Karen Wynn
Affiliations: | Yale University, New Haven, CT |
"Karen Wynn"Mean distance: 15.09 (cluster 15) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: LinguisTree
Sign in to add traineeCourtney Glavis-Bloom | research assistant | Yale University | |
Adena M. Schachner | research assistant | 2005-2006 | Yale |
Zoe Liberman | research assistant | 2008-2011 | Yale |
Erik Cheries | grad student | U Mass Amherst | |
J Kiley Hamlin | grad student | UBC | |
Ashley E. Jordan | grad student | Yale (PsychTree) | |
Valerie Kuhlmeier | grad student | Queens University | |
Kristy L. vanMarle | grad student | 2004 | Yale |
Koleen C. McCrink | grad student | 2007 | Yale |
Jane K. Hamlin | grad student | 2010 | Yale |
Neha Mahajan | grad student | 2007-2011 | Yale |
Mark Sheskin | grad student | 2013 | Yale |
Stephen R. Mitroff | post-doc | Yale | |
Lisa Chalik | post-doc | 2016- | Yale (PsychTree) |
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Chalik L, Wynn K. (2023) Ingroup Positivity and Outgroup Negativity Jointly Motivate Toddlers' Social Behavior. The Journal of Genetic Psychology. 1-15 |
Gentle SJ, Carper B, Laughon MM, et al. (2022) Duration of noninvasive respiratory support and risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death. Journal of Perinatology : Official Journal of the California Perinatal Association |
Jordan AE, Wynn K. (2021) Adults' pedagogical messages engender children's preference for self-resembling others. Developmental Science |
Marshall J, Wynn K, Bloom P. (2020) Do Children and Adults Take Social Relationship Into Account When Evaluating People's Actions? Child Development |
Marshall J, Gollwitzer A, Wynn K, et al. (2019) The development of corporal third-party punishment. Cognition. 190: 221-229 |
Wertz AE, Wynn K. (2019) Can I eat that too? 18-month-olds generalize social information about edibility to similar looking plants. Appetite |
Wynn K, Bloom P, Jordan A, et al. (2018) Not Noble Savages after all: Limits to early altruism. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 27: 3-8 |
Kominsky JF, Strickland B, Wertz AE, et al. (2017) Categories and Constraints in Causal Perception. Psychological Science. 956797617719930 |
Pietraszewski D, Wertz AE, Bryant GA, et al. (2017) Three-month-old human infants use vocal cues of body size. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 284 |
Tasimi A, Johnson MK, Wynn K. (2017) Children's decision making: When self-interest and moral considerations conflict. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology |