Talya N. Bauer - Publications

Portland State University, Portland, OR, United States 
Marketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology

77 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2021 McCarthy JM, Truxillo DM, Bauer TN, Erdogan B, Shao Y, Wang M, Liff J, Gardner C. Distressed and distracted by COVID-19 during high-stakes virtual interviews: The role of job interview anxiety on performance and reactions. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 106: 1103-1117. PMID 34423997 DOI: 10.1037/apl0000943  0.64
2021 Olson R, Rice SPM, Mansfield LR, Wipfli B, Bodner T, Anger WK, Bauer TN. Bus Operators' Body Weight Changes during their First 2 Years of Work: A Retrospective Survey. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. PMID 34354020 DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002347  0.709
2020 Luksyte A, Bauer TN, Debus ME, Erdogan B, Wu C. Perceived Overqualification and Collectivism Orientation: Implications for Work and Nonwork Outcomes: Journal of Management. 14920632094860. DOI: 10.1177/0149206320948602  0.364
2020 Arnold JD, Iddekinge CHV, Campion MC, Bauer TN, Campion MA. Welcome Back? Job Performance and Turnover of Boomerang Employees Compared to Internal and External Hires: Journal of Management. 14920632093633. DOI: 10.1177/0149206320936335  0.59
2020 Erdogan B, Karakitapoğlu‐Aygün Z, Caughlin DE, Bauer TN, Gumusluoglu L. Employee overqualification and manager job insecurity: Implications for employee career outcomes Human Resource Management. DOI: 10.1002/Hrm.22012  0.344
2019 Bauer TN, Perrot S, Liden RC, Erdogan B. Understanding the consequences of newcomer proactive behaviors: The moderating contextual role of servant leadership Journal of Vocational Behavior. 112: 356-368. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jvb.2019.05.001  0.646
2019 Kudret S, Erdogan B, Bauer TN. Self-monitoring personality trait at work: An integrative narrative review and future research directions Journal of Organizational Behavior. 40: 193-208. DOI: 10.1002/Job.2346  0.312
2018 Erdogan B, Karaeminogullari A, Bauer TN, Ellis AM. Perceived Overqualification at Work: Implications for Extra-Role Behaviors and Advice Network Centrality Journal of Management. 46: 583-606. DOI: 10.1177/0149206318804331  0.315
2018 Simon LS, Bauer TN, Erdogan B, Shepherd W. Built to last: Interactive effects of perceived overqualification and proactive personality on new employee adjustment Personnel Psychology. 72: 213-240. DOI: 10.1111/Peps.12297  0.306
2018 Karaeminogullari A, Erdogan B, Bauer TN. Biting the hand that heals: mistreatment by patients and the well-being of healthcare workers Personnel Review. 47: 572-591. DOI: 10.1108/Pr-03-2016-0054  0.373
2018 Ellis AM, Bauer TN, Erdogan B, Truxillo DM. Daily perceptions of relationship quality with leaders: implications for follower well-being Work & Stress. 33: 119-136. DOI: 10.1080/02678373.2018.1445670  0.621
2018 McCarthy JM, Bauer TN, Truxillo DM, Campion MC, Van Iddekinge CH, Campion MA. Improving the Candidate Experience Organizational Dynamics. 47: 147-154. DOI: 10.1016/J.Orgdyn.2018.05.004  0.676
2017 Hu J, Erdogan B, Jiang K, Bauer TN, Liu S. Leader Humility and Team Creativity: The Role of Team Information Sharing, Psychological Safety, and Power Distance. The Journal of Applied Psychology. PMID 29094959 DOI: 10.1037/Apl0000277  0.323
2017 Ellis AM, Nifadkar SS, Bauer TN, Erdogan B. Newcomer Adjustment: Examining the Role of Managers' Perception of Newcomer Proactive Behavior During Organizational Socialization. The Journal of Applied Psychology. PMID 28277724 DOI: 10.1037/Apl0000201  0.741
