Marcelo Rubinstein, Ph.D - Publications

Physiology and Molecular and Cellular Biology Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina 

136 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Yu H, Chiang A, Rubinstein M, Low MJ. The homeodomain transcription factor Six3 regulates hypothalamic Pomc expression and its absence from POMC neurons induces hyperphagia and mild obesity in male mice. Molecular Metabolism. 101993. PMID 39025297 DOI: 10.1016/j.molmet.2024.101993  0.585
2024 Rojo D, Hael CE, Soria A, de Souza FSJ, Low MJ, Franchini LF, Rubinstein M. A mammalian tripartite enhancer cluster controls hypothalamic expression, food intake, and body weight. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121: e2322692121. PMID 38652744 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2322692121  0.572
2023 Castell L, Le Gall V, Cutando L, Petit CP, Puighermanal E, Makrini-Malville L, Kim HR, Jercog D, Tarot P, Tassou A, Harrus AG, Rubinstein M, Nouvian R, Rivat C, Besnard A, et al. Dopamine D2 receptors in WFS1-neurons regulate food-seeking and avoidance behaviors. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 110883. PMID 37858736 DOI: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2023.110883  0.322
2022 Ferré S, Belcher AM, Bonaventura J, Quiroz C, Sánchez-Soto M, Casadó-Anguera V, Cai NS, Moreno E, Boateng CA, Keck TM, Florán B, Earley CJ, Ciruela F, Casadó V, Rubinstein M, et al. Functional and pharmacological role of the dopamine D receptor and its polymorphic variants. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 13: 1014678. PMID 36267569 DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2022.1014678  0.311
2022 Cutando L, Puighermanal E, Castell L, Tarot P, Belle M, Bertaso F, Arango-Lievano M, Ango F, Rubinstein M, Quintana A, Chédotal A, Mameli M, Valjent E. Cerebellar dopamine D2 receptors regulate social behaviors. Nature Neuroscience. PMID 35710984 DOI: 10.1038/s41593-022-01092-8  0.308
2022 Casey E, Avale ME, Kravitz A, Rubinstein M. Partial Ablation of Postsynaptic Dopamine D2 Receptors in the Central Nucleus of the Amygdala Increases Risk Avoidance in Exploratory Tasks. Eneuro. 9. PMID 35210287 DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0528-21.2022  0.376
2022 Lee GS, Graham DL, Noble BL, Trammell TS, McCarthy DM, Anderson LR, Rubinstein M, Bhide PG, Stanwood GD. Behavioral and Neuroanatomical Consequences of Cell-Type Specific Loss of Dopamine D2 Receptors in the Mouse Cerebral Cortex. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 15: 815713. PMID 35095443 DOI: 10.3389/fnbeh.2021.815713  0.334
2022 Yu H, Rubinstein M, Low MJ. Developmental single-cell transcriptomics of hypothalamic POMC neurons reveal the genetic trajectories of multiple neuropeptidergic phenotypes. Elife. 11. PMID 35044906 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.72883  0.54
2021 Casadó-Anguera V, Moreno E, Sánchez-Soto M, Cai NS, Bonaventura J, Homar-Ruano P, Rubinstein M, Cortés A, Canela EI, Ferré S, Casadó V. Heteromerization between α adrenoceptors and different polymorphic variants of the dopamine D receptor determines pharmacological and functional differences. Implications for impulsive-control disorders. Pharmacological Research. 105745. PMID 34182128 DOI: 10.1016/j.phrs.2021.105745  0.323
2020 Puighermanal E, Castell L, Esteve-Codina A, Melser S, Kaganovsky K, Zussy C, Boubaker-Vitre J, Gut M, Rialle S, Kellendonk C, Sanz E, Quintana A, Marsicano G, Martin M, Rubinstein M, et al. Functional and molecular heterogeneity of D2R neurons along dorsal ventral axis in the striatum. Nature Communications. 11: 1957. PMID 32327644 DOI: 10.1038/S41467-020-15716-9  0.337
2020 Trotta M, Bello EP, Alsina R, Tavella MB, Ferrán JL, Rubinstein M, Bumaschny VF. Hypothalamic Pomc expression restricted to GABAergic neurons suppresses Npy overexpression and restores food intake in obese mice. Molecular Metabolism. 100985. PMID 32311511 DOI: 10.1016/J.Molmet.2020.100985  0.401
2020 Hael CE, Rojo D, Orquera DP, Low MJ, Rubinstein M. The transcriptional regulator PRDM12 is critical for Pomc expression in the mouse hypothalamus and controlling food intake, adiposity, and body weight. Molecular Metabolism. 34: 43-53. PMID 32180559 DOI: 10.1016/j.molmet.2020.01.007  0.548
2020 Yu H, Thompson Z, Kiran S, Jones GL, Mundada L, Gahlot S, Rubinstein M, Low MJ. Expression of a hypomorphic Pomc allele alters leptin dynamics during late pregnancy. The Journal of Endocrinology. PMID 32027603 DOI: 10.1530/JOE-19-0576  0.549
2020 Yu H, Jones G, Thompson Z, Rubinstein M, Low MJ. MON-709 Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Deciphers POMC Neuron Destiny Journal of the Endocrine Society. 4. DOI: 10.1210/Jendso/Bvaa046.1333  0.583
2019 Bocarsly ME, da Silva E Silva D, Kolb V, Luderman KD, Shashikiran S, Rubinstein M, Sibley DR, Dobbs LK, Alvarez VA. A Mechanism Linking Two Known Vulnerability Factors for Alcohol Abuse: Heightened Alcohol Stimulation and Low Striatal Dopamine D2 Receptors. Cell Reports. 29: 1147-1163.e5. PMID 31665630 DOI: 10.1016/J.Celrep.2019.09.059  0.381
2019 Orquera DP, Tavella MB, de Souza FSJ, Nasif S, Low MJ, Rubinstein M. The homeodomain transcription factor NKX2.1 is essential for the early specification of melanocortin neuron identity and activates expression in the developing hypothalamus. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. PMID 30886014 DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2924-18.2019  0.558
