Russell L. Margolis, MD/PhD - Publications

Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 

140 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Krause A, Anderson DG, Ferreira-Correia A, Dawson J, Baine-Savanhu F, Li PP, Margolis RL. Huntington disease-like 2: insight into neurodegeneration from an African disease. Nature Reviews. Neurology. PMID 38114648 DOI: 10.1038/s41582-023-00906-y  0.308
2020 Klinkmueller P, Kronenbuerger M, Miao X, Bang J, Ultz KE, Paez A, Zhang X, Duan W, Margolis RL, Zijl PCV, Ross CA, Hua J. Impaired response of cerebral oxygen metabolism to visual stimulation in Huntington's disease. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism : Official Journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 271678X20949286. PMID 32807001 DOI: 10.1177/0271678X20949286  0.331
2019 Kronenbuerger M, Hua J, Bang JYA, Ultz KE, Miao X, Zhang X, Pekar JJ, van Zijl PCM, Duan W, Margolis RL, Ross CA. Differential Changes in Functional Connectivity of Striatum-Prefrontal and Striatum-Motor Circuits in Premanifest Huntington's Disease. Neuro-Degenerative Diseases. 1-10. PMID 31412344 DOI: 10.1159/000501616  0.341
2019 Anderson DG, Ferreira-Correia A, Rodrigues FB, Aziz NA, Carr J, Wild EJ, Margolis RL, Krause A. Comparison of the Huntington's Disease like 2 and Huntington's Disease Clinical Phenotypes. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice. 6: 302-311. PMID 31061838 DOI: 10.1002/Mdc3.12742  0.349
2019 Nucifora LG, MacDonald ML, Lee BJ, Peters ME, Norris AL, Orsburn BC, Yang K, Gleason K, Margolis RL, Pevsner J, Tamminga CA, Sweet RA, Ross CA, Sawa A, Nucifora FC. Increased Protein Insolubility in Brains From a Subset of Patients With Schizophrenia. The American Journal of Psychiatry. appiajp201918070864. PMID 31055969 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ajp.2019.18070864  0.326
2019 Coulter C, Baker KK, Margolis RL. Specialized Consultation for Suspected Recent-onset Schizophrenia: Diagnostic Clarity and the Distorting Impact of Anxiety and Reported Auditory Hallucinations. Journal of Psychiatric Practice. 25: 76-81. PMID 30849055 DOI: 10.1097/Pra.0000000000000363  0.35
2019 Anderson DG, Haagensen M, Ferreira-Correia A, Pierson R, Carr J, Krause A, Margolis RL. Emerging differences between Huntington's disease-like 2 and Huntington's disease: A comparison using MRI brain volumetry. Neuroimage. Clinical. 21: 101666. PMID 30682531 DOI: 10.1016/J.Nicl.2019.101666  0.38
2018 Hua J, Blair NIS, Paez A, Choe A, Barber AD, Brandt A, Lim IAL, Xu F, Kamath V, Pekar JJ, van Zijl PCM, Ross CA, Margolis RL. Altered functional connectivity between sub-regions in the thalamus and cortex in schizophrenia patients measured by resting state BOLD fMRI at 7T. Schizophrenia Research. PMID 30409697 DOI: 10.1016/J.Schres.2018.10.016  0.311
2018 Anderson DG, Haagensen M, Ferreira-Correia A, Pierson R, Carr J, Krause A, Margolis RL. E02 Selective thalamic volume loss in huntington’s disease-like 2; a novel MRI finding compared to huntington’s disease Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 89. DOI: 10.1136/Jnnp-2018-Ehdn.96  0.347
2017 Ross CA, Kronenbuerger M, Duan W, Margolis RL. Mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration in Huntington disease: applications to novel disease-modifying therapies. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. 144: 15-28. PMID 28947113 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801893-4.00002-X  0.397
2017 Anderson DG, Walker RH, Connor M, Carr J, Margolis RL, Krause A. A Systematic Review of the Huntington Disease-Like 2 Phenotype. Journal of Huntington's Disease. PMID 28339400 DOI: 10.3233/Jhd-160232  0.398
2017 Wen Z, Guo Z, Wang X, Kim N, Ross C, Margolis R, Christian K, Chen G, Zheng W, Xia M, Song H, Ming G. 717. Using Human iPSCs for Psychiatric Disorder Disease Modeling and Mechanism-Based Drug Discovery Biological Psychiatry. 81: S290-S291. DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2017.02.784  0.329
2016 Lee BJ, Marchionni L, Andrews CE, Norris AL, Nucifora LG, Wu YC, Wright RA, Pevsner J, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Sawa A, Nucifora FC. Analysis of differential gene expression mediated by clozapine in human postmortem brains. Schizophrenia Research. PMID 28038920 DOI: 10.1016/J.Schres.2016.12.017  0.316
2016 Margolis RL, Rudnicki DD. Pathogenic insights from Huntington's disease-like 2 and other Huntington's disease genocopies. Current Opinion in Neurology. PMID 27749395 DOI: 10.1097/Wco.0000000000000386  0.371
