Similar researchers to Humberto Maturana: Advanced Search
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Humberto Maturana (Info) University of Chile Visual System, Cybernetics phb 2006‑05‑18 Sim
Thomas Kuenzel (Info) RWTH Aachen University 0815/2019 2019‑04‑04 Sim(0.19)
Jorge Mpodozis (Info) Universidad de Chile Systems Neuroscience camilele 2006‑11‑09 Sim(0.22)
Dipanwita Ghose (Info) Vanderbilt Multisensory Integration nidiffar 2010‑07‑22 Sim(0.23)
Nikhil Guchhait (Info) University of Calcutta (Chemistry Tree) connectingresearchers 2019‑09‑13 Sim(0.24)
R Glenn Northcutt (Info) UCSD lneedleman 2005‑12‑04 Sim(0.25)
Tanya Jain (Info) Weill Cornell Alzheimer's Disease AND glia tanjain 2019‑07‑30 Sim(0.25)
Ray W. Guillery (Info) UW Madison hanks 2005‑10‑12 Sim(0.25)
Douglas R. Wylie (Info) University of Alberta visual neuroscience aniwaniuk 2008‑08‑01 Sim(0.27)
Torsten Wiesel (Info) Rockefeller Visual system hayden 2005‑01‑15 Sim(0.28)
Anthoni M. Goodman (Info) UAB Alzheimer's disease; electrophysiology; hyperexcitability; dentate Anthoni 2017‑12‑07 Sim(0.28)
David Hubel (Info) Harvard Vision hayden 2005‑01‑16 Sim(0.29)
Jerome Y. Lettvin (Info) MIT hanks 2005‑11‑03 Sim(0.29)
Larry G. Allen (Info) CSUN (Marine Ecology Tree) fish ecology larryallen 2009‑11‑11 Sim(0.29)
Patricia Nelson Limerick (Info) CU Boulder (AAA tree) jacr 2010‑07‑19 Sim(0.29)
Hilary S. Bierman (Info) University of Maryland hilaryb 2007‑11‑05 Sim(0.29)
Carolina Reisenman (Info) UC Berkeley clazzari 2018‑12‑22 Sim(0.29)
Burak Guclu (Info) Bogazici University tactile system bguclu 2012‑04‑12 Sim(0.3)
Gáspár Jékely (Info) Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen testtest 2009‑02‑17 Sim(0.31)
Stephen Cusack (Info) EMBL (Chemistry Tree) jeremysmith 2017‑02‑20 Sim(0.31)
R. Bruce Masterton (Info) Florida State auditory system psharrington 2006‑02‑03 Sim(0.31)
Karen Pierce (Info) UCSD david 2015‑12‑23 Sim(0.32)
Martine J. Robards (Info) rjnudo 2007‑08‑26 Sim(0.33)
Alf Brodal (Info) Oslo anatomy and electrophysiology ccraver 2009‑05‑28 Sim(0.33)
Yeon Jin Kim (Info) University of Washington Vision nirvana7805 2008‑01‑24 Sim(0.33)
Daphne Soares (Info) University of Maryland neuroethology david 2005‑01‑17 Sim(0.33)
Walle J. H. Nauta (Info) MIT Neuro-anatomy hanks 2005‑10‑13 Sim(0.34)
Shantanu P. Jadhav (Info) UC Berkeley, UCSD Learning and Memory, Sensory Coding, Somatosensory cortex, rn 2006‑10‑19 Sim(0.34)
George W. Schaeffer (Info) Saint Louis University (Chemistry Tree) boron chemistry jandh 2012‑07‑17 Sim(0.34)
Ernst Siemerling (Info) Charité Berlin, Universität Tübingen, Universität Kiel jandh 2015‑05‑30 Sim(0.34)
Carlos Eduardo Rocha-Miranda (Info) Federal University Rio de Janeiro Vision, subcortical, electrophysiology ecdias 2008‑03‑27 Sim(0.34)
Hsi-Ping Wang (Info) UCSD Computation & Theory pq 2015‑09‑25 Sim(0.34)
Irving Diamond (Info) Duke david 2005‑02‑02 Sim(0.35)
David Bodznick (Info) Wesleyan daph 2005‑10‑25 Sim(0.35)
Karen K. Glendenning (Info) Florida State auditory system, comparative and developmental neuroanatomy rjnudo 2007‑08‑28 Sim(0.35)
G. Adrian Horridge (Info) ANU, University of St. Andrews Insect vision simon laughlin 2006‑07‑04 Sim(0.35)
Hector Rieiro (Info) Barrow Neurological Institute Neuroscience, Engineering, Visual System, Olfactory System, cerebrovascular blood flow macknik 2009‑06‑07 Sim(0.35)
Georg F. Striedter (Info) UC Irvine cab 2007‑02‑12 Sim(0.35)
Masanobu Miyashita (Info) RIKEN shinji 2005‑11‑01 Sim(0.35)
Ethan N. Chiang (Info) Cornell (Chemistry Tree) Electron Microscopy Ethan5682 2011‑07‑09 Sim(0.35)
Christopher Goldsmith (Info) Illinois State University Neuroscience wstein 2012‑11‑08 Sim(0.35)
Stephen P. Karaganis (Info) Texas A & M Circadian Rhythms, Photoperiodism pq 2015‑10‑20 Sim(0.35)
Gadi Blumrosen (Info) Tel Aviv University nulanovsky 2011‑10‑22 Sim(0.36)
Lucas Visscher (Info) VU Amsterdam (Chemistry Tree) quantumtheoretical chemistry & multiscale modeling jandh 2011‑06‑22 Sim(0.36)
JoAnn M. Gensert (Info) Columbia Glial differentiation in mammalian CNS development; progenitors in the adult CNS; cytoskeletal abnormalities and stress proteins in neurological disorders. pq 2015‑11‑25 Sim(0.36)
Susana Martinez-Conde (Info) Barrow Neurological Institute, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, UCL, Harvard Medical School visual system, vision, perception, eye movements, consciousness, awareness, art, illusions smconde 2007‑04‑19 Sim(0.36)
Catherine Emily Carr (Info) University of Maryland Auditory Brainstem david 2005‑01‑17 Sim(0.36)
William C. Hall (Info) Duke hayden 2005‑10‑29 Sim(0.36)
Jing Song (Info) Washington University (Physics Tree) gfabbris 2023‑07‑05 Sim(0.37)
Joy M. Greer (Info) University of Utah pq 2015‑11‑26 Sim(0.37)
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