2017 Allen TD, Eby LT, Chao GT, Bauer TN. Taking Stock of Two Relational Aspects of Organizational Life: Tracing the History and Shaping the Future of Socialization and Mentoring Research. The Journal of Applied Psychology. PMID 28125264 DOI: 10.1037/Apl0000086  0.347
2017 McCarthy JM, Bauer TN, Truxillo DM, Anderson NR, Costa AC, Ahmed SM. Applicant Perspectives During Selection: A Review Addressing “So What?,” “What’s New?,” and “Where to Next?” Journal of Management. 43: 1693-1725. DOI: 10.1177/0149206316681846  0.635
2017 McCarthy JM, Bauer TN, Truxillo DM, Campion MC, Van Iddekinge CH, Campion MA. Using pre-test explanations to improve test-taker reactions: Testing a set of “wise” interventions Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 141: 43-56. DOI: 10.1016/J.Obhdp.2017.04.002  0.739
2016 Nifadkar SS, Bauer TN. Breach of belongingness: Newcomer relationship conflict, information, and task-related outcomes during organizational socialization. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 101: 1-13. PMID 26052711 DOI: 10.1037/Apl0000035  0.367
2016 Konradt U, Garbers Y, Böge M, Erdogan B, Bauer TN. Antecedents and Consequences of Fairness Perceptions in Personnel Selection Group & Organization Management. 42: 113-146. DOI: 10.1177/1059601115617665  0.435
2016 Deng H, Guan Y, Wu C, Erdogan B, Bauer T, Yao X. A Relational Model of Perceived Overqualification: The Moderating Role of Interpersonal Influence on Social Acceptance Journal of Management. 44: 3288-3310. DOI: 10.1177/0149206316668237  0.306
2016 Hu J, Wayne SJ, Bauer TN, Erdogan B, Liden RC. Self and senior executive perceptions of fit and performance: A time-lagged examination of newly-hired executives Human Relations. 69: 1259-1286. DOI: 10.1177/0018726715609108  0.637
2016 Konradt U, Garbers Y, Erdogan B, Bauer T. Patterns of Change in Fairness Perceptions During the Hiring Process International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 24: 246-259. DOI: 10.1111/Ijsa.12144  0.333
2015 Hu J, Erdogan B, Bauer TN, Jiang K, Liu S, Li Y. There are lots of big fish in this pond: The role of peer overqualification on task significance, perceived fit, and performance for overqualified employees. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 100: 1228-38. PMID 25546266 DOI: 10.1037/Apl0000008  0.38
2015 Ellis AM, Bauer TN, Mansfield LR, Erdogan B, Truxillo DM, Simon LS. Navigating Uncharted Waters: Newcomer Socialization Through the Lens of Stress Theory Journal of Management. 41: 203-235. DOI: 10.1177/0149206314557525  0.623
2015 Erdogan B, Bauer TN, Taylor S. Management commitment to the ecological environment and employees: Implications for employee attitudes and citizenship behaviors Human Relations. 68: 1669-1691. DOI: 10.1177/0018726714565723  0.399
2015 Erdogan B, Bauer TN, Walter J. Deeds that Help and Words that Hurt: Helping and Gossip as Moderators of the Relationship Between Leader-Member Exchange and Advice Network Centrality Personnel Psychology. 68: 185-214. DOI: 10.1111/Peps.12075  0.307
2014 Perrot S, Bauer TN, Abonneau D, Campoy E, Erdogan B, Liden RC. Organizational Socialization Tactics and Newcomer Adjustment: The Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support Group and Organization Management. 39: 247-273. DOI: 10.1177/1059601114535469  0.625
2014 Walker HJ, Helmuth CA, Feild HS, Bauer TN. Watch What You Say: Job Applicants’ Justice Perceptions From Initial Organizational Correspondence Human Resource Management. 54: 999-1011. DOI: 10.1002/Hrm.21655  0.384
2013 Dekas KH, Bauer TN, Welle B, Kurkoski J, Sullivan S. Organizational citizenship behavior, version 2.0: A review and qualitative investigation of ocbs for knowledge workers at google and beyond Academy of Management Perspectives. 27: 219-237. DOI: 10.5465/Amp.2011.0097  0.335
