCoach DB, Fabiano GA, Riley-Tillman TC, Welsh ME, Volk DT. Timing and frequency of screening in schools: A latent variable analysis of behavioral stability over time. Psychological Assessment. PMID 35980696 DOI: 10.1037/pas0001157  0.387
2022 Briesch AM, Lane KL, Common EA, Oakes WP, Buckman MM, Chafouleas SM, Iovino EA, Sherod RL, Abdulkerim N, Royer DJ. Exploring Views and Professional Learning Needs of Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tiered (Ci3T) Leadership Teams Related to Universal Behavior Screening Implementation. Education & Treatment of Children. 1-18. PMID 35919259 DOI: 10.1007/s43494-022-00080-8  0.32
2021 Common EA, Buckman MM, Lane KL, Oakes WP, Royer DJ, Chafouleas S, Briesch A, Sherod R. Project ENHANCE: Assessing Professional Learning Needs for Implementing Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tiered (Ci3T) Models of Prevention. Education & Treatment of Children. 1-20. PMID 34465941 DOI: 10.1007/s43494-021-00049-z  0.332
2019 Briesch AM, Chafouleas SM, Cintron DW, McCoach DB. Factorial invariance of the Usage Rating Profile for Supporting Students' Behavioral Needs (URP-NEEDS). School Psychology (Washington, D.C.). PMID 30883160 DOI: 10.1037/spq0000309  0.398
2018 Miller FG, Johnson AH, Yu H, Chafouleas SM, McCoach DB, Riley-Tillman TC, Fabiano GA, Welsh ME. Methods matter: A multi-trait multi-method analysis of student behavior. Journal of School Psychology. 68: 53-72. PMID 29861031 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jsp.2018.01.002  0.451
2018 Miller FG, Chafouleas SM, Welsh ME, Riley-Tillman TC, Fabiano GA. Examining the stability of social, emotional, and behavioral risk status: Implications for screening frequency. School Psychology Quarterly : the Official Journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association. PMID 29792497 DOI: 10.1037/Spq0000252  0.316
2018 Chafouleas SM, Koriakin TA, Roundfield KD, Overstreet S. Addressing Childhood Trauma in School Settings: A Framework for Evidence-Based Practice School Mental Health. 11: 40-53. DOI: 10.1007/S12310-018-9256-5  0.31
2017 Splett JW, Raborn A, Lane KL, Binney AJ, Chafouleas SM. Factor Analytic Replication and Model Comparison of the BASC-2 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System. Psychological Assessment. PMID 28263641 DOI: 10.1037/pas0000458  0.339
2017 Miller FG, Crovello NJ, Chafouleas SM. Progress Monitoring the Effects of Daily Report Cards Across Elementary and Secondary Settings Using Direct Behavior Rating: Single Item Scales Assessment For Effective Intervention. 43: 34-47. DOI: 10.1177/1534508417691019  0.395
2017 Minkos ML, Chafouleas SM, Bray MA, LaSalle TP. Brief Report: A Preliminary Investigation of a Mindful Breathing Intervention to Increase Academic Engagement in an Alternative Educational Setting Behavioral Disorders. 43: 436-443. DOI: 10.1177/0198742917740870  0.405
2016 Kooken J, Welsh ME, McCoach DB, Miller FG, Chafouleas SM, Riley-Tillman TC, Fabiano G. Test Order in Teacher-Rated Behavior Assessments: Is Counterbalancing Necessary? Psychological Assessment. PMID 27099978 DOI: 10.1037/Pas0000314  0.344
2016 Johnson AH, Miller FG, Chafouleas SM, Welsh ME, Chris Riley-Tillman T, Fabiano G. Evaluating the technical adequacy of DBR-SIS in tri-annual behavioral screening: A multisite investigation. Journal of School Psychology. 54: 39-57. PMID 26790702 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jsp.2015.10.001  0.38
2016 Gage NA, Larson A, Sugai G, Chafouleas SM. Student Perceptions of School Climate as Predictors of Office Discipline Referrals American Educational Research Journal. 53: 492-515. DOI: 10.3102/0002831216637349  0.387
2016 Gage NA, Larson A, Chafouleas SM. The meriden school climate survey-student version: Preliminary evidence of reliability and validity Assessment For Effective Intervention. 41: 67-78. DOI: 10.1177/1534508415596960  0.329
2016 Welsh ME, Miller FG, Kooken J, Chafouleas SM, McCoach DB. The Kindergarten Transition: Behavioral Trajectories in the First Formal Year of School Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 30: 456-473. DOI: 10.1080/02568543.2016.1214935  0.445
2015 Miller FG, Cohen D, Chafouleas SM, Riley-Tillman TC, Welsh ME, Fabiano GA. A comparison of measures to screen for social, emotional, and behavioral risk. School Psychology Quarterly : the Official Journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association. 30: 184-96. PMID 25111469 DOI: 10.1037/Spq0000085  0.339