2016 Cohen RL, Margolis RL. Spinocerebellar ataxia type 12: clues to pathogenesis. Current Opinion in Neurology. PMID 27748686 DOI: 10.1097/Wco.0000000000000385  0.364
2016 Hua J, Brandt AS, Lee S, Blair NI, Wu Y, Lui S, Patel J, Faria AV, Lim IA, Unschuld PG, Pekar JJ, van Zijl PC, Ross CA, Margolis RL. Abnormal Grey Matter Arteriolar Cerebral Blood Volume in Schizophrenia Measured With 3D Inflow-Based Vascular-Space-Occupancy MRI at 7T. Schizophrenia Bulletin. PMID 27539951 DOI: 10.1093/Schbul/Sbw109  0.316
2016 Li PP, Sun X, Xia G, Arbez N, Paul S, Zhu S, Peng HB, Ross CA, Koeppen AH, Margolis RL, Pulst SM, Ashizawa T, Rudnicki DD. ATXN2-AS, a gene antisense to ATXN2, is associated with SCA2 and ALS. Annals of Neurology. PMID 27531668 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.24761  0.369
2016 Ratovitski T, Chaerkady R, Kammers K, Stewart JC, Zavala A, Pletnikova O, Troncoso JC, Rudnicki DD, Margolis RL, Cole RN, Ross CA. Quantitative Proteomic Analysis Reveals Similarities between Huntington's Disease (HD) and Huntington's Disease-Like 2 (HDL2) Human Brains. Journal of Proteome Research. PMID 27486686 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Jproteome.6B00448  0.37
2015 Bañez-Coronel M, Ayhan F, Tarabochia AD, Zu T, Perez BA, Tusi SK, Pletnikova O, Borchelt DR, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Yachnis AT, Troncoso JC, Ranum LP. RAN Translation in Huntington Disease. Neuron. 88: 667-77. PMID 26590344 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2015.10.038  0.385
2015 O'Hearn EE, Hwang HS, Holmes SE, Rudnicki DD, Chung DW, Seixas AI, Cohen RL, Ross CA, Trojanowski JQ, Pletnikova O, Troncoso JC, Margolis RL. Neuropathology and Cellular Pathogenesis of Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 12. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. PMID 26340331 DOI: 10.1002/Mds.26348  0.354
2015 Sun X, Li PP, Zhu S, Cohen R, Marque LO, Ross CA, Pulst SM, Chan HY, Margolis RL, Rudnicki DD. Nuclear retention of full-length HTT RNA is mediated by splicing factors MBNL1 and U2AF65. Scientific Reports. 5: 12521. PMID 26218986 DOI: 10.1038/Srep12521  0.306
2015 Krause A, Mitchell C, Essop F, Tager S, Temlett J, Stevanin G, Ross C, Rudnicki D, Margolis R. Junctophilin 3 (JPH3) expansion mutations causing Huntington disease like 2 (HDL2) are common in South African patients with African ancestry and a Huntington disease phenotype. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics : the Official Publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics. PMID 26079385 DOI: 10.1002/Ajmg.B.32332  0.412
2014 Wen Z, Nguyen HN, Guo Z, Lalli MA, Wang X, Su Y, Kim NS, Yoon KJ, Shin J, Zhang C, Makri G, Nauen D, Yu H, Guzman E, Chiang CH, ... ... Margolis RL, et al. Synaptic dysregulation in a human iPS cell model of mental disorders. Nature. 515: 414-8. PMID 25132547 DOI: 10.1038/Nature13716  0.385
2014 Sun X, Marque LO, Cordner Z, Pruitt JL, Bhat M, Li PP, Kannan G, Ladenheim EE, Moran TH, Margolis RL, Rudnicki DD. Phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers suppress mutant huntingtin expression and attenuate neurotoxicity. Human Molecular Genetics. 23: 6302-17. PMID 25035419 DOI: 10.1093/Hmg/Ddu349  0.341
2014 Ross CA, Aylward EH, Wild EJ, Langbehn DR, Long JD, Warner JH, Scahill RI, Leavitt BR, Stout JC, Paulsen JS, Reilmann R, Unschuld PG, Wexler A, Margolis RL, Tabrizi SJ. Huntington disease: natural history, biomarkers and prospects for therapeutics. Nature Reviews. Neurology. 10: 204-16. PMID 24614516 DOI: 10.1038/Nrneurol.2014.24  0.376
2014 Hua J, Unschuld PG, Margolis RL, van Zijl PC, Ross CA. Elevated arteriolar cerebral blood volume in prodromal Huntington's disease. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 29: 396-401. PMID 23847161 DOI: 10.1002/Mds.25591  0.34
2014 Yu L, Arbez N, Nucifora LG, Sell GL, Delisi LE, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Nucifora FC. A mutation in NPAS3 segregates with mental illness in a small family. Molecular Psychiatry. 19: 7-8. PMID 23337948 DOI: 10.1038/Mp.2012.192  0.322
2014 Younes L, Ratnanather JT, Brown T, Aylward E, Nopoulos P, Johnson H, Magnotta VA, Paulsen JS, Margolis RL, Albin RL, Miller MI, Ross CA. Regionally selective atrophy of subcortical structures in prodromal HD as revealed by statistical shape analysis. Human Brain Mapping. 35: 792-809. PMID 23281100 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.22214  0.354
