People with institution matching "Binghamton University": Advanced Search
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Barbara Acker-Mills (Info) saweil 2011‑07‑10
Jared Robert Bagley (Info) Binghamton University Neuroscience, genetics, genomics, addiction jrbagley 2022‑11‑05
James Baldassano (Info) University of Maryland thomqnguyen 2021‑06‑01
Christopher R. Bishop (Info) Binghamton University seharte 2014‑07‑24
Stephen L. Boehm (Info) Purdue Alcoholism johnmariani 2011‑02‑04
Kelly A. Bordner (Info) Binghamton University Early ethanol exposure, Infant learning and memory, Opioids and ethanol reinforcement kbordne1 2006‑10‑19
Nicole Cameron (Info) Binghamton University Maternal care, neuroendocrinology mlevy7 2012‑10‑30
Yulong Chen (Info) Binghamton University Signaling, Epigenetic Regulation, and Molecular Neuropharmacology SEMN1 2012‑09‑30
Sophie R Cohen (Info) Drexel Medical School Dopamine, DAT, Dopamine Receptors, Motivation, Sleep, PD sophiecohen 2022‑11‑25
Meredith E. Coles (Info) Temple University anxiety disorders pq 2015‑10‑21
Ed Crawley (Info) Marywood University saweil 2011‑07‑10
Terrence Deak (Info) SUNY Binghamton Psychobiology Psychology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑03‑12
Patricia M. Di Lorenzo (Info) Binghamton University Neural circuitry of taste coding in the brain stem of anesthetized rats. Computational models of the neural code for taste; Investigations of temporal coding with electrical stimulation of the brain stem in awake, moving rats; Centrifugal influence in the Hecht 2009‑03‑03
Alin Alshaheri Durazo (Info) Binghamton University (SUNY) imcdono 2024‑12‑29
Olga D. Escanilla (Info) Binghamton University Neural circuitry of taste coding, olfaction oescani1 2017‑02‑03
Armanda Gameiro (Info) Binghamton University gph2 2012‑05‑03
Anny Gano (Info) MUSC alcohol, stress, neuroimmunology AnnyGano 2019‑02‑27
Peter C. Gerhardstein (Info) Binghamton University Cognitive Psychology edvessel 2006‑10‑13
Sepehr Gourabi (Info) Binghamton University (SUNY) imcdono 2024‑12‑29
Christof Grewer (Info) Binghamton University gph2 2012‑05‑03
Joseph M. Hall (Info) Binghamton University Behavioral Neuroscience jhall9 2010‑09‑22
Gerald S. Hecht (Info) Southern University and A&M College Prenatal Cocaine Exposure, Animal Model, Sex Differences Hecht 2009‑03‑03
Sigmund Hsiao (Info) Taiwan schai 2006‑10‑29
Cara M. Hueston (Info) Binghamton University Stress, Neuroinflammation huestonc 2009‑10‑21
Albrecht Inhoff (Info) Binghamton University eye movement, reading, eye-hand coordination joshwang 2010‑11‑19
Robert L. Isaacson (Info) Binghamton University Hippocampal function Count Floyd 2006‑05‑13
David Jentsch (Info) jpo 2006‑04‑14
Negin Khalifian (Info) Binghamton University Human Electrophysiology sarahlaszlo 2013‑06‑05
Brian T Kipp (Info) Binghamton University Cholinergic basal forebrain, alcohol, neurotrophins, prefrontal cortex, hippocampus bkipp1 2021‑03‑14
Kenneth J Kurtz (Info) SUNY Binghamton xoyarzabal 2010‑05‑04
Justine D. Landin (Info) Binghamton University jlandin1 2017‑02‑07
Meredith L. Lanska (Info) Binghamton University Recognition Memory mlanska 2011‑12‑04
Sarah Laszlo (Info) UIUC visual word recognition, electrophysiology kfederme 2008‑02‑09
Christian H. Lemon (Info) University of Oklahoma dbarnes 2014‑04‑15
Sung-Joo Lim (Info) Boston University auditory and speech perception, auditory neuroscience, cognitive science sjmlim 2017‑11‑28