2015 Briesch AM, Briesch JM, Chafouleas SM. Investigating the Usability of Classroom Management Strategies Among Elementary Schoolteachers Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. 17: 5-14. DOI: 10.1177/1098300714531827  0.389
2015 Chafouleas SM, Kilgus SP, Jaffery R, Riley-Tillman TC, Welsh M, Christ TJ. Corrigendum to Direct Behavior Rating as a school-based behavior screener for elementary and middle grades [Journal of School Psychology, 51, (2013), 367-385] Doi: 10.1016/j.jsp.2013.04.002 Journal of School Psychology. 53: 429. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jsp.2015.08.005  0.414
2014 Kilgus SP, Riley-Tillman TC, Chafouleas SM, Christ TJ, Welsh ME. Direct behavior rating as a school-based behavior universal screener: replication across sites. Journal of School Psychology. 52: 63-82. PMID 24495495 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jsp.2013.11.002  0.418
2014 Christ TJ, Nelson PM, Van Norman ER, Chafouleas SM, Riley-Tillman TC. Direct Behavior Rating: an evaluation of time-series interpretations as consequential validity. School Psychology Quarterly : the Official Journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association. 29: 157-70. PMID 23895317 DOI: 10.1037/Spq0000029  0.375
2014 Harrison SE, Riley-Tillman TC, Chafouleas SM. Direct Behavior Rating: Considerations for Rater Accuracy Canadian Journal of School Psychology. 29: 3-20. DOI: 10.1177/0829573513515424  0.37
2014 Miller FG, Chafouleas SM, Riley-Tillman TC, Fabiano GA. Teacher perceptions of the usability of school-based behavior assessments Behavioral Disorders. 39: 201-210. DOI: 10.1177/019874291303900405  0.419
2014 Sanetti LMH, Chafouleas SM, Fallon LM, Jaffrey R. Increasing Teachers' Adherence to a Classwide Intervention Through Performance Feedback Provided by a School-Based Consultant: A Case Study Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. 24: 239-260. DOI: 10.1080/10474412.2014.923734  0.38
2014 Chafouleas SM, Riley-Tillman TC, Jaffery R, Miller FG, Harrison SE. Preliminary Investigation of the Impact of a Web-Based Module on Direct Behavior Rating Accuracy School Mental Health. 7: 92-104. DOI: 10.1007/S12310-014-9130-Z  0.339
2013 Chafouleas SM, Kilgus SP, Jaffery R, Riley-Tillman TC, Welsh M, Christ TJ. Direct behavior rating as a school-based behavior screener for elementary and middle grades. Journal of School Psychology. 51: 367-85. PMID 23816230 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jsp.2013.04.002  0.435
2013 Kilgus SP, Chafouleas SM, Riley-Tillman TC. Development and initial validation of the Social and Academic Behavior Risk Screener for elementary grades. School Psychology Quarterly : the Official Journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association. 28: 210-26. PMID 23773134 DOI: 10.1037/Spq0000024  0.303
2013 Chafouleas SM, Jaffery R, Riley-Tillman TC, Christ TJ, Sen R. The impact of target, wording, and duration on rating accuracy for direct behavior rating Assessment For Effective Intervention. 39: 39-53. DOI: 10.1177/1534508413489335  0.332
2013 LeBel TJ, Chafouleas SM, Britner PA, Simonsen B. Use of a Daily Report Card in an Intervention Package Involving Home-School Communication to Reduce Disruptive Behavior in Preschoolers Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. 15: 103-112. DOI: 10.1177/1098300712440451  0.449
2012 Maggin DM, Johnson AH, Chafouleas SM, Ruberto LM, Berggren M. A systematic evidence review of school-based group contingency interventions for students with challenging behavior. Journal of School Psychology. 50: 625-54. PMID 23040760 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jsp.2012.06.001  0.343
2012 Kilgus SP, Chafouleas SM, Riley-Tillman TC, Welsh ME. Direct behavior rating scales as screeners: a preliminary investigation of diagnostic accuracy in elementary school. School Psychology Quarterly : the Official Journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association. 27: 41-50. PMID 22582935 DOI: 10.1037/A0027150  0.353
2012 Chafouleas SM, Sanetti LMH, Kilgus SP, Maggin DM. Evaluating Sensitivity to Behavioral Change Using Direct Behavior Rating Single-Item Scales Exceptional Children. 78: 491-505. DOI: 10.1177/001440291207800406  0.38
