Yaming Wang - Publications

2013 Biology & Biomedical Sciences (Immunology) Washington University, Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO 

27 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2018 Ulrich JD, Ulland TK, Mahan TE, Nyström S, Nilsson KP, Song WM, Zhou Y, Reinartz M, Choi S, Jiang H, Stewart FR, Anderson E, Wang Y, Colonna M, Holtzman DM. ApoE facilitates the microglial response to amyloid plaque pathology. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. PMID 29483128 DOI: 10.1084/Jem.20171265  0.698
2017 Ulland TK, Song WM, Huang SC, Ulrich JD, Sergushichev A, Beatty WL, Loboda AA, Zhou Y, Cairns NJ, Kambal A, Loginicheva E, Gilfillan S, Cella M, Virgin HW, Unanue ER, ... Wang Y, et al. TREM2 Maintains Microglial Metabolic Fitness in Alzheimer's Disease. Cell. 170: 649-663.e13. PMID 28802038 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cell.2017.07.023  0.7
2016 Yuan P, Condello C, Keene CD, Wang Y, Bird TD, Paul SM, Luo W, Colonna M, Baddeley D, Grutzendler J. TREM2 Haplodeficiency in Mice and Humans Impairs the Microglia Barrier Function Leading to Decreased Amyloid Compaction and Severe Axonal Dystrophy. Neuron. 92: 252-264. PMID 27710785 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.09.016  0.402
2016 Song W, Hooli B, Mullin K, Jin SC, Cella M, Ulland TK, Wang Y, Tanzi R, Colonna M. Alzheimer's disease-associated TREM2 variants exhibit either decreased or increased ligand-dependent activation. Alzheimer's & Dementia : the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. PMID 27520774 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jalz.2016.07.004  0.684
2016 Yuan P, Condello C, Keene CD, Wang Y, Bird TD, Paul SM, Luo W, Colonna M, Baddeley D, Grutzendler J. TREM2 Haplodeficiency in Mice and Humans Impairs the Microglia Barrier Function Leading to Decreased Amyloid Compaction and Severe Axonal Dystrophy. Neuron. 90: 724-739. PMID 27196974 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2016.05.003  0.474
2016 Cortez VS, Cervantes-Barragan L, Robinette ML, Bando JK, Wang Y, Geiger TL, Gilfillan S, Fuchs A, Vivier E, Sun JC, Cella M, Colonna M. Transforming Growth Factor-β Signaling Guides the Differentiation of Innate Lymphoid Cells in Salivary Glands. Immunity. PMID 27156386 DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2016.03.007  0.398
2016 Wang Y, Ulland TK, Ulrich JD, Song W, Tzaferis JA, Hole JT, Yuan P, Mahan TE, Shi Y, Gilfillan S, Cella M, Grutzendler J, DeMattos RB, Cirrito JR, Holtzman DM, et al. TREM2-mediated early microglial response limits diffusion and toxicity of amyloid plaques. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. PMID 27091843 DOI: 10.1084/Jem.20151948  0.696
2016 Ulland TK, Wang Y, Colonna M. Regulation of microglial survival and proliferation in health and diseases. Seminars in Immunology. PMID 27033414 DOI: 10.1016/j.smim.2016.03.011  0.667
2016 Colonna M, Wang Y. TREM2 variants: new keys to decipher Alzheimer disease pathogenesis. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience. PMID 26911435 DOI: 10.1038/nrn.2016.7  0.509
2015 Rapaport AS, Schriewer J, Gilfillan S, Hembrador E, Crump R, Plougastel BF, Wang Y, Le Friec G, Gao J, Cella M, Pircher H, Yokoyama WM, Buller RM, Colonna M. The Inhibitory Receptor NKG2A Sustains Virus-Specific CD8(+) T Cells in Response to a Lethal Poxvirus Infection. Immunity. PMID 26680205 DOI: 10.1016/J.Immuni.2015.11.005  0.702
2015 Wang Y, Bugatti M, Ulland TK, Vermi W, Gilfillan S, Colonna M. Non-redundant roles of keratinocyte-derived IL-34 and neutrophil-derived CSF1 in Langerhans cells renewal in the steady-state and skin inflammation. European Journal of Immunology. PMID 26634935 DOI: 10.1002/eji.201545917  0.653
2015 Poliani PL, Wang Y, Fontana E, Robinette ML, Yamanishi Y, Gilfillan S, Colonna M. TREM2 sustains microglial expansion during aging and response to demyelination. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 125: 2161-70. PMID 25893602 DOI: 10.1172/JCI77983  0.454
