University of Georgia, Athens

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Candace Crowell (Hargons) Human Counseling and Services Rosemary E. Phelps (grad student)
Adrian S. AbelkopClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2001 Randy W. Kamphaus (grad student)
Kenneth P. AbleSpatial behavior, Animal Navigation1971 Sidney A. Gauthreaux (grad student)
Henry AdamsBehavioral Assessment & Treatment
Janice F. AdamsExperimental Psychology Psychology19801984 William B. Pavlik (grad student)
Christopher R. AkersHigher Education, Guidance and Counseling Education2007 Diane L. Cooper (grad student)
Joseph D. Allen
Ina Allison1992 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Benjamin J. Alper Biochemistry and Molecular Biology20052009 Walter K. Schmidt (grad student)
Michael T. AmlungCognitive Neuroscience, Addiction, Schizophrenia, Exectutive Control, Eye Movements James MacKillop (grad student)
Maria H. Anastasiadesmindfulness, healthcare providers, behavioral health, severe mental illness, cardiac psychology Dorian A. Lamis (grad student)
Page AndersonClinical Psychology, Black Studies, African American Studies Psychology1998 Steven R. H. Beach (grad student)
Thomas Artelt Social Work2005 Bruce A. Thyer (grad student)
Jennifer L. AxelrodNutrients and body weight regulation2000 Roy P. Martin (grad student)
Amy A. BadalAdult and Continuing Education, Industrial Education2000 Diane L. Cooper (grad student)
Willie L. BanksHigher Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies, African American Studies, Developmental Psychology2008 Diane L. Cooper (grad student)
Claudia Barroso Psychology2003 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Steven R. H. BeachEpigenetics, Marital and Family processes, marital discord, depression and anxiety in close relationships, self-processes in relationships
Kendra Rosamond Becker (Davis)Eating pathology and personality
Robert B. Beckstead
Brittany M. Berger2017 Walter K. Schmidt (grad student)
Peter BertotSpecial Education, Higher Education, Clinical Psychology2001 Noel Gregg (grad student)
Adam J. Bewick Genetics Ben J Evans (grad student)
Dionnet L. BhattiMotivated behavior, Neural Circuits, Neuromodulators Neuroscience20142015 Philip V. Holmes (research assistant)
Patrick BordnickSocial Work, General Psychology, Mental Health Social Work1995 Bruce A. Thyer (grad student)
Emily Renee Boviernutrition and sensory psychology Billy Randy Hammond (grad student)
Jeff Boyd Psychology1992 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Bridget E. BoyleCognitive Psychology, Industrial Psychology2001 Gary J. Launtenschlager (grad student)
Gene A. BrewerCognitive, Experimental, Human Memory
Brian E. BrideSocial Work, Psychometrics Psychology2001 Margaret M. Robinson (grad student)
Lindsay BriggsFacial expression recognition, Sex differences, Mimicry, Embodied cognition
Timothy Brigham Brett A. Clementz (grad student)
James M. BrownVisual Perception, Attention
Katherine BruceAnimal behavior, comparative cognition Dan Estep (grad student)
Amy B. Brunellnarcissism Psychology20022007 W. Keith Campbell (grad student)
John H.D. BryanSpermatogenesis and cytological studies
Bradford N. BunnellPhysiological Psychology
Matty F. ButrynHuman Aggression2000 Amos Zeichner (grad student)
Karen S. CalhounClinical Psychology
Georgia B. Calhoun John Dagley (grad student)
Tamora A. Callands
W. Keith Campbell
Linda F Campbell
Amanda L. CaravalhoSelf-esteem, exercise
Martha CarrPersonality Psychology, Reading Education, Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
Dorothy Carrillo Social Work1993 Bruce A. Thyer (grad student)
David A. CharakPersonality Psychology, Reading Education, Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2000 Martha Carr (grad student)
Jason K. Clarksynaptic plasticity, dopamine, cocaine John J. Wagner (grad student)
Deborah J. CleggNutrients and body weight regulation2000 Roy P. Martin (grad student)
Brett A. Clementz
Amanda B. Clintonpediatric neuropsychology, learning disabilities, neuroimaging2001 George Hynd (grad student)
Amy M. CohnAddiction, Mental Health, and Violence Amos Zeichner (grad student)
Gail A. Cole-AventHigher Education, Administration Education2008 Diane L. Cooper (grad student)
Brian G CondieImmune system development, gene editing.
Clare M. ConnellReading Education, Educational Psychology Education, Social Sciences Education2000 Cynthia R. Hynd (grad student)
Diane L. CooperHigher Education, Developmental Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education
Lisa Cooper1998 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
William R. CorbinClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology19941999 Lily D. McNair (grad student)
Christopher M CornwellApplied Econometrics, Labor Economics, Economics of Education
Ryan Couillou Georgia B. Calhoun (grad student)
James B. CrabbeMental Health, Neuroscience Biology, Psychobiology Psychology2001 Rod K. Dishman (grad student)
Jessica CrastPrimatology, animal behavior Dorothy Fragaszy (grad student)
Deborah Crowe1982 Roy P. Martin (grad student)
Mary A. Crowe-TaylorOrganization Theory, Organizational Applied Psychology2013 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Sharon Crowell-DavisBehavioral Psychology
Anna C. CrowleyIndustrial Psychology, Management Business Administration2000 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Scott Cunninghameconomics; sex work; abortion; mental healthcare; causal inference Economics20022007 Christopher M Cornwell (grad student)
Mark F. DaddonaHigher Education, Guidance and Counseling Education2000 Diane L. Cooper (grad student)
John DattiloRecreation, Clinical Psychology
Stephenie DaviesClinical Psychology2000 Joan L. Jackson (grad student)
Molly Faye DavisChild socioemotional development
Brenda K. Davis2000 Richard L. Marsh (grad student)
Claire de La SerreIngestive behavior, gut-brain axis, microbiota
Amanda B. DegelsmithNutrients and body weight regulation2000 Roy P. Martin (grad student)
Melissa J. Denglervisual perception in infancy, macular pigment2009 Janet Frick (grad student), Billy Randy Hammond (grad student)
Rod K. DishmanMental Health, Neuroscience Biology, Psychobiology Psychology
Danny Dixon Social Work1997 Bruce A. Thyer (grad student)
Stefan C. DombrowskiNutrients and body weight regulation2000 Roy P. Martin (grad student)
Shane S. DouthittIndustrial Psychology, Personality Psychology2000 Lillian Turner Eby (grad student)
Jacqueline Dzau Brett A. Clementz (grad student)
Lorrina Eastman Psychology1996 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Lillian Turner EbyIndustrial Psychology, Black Studies
Gaylen L. EdwardsNeuroscience Biology
Katherine B. EhrlichDevelopmental/Health Psychology
Michael EnglesOcular Nutrition, Visual perception, Ecological Vision Billy Randy Hammond (grad student), Jose E. Nanez Sr. (grad student)
Dan EstepAnimal Behavior
Joseph L. Etherton1999 Steven R. H. Beach (grad student)
Lauren EthridgeFragile X20062012 Brett A. Clementz (grad student)
Sarah Stanley Fallaw Psychology2003 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Michelle Falter
Robert H. Farber Brett A. Clementz (grad student)
Sarah FarmerDevelopmental psychology, Face perception, Evolutionary psychology
Micheal S. FerraraCognitive Psychology
Lauren Few Psychology Joshua D. Miller (grad student)
Stuart ForsHealth Education, Women's Studies, Nutrition, Clinical Psychology, Mass Communications
Mark Foster Psychology1995 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Dorothy FragaszyPrimatology, animal behavior
James L. FranklinNeuronal Apoptosis
Jami L. FrazeHealth Education, Women's Studies, Nutrition, Clinical Psychology, Mass Communications2000 Stuart Fors (grad student)
Janet Frickinfant attention Psychology19901996 John Colombo (grad student)
Hannah Fulenwider2015 Jesse R. Schank (grad student)
Joan R. FunkSocial Work, Higher Education2007 Margaret M. Robinson (grad student)
Roni S. FunkSocial Work, Women's Studies, Clinical Psychology2005 Nancy P. Kropf (grad student)
Anthony Galuhn Brett A. Clementz (grad student)
Yuan Gao Brett A. Clementz (grad student)
Eric Gaughan Psychology Joshua D. Miller (grad student)
David C. GaviskEducational Psychology Education, Reading Education, Cognitive Psychology2000 Paula J. Schwanenflugel (grad student)
Mark Gebert1983 Roy P. Martin (grad student)
Peter Richard GiancolaAlcohol mediated Aggression Amos Zeichner (grad student)
Erin M Giglio Genetics20102012 Kelly A. Dyer (research assistant)
Casey S. GilmorePsychology, Electroencephalography, Cognitive Psychology Brett A. Clementz (grad student)
Shawn GlynnEducational Psychology Education, Sciences Education, Teacher Training Education
Sandra N GomezLatinx Populations; Ethnic Identity Development; Career Development; Sense of Community Counseling Psychology2017 Edward A. Delgado-Romero (research assistant)
Yasuyuki Gondo Public Health, and Psychology Leonard W. Poon (post-doc)
Tynessa L. Gordon
Barbara A. GoreIndustrial Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2000 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Harold H. Greene Psychology James M. Brown (grad student)
Keegan Greenier1995 Michael Kernis (grad student)
Noel GreggSpecial Education, Higher Education, Clinical Psychology
Janice S. GriffithsMarketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2000 Rajiv Grover (grad student)
Rajiv GroverMarketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Jessica L. Groves-ChapmanNeuroprotection, neurogenesis
Chris Gunterhuman genetics, science communication Genetics19911992 Wyatt Anderson (research assistant)
Knut HagtvetTests and Measurements Education, Educational Psychology Education
Jordan P. HammNeural circuits, Schizophrenia, calcium imaging, interneurons, Electroencephalography, Magnetoencephalography
Sherri B. Hammondself-administration, cocaine John J. Wagner (grad student)
Billy Randy HammondVisual System
Ashley Johnson Harrison
Nancy M. HatcherEducational Psychology Education2000 Randy W. Kamphaus (grad student)
Orvil R. HauseIndustrial Psychology, Management Business Administration2000 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Richard L. Hayes
Janet Hecht Psychology2005 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Stephanie HerrlingerNeurodevelopment, Neuropsychiatry
Jason L. HicksEpisodic memory; prospective memory; source memory; recognition memory; false memory Psychology19931998 Richard L. Marsh (grad student)
Donna L. HightHigher Education, Developmental Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education2004 Diane L. Cooper (grad student)
James Holbrook1982 Roy P. Martin (grad student)
Philip V. Holmes
Carl J. HuberyEducational Psychology Education
Matthew Hudgens-Haney20102017 Brett A. Clementz (grad student)
Cynthia R. HyndReading Education, Educational Psychology Education, Social Sciences Education
George Hyndpediatric neuropsychology, learning disabilities, neuroimaging
Walter IsaacArousal Theory & Experimental Neuropsychology
Adam J.
Adam J.
Joan L. JacksonClinical Psychology
William Thomas JamesComparative Psycholoy, animal behavior, learning
Josephine M. JohnsMaternal behavior, neuroteratology, drug and alcohol abuse1988 Lelon J. Peacock (grad student)
Cecil D. JohnsonIndustrial Psychology, Black Studies2001 Lillian Turner Eby (grad student)
Deborah Jean Jones2000 Steven R. H. Beach (grad student)
William W. Jones2000 Roy P. Martin (grad student)
Ryan JordanDevelopmental psychology, Symbolic understanding
Randy W. KamphausClinical Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
Brandon Yong Kangteams, artificial intelligence, selection/assessment
Lakshmi Kelamangalathneuroscience John J. Wagner (grad student)
Madhu Keralapurathsynaptic plasticity, dopamine, cocaine John J. Wagner (grad student)
Michelle Y. KibbyGeneral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2001 George Hynd (post-doc)
Sooyeon KimEducational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology2000 Knut Hagtvet (grad student)
Seonil Kimneurodegeneration, Alzheimer's disease, Autophagy Cellular Biology20042005 Walter K. Schmidt (grad student)
Haeun J. Kim Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2018 Walter K. Schmidt (grad student)
Hyun Woo Kim
Whitney KnightDevelopmental psychology, Facial identity recognition, Social rejection
Deborah F. KnightSpecial Education, Reading Education, Higher Education2000 Noel Gregg (grad student)
Justin Knight Brett A. Clementz (grad student)
Eileen Kraemer
Kristin Krebs Brett A. Clementz (grad student)
Ranjith Krishnankutty Biochemistry and Molecular Biology20072009 Walter K. Schmidt (grad student)
Nancy P. KropfSocial Work, Women's Studies, Clinical Psychology
Sayali Kukday Biochemistry and Molecular Biology20082012 Walter K. Schmidt (grad student)
Charley W. Lafe
Dorian A. Lamissuicide, bipolar disorder
Charles E. LanceIndustrial Psychology
Rufus Larkin Social Work1998 Bruce A. Thyer (grad student)
James D. Lauderdale John Y. Kuwada (post-doc)
Gary J. LauntenschlagerCognitive Psychology, Industrial Psychology
Gary Lautenschlager
John H. Lawinsect biochemistry, protein structure and function, lipid metabolism, animal pigmentation, pathogenic fungal infections, orchid biology, and metal ion metabolism
David LeavensAnimal Cognition, Cognitive Development, Communication, Comparative psychology, Developmental psychology, Evolution of language, Experimental psychology, Gestures, Observational methods, Pointing2001 Roger K. Thomas (grad student)
I-Chieh Lee
P. Andrew Leynes Richard L. Marsh (grad student), Joseph D. Allen (post-doc)
Jan Ligon Social Work1997 Bruce A. Thyer (grad student)
Jiaying Liu
Michael C. LoftinHuman Aggression2001 Amos Zeichner (grad student)
Kristi K Logan
Kristin A. LoisellePediatric Health Psychology
Tyler S. LorigOlfaction, physiological testing, EEG analysis19781983 Walter Isaac (grad student)
Laura Lu Psychology Zhiyong Zhang (grad student)
Kristen A. LuscherClinical Psychology2001 Karen S. Calhoun (grad student)
Sarah M. LyleDevelopmental Psychology; Health Psychology; Neuroscience Psychology Katherine B. Ehrlich (grad student)
Zhongyao Ma Genetics Brian G Condie (grad student)
James MacKillop
Robert P. MahanCognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Nutrition, Health Education
Madhur MangalamMotor control; Movement biomechanics; Perception & Action; Tool use Department of Psychology Department of Psychology Department of Kinesiology20172018 Dorothy Fragaszy (grad student), Karl M. Newell (grad student), Tarkeshwar Singh (collaborator)
Carol L. ManligasIndustrial Psychology, Business Education, Industrial Education2000 Robert P. Mahan (grad student)
Richard L. Marsh
Roy P. MartinNutrients and body weight regulation
Ann Jago Mauer Psychology1994 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
David L. MayfieldIndustrial Psychology2000 Charles E. Lance (grad student)
Robert J. McCaffreyClinical Neuropsychology Walter Isaac (grad student)
Laura K. McCormickHealth Education, Public Health, Clinical Psychology
Kevin K. McCullySkeletal muscle physiology
Jennifer E. McDowell Brett A. Clementz (grad student)
Joshua Thomas McMains(fMRI, addiction, early life adversity) Psychology Psychology Human Development and Family Sciences Communication Studies20192024 Lawrence H. Sweet (grad student), Lawrence H. Sweet (research assistant), Assaf Oshri (collaborator), Jiaying Liu (collaborator)
Lily D. McNairClinical Psychology
Adam W. MeadePsychometrics Psychology, Industrial Psychology Psychology Gary Lautenschlager (grad student)
Sharan B. MerriamAdult and Continuing Education, Educational Psychology Education, General Psychology
Brian Rounds MetcalfDrug discrimination, chaos theory, schedule induced polydipisia, Time Perspective Theory/Therapy, Heroism19891999 Joseph D. Allen (grad student), William Thomas James (grad student)
Gary W. Millerdopamine, Parkinsons disease1995 Rick G. Schnellmann (grad student)
Carlin J. MillerADHD, impulse control, personality George Hynd (grad student)
Joshua D. Millerpersonality, personality disorder, antisocial behavior
William L. MillerOceanography, photochemistry, trace element cycles
David Z. Mokry Biochemistry and Molecular Biology20052010 Walter K. Schmidt (grad student)
Amy Montagliani Psychology2003 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Diana M. MorelenChild Clinical Psychology Anne E. Shaffer (grad student)
Deanna L. MorganTests and Measurements Education, Educational Psychology Education2001 Knut Hagtvet (grad student)
