Similar researchers to Maher Qaddoura: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Maher A. Qaddoura (Info) University of Central Florida (Chemistry Tree) Chemistry Mqaddoura 2015‑11‑28 Sim
Shigeo Okabe (Info) University of Tokyo c887 2015‑05‑11 Sim(0.26)
Libo Ma (Info) CAS Computational Neuroscience malras 2010‑07‑05 Sim(0.36)
Karim G. Oweiss (Info) Michigan State neuroprosthetics, Brain Machine Interfaces, sensorimotor integration, plasticity koweiss 2007‑09‑24 Sim(0.36)
Deborah S. Grove (Info) Penn State (Chemistry Tree) Genomics DNADEB 2015‑09‑29 Sim(0.38)
Xiao-Jing Wang (Info) Yale School of Medicine, NYU, NYU Shanghai computational neuroscience daeyeol_lee 2005‑10‑07 Sim(0.38)
Donald F. Gaines (Info) UW Madison (Chemistry Tree) boron chemistry, crystallography, bonding jandh 2012‑11‑04 Sim(0.39)
Misha Tsodyks (Info) Weizmann Institute srdjan 2008‑04‑19 Sim(0.4)
Perry de Valpine (Info) UC Berkeley (Terrestrial Ecology Tree) kram 2011‑06‑20 Sim(0.4)
Mark Iskarous (Info) Johns Hopkins sensory feedback; neuromorphic encoding; neural prostheses; neuroengineering; mark.iskarous 2023‑10‑25 Sim(0.41)
Hoon Kang (Info) UIUC (Microtree) Physical Chemistry, Radiology pq 2016‑01‑28 Sim(0.41)
Sophie M. Deneve (Info) Bayesian statistics koerding 2006‑03‑30 Sim(0.41)
Romain Cazé (Info) CNRS / UPMC - ISIR mkham 2017‑02‑17 Sim(0.44)
Wendy H. Wente (Info) Indiana University Bloomington Magnetoreception pq 2015‑10‑15 Sim(0.44)
Webster L. Santos (Info) Virginia Tech (Chemistry Tree) copper catalysis, borylation, RNA, sphingosine kinase santosw 2015‑09‑04 Sim(0.45)
Shaomin Zhang (Info) Zhejiang University Motor system SnoopyXP 2008‑07‑26 Sim(0.47)
Elie L. Bienenstock (Info) Brown computation & theory anish 2008‑03‑10 Sim(0.48)
Edward K. Boyda (Info) UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics pq 2016‑03‑12 Sim(0.48)
Guenther Palm (Info) University of Ulm fts 2008‑03‑06 Sim(0.49)
Javier Iglesias (Info) Neuroheuristic Research Group avilla 2017‑02‑07 Sim(0.49)
Eleni Vasilaki (Info) University of Sheffield Reinforcement Learning, Synaptic plasticity vasilaki 2007‑10‑31 Sim(0.49)
Claudia Clopath (Info) Imperial College London rjolivet 2007‑07‑10 Sim(0.5)
Jacques Durand (Info) CNRS cbories 2012‑11‑20 Sim(0.5)
Keiko Koda (Info) Carnegie Mellon Second language acquisition, reading lmorett 2009‑11‑27 Sim(0.5)
Allison Norah McCoy (Info) Duke pq 2015‑08‑14 Sim(0.5)
Adayapalam T. Ganesan (Info) Stanford (Microtree) jandh 2019‑12‑02 Sim(0.5)
Mark S. Goldman (Info) UC Davis computation & theory david 2009‑03‑06 Sim(0.51)
Dean Buonomano (Info) UCLA hayden 2005‑02‑05 Sim(0.51)
Yves Burnod (Info) Institut des Systemes Complexes Computational neuroscience, Neuroimaging roberto 2009‑05‑05 Sim(0.51)
Thomas Wennekers (Info) University of Plymouth fts 2008‑03‑06 Sim(0.51)
Gordon Pipa (Info) Institute for Cognitive Science, Osnabrück visual system and computational neuroscience gordonpipa 2009‑01‑08 Sim(0.51)
Andreas Knoblauch (Info) Honda Research Institute Europe, Frankfurt fts 2008‑03‑06 Sim(0.51)
Lyle E. Fox (Info) Chicago neuropeptides, transmitter release pq 2015‑10‑07 Sim(0.51)
Yoram Gutfreund (Info) Technion Auditory Pathway, Multi sensory integration shayo 2010‑02‑11 Sim(0.52)
Yayoi Teramoto (Info) Oxford circuit development yayoi_teramoto 2017‑11‑27 Sim(0.52)
Richard H.R. Hahnloser (Info) INI, ETH Zurich computational neuroscience; birdsong electrophysiology ilafiete 2006‑09‑13 Sim(0.52)
Edward J. O'Brien (Info) UCSD (Computational Biology Tree) bpalsson 2016‑09‑14 Sim(0.54)
Karunesh Ganguly (Info) UCSF Neurology hoops 2007‑02‑10 Sim(0.54)
Stefano Fusi (Info) Columbia theoretical neuroscience fozool 2006‑09‑20 Sim(0.54)
Steven M. Chase (Info) Carnegie Mellon BCI, motor learning, neural compuation david 2006‑03‑23 Sim(0.54)
Jose Carmena (Info) UC Berkeley Motor System hayden 2005‑08‑08 Sim(0.54)
Albert Compte (Info) IDIBAPS Computational Neuroscience jsardid 2009‑02‑14 Sim(0.54)
Matthew J. Sutterer (Info) University of Iowa emotion, social behavior, plasticiy mjsutterer 2012‑10‑18 Sim(0.55)
Pierre Yger (Info) Institut de la Vision, Paris Plasticity, neuronal networks, visual system peteju 2008‑06‑14 Sim(0.55)
Christian K. Machens (Info) ENS Paris, University of Munich Computation & Theory david 2005‑01‑17 Sim(0.55)
Michael E. Bales (Info) Columbia (LinguisTree) natural language processing, sublanguage, social networks meb2108 2009‑11‑25 Sim(0.55)
Jennifer Rebecca Stapleton (Info) Duke pq 2015‑08‑11 Sim(0.56)
Praseeda Venugopalan (Info) University of Miami Retinal development praseedav 2011‑01‑26 Sim(0.56)
Joseph T. Francis (Info) SUNY neurovhuang 2007‑11‑09 Sim(0.56)
Friedrich T. Sommer (Info) UC Berkeley Memory, Sensory systems fts 2008‑03‑06 Sim(0.56)
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