2013 Unschuld PG, Liu X, Shanahan M, Margolis RL, Bassett SS, Brandt J, Schretlen DJ, Redgrave GW, Hua J, Hock C, Reading SA, van Zijl PC, Pekar JJ, Ross CA. Prefrontal executive function associated coupling relates to Huntington's disease stage. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 49: 2661-73. PMID 23906595 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cortex.2013.05.015  0.348
2013 Ramos EM, Latourelle JC, Gillis T, Mysore JS, Squitieri F, Di Pardo A, Di Donato S, Gellera C, Hayden MR, Morrison PJ, Nance M, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Gomez-Tortosa E, Ayuso C, et al. Candidate glutamatergic and dopaminergic pathway gene variants do not influence Huntington's disease motor onset. Neurogenetics. 14: 173-9. PMID 23644918 DOI: 10.1007/S10048-013-0364-Y  0.359
2013 Pontone GM, Williams JR, Anderson KE, Chase G, Goldstein SR, Grill S, Hirsch ES, Lehmann S, Little JT, Margolis RL, Palanci J, Rabins PV, Weiss HD, Marsh L. Pharmacologic treatment of anxiety disorders in Parkinson disease. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry : Official Journal of the American Association For Geriatric Psychiatry. 21: 520-8. PMID 23567419 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jagp.2012.10.023  0.305
2012 Unschuld PG, Joel SE, Pekar JJ, Reading SA, Oishi K, McEntee J, Shanahan M, Bakker A, Margolis RL, Bassett SS, Rosenblatt A, Mori S, van Zijl PC, Ross CA, Redgrave GW. Depressive symptoms in prodromal Huntington's Disease correlate with Stroop-interference related functional connectivity in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Psychiatry Research. 203: 166-74. PMID 22974690 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pscychresns.2012.01.002  0.326
2012 Ramos EM, Latourelle JC, Lee JH, Gillis T, Mysore JS, Squitieri F, Di Pardo A, Di Donato S, Hayden MR, Morrison PJ, Nance M, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Gomez-Tortosa E, Ayuso C, et al. Population stratification may bias analysis of PGC-1α as a modifier of age at Huntington disease motor onset. Human Genetics. 131: 1833-40. PMID 22825315 DOI: 10.1007/S00439-012-1205-Z  0.337
2012 Lee JH, Lee JM, Ramos EM, Gillis T, Mysore JS, Kishikawa S, Hadzi T, Hendricks AE, Hayden MR, Morrison PJ, Nance M, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Squitieri F, Gellera C, et al. TAA repeat variation in the GRIK2 gene does not influence age at onset in Huntington's disease. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 424: 404-8. PMID 22771793 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbrc.2012.06.120  0.397
2012 Unschuld PG, Edden RA, Carass A, Liu X, Shanahan M, Wang X, Oishi K, Brandt J, Bassett SS, Redgrave GW, Margolis RL, van Zijl PC, Barker PB, Ross CA. Brain metabolite alterations and cognitive dysfunction in early Huntington's disease. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 27: 895-902. PMID 22649062 DOI: 10.1002/Mds.25010  0.354
2012 Juopperi TA, Kim WR, Chiang CH, Yu H, Margolis RL, Ross CA, Ming GL, Song H. Astrocytes generated from patient induced pluripotent stem cells recapitulate features of Huntington's disease patient cells. Molecular Brain. 5: 17. PMID 22613578 DOI: 10.1186/1756-6606-5-17  0.409
2012 Prohaska R, Sibon OC, Rudnicki DD, Danek A, Hayflick SJ, Verhaag EM, Vonk JJ, Margolis RL, Walker RH. Brain, blood, and iron: perspectives on the roles of erythrocytes and iron in neurodegeneration. Neurobiology of Disease. 46: 607-24. PMID 22426390 DOI: 10.1016/J.Nbd.2012.03.006  0.347
2012 Unschuld PG, Joel SE, Liu X, Shanahan M, Margolis RL, Biglan KM, Bassett SS, Schretlen DJ, Redgrave GW, van Zijl PC, Pekar JJ, Ross CA. Impaired cortico-striatal functional connectivity in prodromal Huntington's Disease. Neuroscience Letters. 514: 204-9. PMID 22425717 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neulet.2012.02.095  0.363
2012 Lee JM, Gillis T, Mysore JS, Ramos EM, Myers RH, Hayden MR, Morrison PJ, Nance M, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Squitieri F, Griguoli A, Di Donato S, Gomez-Tortosa E, Ayuso C, et al. Common SNP-based haplotype analysis of the 4p16.3 Huntington disease gene region. American Journal of Human Genetics. 90: 434-44. PMID 22387017 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ajhg.2012.01.005  0.375
2012 Rudnicki DD, Margolis RL, Pearson CE, Krzyzosiak WJ. Diced triplets expose neurons to RISC. Plos Genetics. 8: e1002545. PMID 22383898 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pgen.1002545  0.335
2012 Seixas AI, Holmes SE, Takeshima H, Pavlovich A, Sachs N, Pruitt JL, Silveira I, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Rudnicki DD. Loss of junctophilin-3 contributes to Huntington disease-like 2 pathogenesis. Annals of Neurology. 71: 245-57. PMID 22367996 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.22598  0.377