Dennis F Lovelock (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Interoception, alcohol, neuroimmune system dlovelock1 2020‑10‑01
Jacqueline C Ludwig (Info) Tufts metamorphosis, myogenesis, neuobiology manduca13 2021‑12‑03
John N. Mariani (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Rochester Synaptogenesis, Synaptic Plasticity, Astrocytes, MS, Oligodendrocytes, Glia, Blood Brain Barrier, Endothelial Cells, Bioinformatics, Sequencing johnmariani 2011‑01‑25
Amanda (Willey) Matoushek (Info) Binghamton University, Bluefield State College Adolescent Alcohol arwilley 2011‑12‑02
Ian M. McDonough (Info) University of Alabama, Binghamton University (SUNY) Memory, Metacognition, Aging, Cognitive Neuroscience, Health Disparities imcdono 2008‑04‑29
Carol Miles (Info) Binghamton University manduca13 2021‑12‑03
Ralph R. Miller (Info) SUNY Binghamton animal learning asbristol 2006‑04‑19
Vladimir Miskovic (Info) Binghamton University thomqnguyen 2018‑01‑19
Jamie Mondello (Info) UCLA jemondello 2020‑10‑10
Thomas Nguyen (Info) Duke thomqnguyen 2018‑01‑19
Polly L. O'Rourke (Info) University of Maryland Language processing, ERP pollyorourke 2012‑03‑05
Richard E. Pastore (Info) Binghamton University Auditory perception, Cognition and attention, Human factors marksch 2010‑03‑26
David G. Payne (Info) Binghamton University / ETS memory mjw19psu 2009‑12‑22
Steven A. Pilato (Info) Binghamton University thomqnguyen 2018‑01‑19
Donna R. Ramirez (Info) UTMB Neural Basis of Cocaine-seeking Behavior ramirezd 2007‑11‑01
Amy P Rapp (Info) Northwestern Neuroscience amyrapp 2021‑07‑08
Scott R. Robinson (Info) Pacific Ethological Laboratories Developmental psychobiology, fetal learning mbrumley 2008‑03‑28
John D. Salamone (Info) University of Connecticut DA and motivation adriennebetz 2006‑11‑01
Jessica L. Santerre (Info) Binghamton University Alcohol, PKC, Motivation, Nucleus Accumbens jls06029 2011‑12‑04
Lisa M. Savage (Info) Binghamton University ramirezd 2007‑11‑01
Frank Michael Scalzo (Info) Bard College behavioral neuroscience, zebrafish FMSCALZO 2012‑08‑19
Benjamin M. Seitz (Info) UCLA Learning & Memory benjaminseitz 2017‑10‑05
Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham (Info) Carnegie Mellon Psychoacoustics, Auditory Neuroscience david 2005‑08‑09
William Smotherman (Info) SUNY Binghamton Developmental Psychobiology, Learning lorabecker 2009‑11‑09
Julia S. Soares (Info) Mississippi State University Memory, distributed cognition, digital technology JuliaSoares 2023‑11‑19
Jocelyn Solis-Moreira (Info) Binghamton University jmore94 2017‑02‑19
Linda P. Spear (Info) SUNY Binghamton ammaldonado 2008‑09‑03
Norman Spear (Info) SUNY Binghamton melevillain 2009‑07‑17
Steven M. Specht (Info) Utica College Empirical aesthetics Specht131 2017‑02‑02
Cyma Van Petten (Info) Binghamton University, SUNY cognitive neuroscience palmerit 2007‑05‑06
Gavin J. Vaughan (Info) Binghamton University Addiction, Monoamine Transmission, Opioid Receptors gingerandproud29 2024‑03‑23
Joseph Johann von Littrow (Info) Charles University Mathematics rfukunag 2008‑10‑23
Shawn A. Weil (Info) Aptima, Inc. Psycholinguistics, cognitive science, human factors saweil 2011‑07‑09
Michael S Weiss (Info) Binghamton University Taste System, Neural Coding, Obesity mikew928 2018‑12‑04
David F. Werner (Info) Binghamton jls06029 2011‑12‑04
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