2019 Cromberg LE, Saez TMM, Otero MG, Tomasella E, Alloatti M, Damianich A, Devoto VP, Ferrario J, Gelman D, Rubinstein M, Falzone TL. Neuronal KIF5b deletion induces striatum-dependent locomotor impairments and defects in membrane presentation of dopamine D2 receptors. Journal of Neurochemistry. PMID 30664247 DOI: 10.1111/Jnc.14665  0.781
2017 Steyn FJ, Ngo ST, Chen VP, Bailey-Downs LC, Xie TY, Ghadami M, Brimijoin S, Freeman WM, Rubinstein M, Low MJ, Stout MB. 17α-estradiol acts through hypothalamic pro-opiomelanocortin expressing neurons to reduce feeding behavior. Aging Cell. PMID 29168299 DOI: 10.1111/acel.12703  0.488
2017 Zhou Y, Rubinstein M, Low M, Kreek MJ. V1b receptor antagonist SSR149415 and naltrexone synergistically decrease excessive alcohol drinking in male and female mice. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. PMID 29105118 DOI: 10.1111/Acer.13544  0.541
2017 Burke LK, Ogunnowo-Bada E, Georgescu T, Cristiano C, de Morentin PBM, Valencia Torres L, D'Agostino G, Riches C, Heeley N, Ruan Y, Rubinstein M, Low MJ, Myers MG, Rochford JJ, Evans ML, et al. Lorcaserin improves glycemic control via a melanocortin neurocircuit. Molecular Metabolism. 6: 1092-1102. PMID 29031711 DOI: 10.1016/J.Molmet.2017.07.004  0.515
2017 Rubinstein M, Low MJ. Molecular and functional genetics of the proopiomelanocortin gene, food intake regulation and obesity. Febs Letters. PMID 28771698 DOI: 10.1002/1873-3468.12776  0.516
2017 Bonaventura J, Quiroz C, Cai NS, Rubinstein M, Tanda G, Ferré S. Key role of the dopamine D4 receptor in the modulation of corticostriatal glutamatergic neurotransmission. Science Advances. 3: e1601631. PMID 28097219 DOI: 10.1126/Sciadv.1601631  0.444
2016 Friend DM, Devarakonda K, O'Neal TJ, Skirzewski M, Papazoglou I, Kaplan AR, Liow JS, Guo J, Rane SG, Rubinstein M, Alvarez VA, Hall KD, Kravitz AV. Basal Ganglia Dysfunction Contributes to Physical Inactivity in Obesity. Cell Metabolism. PMID 28041956 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cmet.2016.12.001  0.305
2016 Zhou Y, Rubinstein M, Low MJ, Kreek MJ. Hypothalamic-specific proopiomelanocortin-deficiency reduces alcohol drinking in male and female mice. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. PMID 27870313 DOI: 10.1111/Gbb.12362  0.527
2016 Luque GM, Lopez-Vicchi F, Ornstein AM, Brie B, De Winne C, Fiore E, Perez Millan MI, Mazzolini G, Rubinstein M, Becu-Villalobos D. Chronic hyperprolactinemia evoked by disruption of lactotrope dopamine D2 receptors impacts on liver and adipocyte genes related to glucose and insulin balance. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism. ajpendo.00200.2016. PMID 27802964 DOI: 10.1152/Ajpendo.00200.2016  0.375
2016 Chhabra KH, Adams JM, Jones GL, Yamashita M, Schlapschy M, Skerra A, Rubinstein M, Low MJ. Reprogramming the body weight set point by a reciprocal interaction of hypothalamic leptin sensitivity and Pomc gene expression reverts extreme obesity. Molecular Metabolism. 5: 869-81. PMID 27689000 DOI: 10.1016/j.molmet.2016.07.012  0.498
2016 Orquera DP, Nasif S, Low MJ, Rubinstein M, de Souza FS. Essential function of the transcription factor Rax in the early patterning of the mammalian hypothalamus. Developmental Biology. PMID 27212025 DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2016.05.021  0.507
2016 Lemos JC, Friend DM, Kaplan AR, Shin JH, Rubinstein M, Kravitz AV, Alvarez VA. Enhanced GABA Transmission Drives Bradykinesia Following Loss of Dopamine D2 Receptor Signaling. Neuron. 90: 824-838. PMID 27196975 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2016.04.040  0.319
2016 Burke LK, Doslikova B, D'Agostino G, Greenwald-Yarnell M, Georgescu T, Chianese R, Martinez de Morentin PB, Ogunnowo-Bada E, Cansell C, Valencia-Torres L, Garfield AS, Apergis-Schoute J, Lam DD, Speakman JR, Rubinstein M, et al. Sex difference in physical activity, energy expenditure and obesity driven by a subpopulation of hypothalamic POMC neurons. Molecular Metabolism. 5: 245-52. PMID 26977396 DOI: 10.1016/J.Molmet.2016.01.005  0.693
2016 Burke LK, Doslikova B, D'Agostino G, Greenwald-Yarnell M, Georgescu T, Chianese R, Martinez de Morentin PB, Ogunnowo-Bada E, Cansell C, Valencia-Torres L, Garfield AS, Apergis-Schoute J, Lam DD, Speakman JR, Rubinstein M, et al. Sex difference in physical activity, energy expenditure and obesity driven by a subpopulation of hypothalamic POMC neurons Molecular Metabolism. 5: 245-252. DOI: 10.1016/j.molmet.2016.01.005  0.675
2015 Chhabra KH, Adams JM, Fagel B, Lam DD, Qi N, Rubinstein M, Low MJ. Hypothalamic POMC-deficiency improves glucose tolerance despite insulin resistance by increasing glycosuria. Diabetes. PMID 26467632 DOI: 10.2337/Db15-0804  0.677
2015 Nasif S, de Souza FS, González LE, Yamashita M, Orquera DP, Low MJ, Rubinstein M. Islet 1 specifies the identity of hypothalamic melanocortin neurons and is critical for normal food intake and adiposity in adulthood. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: E1861-70. PMID 25825735 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1500672112  0.576
