Dora Kovacs, PhD - Publications

Neurology Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University, Boston, MA, United States 
molecular events underlying neurodegeneration in aging, and particularly in Alzheimer’s disease

57 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Bhattacharyya R, Fenn RH, Barren C, Tanzi RE, Kovacs DM. Correction: Palmitoylated APP Forms Dimers, Cleaved by BACE1. Plos One. 19: e0299972. PMID 38421989 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0299972  0.364
2022 Lotlikar MS, Tarantino MB, Jorfi M, Kovacs DM, Tanzi RE, Bhattacharyya R. Microfluidic separation of axonal and somal compartments of neural progenitor cells differentiated in a 3D matrix. Star Protocols. 3: 101028. PMID 35059649 DOI: 10.1016/j.xpro.2021.101028  0.72
2021 Bhattacharyya R, Black SE, Lotlikar MS, Fenn RH, Jorfi M, Kovacs DM, Tanzi RE. Axonal generation of amyloid-β from palmitoylated APP in mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum membranes. Cell Reports. 35: 109134. PMID 34010653 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109134  0.751
2016 Bhattacharyya R, Fenn RH, Barren C, Tanzi RE, Kovacs DM. Palmitoylated APP Forms Dimers, Cleaved by BACE1. Plos One. 11: e0166400. PMID 27875558 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0166400  0.547
2016 Kuzuya A, Zoltowska KM, Post KL, Arimon M, Li X, Svirsky S, Maesako M, Muzikansky A, Gautam V, Kovacs D, Hyman BT, Berezovska O. Identification of the novel activity-driven interaction between synaptotagmin 1 and presenilin 1 links calcium, synapse, and amyloid beta. Bmc Biology. 14: 25. PMID 27036734 DOI: 10.1186/S12915-016-0248-3  0.414
2015 Gautam V, D'Avanzo C, Berezovska O, Tanzi RE, Kovacs DM. Synaptotagmins interact with APP and promote Aβ generation. Molecular Neurodegeneration. 10: 31. PMID 26202512 DOI: 10.1186/S13024-015-0028-5  0.537
2015 D'Avanzo C, Sliwinski C, Wagner SL, Tanzi RE, Kim DY, Kovacs DM. γ-Secretase modulators reduce endogenous amyloid β42 levels in human neural progenitor cells without altering neuronal differentiation. Faseb Journal : Official Publication of the Federation of American Societies For Experimental Biology. PMID 25903103 DOI: 10.1096/fj.15-271015  0.685
2014 Choi SH, Kim YH, Hebisch M, Sliwinski C, Lee S, D'Avanzo C, Chen H, Hooli B, Asselin C, Muffat J, Klee JB, Zhang C, Wainger BJ, Peitz M, Kovacs DM, et al. A three-dimensional human neural cell culture model of Alzheimer's disease. Nature. 515: 274-8. PMID 25307057 DOI: 10.1038/Nature13800  0.781
2014 Gautam V, D'Avanzo C, Hebisch M, Kovacs DM, Kim DY. BACE1 activity regulates cell surface contactin-2 levels. Molecular Neurodegeneration. 9: 4. PMID 24405708 DOI: 10.1186/1750-1326-9-4  0.647
2014 Kim DY, Wertz MH, Gautam V, D'Avanzo C, Bhattacharyya R, Kovacs DM. The E280A presenilin mutation reduces voltage-gated sodium channel levels in neuronal cells. Neuro-Degenerative Diseases. 13: 64-8. PMID 24217025 DOI: 10.1159/000354669  0.62
2013 Bhattacharyya R, Barren C, Kovacs DM. Palmitoylation of amyloid precursor protein regulates amyloidogenic processing in lipid rafts. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 33: 11169-83. PMID 23825420 DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4704-12.2013  0.383
2013 Sachse CC, Kim YH, Agsten M, Huth T, Alzheimer C, Kovacs DM, Kim DY. BACE1 and presenilin/γ-secretase regulate proteolytic processing of KCNE1 and 2, auxiliary subunits of voltage-gated potassium channels. Faseb Journal : Official Publication of the Federation of American Societies For Experimental Biology. 27: 2458-67. PMID 23504710 DOI: 10.1096/Fj.12-214056  0.615
2011 Kim DY, Kovacs DM. Surface trafficking of sodium channels in cells and in hippocampal slices. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 793: 351-61. PMID 21913112 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-61779-328-8_23  0.592
2011 Haapasalo A, Kovacs DM. The many substrates of presenilin/γ-secretase. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. 25: 3-28. PMID 21335653 DOI: 10.3233/JAD-2011-101065  0.346
