People with institution matching "Pomona College": Advanced Search
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Ellie Bean Abrams (Info) NYU GSAS music, memory, and reward; speech-music interface; pitch perception; neurolinguistics elliebeanabrams 2022‑04‑06 Sim
Leyla Akay (Info) Pomona College - The Claremont Colleges, MIT, Picower Institute Kparfitt 2021‑06‑29 Sim
Kristen Henkins Ambegaokar (Info) Pomona College - The Claremont Colleges Kparfitt 2021‑06‑29 Sim
William P. Banks (Info) Pomona College Perception wprinz 2005‑02‑08 Sim
Christina Bejjani (Info) Rutgers, Newark, Duke cognitive control, learning, memory cbejjani 2014‑11‑07 Sim
Erin Bigus (Info) Pomona College - The Claremont Colleges Kparfitt 2021‑06‑29 Sim
Blaine Bisel (Info) Pomona College - The Claremont Colleges Kparfitt 2021‑06‑29 Sim
Nathaniel Braswell (Info) Yale mzirnstn 2023‑05‑22 Sim
Deborah M. Burke (Info) Pomona College Memory, Aging, & Cognition strooploops 2007‑06‑24 Sim
David Cremins (Info) UCLA, Pomona College micaceous 2016‑02‑23 Sim
Emily S. Cross (Info) Bangor University action perception, action execution, motor imagery, dance escross 2007‑06‑24 Sim
Daniel P. Darcy (Info) UCSD pq 2015‑09‑25 Sim
Alejandro I. de la Vega (Info) CU Boulder Emotion & Cognition, Executive Function aleph4 2010‑02‑15 Sim
Gene S. Fowler (Info) Pomona College ksoma 2014‑01‑23 Sim
Wendell R (Tex) Garner (Info) Yale, Johns Hopkins Psychology david 2005‑01‑15 Sim
Anna Gibson (Info) Pomona College micaceous 2016‑02‑23 Sim
Michael G. Hadfield (Info) Kewalo Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii dmitri.boudko 2009‑03‑26 Sim
Laura M. Haetzel (Info) Princeton, Pomona College, HWNI, UC Berkeley lhaetzel 2020‑01‑21 Sim
Eve Higby (Info) UC Riverside, Cal State East Bay, City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center bilingualism, aging, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics linguistica 2016‑07‑28 Sim
Alex A. Huang (Info) Johns Hopkins Neurotransmitters pq 2015‑11‑24 Sim
Karl G. Johnson (Info) Pomona College Development, axon guidance, synaptogenesis Karlossus 2007‑09‑03 Sim
Laura Johnson (Info) Pomona College - The Claremont Colleges Kparfitt 2021‑06‑29 Sim
Micah Alan Johnson (Info) UCLA Cognitive neuroscience of language and cognition micaceous 2016‑02‑23 Sim
Daniel L. Jones (Info) Duke Neurophysiology dlj02000 2005‑11‑01 Sim
Yuni Kay (Info) Pomona College - The Claremont Colleges Kparfitt 2021‑06‑29 Sim
Natalie M. Klein (Info) Rochester psycholinguistics antinats 2009‑02‑10 Sim
Sidney Kuo (Info) Pomona College - The Claremont Colleges Kparfitt 2021‑06‑29 Sim
Rachel N. Levin (Info) Pomona College ksoma 2014‑01‑08 Sim
Gabe J. Murphy (Info) Janelia Farm, Allen Institute hanks 2005‑10‑12 Sim
Julie A. Necarsulmer (Info) Pomona College - The Claremont Colleges Kparfitt 2021‑06‑29 Sim
Karen D. Parfitt (Info) Pomona College - The Claremont Colleges Molecular Mechanisms of Neurotransmitter Release, Synaptic Physiology and Plasticity, Neurobiology of Aging DVMadison 2006‑12‑05 Sim
Chang (Chris) Park (Info) Pomona College - The Claremont Colleges Kparfitt 2021‑06‑29 Sim
Andrew Pelos (Info) Pomona College - The Claremont Colleges Kparfitt 2021‑06‑29 Sim
Jessica Phan (Info) Pomona College - The Claremont Colleges Kparfitt 2021‑06‑29 Sim
William Prinzmetal (Info) UC Berkeley wprinz 2005‑02‑08 Sim
Gerald F. Reis (Info) UCSD axonal transport pq 2015‑11‑06 Sim
Elizabeth P. Rose (Info) Pomona College - The Claremont Colleges Kparfitt 2021‑06‑29 Sim
Lauren Marie Rudolph (Info) Indiana University Bloomington SNB, gonadal steroids rstewart 2011‑11‑21 Sim
Allison B. Sekuler (Info) McMaster University vision science, cognitive neuroscience 2006‑10‑02 Sim
Shlomi Sher (Info) Princeton pq 2015‑09‑16 Sim
Kelly A. Sinnott (Info) UC Berkeley Drosophila Epilepsy Mutants, Electrophysiology, Neural Circuits ksinnott 2009‑04‑24 Sim
Linda W. Suriyakham (Info) Stonington Psychology Clinical Psychology, psychotherapy Lindasuriyakham 2014‑09‑03 Sim
Robert Thornton (Info) Pomona College psycholinguistics antinats 2009‑02‑10 Sim
Alan M. Vajda (Info) CU Boulder pq 2015‑10‑15 Sim
Andrew James Vonasch (Info) Pomona College, Yale, Florida State, UNC Chapel Hill, University of Canterbury, New Zealand Morality, Rationality, Free Will, Self-Regulation avonasch 2012‑01‑24 Sim
Sarah Wang (Info) Pomona College, UC Davis mzirnstn 2023‑04‑20 Sim
junryo watanabe (Info) Stanford glia golgo1313 2008‑04‑07 Sim
Shennan A. Weiss (Info) Columbia Neurology, Epilepsy, Cortical physiology, Mauthner cell Shennan 2008‑05‑27 Sim
Sophia Yang (Info) Pomona College sophiayang 2010‑08‑21 Sim
Jiwon Yi (Info) Cambridge snowblind_supernaut 2020‑05‑06 Sim
Megan Zirnstein (Info) UC Davis, Penn State, UC Riverside, Pomona College Cognitive Science, Cognitive Neuroscience cljohns 2009‑10‑28 Sim
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