Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Melissa BowermanChild language acquisition, language and thought
Christiane Dietrichinfant speech perception20012006 Daniel Swingley (grad student)
Christine A. FawcettSocial-cognitive development20082010 Ulf Liszkowski (post-doc)
Jean E. Fox Treepsycholinguistics19901991 Willem J.M. Levelt (grad student)
Rebecca L. A. Frostcognitive psychology, psycholinguistics, language acquisition
Martijn GoudbeekPsycholinguistics, Speech Perception, Emotion, Communication, Language producition20022007 Daniel Swingley (grad student)
Frouke HermensVisual perception Willem J.M. Levelt (research assistant), Niels Olaf Schiller (research assistant)
Alexis G. Hervais-AdelmanCognitive Neuroscience, Speech, Hearing, Multilingualism, Reading
Nicolás Andrés HinrichsCognitive Neuroscience - Hyperscanning Psychotherapy Peter Hagoort (grad student)
Judith Holler
Falk HuettigExperimental Psychology
Stacey HumphriesCognitive neuroscience, action observation, Parkinson's disease20122016 Judith Holler (grad student)
Kyle JasminLanguage, speech, autism.20092011 Daniel Casasanto (research assistant)
Xiangzhen KongImaging Genetics, Brain Asymmetry, Neuroimaging, Cognitive Neuroscience
Willem J.M. LeveltPsycholinguistics, Visual and auditory perception
Ashley G. LewisLanguage comprehension, EEG, ERP
Ulf Liszkowski
Antje S. MeyerSpeech production, individual differences Willem J.M. Levelt (grad student)
R. Özdemir-Gross2006 Willem J.M. Levelt (grad student)
Roberta Roccaneuroscience; cognitive science; NLP; machine learning Judith Holler (research assistant)
Ardi RoelofsSpeech Production
Joost Rommerspsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience Falk Huettig (grad student), Antje S. Meyer (grad student)
Niels Olaf SchillerPsycholinguistics Willem J.M. Levelt (grad student)