2011 Kim DY, Gersbacher MT, Inquimbert P, Kovacs DM. Reduced sodium channel Na(v)1.1 levels in BACE1-null mice. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286: 8106-16. PMID 21190943 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M110.134692  0.568
2010 Gersbacher MT, Kim DY, Bhattacharyya R, Kovacs DM. Identification of BACE1 cleavage sites in human voltage-gated sodium channel beta 2 subunit. Molecular Neurodegeneration. 5: 61. PMID 21182789 DOI: 10.1186/1750-1326-5-61  0.61
2010 Kovacs DM, Gersbacher MT, Kim DY. Alzheimer's secretases regulate voltage-gated sodium channels. Neuroscience Letters. 486: 68-72. PMID 20817076 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neulet.2010.08.048  0.602
2010 Huttunen HJ, Havas D, Peach C, Barren C, Duller S, Xia W, Frosch MP, Hutter-Paier B, Windisch M, Kovacs DM. The acyl-coenzyme A: cholesterol acyltransferase inhibitor CI-1011 reverses diffuse brain amyloid pathology in aged amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 69: 777-88. PMID 20613640 DOI: 10.1097/Nen.0B013E3181E77Ed9  0.329
2010 Bhattacharyya R, Kovacs DM. ACAT inhibition and amyloid beta reduction. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1801: 960-5. PMID 20398792 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2010.04.003  0.383
2009 Vassar R, Kovacs DM, Yan R, Wong PC. The beta-secretase enzyme BACE in health and Alzheimer's disease: regulation, cell biology, function, and therapeutic potential. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 29: 12787-94. PMID 19828790 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.3657-09.2009  0.396
2009 Huttunen HJ, Peach C, Bhattacharyya R, Barren C, Pettingell W, Hutter-Paier B, Windisch M, Berezovska O, Kovacs DM. Inhibition of acyl-coenzyme A: cholesterol acyl transferase modulates amyloid precursor protein trafficking in the early secretory pathway. Faseb Journal : Official Publication of the Federation of American Societies For Experimental Biology. 23: 3819-28. PMID 19625658 DOI: 10.1096/fj.09-134999  0.417
2009 Huttunen HJ, Puglielli L, Ellis BC, MacKenzie Ingano LA, Kovacs DM. Novel N-terminal cleavage of APP precludes Abeta generation in ACAT-defective AC29 cells. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience : Mn. 37: 6-15. PMID 18618086 DOI: 10.1007/S12031-008-9088-0  0.401
2008 Huttunen HJ, Kovacs DM. ACAT as a drug target for Alzheimer's disease. Neuro-Degenerative Diseases. 5: 212-4. PMID 18322393 DOI: 10.1159/000113705  0.384
2007 Huttunen HJ, Guénette SY, Peach C, Greco C, Xia W, Kim DY, Barren C, Tanzi RE, Kovacs DM. HtrA2 regulates beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) metabolism through endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 282: 28285-95. PMID 17684015 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M702951200  0.707
2007 Kim DY, Carey BW, Wang H, Ingano LA, Binshtok AM, Wertz MH, Pettingell WH, He P, Lee VM, Woolf CJ, Kovacs DM. BACE1 regulates voltage-gated sodium channels and neuronal activity. Nature Cell Biology. 9: 755-64. PMID 17576410 DOI: 10.1038/Ncb1602  0.637
2007 Huttunen HJ, Greco C, Kovacs DM. Knockdown of ACAT-1 reduces amyloidogenic processing of APP. Febs Letters. 581: 1688-92. PMID 17412327 DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2007.03.056  0.315
2007 Haapasalo A, Kim DY, Carey BW, Turunen MK, Pettingell WH, Kovacs DM. Presenilin/gamma-secretase-mediated cleavage regulates association of leukocyte-common antigen-related (LAR) receptor tyrosine phosphatase with beta-catenin. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 282: 9063-72. PMID 17259169 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M611324200  0.645
2007 Carey BW, Kim DY, Kovacs DM. Presenilin/gamma-secretase and alpha-secretase-like peptidases cleave human MHC Class I proteins. The Biochemical Journal. 401: 121-7. PMID 17150042 DOI: 10.1042/Bj20060847  0.571
2006 Zhang M, Haapasalo A, Kim DY, Ingano LA, Pettingell WH, Kovacs DM. Presenilin/gamma-secretase activity regulates protein clearance from the endocytic recycling compartment. Faseb Journal : Official Publication of the Federation of American Societies For Experimental Biology. 20: 1176-8. PMID 16645046 DOI: 10.1096/Fj.05-5531Fje  0.644