2013 Walker HJ, Bauer TN, Cole MS, Bernerth JB, Feild HS, Short JC. Is This How I Will Be Treated? Reducing Uncertainty through Recruitment Interactions Academy of Management Journal. 56: 1325-1347. DOI: 10.5465/Amj.2011.0196  0.33
2013 Truxillo DM, Cadiz DM, Bauer TN, Erdogan B. Reactions to Employer Policies Regarding Prescription Drugs and Medical Marijuana: The Role of Safety Sensitivity Journal of Business and Psychology. 28: 145-158. DOI: 10.1007/S10869-012-9276-3  0.588
2013 Kovacs JA, Truxillo DM, Bauer TN, Bodner T. Perceptions of Affirmative Action Based on Socioeconomic Status: A Comparison with Traditional Affirmative Action Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal. 1-23. DOI: 10.1007/S10672-013-9223-0  0.636
2012 Erdogan B, Bauer TN, Truxillo DM, Mansfield LR. Whistle While You Work: A Review of the Life Satisfaction Literature Journal of Management. 38: 1038-1083. DOI: 10.1177/0149206311429379  0.61
2012 Hoang TG, Truxillo DM, Erdogan B, Bauer TN. Cross-cultural Examination of Applicant Reactions to Selection Methods: United States and Vietnam International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 20: 209-219. DOI: 10.1111/J.1468-2389.2012.00593.X  0.641
2012 Bauer TN, Truxillo DM, Erdogan B. Contingent Workers: Who Are They and How Can We Select Them for Success? The Oxford Handbook of Personnel Assessment and Selection. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199732579.013.0038  0.571
2011 Bauer TN. Farewell and thank you! Journal of Management. 37: 1525-1526. DOI: 10.1177/0149206311416869  0.325
2011 Erdogan B, Bauer TN, Peiró JM, Truxillo DM. Overqualification Theory, Research, and Practice: Things That Matter Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 4: 260-267. DOI: 10.1111/J.1754-9434.2011.01339.X  0.649
2011 Erdogan B, Bauer TN, Peiró JM, Truxillo DM. Overqualified Employees: Making the Best of a Potentially Bad Situation for Individuals and Organizations Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 4: 215-232. DOI: 10.1111/J.1754-9434.2011.01330.X  0.663
2011 Zaniboni S, Fraccaroli F, Truxillo DM, Bertolino M, Bauer TN. Training valence, instrumentality, and expectancy scale (T‐VIES‐it) Journal of Workplace Learning. 23: 133-151. DOI: 10.1108/13665621111108792  0.618
2011 Bauer TN, Truxillo DM, Mack K, Costa AB. Applicant Reactions to Technology-Based Selection: What We Know So Far Technology-Enhanced Assessment of Talent. 190-223. DOI: 10.1002/9781118256022.ch6  0.559
2010 Erdogan B, Bauer TN. Differentiated leader-member exchanges: the buffering role of justice climate. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 95: 1104-20. PMID 20718530 DOI: 10.1037/A0020578  0.34
2009 Erdogan B, Bauer TN. Perceived overqualification and its outcomes: the moderating role of empowerment. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 94: 557-65. PMID 19271809 DOI: 10.1037/A0013528  0.408
2009 Truxillo DM, Bauer TN, Campion MA. Organizational Justice Interventions: Practicalities, Concerns, and Potential Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 2: 211-214. DOI: 10.1111/J.1754-9434.2009.01141.X  0.687
2009 Ford DK, Truxillo DM, Bauer TN. Rejected but still there: Shifting the focus in applicant reactions to the promotional context International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 17: 402-416. DOI: 10.1111/J.1468-2389.2009.00482.X  0.731
2009 Truxillo DM, Bodner TE, Bertolino M, Bauer TN, Yonce CA. Effects of explanations on applicant reactions: A meta-analytic review International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 17: 346-361. DOI: 10.1111/J.1468-2389.2009.00478.X  0.672