Martin Mrazikpediatric neuropsychology, learning disabilities, neuroimaging2001 George Hynd (grad student)
Michael D. MumfordIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology William ("Doc") A. Owens (grad student)
Patrick S Murray Psychology20072010 Philip V. Holmes (grad student)
Kristen J. NavaraSex Differentiation, Maternal Effects
Sadie E NennigAddiction, Alcoholism, Neuroinflammation Physiology/Pharmacology2014 Jesse R. Schank (grad student)
Jacqueline A. NewboldSocial psychology, culture, well-being, autonomy Psychology20132018 Leonard L. Martin (grad student)
Marilyn NewhoffSpeech Pathology, Cognitive Psychology
Kathleen M. Nielsenpediatric neuropsychology, learning disabilities, neuroimaging2000 George Hynd (grad student)
Thomas Novak
Kevin John O'BrienVision20092009 Michael Engles (research assistant), Billy Randy Hammond (grad student)
Deborah A. Otto SundermanNutrients and body weight regulation2000 Roy P. Martin (grad student)
William ("Doc") A. Owens
Matheus M Pachecomotor control, motor learning, motor development Department of Kinesiology Department of Kinesiology Department of Kinesiology Department of Kinesiology Department of Kinesiology Karl M. Newell (grad student), I-Chieh Lee (collaborator), Charley W. Lafe (collaborator), F. Martijn Verhoeven (collaborator), Thomas Novak (collaborator)
Helen Palmer Psychology1992 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Ramona M. PaniciGuidance and Counseling Education, Developmental Psychology, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2001 Richard L. Hayes (grad student)
Nita A. ParisEducational Psychology Education, Sciences Education, Teacher Training Education2000 Shawn Glynn (grad student)
Emily M. Parker Brett A. Clementz (research assistant)
William B. PavlikPavlovian Conditioning Kenneth W. Spence (grad student), Janet Taylor Spence (grad student)
Martha D. PetoskeyEducational Psychology Education2000 Randy W. Kamphaus (grad student)
Austin Drew Piersoncounseling psychology, clinical psychology, personality development, personality assessment, personality disorders, psychodynamic psychology Counseling Psychology2019 Linda F Campbell (grad student)
Gerald Polk Social Work1997 Bruce A. Thyer (grad student)
Stacey J. PollackClinical Psychology2000 Karen S. Calhoun (grad student)
Joseph H. PorterBehavioral Pharmacology of Antipsychotics Drugs, Leraning & Cognition Joseph D. Allen (grad student)
Stephen B. Porter Biochemistry and Molecular Biology20042007 Walter K. Schmidt (grad student)
Stefany L. Primeaux2000 Philip V. Holmes (grad student)
Daniel PromislowDrosophila, Evolution, Senescence, Networks, Life history strategies, sexual selection Paul Harvey (grad student)
Mary Ann Rafoth1984 Roy P. Martin (grad student)
Elizabeth Randall Social Work1994 Bruce A. Thyer (grad student)
David Xeno Rasmussonaging, dementia, memory, music, nueroimaging, psychophysiology, neuropsychology Psychology Psychology Educational Psychology19881992 Walter Isaac (grad student), Joseph D. Allen (grad student), George Hynd (grad student)
Rajani Ravishankar2017 Walter K. Schmidt (grad student)
Heather Reader Marine Science William L. Miller (grad student)
Sarita Reddy Psychology1998 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Christina L. RichardsEcological genetics, epigenetics, ecophysiology, phenotypic plasticity, plant invasions, climate change, salt marsh ecology19992004 Rodney Mauricio (grad student), Lisa A. Donovan (grad student)
Jason R RichardsonNeurotoxicology, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, neuroinflammation
Edwin A. Risler Social Work1998 Bruce A. Thyer (grad student)
Margaret M. RobinsonSocial Work, Psychometrics Psychology
Robin Rosenthal2000 Richard L. Hayes (grad student)
Dean SabatinelliEmotion, fMRI, Psychophysiology
Sukhada Samudra Genetics Brian G Condie (grad student)
Anushka Sarkar Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2018 Walter K. Schmidt (grad student)
David L. SaulNutrients and body weight regulation2001 Roy P. Martin (grad student)
Walter K. SchmidtYeast protease
Rick G. SchnellmannPharmaceutical Sciences