2015 Wang Y, Cella M, Mallinson K, Ulrich JD, Young KL, Robinette ML, Gilfillan S, Krishnan GM, Sudhakar S, Zinselmeyer BH, Holtzman DM, Cirrito JR, Colonna M. TREM2 lipid sensing sustains the microglial response in an Alzheimer's disease model. Cell. 160: 1061-71. PMID 25728668 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cell.2015.01.049  0.487
2015 Robinette ML, Fuchs A, Cortez VS, Lee JS, Wang Y, Durum SK, Gilfillan S, Colonna M. Transcriptional programs define molecular characteristics of innate lymphoid cell classes and subsets. Nature Immunology. 16: 306-17. PMID 25621825 DOI: 10.1038/ni.3094  0.596
2014 Wang Y, Colonna M. RNA exosomes keep endogenous RNA under the radar. Nature Immunology. 15: 830-1. PMID 25137466 DOI: 10.1038/ni.2966  0.314
2014 Ulrich JD, Finn MB, Wang Y, Shen A, Mahan TE, Jiang H, Stewart FR, Piccio L, Colonna M, Holtzman DM. Altered microglial response to Aβ plaques in APPPS1-21 mice heterozygous for TREM2. Molecular Neurodegeneration. 9: 20. PMID 24893973 DOI: 10.1186/1750-1326-9-20  0.487
2014 Wang Y, Colonna M. Interkeukin-34, a cytokine crucial for the differentiation and maintenance of tissue resident macrophages and Langerhans cells. European Journal of Immunology. 44: 1575-81. PMID 24737461 DOI: 10.1002/eji.201344365  0.415
2014 Swiecki M, Wang Y, Riboldi E, Kim AH, Dzutsev A, Gilfillan S, Vermi W, Ruedl C, Trinchieri G, Colonna M. Cell depletion in mice that express diphtheria toxin receptor under the control of SiglecH encompasses more than plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 192: 4409-16. PMID 24683186 DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1303135  0.502
2013 Swiecki M, Wang Y, Gilfillan S, Colonna M. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells contribute to systemic but not local antiviral responses to HSV infections. Plos Pathogens. 9: e1003728. PMID 24204273 DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003728  0.508
2012 Wang Y, Szretter KJ, Vermi W, Gilfillan S, Rossini C, Cella M, Barrow AD, Diamond MS, Colonna M. IL-34 is a tissue-restricted ligand of CSF1R required for the development of Langerhans cells and microglia. Nature Immunology. 13: 753-60. PMID 22729249 DOI: 10.1038/Ni.2360  0.446
2012 Wang Y, Swiecki M, Cella M, Alber G, Schreiber RD, Gilfillan S, Colonna M. Timing and magnitude of type I interferon responses by distinct sensors impact CD8 T cell exhaustion and chronic viral infection. Cell Host & Microbe. 11: 631-42. PMID 22704623 DOI: 10.1016/J.Chom.2012.05.003  0.478
2012 Swiecki M, Wang Y, Gilfillan S, Lenschow DJ, Colonna M. Cutting edge: paradoxical roles of BST2/tetherin in promoting type I IFN response and viral infection. Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 188: 2488-92. PMID 22327075 DOI: 10.4049/Jimmunol.1103145  0.489
2011 Swiecki M, Wang Y, Vermi W, Gilfillan S, Schreiber RD, Colonna M. Type I interferon negatively controls plasmacytoid dendritic cell numbers in vivo. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 208: 2367-74. PMID 22084408 DOI: 10.1084/Jem.20110654  0.454
2011 Wang Y, Swiecki M, McCartney SA, Colonna M. dsRNA sensors and plasmacytoid dendritic cells in host defense and autoimmunity. Immunological Reviews. 243: 74-90. PMID 21884168 DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-065X.2011.01049.x  0.693
2011 Swiecki M, McCartney SA, Wang Y, Colonna M. TLR7/9 versus TLR3/MDA5 signaling during virus infections and diabetes. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 90: 691-701. PMID 21844166 DOI: 10.1189/jlb.0311166  0.707
2010 Swiecki M, Gilfillan S, Vermi W, Wang Y, Colonna M. Plasmacytoid dendritic cell ablation impacts early interferon responses and antiviral NK and CD8(+) T cell accrual. Immunity. 33: 955-66. PMID 21130004 DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2010.11.020  0.53
2010 Wang Y, Cella M, Gilfillan S, Colonna M. Cutting edge: polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid boosts the generation of memory CD8 T cells through melanoma differentiation-associated protein 5 expressed in stromal cells. Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 184: 2751-5. PMID 20164430 DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.0903201  0.457
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