2015 Lam DD, de Souza FS, Nasif S, Yamashita M, López-Leal R, Otero-Corchon V, Meece K, Sampath H, Mercer AJ, Wardlaw SL, Rubinstein M, Low MJ. Partially redundant enhancers cooperatively maintain Mammalian pomc expression above a critical functional threshold. Plos Genetics. 11: e1004935. PMID 25671638 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pgen.1004935  0.796
2015 Lam DD, Attard CA, Mercer AJ, Myers MG, Rubinstein M, Low MJ. Conditional expression of Pomc in the Lepr-positive subpopulation of POMC neurons is sufficient for normal energy homeostasis and metabolism. Endocrinology. 156: 1292-302. PMID 25594696 DOI: 10.1210/En.2014-1373  0.808
2015 Holroyd KB, Adrover MF, Fuino RL, Bock R, Kaplan AR, Gremel CM, Rubinstein M, Alvarez VA. Loss of feedback inhibition via D2 autoreceptors enhances acquisition of cocaine taking and reactivity to drug-paired cues. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 40: 1495-509. PMID 25547712 DOI: 10.1038/Npp.2014.336  0.354
2015 Ramirez MC, Ornstein AM, Luque GM, Perez Millan MI, Garcia-Tornadu I, Rubinstein M, Becu-Villalobos D. Pituitary and brain dopamine D2 receptors regulate liver gene sexual dimorphism. Endocrinology. 156: 1040-51. PMID 25545383 DOI: 10.1210/En.2014-1714  0.353
2015 Rocchetti J, Isingrini E, Dal Bo G, Sagheby S, Menegaux A, Tronche F, Levesque D, Moquin L, Gratton A, Wong TP, Rubinstein M, Giros B. Presynaptic D2 dopamine receptors control long-term depression expression and memory processes in the temporal hippocampus. Biological Psychiatry. 77: 513-25. PMID 24742619 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2014.03.013  0.368
2015 Zhou Y, Rubinstein M, Low MJ, Kreek MJ. Alcohol drinking and related behaviors in hypothalamic-specific Pomc-deficient mice Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 146: e31-e32. DOI: 10.1016/J.Drugalcdep.2014.09.766  0.48
2014 Burke LK, Doslikova B, D'Agostino G, Garfield AS, Farooq G, Burdakov D, Low MJ, Rubinstein M, Evans ML, Billups B, Heisler LK. 5-HT obesity medication efficacy via POMC activation is maintained during aging. Endocrinology. 155: 3732-8. PMID 25051442 DOI: 10.1210/En.2014-1223  0.483
2014 Perez Millan MI, Luque GM, Ramirez MC, Noain D, Ornstein AM, Rubinstein M, Becu-Villalobos D. Selective disruption of dopamine D2 receptors in pituitary lactotropes increases body weight and adiposity in female mice. Endocrinology. 155: 829-39. PMID 24424036 DOI: 10.1210/En.2013-1707  0.442
2013 Domené S, Bumaschny VF, de Souza FS, Franchini LF, Nasif S, Low MJ, Rubinstein M. Enhancer turnover and conserved regulatory function in vertebrate evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 368: 20130027. PMID 24218639 DOI: 10.1098/Rstb.2013.0027  0.587
2013 Noaín D, Pérez-Millán MI, Bello EP, Luque GM, Casas Cordero R, Gelman DM, Peper M, Tornadu IG, Low MJ, Becú-Villalobos D, Rubinstein M. Central dopamine D2 receptors regulate growth-hormone-dependent body growth and pheromone signaling to conspecific males. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 33: 5834-42. PMID 23536095 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.5673-12.2013  0.6
2012 Bumaschny VF, Yamashita M, Casas-Cordero R, Otero-Corchón V, de Souza FS, Rubinstein M, Low MJ. Obesity-programmed mice are rescued by early genetic intervention. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 122: 4203-12. PMID 23093774 DOI: 10.1172/Jci62543  0.541
2012 Franchini LF, de Souza FS, Low MJ, Rubinstein M. Positive selection of co-opted mobile genetic elements in a mammalian gene: If you can't beat them, join them. Mobile Genetic Elements. 2: 106-109. PMID 22934245 DOI: 10.4161/Mge.20267  0.616
2012 González S, Rangel-Barajas C, Peper M, Lorenzo R, Moreno E, Ciruela F, Borycz J, Ortiz J, Lluís C, Franco R, McCormick PJ, Volkow ND, Rubinstein M, Floran B, Ferré S. Dopamine D4 receptor, but not the ADHD-associated D4.7 variant, forms functional heteromers with the dopamine D2S receptor in the brain. Molecular Psychiatry. 17: 650-62. PMID 21844870 DOI: 10.1038/Mp.2011.93  0.429
2011 Franchini LF, López-Leal R, Nasif S, Beati P, Gelman DM, Low MJ, de Souza FJ, Rubinstein M. Convergent evolution of two mammalian neuronal enhancers by sequential exaptation of unrelated retroposons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108: 15270-5. PMID 21876128 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1104997108  0.613
2011 Rubinstein M, Low MJ. The smoking gun in nicotine-induced anorexia. Cell Metabolism. 14: 145-7. PMID 21803282 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cmet.2011.07.006  0.528
2011 Bello EP, Mateo Y, Gelman DM, Noaín D, Shin JH, Low MJ, Alvarez VA, Lovinger DM, Rubinstein M. Cocaine supersensitivity and enhanced motivation for reward in mice lacking dopamine D2 autoreceptors. Nature Neuroscience. 14: 1033-8. PMID 21743470 DOI: 10.1038/Nn.2862  0.659
2011 Lee AK, Smart JL, Rubinstein M, Low MJ, Tse A. Reciprocal regulation of TREK-1 channels by arachidonic acid and CRH in mouse corticotropes. Endocrinology. 152: 1901-10. PMID 21343252 DOI: 10.1210/En.2010-1066  0.633
2011 Franchini LF, López-Leal R, Nasif S, Beati P, Gelman DM, Low MJ, De Souza FJS, Rubinstein M. Convergent evolution of two mammalian neuronal enhancers by sequential exaptation of unrelated retroposons (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2011) 108, 37 (15270-15275)) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108: 20850. DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1119060109  0.521