2005 Puglielli L, Friedlich AL, Setchell KD, Nagano S, Opazo C, Cherny RA, Barnham KJ, Wade JD, Melov S, Kovacs DM, Bush AI. Alzheimer disease beta-amyloid activity mimics cholesterol oxidase. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 115: 2556-63. PMID 16127459 DOI: 10.1172/Jci23610  0.527
2005 Kim DY, Ingano LA, Carey BW, Pettingell WH, Kovacs DM. Presenilin/gamma-secretase-mediated cleavage of the voltage-gated sodium channel beta2-subunit regulates cell adhesion and migration. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280: 23251-61. PMID 15833746 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M412938200  0.612
2004 Xie Z, Moir RD, Romano DM, Tesco G, Kovacs DM, Tanzi RE. Hypocapnia induces caspase-3 activation and increases Abeta production. Neuro-Degenerative Diseases. 1: 29-37. PMID 16908971 DOI: 10.1159/000076667  0.504
2004 Hutter-Paier B, Huttunen HJ, Puglielli L, Eckman CB, Kim DY, Hofmeister A, Moir RD, Domnitz SB, Frosch MP, Windisch M, Kovacs DM. The ACAT inhibitor CP-113,818 markedly reduces amyloid pathology in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Neuron. 44: 227-38. PMID 15473963 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2004.08.043  0.662
2004 Puglielli L, Ellis BC, Ingano LA, Kovacs DM. Role of acyl-coenzyme a: cholesterol acyltransferase activity in the processing of the amyloid precursor protein. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience : Mn. 24: 93-6. PMID 15314256 DOI: 10.1385/Jmn:24:1:093  0.379
2004 Xie Z, Romano DM, Kovacs DM, Tanzi RE. Effects of RNA interference-mediated silencing of gamma-secretase complex components on cell sensitivity to caspase-3 activation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279: 34130-7. PMID 15184387 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M401094200  0.471
2003 Puglielli L, Tanzi RE, Kovacs DM. Alzheimer's disease: the cholesterol connection. Nature Neuroscience. 6: 345-51. PMID 12658281 DOI: 10.1038/Nn0403-345  0.532
2003 Puglielli L, Ellis BC, Saunders AJ, Kovacs DM. Ceramide stabilizes beta-site amyloid precursor protein-cleaving enzyme 1 and promotes amyloid beta-peptide biogenesis. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278: 19777-83. PMID 12649271 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M300466200  0.416
2002 Kim DY, Ingano LA, Kovacs DM. Nectin-1alpha, an immunoglobulin-like receptor involved in the formation of synapses, is a substrate for presenilin/gamma-secretase-like cleavage. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 277: 49976-81. PMID 12376527 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M210179200  0.605
2001 Puglielli L, Konopka G, Pack-Chung E, Ingano LA, Berezovska O, Hyman BT, Chang TY, Tanzi RE, Kovacs DM. Acyl-coenzyme A: cholesterol acyltransferase modulates the generation of the amyloid beta-peptide. Nature Cell Biology. 3: 905-12. PMID 11584272 DOI: 10.1038/Ncb1001-905  0.522
2001 Puglielli L, Kovacs DM. Alzheimer disease: 100 years later. Revista Mã©Dica De Chile. 129: 569-75. PMID 11464541 DOI: 10.4067/S0034-98872001000500015  0.358
2000 Ingano LA, Lentini KM, Kovacs I, Tanzi RE, Kovacs DM. Cytoplasmic presenilin aggregates in proteasome inhibitor-treated cells. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 920: 259-60. PMID 11193161 DOI: 10.1111/J.1749-6632.2000.Tb06933.X  0.437
2000 Abbenante G, Kovacs DM, Leung DL, Craik DJ, Tanzi RE, Fairlie DP. Inhibitors of beta-amyloid formation based on the beta-secretase cleavage site. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 268: 133-5. PMID 10652226 DOI: 10.1006/Bbrc.2000.2098  0.477
1999 Kovacs DM, Mancini R, Henderson J, Na SJ, Schmidt SD, Kim TW, Tanzi RE. Staurosporine-induced activation of caspase-3 is potentiated by presenilin 1 familial Alzheimer's disease mutations in human neuroglioma cells. Journal of Neurochemistry. 73: 2278-85. PMID 10582585 DOI: 10.1046/J.1471-4159.1999.0732278.X  0.464