2009 Johnson J, Truxillo DM, Erdogan B, Bauer TN, Hammer L. Perceptions of Overall Fairness: Are Effects on Job Performance Moderated by Leader-Member Exchange? Human Performance. 22: 432-449. DOI: 10.1080/08959280903248427  0.654
2008 Truxillo DM, Seitz R, Bauer TN. The Role of Cognitive Ability in Self-Efficacy and Self-Assessed Test Performance Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 38: 903-918. DOI: 10.1111/J.1559-1816.2008.00331.X  0.623
2007 Bauer TN, Bodner T, Erdogan B, Truxillo DM, Tucker JS. Newcomer adjustment during organizational socialization: a meta-analytic review of antecedents, outcomes, and methods. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 92: 707-21. PMID 17484552 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.92.3.707  0.661
2006 Bauer TN, Erdogan B, Liden RC, Wayne SJ. A longitudinal study of the moderating role of extraversion: Leader-member exchange, performance, and turnover during new executive development Journal of Applied Psychology. 91: 298-310. PMID 16551185 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.91.2.298  0.631
2006 Sanchez RJ, Bauer TN, Paronto ME. Peer-Mentoring Freshmen: Implications for Satisfaction, Commitment, and Retention to Graduation Academy of Management Learning & Education. 5: 25-37. DOI: 10.5465/Amle.2006.20388382  0.655
2006 Bauer TN, Truxillo DM, Tucker JS, Weathers V, Bertolino M, Erdogan B, Campion MA. Selection in the information age: The impact of privacy concerns and computer experience on applicant reactions Journal of Management. 32: 601-621. DOI: 10.1177/0149206306289829  0.753
2006 Truxillo DM, Bauer TN, Campion MA, Paronto ME. A Field Study of the Role of Big Five Personality in Applicant Perceptions of Selection Fairness, Self, and the Hiring Organization International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 14: 269-277. DOI: 10.1111/J.1468-2389.2006.00351.X  0.752
2005 Erdogan B, Bauer TN. Enhancing career benefits of employee proactive personality: The role of fit with jobs and organizations Personnel Psychology. 58: 859-891. DOI: 10.1111/J.1744-6570.2005.00772.X  0.377
2005 Maertz CP, Bauer TN, Mosley DC, Posthuma RA, Campion MA. Predictors of self-efficacy for cognitive ability employment testing Journal of Business Research. 58: 160-167. DOI: 10.1016/S0148-2963(03)00111-5  0.6
2004 Maertz CP, Mosley DC, Bauer TN, Posthuma RA, Campion MA. Do Procedural Justice Perceptions in a Selection Testing Context Predict Applicant Attraction and Intention Toward the Organization? Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 34: 125-145. DOI: 10.1111/J.1559-1816.2004.TB02540.X  0.581
2004 Maertz CP, Mosley DC, Bauer TN, Posthuma RA, Campion MA. Do Procedural Justice perceptions in a Selection Testing Context Predict Applicant Attraction and Intention Toward the Organization? Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 34: 125-145. DOI: 10.1111/J.1559-1816.2004.Tb02540.X  0.635
2004 Bauer TN, Truxillo DM, Paronto ME, Weekley JA, Campion MA. Applicant Reactions to Different Selection Technology: Face-to-Face, Interactive Voice Response, and Computer-Assisted Telephone Screening Interviews International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 12: 135-148. DOI: 10.1111/J.0965-075X.2004.00269.X  0.694
2003 Hunthausen JM, Truxillo DM, Bauer TN, Hammer LB. A field study of frame-of-reference effects on personality test validity. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 88: 545-51. PMID 12814302 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.88.3.545  0.649
2002 Paronto ME, Truxillo DM, Bauer TN, Leo MC. Drug testing, drug treatment, and marijuana use: a fairness perspective. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 87: 1159-66. PMID 12558221 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.87.6.1159  0.616