2012 Chafouleas SM, Sanetti LMH, Jaffery R, Fallon LM. An Evaluation of a Classwide Intervention Package Involving Self-Management and a Group Contingency on Classroom Behavior of Middle School Students Journal of Behavioral Education. 21: 34-57. DOI: 10.1007/s10864-011-9135-8  0.478
2012 Bilias-lolis E, Chafouleas SM, Kehle TJ, Bray MA. Exploring the utility of self-modeling in decreasing disruptive behavior in students with intellectual disability Psychology in the Schools. 49: 82-92. DOI: 10.1002/Pits.20616  0.417
2011 Maggin DM, Chafouleas SM, Goddard KM, Johnson AH. A systematic evaluation of token economies as a classroom management tool for students with challenging behavior. Journal of School Psychology. 49: 529-54. PMID 21930008 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jsp.2011.05.001  0.351
2011 Riley-Tillman TC, Christ TJ, Chafouleas SM, Boice-Mallach CH, Briesch A. The impact of observation duration on the accuracy of data obtained from direct behavior rating (DBR) Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. 13: 119-128. DOI: 10.1177/1098300710361954  0.337
2011 Christ TJ, Riley-Tillman TC, Chafouleas S, Jaffery R. Direct behavior rating: An evaluation of alternate definitions to assess classroom behaviors School Psychology Review. 40: 181-199.  0.371
2010 Chafouleas SM, Briesch AM, Riley-Tillman TC, Christ TJ, Black AC, Kilgus SP. An investigation of the generalizability and dependability of direct behavior rating single item scales (DBR-SIS) to measure academic engagement and disruptive behavior of middle school students. Journal of School Psychology. 48: 219-46. PMID 20380948 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jsp.2010.02.001  0.435
2010 Chafouleas SM, Kilgus SP, Wallach N. Ethical Dilemmas in School-Based Behavioral Screening: Assessment For Effective Intervention. 35: 245-252. DOI: 10.1177/1534508410379002  0.33
2010 LeBel TJ, Kilgus SP, Briesch AM, Chafouleas S. The impact of training on the accuracy of teacher-completed direct behavior ratings (DBRs) Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. 12: 55-63. DOI: 10.1177/1098300708325265  0.478
2010 Christ TJ, Riley-Tillman TC, Chafouleas SM, Boice CH. Direct behavior rating (DBR): Generalizability and dependability across raters and observations Educational and Psychological Measurement. 70: 825-843. DOI: 10.1177/0013164410366695  0.374
2010 Briesch AM, Chafouleas SM, Riley-Tillman TC. Generalizability and Dependability of Behavior Assessment Methods to Estimate Academic Engagement: A Comparison of Systematic Direct Observation and Direct Behavior Rating School Psychology Review. 39: 408-421. DOI: 10.1080/02796015.2010.12087761  0.322
2010 Chafouleas SM, Volpe RJ, Gresham FM, Cook CR. School-based behavioral assessment within problemSolving models: Current status and future directions School Psychology Review. 39: 343-349.  0.345
2009 Christ TJ, Riley-Tillman TC, Chafouleas SM. Foundation for the Development and Use of Direct Behavior Rating (DBR) to Assess and Evaluate Student Behavior Assessment For Effective Intervention. 34: 201-213. DOI: 10.1177/1534508409340390  0.394
2009 Chafouleas SM, Kilgus SP, Hernandez P. Using Direct Behavior Rating (DBR) to Screen for School Social Risk A Preliminary Comparison of Methods in a Kindergarten Sample Assessment For Effective Intervention. 34: 214-223. DOI: 10.1177/1534508409333547  0.404
2009 Hagermoser Sanetti LM, Chafouleas SM, Christ TJ, Gritter KL. Extending Use of Direct Behavior Rating Beyond Student Assessment Assessment For Effective Intervention. 34: 251-258. DOI: 10.1177/1534508409332788  0.345
2009 Riley-Tillman TC, Chafouleas SM, Christ T, Briesch AM, LeBel TJ. The Impact of Item Wording and Behavioral Specificity on the Accuracy of Direct Behavior Ratings (DBRs) School Psychology Quarterly. 24: 1-12. DOI: 10.1037/A0015248  0.342
2008 Riley-Tillman TC, Chafouleas SM, Sassu KA, Chanese JAM, Glazer AD. Examining the agreement of direct behavior ratings and systematic direct observation data for on-task and disruptive behavior Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. 10: 136-143. DOI: 10.1177/1098300707312542  0.777
2008 Riley-Tillman TC, Chafouleas SM, Briesch AM, Eckert TL. Daily Behavior report cards and systematic direct observation: An investigation of the acceptability, reported training and use, and decision reliability among school psychologists Journal of Behavioral Education. 17: 313-327. DOI: 10.1007/S10864-008-9070-5  0.352