2010 Michaelides M, Pascau J, Gispert JD, Delis F, Grandy DK, Wang GJ, Desco M, Rubinstein M, Volkow ND, Thanos PK. Dopamine D4 receptors modulate brain metabolic activity in the prefrontal cortex and cerebellum at rest and in response to methylphenidate. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 32: 668-76. PMID 20646063 DOI: 10.1111/J.1460-9568.2010.07319.X  0.421
2010 García-Tornadu I, Risso G, Perez-Millan MI, Noain D, Diaz-Torga G, Low MJ, Rubinstein M, Becu-Villalobos D. Neurotransmitter modulation of the GHRH-GH axis. Frontiers of Hormone Research. 38: 59-69. PMID 20616496 DOI: 10.1159/000318495  0.63
2010 Thanos PK, Bermeo C, Rubinstein M, Suchland KL, Wang GJ, Grandy DK, Volkow ND. Conditioned place preference and locomotor activity in response to methylphenidate, amphetamine and cocaine in mice lacking dopamine D4 receptors. Journal of Psychopharmacology (Oxford, England). 24: 897-904. PMID 19282420 DOI: 10.1177/0269881109102613  0.439
2009 Nemirovsky SI, Avale ME, Brunner D, Rubinstein M. Reward-seeking and discrimination deficits displayed by hypodopaminergic mice are prevented in mice lacking dopamine D4 receptors. Synapse (New York, N.Y.). 63: 991-7. PMID 19598175 DOI: 10.1002/Syn.20680  0.431
2008 Guo C, Qiu HY, Shi M, Huang Y, Johnson RL, Rubinstein M, Chen SD, Ding YQ. Lmx1b-controlled isthmic organizer is essential for development of midbrain dopaminergic neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 28: 14097-106. PMID 19109492 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.3267-08.2008  0.442
2008 Gong L, Yao F, Hockman K, Heng HH, Morton GJ, Takeda K, Akira S, Low MJ, Rubinstein M, MacKenzie RG. Signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 is required in hypothalamic agouti-related protein/neuropeptide Y neurons for normal energy homeostasis. Endocrinology. 149: 3346-54. PMID 18403487 DOI: 10.1210/En.2007-0945  0.625
2008 Kelly MA, Low MJ, Rubinstein M, Phillips TJ. Role of dopamine D1-like receptors in methamphetamine locomotor responses of D2 receptor knockout mice. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. 7: 568-77. PMID 18363855 DOI: 10.1111/J.1601-183X.2008.00392.X  0.66
2007 Santangelo AM, de Souza FS, Franchini LF, Bumaschny VF, Low MJ, Rubinstein M. Ancient exaptation of a CORE-SINE retroposon into a highly conserved mammalian neuronal enhancer of the proopiomelanocortin gene. Plos Genetics. 3: 1813-26. PMID 17922573 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pgen.0030166  0.571
2007 Bumaschny VF, de Souza FS, López Leal RA, Santangelo AM, Baetscher M, Levi DH, Low MJ, Rubinstein M. Transcriptional regulation of pituitary POMC is conserved at the vertebrate extremes despite great promoter sequence divergence. Molecular Endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.). 21: 2738-49. PMID 17698954 DOI: 10.1210/Me.2006-0557  0.565
2007 Wedemeyer C, Goutman JD, Avale ME, Franchini LF, Rubinstein M, Calvo DJ. Functional activation by central monoamines of human dopamine D(4) receptor polymorphic variants coupled to GIRK channels in Xenopus oocytes. European Journal of Pharmacology. 562: 165-73. PMID 17350612 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ejphar.2007.01.055  0.444
2006 Noaín D, Avale ME, Wedemeyer C, Calvo D, Peper M, Rubinstein M. Identification of brain neurons expressing the dopamine D4 receptor gene using BAC transgenic mice. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 24: 2429-38. PMID 17100831 DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2006.05148.x  0.402
2006 García-Tornadú I, Rubinstein M, Gaylinn BD, Hill D, Arany E, Low MJ, Díaz-Torga G, Becu-Villalobos D. GH in the dwarf dopaminergic D2 receptor knockout mouse: somatotrope population, GH release, and responsiveness to GH-releasing factors and somatostatin. The Journal of Endocrinology. 190: 611-9. PMID 17003262 DOI: 10.1677/Joe.1.06902  0.628
2006 Cristina C, García-Tornadú I, Díaz-Torga G, Rubinstein M, Low MJ, Becú-Villalobos D. Dopaminergic D2 receptor knockout mouse: an animal model of prolactinoma. Frontiers of Hormone Research. 35: 50-63. PMID 16809922 DOI: 10.1159/000094308  0.588
2005 Elmer GI, Pieper JO, Levy J, Rubinstein M, Low MJ, Grandy DK, Wise RA. Brain stimulation and morphine reward deficits in dopamine D2 receptor-deficient mice. Psychopharmacology. 182: 33-44. PMID 16136297 DOI: 10.1007/S00213-005-0051-2  0.576
2005 de Souza FS, Bumaschny VF, Low MJ, Rubinstein M. Subfunctionalization of expression and peptide domains following the ancient duplication of the proopiomelanocortin gene in teleost fishes. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 22: 2417-27. PMID 16093565 DOI: 10.1093/Molbev/Msi236  0.482
2005 Thanos PK, Rivera SN, Weaver K, Grandy DK, Rubinstein M, Umegaki H, Wang GJ, Hitzemann R, Volkow ND. Dopamine D2R DNA transfer in dopamine D2 receptor-deficient mice: effects on ethanol drinking. Life Sciences. 77: 130-9. PMID 15862598 DOI: 10.1016/J.Lfs.2004.10.061  0.408
2005 Cristina C, Díaz-Torga G, Baldi A, Góngora A, Rubinstein M, Low MJ, Becú-Villalobos D. Increased pituitary vascular endothelial growth factor-a in dopaminergic D2 receptor knockout female mice. Endocrinology. 146: 2952-62. PMID 15817666 DOI: 10.1210/En.2004-1445  0.595