2012 Lee JM, Ramos EM, Lee JH, Gillis T, Mysore JS, Hayden MR, Warby SC, Morrison P, Nance M, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Squitieri F, Orobello S, Di Donato S, Gomez-Tortosa E, et al. CAG repeat expansion in Huntington disease determines age at onset in a fully dominant fashion. Neurology. 78: 690-5. PMID 22323755 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.0B013E318249F683  0.334
2012 Rosenblatt A, Kumar BV, Mo A, Welsh CS, Margolis RL, Ross CA. Age, CAG repeat length, and clinical progression in Huntington's disease. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 27: 272-6. PMID 22173986 DOI: 10.1002/Mds.24024  0.36
2012 O'Hearn E, Holmes SE, Margolis RL. Spinocerebellar ataxia type 12. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. 103: 535-47. PMID 21827912 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-51892-7.00034-6  0.395
2012 Mattis V, Svendsen S, Ebert A, Svendsen C, King A, Casale M, Winokur S, Batugedara G, Vawter M, Donovan P, Lock L, Thompson L, Zhu Y, Fossale E, Atwal R, ... ... Margolis R, et al. A11 Induced pluripotent stem cells for basic and translational research on HD Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry. 83: A3.2-A4. DOI: 10.1136/Jnnp-2012-303524.11  0.376
2012 Mattis VB, Svendsen SP, Ebert A, Svendsen CN, King AR, Casale M, Winokur ST, Batugedara G, Vawter M, Donovan PJ, Lock LF, Thompson LM, Zhu Y, Fossale E, Atwal RS, ... ... Margolis RL, et al. Induced pluripotent stem cells from patients with huntington’s disease show CAG repeat expansion associated phenotypes Cell Stem Cell. 11: 264-278. DOI: 10.1016/J.Stem.2012.04.027  0.386
2011 Chung DW, Rudnicki DD, Yu L, Margolis RL. A natural antisense transcript at the Huntington's disease repeat locus regulates HTT expression. Human Molecular Genetics. 20: 3467-77. PMID 21672921 DOI: 10.1093/Hmg/Ddr263  0.349
2011 Seixas AI, Vale J, Jorge P, Marques I, Santos R, Alonso I, Fortuna AM, Pinto-Basto J, Coutinho P, Margolis RL, Sequeiros J, Silveira I. FXTAS is rare among Portuguese patients with movement disorders: FMR1 premutations may be associated with a wider spectrum of phenotypes. Behavioral and Brain Functions : Bbf. 7: 19. PMID 21639881 DOI: 10.1186/1744-9081-7-19  0.388
2011 Wilburn B, Rudnicki DD, Zhao J, Weitz TM, Cheng Y, Gu X, Greiner E, Park CS, Wang N, Sopher BL, La Spada AR, Osmand A, Margolis RL, Sun YE, Yang XW. An antisense CAG repeat transcript at JPH3 locus mediates expanded polyglutamine protein toxicity in Huntington's disease-like 2 mice. Neuron. 70: 427-40. PMID 21555070 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2011.03.021  0.341
2011 Rosenblatt A, Kumar BV, Margolis RL, Welsh CS, Ross CA. Factors contributing to institutionalization in patients with Huntington's disease. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 26: 1711-6. PMID 21538527 DOI: 10.1002/Mds.23716  0.373
2011 Chiang CH, Su Y, Wen Z, Yoritomo N, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Song H, Ming GL. Integration-free induced pluripotent stem cells derived from schizophrenia patients with a DISC1 mutation. Molecular Psychiatry. 16: 358-60. PMID 21339753 DOI: 10.1038/Mp.2011.13  0.38
2011 Pontone GM, Williams JR, Anderson KE, Chase G, Goldstein SR, Grill S, Hirsch ES, Lehmann S, Little JT, Margolis RL, Rabins PV, Weiss HD, Marsh L. Anxiety and self-perceived health status in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 17: 249-54. PMID 21292531 DOI: 10.1016/J.Parkreldis.2011.01.005  0.304
2011 Ayhan Y, Abazyan B, Nomura J, Kim R, Ladenheim B, Krasnova IN, Sawa A, Margolis RL, Cadet JL, Mori S, Vogel MW, Ross CA, Pletnikov MV. Differential effects of prenatal and postnatal expressions of mutant human DISC1 on neurobehavioral phenotypes in transgenic mice: evidence for neurodevelopmental origin of major psychiatric disorders. Molecular Psychiatry. 16: 293-306. PMID 20048751 DOI: 10.1038/Mp.2009.144  0.344
2010 Margolis RL, Ross CA. Neuronal signaling pathways: genetic insights into the pathophysiology of major mental illness. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 35: 350-1. PMID 20010716 DOI: 10.1038/Npp.2009.137  0.332
2009 Bruce HA, Sachs N, Rudnicki DD, Lin SG, Willour VL, Cowell JK, Conroy J, McQuaid DE, Rossi M, Gaile DP, Nowak NJ, Holmes SE, Sklar P, Ross CA, Delisi LE, ... Margolis RL, et al. Long tandem repeats as a form of genomic copy number variation: structure and length polymorphism of a chromosome 5p repeat in control and schizophrenia populations. Psychiatric Genetics. 19: 64-71. PMID 19672138 DOI: 10.1097/Ypg.0B013E3283207Ff6  0.348
2009 Pontone GM, Williams JR, Anderson KE, Chase G, Goldstein SA, Grill S, Hirsch ES, Lehmann S, Little JT, Margolis RL, Rabins PV, Weiss HD, Marsh L. Prevalence of anxiety disorders and anxiety subtypes in patients with Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 24: 1333-8. PMID 19425086 DOI: 10.1002/Mds.22611  0.313
2008 Brandt J, Inscore AB, Ward J, Shpritz B, Rosenblatt A, Margolis RL, Ross CA. Neuropsychological deficits in Huntington's disease gene carriers and correlates of early "conversion". The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 20: 466-72. PMID 19196932 DOI: 10.1176/Jnp.2008.20.4.466  0.374
2008 Rottnek M, Riggio S, Byne W, Sano M, Margolis RL, Walker RH. Schizophrenia in a patient with spinocerebellar ataxia 2: coincidence of two disorders or a neurodegenerative disease presenting with psychosis? The American Journal of Psychiatry. 165: 964-7. PMID 18676601 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ajp.2008.08020285  0.362
2008 Rudnicki DD, Pletnikova O, Vonsattel JP, Ross CA, Margolis RL. A comparison of huntington disease and huntington disease-like 2 neuropathology. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 67: 366-74. PMID 18379432 DOI: 10.1097/Nen.0B013E31816B4Aee  0.407
2007 Greenstein PE, Vonsattel JP, Margolis RL, Joseph JT. Huntington's disease like-2 neuropathology. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 22: 1416-23. PMID 17516481 DOI: 10.1002/Mds.21417  0.373
2007 Rudnicki DD, Holmes SE, Lin MW, Thornton CA, Ross CA, Margolis RL. Huntington's disease--like 2 is associated with CUG repeat-containing RNA foci. Annals of Neurology. 61: 272-82. PMID 17387722 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.21081  0.322
2006 Ross CA, Margolis RL, Reading SA, Pletnikov M, Coyle JT. Neurobiology of schizophrenia. Neuron. 52: 139-53. PMID 17015232 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2006.09.015  0.339
2006 Ward J, Sheppard JM, Shpritz B, Margolis RL, Rosenblatt A, Brandt J. A four-year prospective study of cognitive functioning in Huntington's disease. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : Jins. 12: 445-54. PMID 16981596 DOI: 10.1017/S1355617706060565  0.333
2006 Li JL, Hayden MR, Warby SC, Durr A, Morrison PJ, Nance M, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Rosenblatt A, Squitieri F, Frati L, Gómez-Tortosa E, García CA, Suchowersky O, Klimek ML, et al. Genome-wide significance for a modifier of age at neurological onset in Huntington's disease at 6q23-24: the HD MAPS study. Bmc Medical Genetics. 7: 71. PMID 16914060 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2350-7-71  0.333
2006 Holmes SE, Wentzell JS, Seixas AI, Callahan C, Silveira I, Ross CA, Margolis RL. A novel trinucleotide repeat expansion at chromosome 3q26.2 identified by a CAG/CTG repeat expansion detection array. Human Genetics. 120: 193-200. PMID 16783570 DOI: 10.1007/S00439-006-0207-0  0.391
2006 Rosenblatt A, Liang KY, Zhou H, Abbott MH, Gourley LM, Margolis RL, Brandt J, Ross CA. The association of CAG repeat length with clinical progression in Huntington disease. Neurology. 66: 1016-20. PMID 16606912 DOI: 10.1212/01.Wnl.0000204230.16619.D9  0.352
2006 Margolis RL, Holmes SE, Rudnicki DD, O'Hearn E, Ross CA, Pletnikova O, Troncoso JC. Huntington's disease-like 2 Genetic Instabilities and Neurological Diseases, Second Edition. 261-273. DOI: 10.1016/B978-012369462-1/50017-X  0.308
2005 Reading SA, Yassa MA, Bakker A, Dziorny AC, Gourley LM, Yallapragada V, Rosenblatt A, Margolis RL, Aylward EH, Brandt J, Mori S, van Zijl P, Bassett SS, Ross CA. Regional white matter change in pre-symptomatic Huntington's disease: a diffusion tensor imaging study. Psychiatry Research. 140: 55-62. PMID 16199141 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pscychresns.2005.05.011  0.328
2005 Bahl S, Virdi K, Mittal U, Sachdeva MP, Kalla AK, Holmes SE, O'Hearn E, Margolis RL, Jain S, Srivastava AK, Mukerji M. Evidence of a common founder for SCA12 in the Indian population. Annals of Human Genetics. 69: 528-34. PMID 16138911 DOI: 10.1046/J.1529-8817.2005.00173.X  0.32
2005 Sachs NA, Sawa A, Holmes SE, Ross CA, DeLisi LE, Margolis RL. A frameshift mutation in Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 in an American family with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Molecular Psychiatry. 10: 758-64. PMID 15940305 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Mp.4001667  0.357