2008 Walcott CM, Chafouleas SM, McDougal JL, Miller DN, Riley-Tillman TC, Blom-Hoffman J, Volpe RJ. School-based health promotion: an introduction to the practitioner's edition Psychology in the Schools. 45: 1-4. DOI: 10.1002/Pits.20273  0.305
2007 Chafouleas SM, Riley-Tillman TC, Sassu KA, LaFrance MJ, Patwa SS. Daily Behavior Report Cards: An investigation of the consistency of on-task data across raters and methods Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. 9: 30-37. DOI: 10.1177/10983007070090010401  0.767
2007 Riley-Tillman TC, Chafouleas SM, Briesch AM. A school practitioner's guide to using daily behavior report cards to monitor student behavior Psychology in the Schools. 44: 77-89. DOI: 10.1002/Pits.20207  0.39
2007 Miller DN, Mcdougal JL, Volpe RJ, Blom-Hoffman J, Chafouleas SM, Riley-Tillman TC. Promoting behavioral competence: An introduction to the practitioner's edition Psychology in the Schools. 44: 1-5. DOI: 10.1002/Pits.20200  0.377
2007 Chafouleas SM, Christ TJ, Riley-Tillman TC, Briesch AM, Chanese JAM. Generalizability and dependability of direct behavior ratings to assess social behavior of preschoolers School Psychology Review. 36: 63-79.  0.354
2006 McDougal J, Chafouleas S, Waterman B. Functional Behavioral Assessment and Intervention in Schools Education Review. DOI: 10.14507/Er.V0.733  0.465
2006 Chafouleas SM, Riley-Tillman TC, Sassu KA. Acceptability and reported use of daily behavior report cards among teachers Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. 8: 174-182. DOI: 10.1177/10983007060080030601  0.758
2006 Madaus JW, Bigaj S, Chafouleas SM, Simonsen BM. What Key Information Can Be Included in a Comprehensive Summary of Performance Career Development For Exceptional Individuals. 29: 90-99. DOI: 10.1177/08857288060290020701  0.331
2006 Riley-Tillman TC, Chafouleas SM, Blom-Hoffman J, Volpe RJ, Mcdougal JL, Miller DN. The value of applicability: Introducing the practitioner's edition on promoting academic success Psychology in the Schools. 43: 1-5. DOI: 10.1002/Pits.20124  0.306
2005 Riley-Tillman TC, Kalberer SM, Chafouleas SM. Selecting the Right Tool for the Job: A Review of Behavior Monitoring Tools Used to Assess Student Response-to-Intervention The California School Psychologist. 10: 81-91. DOI: 10.1007/Bf03340923  0.399
2005 Chafouleas SM, McDougal JL, Riley-Tillman TC, Panahon CJ, Hilt AM. What do daily behavior report cards (DBRCs) measure? An initial comparison of dbrcs with direct observation for off-task behavior Psychology in the Schools. 42: 669-679. DOI: 10.1002/Pits.20102  0.731
2005 McDougal JL, Nastasi BK, Chafouleas SM. Bringing research into practice to intervene with young behaviorally challenging students in public school settings: Evaluation of the Behavior Consultation Team (BCT) project Psychology in the Schools. 42: 537-551. DOI: 10.1002/pits.20090  0.454
2004 Chafouleas SM, Martens BK, Dobson RL, Weinstein KS, Gardner KB. Fluent Reading as the Improvement of Stimulus Control: Additive Effects of Performance-Based Interventions to Repeated Reading on Students' Reading and Error Rates. Journal of Behavioral Education. 13: 67-81. DOI: 10.1023/B:Jobe.0000023656.45233.6F  0.706
2004 Elinoff MJ, Chafouleas SM, Sassu KA. Bullying: Considerations for defining and intervening in school settings Psychology in the Schools. 41: 887-897. DOI: 10.1002/Pits.20045  0.646
2004 Elinoff MJ, Chafouleas SM. Helping students overcome depression and anxiety: A practical guide Psychology in the Schools. 41: 277-278. DOI: 10.1002/Pits.10158  0.695
2003 Weinstein KS, Chafouleas SM. Christenson, S.L. & Sheridan, S.M. (2001). School and families: Creating essential connections for learning. New York: The Guilford Press. 246 pp. $32.00. Psychology in the Schools. 40: 444-445. DOI: 10.1002/Pits.10101  0.686
2002 Chafouleas SM, Martens BK. Accuracy-based phonological awareness tasks: Are they reliable, efficient, and sensitive to growth? School Psychology Quarterly. 17: 128-147. DOI: 10.1521/scpq.  0.459
2002 Chafouleas SM, Riley-Tillman TC, McDougal JL. Good, bad, or in-between: How does the daily behavior report card rate? Psychology in the Schools. 39: 157-169. DOI: 10.1002/Pits.10027  0.4
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