2005 de Souza FS, Santangelo AM, Bumaschny V, Avale ME, Smart JL, Low MJ, Rubinstein M. Identification of neuronal enhancers of the proopiomelanocortin gene by transgenic mouse analysis and phylogenetic footprinting. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 25: 3076-86. PMID 15798195 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.25.8.3076-3086.2005  0.706
2004 Overstreet LS, Hentges ST, Bumaschny VF, de Souza FS, Smart JL, Santangelo AM, Low MJ, Westbrook GL, Rubinstein M. A transgenic marker for newly born granule cells in dentate gyrus. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 24: 3251-9. PMID 15056704 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.5173-03.2004  0.786
2004 Gan L, Falzone TL, Zhang K, Rubinstein M, Baldessarini RJ, Tarazi FI. Enhanced expression of dopamine D(1) and glutamate NMDA receptors in dopamine D(4) receptor knockout mice. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience : Mn. 22: 167-78. PMID 14997010 DOI: 10.1385/Jmn:22:3:167  0.753
2004 Narayanan S, Lam H, Christian L, Levine MS, Grandy D, Rubinstein M, Maidment NT. Endogenous opioids mediate basal hedonic tone independent of dopamine D-1 or D-2 receptor activation. Neuroscience. 124: 241-6. PMID 14960355 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroscience.2003.11.011  0.464
2004 Avale ME, Falzone TL, Gelman DM, Low MJ, Grandy DK, Rubinstein M. The dopamine D4 receptor is essential for hyperactivity and impaired behavioral inhibition in a mouse model of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Molecular Psychiatry. 9: 718-26. PMID 14699433 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Mp.4001474  0.765
2004 Tomiyama K, McNamara FN, Clifford JJ, Kinsella A, Drago J, Fuchs S, Grandy DK, Low MJ, Rubinstein M, Tighe O, Croke DT, Koshikawa N, Waddington JL. Comparative phenotypic resolution of spontaneous, D2-like and D1-like agonist-induced orofacial movement topographies in congenic mutants with dopamine D2 vs. D3 receptor "knockout". Synapse (New York, N.Y.). 51: 71-81. PMID 14579426 DOI: 10.1002/Syn.10284  0.605
2003 Franchini LF, Rubinstein M, Vivas L. Reduced sodium appetite and increased oxytocin gene expression in mutant mice lacking beta-endorphin. Neuroscience. 121: 875-81. PMID 14580937 DOI: 10.1016/S0306-4522(03)00485-8  0.392
2003 Gelman DM, Noaín D, Avale ME, Otero V, Low MJ, Rubinstein M. Transgenic mice engineered to target Cre/loxP-mediated DNA recombination into catecholaminergic neurons. Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000). 36: 196-202. PMID 12929090 DOI: 10.1002/Gene.10217  0.577
2003 Low MJ, Hayward MD, Appleyard SM, Rubinstein M. State-dependent modulation of feeding behavior by proopiomelanocortin-derived beta-endorphin. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 994: 192-201. PMID 12851316 DOI: 10.1111/J.1749-6632.2003.Tb03180.X  0.574
2003 Heisler LK, Cowley MA, Kishi T, Tecott LH, Fan W, Low MJ, Smart JL, Rubinstein M, Tatro J, Zigman JM, Cone RD, Elmquist JK. Central serotonin and melanocortin pathways regulating energy homeostasis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 994: 169-74. PMID 12851313 DOI: 10.1111/J.1749-6632.2003.Tb03177.X  0.646
2003 Katz JL, Chausmer AL, Elmer GI, Rubinstein M, Low MJ, Grandy DK. Cocaine-induced locomotor activity and cocaine discrimination in dopamine D4 receptor mutant mice. Psychopharmacology. 170: 108-14. PMID 12783155 DOI: 10.1007/S00213-003-1513-Z  0.577
2003 Appleyard SM, Hayward M, Young JI, Butler AA, Cone RD, Rubinstein M, Low MJ. A role for the endogenous opioid beta-endorphin in energy homeostasis. Endocrinology. 144: 1753-60. PMID 12697680 DOI: 10.1210/En.2002-221096  0.557
2003 Ibrahim N, Bosch MA, Smart JL, Qiu J, Rubinstein M, Rønnekleiv OK, Low MJ, Kelly MJ. Hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin neurons are glucose responsive and express K(ATP) channels. Endocrinology. 144: 1331-40. PMID 12639916 DOI: 10.1210/En.2002-221033  0.683
2002 Ensinck JW, Baskin DG, Vahl TP, Vogel RE, Laschansky EC, Francis BH, Hoffman RC, Krakover JD, Stamm MR, Low MJ, Rubinstein M, Otero-Corchon V, D'Alessio DA. Thrittene, Homologous with Somatostatin-28(1-13), Is a Novel Peptide in Mammalian Gut and Circulation. Endocrinology. 143: 2599-2609. PMID 28201530 DOI: 10.1210/endo.143.7.8904  0.414
2002 Refojo D, Kovalovsky D, Young JI, Rubinstein M, Holsboer F, Reul JM, Low MJ, Arzt E. Increased splenocyte proliferative response and cytokine production in beta-endorphin-deficient mice. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 131: 126-34. PMID 12458044 DOI: 10.1016/S0165-5728(02)00268-0  0.476
2002 Thanos PK, Taintor NB, Alexoff D, Vaska P, Logan J, Grandy DK, Fang Y, Lee JH, Fowler JS, Volkow ND, Rubinstein M. In vivo comparative imaging of dopamine D2 knockout and wild-type mice with (11)C-raclopride and microPET. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 43: 1570-7. PMID 12411561  0.33
2002 Chausmer AL, Elmer GI, Rubinstein M, Low MJ, Grandy DK, Katz JL. Cocaine-induced locomotor activity and cocaine discrimination in dopamine D2 receptor mutant mice. Psychopharmacology. 163: 54-61. PMID 12185400 DOI: 10.1007/s00213-002-1142-y  0.558