2005 Seixas AI, Maurer MH, Lin M, Callahan C, Ahuja A, Matsuura T, Ross CA, Hisama FM, Silveira I, Margolis RL. FXTAS, SCA10, and SCA17 in American patients with movement disorders. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A. 136: 87-9. PMID 15889413 DOI: 10.1002/Ajmg.A.30761  0.544
2005 Margolis RL, Rudnicki DD, Holmes SE. Huntington's disease like-2: review and update. Acta Neurologica Taiwanica. 14: 1-8. PMID 15835282  0.337
2005 Chen DH, Cimino PJ, Ranum LP, Zoghbi HY, Yabe I, Schut L, Margolis RL, Lipe HP, Feleke A, Matsushita M, Wolff J, Morgan C, Lau D, Fernandez M, Sasaki H, et al. The clinical and genetic spectrum of spinocerebellar ataxia 14. Neurology. 64: 1258-60. PMID 15824357 DOI: 10.1212/01.Wnl.0000156801.64549.6B  0.312
2005 Ross CA, Margolis RL. Neurogenetics: Insights into degenerative diseases and approaches to schizophrenia Clinical Neuroscience Research. 5: 3-14. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cnr.2005.07.001  0.422
2004 Margolis RL, Holmes SE, Rosenblatt A, Gourley L, O'Hearn E, Ross CA, Seltzer WK, Walker RH, Ashizawa T, Rasmussen A, Hayden M, Almqvist EW, Harris J, Fahn S, MacDonald ME, et al. Huntington's Disease-like 2 (HDL2) in North America and Japan. Annals of Neurology. 56: 670-4. PMID 15468075 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.20248  0.4
2004 Aylward EH, Sparks BF, Field KM, Yallapragada V, Shpritz BD, Rosenblatt A, Brandt J, Gourley LM, Liang K, Zhou H, Margolis RL, Ross CA. Onset and rate of striatal atrophy in preclinical Huntington disease. Neurology. 63: 66-72. PMID 15249612 DOI: 10.1212/01.Wnl.0000132965.14653.D1  0.316
2004 Nicholas AP, O'Hearn E, Holmes SE, Chen DT, Margolis RL. Clinical signs and symptoms in a large hereditary spastic paraparesis pedigree with a novel spastin mutation. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 19: 641-8. PMID 15197701 DOI: 10.1002/Mds.20077  0.344
2004 Reading SA, Dziorny AC, Peroutka LA, Schreiber M, Gourley LM, Yallapragada V, Rosenblatt A, Margolis RL, Pekar JJ, Pearlson GD, Aylward E, Brandt J, Bassett SS, Ross CA. Functional brain changes in presymptomatic Huntington's disease. Annals of Neurology. 55: 879-83. PMID 15174024 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.20121  0.334
2004 Cagnoli C, Michielotto C, Matsuura T, Ashizawa T, Margolis RL, Holmes SE, Gellera C, Migone N, Brusco A. Detection of large pathogenic expansions in FRDA1, SCA10, and SCA12 genes using a simple fluorescent repeat-primed PCR assay. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics : Jmd. 6: 96-100. PMID 15096564 DOI: 10.1016/S1525-1578(10)60496-5  0.327
2004 Tsutsumi T, Holmes SE, McInnis MG, Sawa A, Callahan C, DePaulo JR, Ross CA, DeLisi LE, Margolis RL. Novel CAG/CTG repeat expansion mutations do not contribute to the genetic risk for most cases of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics : the Official Publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics. 124: 15-9. PMID 14681907 DOI: 10.1002/Ajmg.B.20058  0.373
2004 Margolis RL, Holmes SE, Rosenblatt A, Gourley L, O'Hearn E, Ross CA, Seltzer WK, Walker RH, Ashizawa T, Rasmussen A, Hayden M, Almqvist EW, Harris J, Fahn S, MacDonald ME, et al. Erratum: Huntington's disease-like 2 (HDL2) in North America and Japan (Annals of Neurology (November 2004) 56 (670-674)) Annals of Neurology. 56. DOI: 10.1002/Ana.20349  0.331
2003 Walker RH, Jankovic J, O'Hearn E, Margolis RL. Phenotypic features of Huntington's disease-like 2. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 18: 1527-30. PMID 14673892 DOI: 10.1002/Mds.10587  0.391
2003 Margolis RL. Dominant spinocerebellar ataxias: a molecular approach to classification, diagnosis, pathogenesis and the future. Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics. 3: 715-32. PMID 14628900 DOI: 10.1586/14737159.3.6.715  0.351
2003 Rudnicki DD, Margolis RL. Repeat expansion and autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorders: consensus and controversy. Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine. 5: 1-24. PMID 14585172 DOI: 10.1017/S1462399403006598  0.438
2003 Walker RH, Rasmussen A, Rudnicki D, Holmes SE, Alonso E, Matsuura T, Ashizawa T, Davidoff-Feldman B, Margolis RL. Huntington's disease--like 2 can present as chorea-acanthocytosis. Neurology. 61: 1002-4. PMID 14557581 DOI: 10.1212/01.Wnl.0000085866.68470.6D  0.376