1998 Kovacs DM, Tanzi RE. Monogenic determinants of familial Alzheimer's disease: presenilin-1 mutations. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences : Cmls. 54: 902-9. PMID 9791532 DOI: 10.1007/S000180050219  0.534
1997 Kim TW, Pettingell WH, Jung YK, Kovacs DM, Tanzi RE. Alternative cleavage of Alzheimer-associated presenilins during apoptosis by a caspase-3 family protease. Science (New York, N.Y.). 277: 373-6. PMID 9219695 DOI: 10.1126/Science.277.5324.373  0.507
1997 Seeger M, Nordstedt C, Petanceska S, Kovacs DM, Gouras GK, Hahne S, Fraser P, Levesque L, Czernik AJ, George-Hyslop PS, Sisodia SS, Thinakaran G, Tanzi RE, Greengard P, Gandy S. Evidence for phosphorylation and oligomeric assembly of presenilin 1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 94: 5090-4. PMID 9144195 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.94.10.5090  0.438
1996 Tanzi RE, Kovacs DM, Kim TW, Moir RD, Guenette SY, Wasco W. The gene defects responsible for familial Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Disease. 3: 159-68. PMID 8980016 DOI: 10.1006/Nbdi.1996.0016  0.725
1996 Kovacs DM, Fausett HJ, Page KJ, Kim TW, Moir RD, Merriam DE, Hollister RD, Hallmark OG, Mancini R, Felsenstein KM, Hyman BT, Tanzi RE, Wasco W. Alzheimer-associated presenilins 1 and 2: neuronal expression in brain and localization to intracellular membranes in mammalian cells. Nature Medicine. 2: 224-9. PMID 8574969 DOI: 10.1038/Nm0296-224  0.708
1996 Tanzi R, Kovacs D, Kim T, Moir R, Reebeck G, Strickland D, Hyman B, Wasco W. 602 The genes responsible for familial Alzheimer's disease: Toward a common etiological pathway Neurobiology of Aging. 17: S150. DOI: 10.1016/S0197-4580(96)80604-X  0.686
1995 Kovacs DM, Wasco W, Witherby J, Felsenstein KM, Brunel F, Roeder RG, Tanzi RE. The upstream stimulatory factor functionally interacts with the Alzheimer amyloid beta-protein precursor gene. Human Molecular Genetics. 4: 1527-33. PMID 8541835 DOI: 10.1093/Hmg/4.9.1527  0.719
1995 Wasco W, Pettingell WP, Jondro PD, Schmidt SD, Gurubhagavatula S, Rodes L, DiBlasi T, Romano DM, Guenette SY, Kovacs DM. Familial Alzheimer's chromosome 14 mutations. Nature Medicine. 1: 848. PMID 7585193 DOI: 10.1038/Nm0995-848A  0.607
1992 LeBlanc AC, Kovacs DM, Chen HY, Villaré F, Tykocinski M, Autilio-Gambetti L, Gambetti P. Role of amyloid precursor protein (APP): study with antisense transfection of human neuroblastoma cells. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 31: 635-45. PMID 1578514 DOI: 10.1002/jnr.490310407  0.366
1990 Palmert MR, Podlisny MB, Golde TE, Cohen ML, Kovacs DM, Tanzi RE, Gusella JF, Whitehouse PJ, Witker DS, Oltersdorf T. Analysis of the beta-amyloid protein precursor of Alzheimer's disease: mRNAs and protein products. Advances in Neurology. 51: 181-4. PMID 2104687  0.622
1989 Autilio-Gambetti L, Morandi A, Kovacs DM, Tabaton M, Schaetzle B, Hauer C, Groger RK, Tykocinski ML, Perry G, Greenberg BD. Amyloid precursor protein in cell cultures: a 130 kDa polypeptide. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research. 317: 985-90. PMID 2574879  0.659
1989 Palmert MR, Podlisny MB, Golde TE, Cohen ML, Kovacs DM, Tanzi RE, Gusella JF, Whitehouse PJ, Witker DS, Oltersdorf T. The beta amyloid protein precursor: mRNAs, membrane-associated forms, and soluble derivatives. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research. 317: 971-84. PMID 2513588  0.632
1988 Autilio-Gambetti L, Morandi A, Tabaton M, Schaetzle B, Kovacs D, Perry G, Sharma S, Cornette J, Greenberg B, Gambetti P. The amyloid percursor protein of Alzheimer disease is expressed as a 130 kDa polypeptide in various cultured cell types. Febs Letters. 241: 94-8. PMID 2904381 DOI: 10.1016/0014-5793(88)81038-X  0.72
1988 Palmert MR, Golde TE, Cohen ML, Kovacs DM, Tanzi RE, Gusella JF, Usiak MF, Younkin LH, Younkin SG. Amyloid protein precursor messenger RNAs: differential expression in Alzheimer's disease. Science (New York, N.Y.). 241: 1080-4. PMID 2457949  0.725
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