2002 Ramírez JL, Mouchantaf R, Kumar U, Otero Corchon V, Rubinstein M, Low MJ, Patel YC. Brain somatostatin receptors are up-regulated in somatostatin-deficient mice. Molecular Endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.). 16: 1951-63. PMID 12145348 DOI: 10.1210/Me.2002-0068  0.607
2002 Heisler LK, Cowley MA, Tecott LH, Fan W, Low MJ, Smart JL, Rubinstein M, Tatro JB, Marcus JN, Holstege H, Lee CE, Cone RD, Elmquist JK. Activation of central melanocortin pathways by fenfluramine. Science (New York, N.Y.). 297: 609-11. PMID 12142539 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1072327  0.659
2002 Li X, Bek M, Asico LD, Yang Z, Rubinstein M, Grandy DK, Goldstein DS, Eisner GM, Jose PA. [Disruption of the D(2) dopamine receptor produces adrenergic and endothelin B receptor-dependent hypertension]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 82: 703-7. PMID 12133472  0.336
2002 Ensinck JW, Baskin DG, Vahl TP, Vogel RE, Laschansky EC, Francis BH, Hoffman RC, Krakover JD, Stamm MR, Low MJ, Rubinstein M, Otero-Corchon V, D'Alessio DA. Thrittene, homologous with somatostatin-28((1-13)), is a novel peptide in mammalian gut and circulation. Endocrinology. 143: 2599-609. PMID 12072392 DOI: 10.1210/Endo.143.7.8904  0.542
2002 Elmer GI, Pieper JO, Rubinstein M, Low MJ, Grandy DK, Wise RA. Failure of intravenous morphine to serve as an effective instrumental reinforcer in dopamine D2 receptor knock-out mice. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 22: RC224. PMID 12006606  0.584
2002 Díaz-Torga G, Feierstein C, Libertun C, Gelman D, Kelly MA, Low MJ, Rubinstein M, Becú-Villalobos D. Disruption of the D2 dopamine receptor alters GH and IGF-I secretion and causes dwarfism in male mice. Endocrinology. 143: 1270-9. PMID 11897683 DOI: 10.1210/Endo.143.4.8750  0.58
2002 Nir I, Harrison JM, Haque R, Low MJ, Grandy DK, Rubinstein M, Iuvone PM. Dysfunctional light-evoked regulation of cAMP in photoreceptors and abnormal retinal adaptation in mice lacking dopamine D4 receptors. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 22: 2063-73. PMID 11896146 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.22-06-02063.2002  0.634
2002 Falzone TL, Gelman DM, Young JI, Grandy DK, Low MJ, Rubinstein M. Absence of dopamine D4 receptors results in enhanced reactivity to unconditioned, but not conditioned, fear. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 15: 158-64. PMID 11860516 DOI: 10.1046/J.0953-816X.2001.01842.X  0.793
2002 Buckmaster PS, Otero-Corchón V, Rubinstein M, Low MJ. Heightened seizure severity in somatostatin knockout mice. Epilepsy Research. 48: 43-56. PMID 11823109 DOI: 10.1016/S0920-1211(01)00318-7  0.55
2001 Li XX, Bek M, Asico LD, Yang Z, Grandy DK, Goldstein DS, Rubinstein M, Eisner GM, Jose PA. Adrenergic and endothelin B receptor-dependent hypertension in dopamine receptor type-2 knockout mice. Hypertension. 38: 303-8. PMID 11566895 DOI: 10.1161/01.Hyp.38.3.303  0.356
2001 Clifford JJ, Kinsella A, Tighe O, Rubinstein M, Grandy DK, Low MJ, Croke DT, Waddington JL. Comparative, topographically-based evaluation of behavioural phenotype and specification of D(1)-like:D(2) interactions in a line of incipient congenic mice with D(2) dopamine receptor 'knockout'. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 25: 527-36. PMID 11557166 DOI: 10.1016/S0893-133X(01)00246-9  0.64
2001 Low MJ, Otero-Corchon V, Parlow AF, Ramirez JL, Kumar U, Patel YC, Rubinstein M. Somatostatin is required for masculinization of growth hormone-regulated hepatic gene expression but not of somatic growth. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 107: 1571-80. PMID 11413165 DOI: 10.1172/Jci11941  0.561
2001 Cowley MA, Smart JL, Rubinstein M, Cerdán MG, Diano S, Horvath TL, Cone RD, Low MJ. Leptin activates anorexigenic POMC neurons through a neural network in the arcuate nucleus. Nature. 411: 480-4. PMID 11373681 DOI: 10.1038/35078085  0.701
2001 Rubinstein M, Cepeda C, Hurst RS, Flores-Hernandez J, Ariano MA, Falzone TL, Kozell LB, Meshul CK, Bunzow JR, Low MJ, Levine MS, Grandy DK. Dopamine D4 receptor-deficient mice display cortical hyperexcitability. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 21: 3756-63. PMID 11356863 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.21-11-03756.2001  0.804
2001 Dockstader CL, Rubinstein M, Grandy DK, Low MJ, van der Kooy D. The D2 receptor is critical in mediating opiate motivation only in opiate-dependent and withdrawn mice. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 13: 995-1001. PMID 11264672 DOI: 10.1046/J.1460-9568.2001.01455.X  0.646
2001 Chen JF, Moratalla R, Impagnatiello F, Grandy DK, Cuellar B, Rubinstein M, Beilstein MA, Hackett E, Fink JS, Low MJ, Ongini E, Schwarzschild MA. The role of the D(2) dopamine receptor (D(2)R) in A(2A) adenosine receptor (A(2A)R)-mediated behavioral and cellular responses as revealed by A(2A) and D(2) receptor knockout mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98: 1970-5. PMID 11172060 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.98.4.1970  0.569
2001 Khan ZU, Koulen P, Rubinstein M, Grandy DK, Goldman-Rakic PS. An astroglia-linked dopamine D2-receptor action in prefrontal cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98: 1964-9. PMID 11172059 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.98.4.1964  0.448