2003 Rosenblatt A, Abbott MH, Gourley LM, Troncoso JC, Margolis RL, Brandt J, Ross CA. Predictors of neuropathological severity in 100 patients with Huntington's disease. Annals of Neurology. 54: 488-93. PMID 14520661 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.10691  0.347
2003 Margolis RL, Ross CA. Diagnosis of Huntington disease. Clinical Chemistry. 49: 1726-32. PMID 14500613 DOI: 10.1373/49.10.1726  0.396
2003 Li JL, Hayden MR, Almqvist EW, Brinkman RR, Durr A, Dodé C, Morrison PJ, Suchowersky O, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Rosenblatt A, Gómez-Tortosa E, Cabrero DM, Novelletto A, Frontali M, et al. A genome scan for modifiers of age at onset in Huntington disease: The HD MAPS study. American Journal of Human Genetics. 73: 682-7. PMID 12900792 DOI: 10.1086/378133  0.353
2003 Djoussé L, Knowlton B, Hayden M, Almqvist EW, Brinkman R, Ross C, Margolis R, Rosenblatt A, Durr A, Dode C, Morrison PJ, Novelletto A, Frontali M, Trent RJ, McCusker E, et al. Interaction of normal and expanded CAG repeat sizes influences age at onset of Huntington disease. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A. 119: 279-82. PMID 12784292 DOI: 10.1002/Ajmg.A.20190  0.38
2003 Margolis RL, Holmes SE. Huntington's disease-like 2: A clinical, pathological, and molecular comparison to Huntington's disease Clinical Neuroscience Research. 3: 187-196. DOI: 10.1016/S1566-2772(03)00061-6  0.429
2002 Brandt J, Shpritz B, Codori AM, Margolis R, Rosenbalt A. Neuropsychological manifestations of the genetic mutation for Huntington's disease in presymptomatic individuals Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 8: 918-924. PMID 12405543 DOI: 10.1017/S1355617702870060  0.343
2002 Bruce HA, Margolis RL. FOXP2: novel exons, splice variants, and CAG repeat length stability. Human Genetics. 111: 136-44. PMID 12189486 DOI: 10.1007/S00439-002-0768-5  0.36
2002 Margolis RL. The spinocerebellar ataxias: order emerges from chaos. Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports. 2: 447-56. PMID 12169226 DOI: 10.1007/S11910-002-0072-8  0.396
2002 Leroi I, O'Hearn E, Marsh L, Lyketsos CG, Rosenblatt A, Ross CA, Brandt J, Margolis RL. Psychopathology in patients with degenerative cerebellar diseases: a comparison to Huntington's disease. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 159: 1306-14. PMID 12153822 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ajp.159.8.1306  0.398
2002 Bauer I, Gencik M, Laccone F, Peters H, Weber BH, Feder EH, Weirich H, Morris-Rosendahl DJ, Rolfs A, Gencikova A, Bauer P, Wenning GK, Epplen JT, Holmes SE, Margolis RL, et al. Trinucleotide repeat expansions in the junctophilin-3 gene are not found in Caucasian patients with a Huntington's disease-like phenotype. Annals of Neurology. 51: 662. PMID 12112122 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.10184  0.386
2002 Silveira I, Miranda C, Guimarães L, Moreira MC, Alonso I, Mendonça P, Ferro A, Pinto-Basto J, Coelho J, Ferreirinha F, Poirier J, Parreira E, Vale J, Januário C, Barbot C, ... ... Margolis RL, et al. Trinucleotide repeats in 202 families with ataxia: a small expanded (CAG)n allele at the SCA17 locus. Archives of Neurology. 59: 623-9. PMID 11939898 DOI: 10.1001/Archneur.59.4.623  0.365
2002 Stevanin G, Camuzat A, Holmes SE, Julien C, Sahloul R, Dodé C, Hahn-Barma V, Ross CA, Margolis RL, Durr A, Brice A. CAG/CTG repeat expansions at the Huntington's disease-like 2 locus are rare in Huntington's disease patients. Neurology. 58: 965-7. PMID 11914418 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.58.6.965  0.406
2002 Holmes SE, O'Hearn E, Rosenblatt A, Callahan C, Hwang HS, Ingersoll-Ashworth RG, Fleisher A, Stevanin G, Brice A, Potter NT, Ross CA, Margolis RL. Erratum: A CTG trinucleotide repeat expansion in the gene encoding junctophilin-3 is associated with Huntington disease-like 2 (Nature Genetics (2001) 29 (377-378)) Nature Genetics. 30. DOI: 10.1038/Ng0102-123A  0.365
2001 Margolis RL, O'Hearn E, Rosenblatt A, Willour V, Holmes SE, Franz ML, Callahan C, Hwang HS, Troncoso JC, Ross CA. A disorder similar to Huntington's disease is associated with a novel CAG repeat expansion. Annals of Neurology. 50: 373-80. PMID 11761463 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.1312  0.444
2001 Holmes SE, Hearn EO, Ross CA, Margolis RL. SCA12: an unusual mutation leads to an unusual spinocerebellar ataxia. Brain Research Bulletin. 56: 397-403. PMID 11719278 DOI: 10.1016/S0361-9230(01)00596-2  0.394
2001 Holmes SE, O'Hearn E, Rosenblatt A, Callahan C, Hwang HS, Ingersoll-Ashworth RG, Fleisher A, Stevanin G, Brice A, Potter NT, Ross CA, Margolis RL. A repeat expansion in the gene encoding junctophilin-3 is associated with Huntington disease-like 2. Nature Genetics. 29: 377-8. PMID 11694876 DOI: 10.1038/Ng760  0.39