2002 Truxillo DM, Bauer TN, Campion MA, Paronto ME. Selection fairness information and applicant reactions: a longitudinal field study. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 87: 1020-31. PMID 12558210 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.87.6.1020  0.734
2002 Tierney P, Bauer TN, Potter RE. Extra‐Role Behavior among Mexican Employees: The Impact of LMX, Group Acceptance, and Job Attitudes International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 10: 292-303. DOI: 10.1111/1468-2389.00219  0.37
2002 Truxillo DM, Bauer TN, Paronto ME. Journal of Business and Psychology. 17: 31-45. DOI: 10.1023/A:1016244132023  0.61
2001 Bauer TN, Taylor S. When Managing Expatriate Adjustment, Don't Forget the Spouse Academy of Management Perspectives. 15: 135-137. DOI: 10.5465/Ame.2001.5898750  0.322
2001 Truxillo DM, Bauer TN, Sanchez RJ. Multiple Dimensions of Procedural Justice: Longitudinal Effects on Selection System Fairness and Test-Taking Self-Efficacy International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 9: 336-349. DOI: 10.1111/1468-2389.00185  0.763
2001 Aiman‐Smith L, Bauer TN, Cable DM. Journal of Business and Psychology. 16: 219-237. DOI: 10.1023/A:1011157116322  0.329
2001 Truxillo DM, Normandy JL, Bauer TN. Journal of Business and Psychology. 16: 87-99. DOI: 10.1023/A:1007891822480  0.592
2000 Sanchez RJ, Truxillo DM, Bauer TN. Development and examination of an expectancy-based measure of test-taking motivation. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 85: 739-50. PMID 11055146 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.85.5.739  0.766
2000 Bauer TN, Truxillo DM. Temp-to-permanent employees: a longitudinal study of stress and selection success. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 5: 337-46. PMID 10912497 DOI: 10.1037//1076-8998.5.3.337  0.61
2000 Truxillo DM, Bauer TN. The Roles of Gender and Affirmative Action Attitude in Reactions to Test Score Use Methods1 Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 30: 1812-1828. DOI: 10.1111/J.1559-1816.2000.Tb02469.X  0.647
2000 Bauer TN, Truxillo DM. Temp-to-permanent employees: A longitudinal study of stress and selection success. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 5: 337-346. DOI: 10.1037//1076-8998.5.3.337  0.642
1999 Truxillo DM, Bauer TN. Applicant reactions to test score banding in entry-level and promotional contexts. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 84: 322-39. PMID 10380414 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.84.3.322  0.639
1998 Bauer TN, Maertz CPJ, Dolen MR, Campion MA. Longitudinal assessment of applicant reactions to employment testing and test outcome feedback. Journal of Applied Psychology. 83: 892-903. DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.83.6.892  0.661
1998 Bauer TN, Green SG. Testing the combined effects of newcomer information seeking and manager behavior on socialization. Journal of Applied Psychology. 83: 72-83. DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.83.1.72  0.349
1996 Bauer TN, Aiman-Smith L. Green career choices: The influence of ecological stance on recruiting Journal of Business and Psychology. 10: 445-458. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02251780  0.366
1994 Bauer TN, Green SG. Effect of newcomer involvement in work-related activities: a longitudinal study of socialization. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 79: 211-23. PMID 8206814 DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.79.2.211  0.337
1994 Williams ML, Bauer TN. The Effect of a Managing Diversity Policy on Organizational Attractiveness Group & Organization Management. 19: 295-308. DOI: 10.1177/1059601194193005  0.329
Show low-probability matches.