2001 Cepeda C, Hurst RS, Altemus KL, Flores-Hernández J, Calvert CR, Jokel ES, Grandy DK, Low MJ, Rubinstein M, Ariano MA, Levine MS. Facilitated glutamatergic transmission in the striatum of D2 dopamine receptor-deficient mice. Journal of Neurophysiology. 85: 659-70. PMID 11160501 DOI: 10.1152/Jn.2001.85.2.659  0.66
2000 Cunningham CL, Howard MA, Gill SJ, Rubinstein M, Low MJ, Grandy DK. Ethanol-conditioned place preference is reduced in dopamine D2 receptor-deficient mice. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 67: 693-9. PMID 11166059 DOI: 10.1016/S0091-3057(00)00414-7  0.621
2000 Mogil JS, Grisel JE, Hayward MD, Bales JR, Rubinstein M, Belknap JK, Low MJ. Disparate spinal and supraspinal opioid antinociceptive responses in beta-endorphin-deficient mutant mice. Neuroscience. 101: 709-17. PMID 11113319 DOI: 10.1016/S0306-4522(00)00422-X  0.517
2000 Risinger FO, Freeman PA, Rubinstein M, Low MJ, Grandy DK. Lack of operant ethanol self-administration in dopamine D2 receptor knockout mice. Psychopharmacology. 152: 343-50. PMID 11105945 DOI: 10.1007/S002130000548  0.536
2000 Tseng KY, Roubert C, Do L, Rubinstein M, Kelly MA, Grandy DK, Low MJ, Gershanik OS, Murer MG, Giros B, Raisman-Vozari R. Selective increase of Nurr1 mRNA expression in mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons of D2 dopamine receptor-deficient mice. Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research. 80: 1-6. PMID 11039723 DOI: 10.1016/S0169-328X(00)00107-8  0.779
2000 Murer MG, Dziewczapolski G, Salin P, Vila M, Tseng KY, Ruberg M, Rubinstein M, Kelly MA, Grandy DK, Low MJ, Hirsch E, Raisman-Vozari R, Gershanik O. The indirect basal ganglia pathway in dopamine D(2) receptor-deficient mice. Neuroscience. 99: 643-50. PMID 10974427 DOI: 10.1016/S0306-4522(00)00223-2  0.824
2000 Zahniser NR, Simosky JK, Mayfield RD, Negri CA, Hanania T, Larson GA, Kelly MA, Grandy DK, Rubinstein M, Low MJ, Fredholm BB. Functional uncoupling of adenosine A(2A) receptors and reduced responseto caffeine in mice lacking dopamine D2 receptors. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 20: 5949-57. PMID 10934242 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.20-16-05949.2000  0.599
2000 Defagot MC, Falzone TL, Low MJ, Grandy DK, Rubinstein M, Antonelli MC. Quantitative analysis of the dopamine D4 receptor in the mouse brain. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 59: 202-8. PMID 10650878 DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1097-4547(20000115)59:2<202::Aid-Jnr6>3.0.Co;2-5  0.768
1999 Menalled LB, Dziewczapolski G, Garcia MC, Rubinstein M, Gershanik OS. D3 receptor knockdown through antisense oligonucleotide administration supports its inhibitory role in locomotion. Neuroreport. 10: 3131-6. PMID 10574548 DOI: 10.1097/00001756-199910190-00002  0.809
1999 Grisel JE, Mogil JS, Grahame NJ, Rubinstein M, Belknap JK, Crabbe JC, Low MJ. Ethanol oral self-administration is increased in mutant mice with decreased beta-endorphin expression. Brain Research. 835: 62-7. PMID 10448196 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(99)01384-0  0.574
1999 Ralph RJ, Varty GB, Kelly MA, Wang YM, Caron MG, Rubinstein M, Grandy DK, Low MJ, Geyer MA. The dopamine D2, but not D3 or D4, receptor subtype is essential for the disruption of prepulse inhibition produced by amphetamine in mice. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 19: 4627-33. PMID 10341260 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.19-11-04627.1999  0.645
1999 Wilke RA, Lupardus PJ, Grandy DK, Rubinstein M, Low MJ, Jackson MB. K+ channel modulation in rodent neurohypophysial nerve terminals by sigma receptors and not by dopamine receptors. The Journal of Physiology. 517: 391-406. PMID 10332090 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-7793.1999.00391.X  0.602
1999 Dickinson SD, Sabeti J, Larson GA, Giardina K, Rubinstein M, Kelly MA, Grandy DK, Low MJ, Gerhardt GA, Zahniser NR. Dopamine D2 receptor-deficient mice exhibit decreased dopamine transporter function but no changes in dopamine release in dorsal striatum. Journal of Neurochemistry. 72: 148-56. PMID 9886065 DOI: 10.1046/J.1471-4159.1999.0720148.X  0.654
1998 Phillips TJ, Brown KJ, Burkhart-Kasch S, Wenger CD, Kelly MA, Rubinstein M, Grandy DK, Low MJ. Alcohol preference and sensitivity are markedly reduced in mice lacking dopamine D2 receptors. Nature Neuroscience. 1: 610-5. PMID 10196569 DOI: 10.1038/2843  0.63
1998 Low MJ, Kelly MA, Rubinstein M, Grandy DK. Single genes and complex phenotypes. Molecular Psychiatry. 3: 373-7. PMID 9774768 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Mp.4000455  0.605
1998 Young JI, Otero V, Cerdán MG, Falzone TL, Chan EC, Low MJ, Rubinstein M. Authentic cell-specific and developmentally regulated expression of pro-opiomelanocortin genomic fragments in hypothalamic and hindbrain neurons of transgenic mice. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 18: 6631-40. PMID 9712635 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.18-17-06631.1998  0.787
1998 Dziewczapolski G, Menalled LB, García MC, Mora MA, Gershanik OS, Rubinstein M. Opposite roles of D1 and D5 dopamine receptors in locomotion revealed by selective antisense oligonucleotides. Neuroreport. 9: 1-5. PMID 9592037 DOI: 10.1097/00001756-199801050-00001  0.803