Geoffrey Schoenbaumdecision, reward19871989 David Roane (research assistant)
Paul A. SchutzEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Paula J. SchwanenflugelEducational Psychology Education, Reading Education, Cognitive Psychology
Kerry A. SchwanzEducational Psychology Education, Behavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology2001 Randy W. Kamphaus (grad student)
Natale R. SciolinoNeural circuits, motivated behavior, catecholamines, neuropeptides, locus coeruleus20102014 Andrea G. Hohmann (grad student), Philip V. Holmes (grad student)
Joel H. ScottHigher Education2008 Diane L. Cooper (grad student)
Thomas N Sheehanentomology Entomology Entomology20232017 Joseph V. McHugh (grad student), Kier D. Klepzig (grad student)
Ping Shen
Elizabeth Ann Simpsonsocial cognition, face perception, evolutionary psychology20082011 Dorothy Fragaszy (grad student), Janet Frick (grad student)
Tarkesh SinghSensorimotor Neuroscience
Derek A. Smith Biochemistry and Molecular Biology20162017 Walter K. Schmidt (grad student)
Michael Snell Psychology W. Keith Campbell (grad student)
Andrea F. SnellIndustrial Psychology, Aging, Developmental Psychology Psychology1994 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Zahilys Soto-Arocho Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2018 Walter K. Schmidt (grad student)
Richelle Southwick Psychology1998 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Narayanan SrinivasanVisual Perception, Attention19921996 James M. Brown (grad student)
Janice Steirn Psychology William B. Pavlik (grad student)
Amy Stewart Psychology1996 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Casey B Stewart
Garnett S. StokesOrganization Theory, Organizational Psychology William ("Doc") A. Owens (grad student)
Michael Stramiellosynaptic plasticity, dopamine, cocaine John J. Wagner (grad student)
Liz StuderEcology, entomology Entomology Joseph V. McHugh (grad student)
Wailani SungBehavioral Psychology2001 Sharon Crowell-Davis (grad student)
Richard Sutphen Social Work1993 Bruce A. Thyer (grad student)
Michael A. TaffeSubstance Abuse, Cognition, MDMA, synthetic cathinones, marijuana Brett A. Clementz (grad student)
Douglas P TerryMRI, fMRI, DTI, schizophrenia, emotion, alzheimers, dementia
Roger K. ThomasAnimal Cognition, Behavioral Neuroscience, History of Psychology and Neuroscience Lelon J. Peacock (grad student)
Kathryn E. Thompson-FeithIndustrial Psychology2001 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
David M. TuckerClinical Psychology, Higher Education Psychology19791983 Gordon J. Chelune (grad student)
Krisztina VargaDevelopmental psychology, symbolic understanding, face perception20052009 Janet Frick (grad student)
F. Martijn Verhoeven
M. Elizabeth Vonk Social Work1996 Bruce A. Thyer (grad student)
John J. Wagnersynaptic plasticity, addiction
Frank Wang Brett A. Clementz (grad student)
Jun Wang Brett A. Clementz (grad student)
Jill Weeks Psychology1992 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Qiaozhi Wei2011 Brian G Condie (grad student)
Sabina C WidnerHealthy aging, education, clinical health Psychology Amos Zeichner (grad student)
John Williamson1966 Claude Hinton (grad student)
Gail Williamson Psychology1989 Margaret S. Clark (grad student)
Randall C. WolfePsychobiology Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2001 Sharon Crowell-Davis (grad student)
Patty Nio Woods Psychology1995 Garnett S. Stokes (grad student)
Qi WuFeeding Cellular Biology Ping Shen (grad student)
Jie Xu Cellular Biology20032009 Ping Shen (grad student)
Jeffrey S. YarvisSocial Work, General Psychology, Mental Health2004 Patrick Bordnick (grad student)
Yaowu Yuan Plant Biology20082010 Susan R Wessler (post-doc)
Amos ZeichnerHuman Aggression Robert O Pihl (grad student)
Gary Zenitskyneuroscience, biomedical science, neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration, Parkinson's disease, behavioral neuroscience, eyeblink conditioning Physiology and Pharmacology2013 Anumantha G. Kanthasamy (collaborator)
Kate Zipayorganizational behavior20132018 Jason A. Colquitt (grad student)