1998 Kelly MA, Rubinstein M, Phillips TJ, Lessov CN, Burkhart-Kasch S, Zhang G, Bunzow JR, Fang Y, Gerhardt GA, Grandy DK, Low MJ. Locomotor activity in D2 dopamine receptor-deficient mice is determined by gene dosage, genetic background, and developmental adaptations. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 18: 3470-9. PMID 9547254 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.18-09-03470.1998  0.661
1998 Cerdán MG, Young JI, Zino E, Falzone TL, Otero V, Torres HN, Rubinstein M. Accurate spatial and temporal transgene expression driven by a 3.8-kilobase promoter of the bovine beta-casein gene in the lactating mouse mammary gland. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 49: 236-45. PMID 9491375 DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1098-2795(199803)49:3<236::Aid-Mrd3>3.0.Co;2-P  0.713
1998 Low M, Rubinstein M, Kelly M, Phillips T, Grandy D. 263. Altered behavior in dopamine D2 and D4 receptor gene knockout mice Biological Psychiatry. 43: S79. DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3223(98)90711-9  0.651
1998 Low MJ, Kelly MA, Rubinstein M, Grandy DK. Single genes and complex phenotypes Molecular Psychiatry. 3: 375-377.  0.429
1998 Phillips TJ, Brown KJ, Burkhart-Kasch S, Wenger CD, Kelly MA, Rubinstein M, Grandy DK, Low MJ. Alcohol preference and sensitivity are markedly reduced in mice lacking dopamine D2 receptors Molecular Cell. 1: 610-615.  0.338
1997 Rubinstein M, Phillips TJ, Bunzow JR, Falzone TL, Dziewczapolski G, Zhang G, Fang Y, Larson JL, McDougall JA, Chester JA, Saez C, Pugsley TA, Gershanik O, Low MJ, Grandy DK. Mice lacking dopamine D4 receptors are supersensitive to ethanol, cocaine, and methamphetamine. Cell. 90: 991-1001. PMID 9323127 DOI: 10.1016/S0092-8674(00)80365-7  0.807
1997 Kelly MA, Rubinstein M, Asa SL, Zhang G, Saez C, Bunzow JR, Allen RG, Hnasko R, Ben-Jonathan N, Grandy DK, Low MJ. Pituitary lactotroph hyperplasia and chronic hyperprolactinemia in dopamine D2 receptor-deficient mice. Neuron. 19: 103-13. PMID 9247267 DOI: 10.1016/S0896-6273(00)80351-7  0.67
1997 Dziewczapolski G, Mora MA, Menalled LB, Stéfano FJ, Rubinstein M, Gershanik OS. Threshold of dopamine content and D1 receptor stimulation necessary for the expression of rotational behavior induced by D2 receptor stimulation under normo and supersensitive conditions. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology. 355: 30-5. PMID 9007839 DOI: 10.1007/Pl00004914  0.802
1996 Rubinstein M, Mogil JS, Japón M, Chan EC, Allen RG, Low MJ. Absence of opioid stress-induced analgesia in mice lacking beta-endorphin by site-directed mutagenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 93: 3995-4000. PMID 8633004 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.93.9.3995  0.584
1994 Japón MA, Rubinstein M, Low MJ. In situ hybridization analysis of anterior pituitary hormone gene expression during fetal mouse development. The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry : Official Journal of the Histochemistry Society. 42: 1117-25. PMID 8027530 DOI: 10.1177/42.8.8027530  0.527
1993 Rubinstein M, Japón MA, Low MJ. Introduction of a point mutation into the mouse genome by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells using a replacement type vector with a selectable marker. Nucleic Acids Research. 21: 2613-7. PMID 8392702 DOI: 10.1093/Nar/21.11.2613  0.46
1993 Rubinstein M, Mortrud M, Liu B, Low MJ. Rat and mouse proopiomelanocortin gene sequences target tissue-specific expression to the pituitary gland but not to the hypothalamus of transgenic mice. Neuroendocrinology. 58: 373-80. PMID 8284022 DOI: 10.1159/000126566  0.609
1993 Low MJ, Liu B, Hammer GD, Rubinstein M, Allen RG. Post-translational processing of proopiomelanocortin (POMC) in mouse pituitary melanotroph tumors induced by a POMC-simian virus 40 large T antigen transgene. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 268: 24967-75. PMID 8227058  0.486
1992 Rubinstein M, Liu B, Goodman RH, Low MJ. Targeted expression of somatostatin in vasopressinergic magnocellular hypothalamic neurons of transgenic mice. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. 3: 152-61. PMID 19912855 DOI: 10.1016/1044-7431(92)90019-X  0.718
1992 Liu B, Hammer GD, Rubinstein M, Mortrud M, Low MJ. Identification of DNA elements cooperatively activating proopiomelanocortin gene expression in the pituitary glands of transgenic mice. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 12: 3978-90. PMID 1508198 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.12.9.3978  0.571
1990 Rubinstein M, Muschietti JP, Gershanik O, Flawia MM, Stefano FJ. Adaptive mechanisms of striatal D1 and D2 dopamine receptors in response to a prolonged reserpine treatment in mice. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 252: 810-6. PMID 2138223  0.663
1989 Rubinstein M, Schinder AF, Gershanik O, Stefano FJ. Positive interaction between alpha-1 adrenergic and dopamine-2 receptors in locomotor activity of normo and supersensitive mice. Life Sciences. 44: 337-46. PMID 2536881 DOI: 10.1016/0024-3205(89)90227-0  0.641
1989 Gershanik OS, Rubinstein M, Stefano F. Inhibitory action of L-dopa. Neurology. 39: 1137. PMID 2527340 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.39.8.1137-A  0.543
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