2001 Margolis RL, Ross CA. Expansion explosion: new clues to the pathogenesis of repeat expansion neurodegenerative diseases. Trends in Molecular Medicine. 7: 479-82. PMID 11689312 DOI: 10.1016/S1471-4914(01)02179-7  0.378
2001 Margolis RL, O'Hearn E, Rosenblatt A, Willour V, Holmes SE, Franz ML, Callahan C, Hwang HS, Troncoso JC, Ross CA. A disorder similar to Huntington's disease is associated with a novel CAG repeat expansion. Annals of Neurology. 50: 373-80. PMID 11558794 DOI: 10.1002/ana.1124  0.338
2001 Rosenblatt A, Brinkman RR, Liang KY, Almqvist EW, Margolis RL, Huang CY, Sherr M, Franz ML, Abbott MH, Hayden MR, Ross CA. Familial influence on age of onset among siblings with Huntington disease. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 105: 399-403. PMID 11449389 DOI: 10.1002/Ajmg.1400  0.322
2001 Fujigasaki H, Verma IC, Camuzat A, Margolis RL, Zander C, Lebre AS, Jamot L, Saxena R, Anand I, Holmes SE, Ross CA, Dürr A, Brice A. SCA12 is a rare locus for autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia: a study of an Indian family. Annals of Neurology. 49: 117-21. PMID 11198281 DOI: 10.1002/1531-8249(200101)49:1<117::Aid-Ana19>3.0.Co;2-G  0.311
2001 Holbert S, Denghien I, Kiechle T, Rosenblatt A, Wellington C, Hayden MR, Margolis RL, Ross CA, Dausset J, Ferrante RJ, Néri C. The Gln-Ala repeat transcriptional activator CA150 interacts with huntingtin: neuropathologic and genetic evidence for a role in Huntington's disease pathogenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98: 1811-6. PMID 11172033 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.98.4.1811  0.335
2001 O'Hearn E, Holmes SE, Calvert PC, Ross CA, Margolis RL. SCA-12: Tremor with cerebellar and cortical atrophy is associated with a CAG repeat expansion. Neurology. 56: 299-303. PMID 11171892 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.56.3.299  0.385
2001 Leroi I, O'Hearn E, Margolis RL. Psychiatric syndromes in cerebellar degeneration International Review of Psychiatry. 13: 323-329. DOI: 10.1080/09540260127523  0.389
2001 Ross CA, Margolis RL. Huntington's disease Clinical Neuroscience Research. 1: 142-152. DOI: 10.1016/S1566-2772(00)00014-1  0.429
2000 Nasir J, Lafuente MJ, Duan K, Colomer V, Engelender S, Ingersoll R, Margolis RL, Ross CA, Hayden MR. Human huntingtin-associated protein (HAP-1) gene: genomic organisation and an intragenic polymorphism. Gene. 254: 181-7. PMID 10974549 DOI: 10.1016/S0378-1119(00)00269-9  0.348
2000 Engelender S, Wanner T, Kleiderlein JJ, Wakabayashi K, Tsuji S, Takahashi H, Ashworth R, Margolis RL, Ross CA. Organization of the human synphilin-1 gene, a candidate for Parkinson's disease. Mammalian Genome : Official Journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society. 11: 763-6. PMID 10967135 DOI: 10.1007/S003350010123  0.349
1999 Schilling G, Wood JD, Duan K, Slunt HH, Gonzales V, Yamada M, Cooper JK, Margolis RL, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, Takahashi H, Tsuji S, Price DL, Borchelt DR, Ross CA. Nuclear accumulation of truncated atrophin-1 fragments in a transgenic mouse model of DRPLA. Neuron. 24: 275-86. PMID 10677044 DOI: 10.1016/S0896-6273(00)80839-9  0.338
1999 Margolis RL, McInnis MG, Rosenblatt A, Ross CA. Trinucleotide repeat expansion and neuropsychiatric disease. Archives of General Psychiatry. 56: 1019-31. PMID 10565502 DOI: 10.1001/Archpsyc.56.11.1019  0.427
1999 Sawa A, Wiegand GW, Cooper J, Margolis RL, Sharp AH, Lawler JF, Greenamyre JT, Snyder SH, Ross CA. Increased apoptosis of Huntington disease lymphoblasts associated with repeat length-dependent mitochondrial depolarization. Nature Medicine. 5: 1194-8. PMID 10502825 DOI: 10.1038/13518  0.352
1999 Ellerby LM, Andrusiak RL, Wellington CL, Hackam AS, Propp SS, Wood JD, Sharp AH, Margolis RL, Ross CA, Salvesen GS, Hayden MR, Bredesen DE. Cleavage of atrophin-1 at caspase site aspartic acid 109 modulates cytotoxicity. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 274: 8730-6. PMID 10085113 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.274.13.8730  0.322
1999 Margolis RL, Stine OC, Ward CM, Franz ML, Rosenblatt A, Callahan C, Sherr M, Ross CA, Potter NT. Unstable expansion of the CAG trinucleotide repeat in MAB21L1: report of a second pedigree and effect on protein expression. Journal of Medical Genetics. 36: 62-4. PMID 9950369 DOI: 10.1136/Jmg.36.1.62  0.347
1999 Margolis RL, Stine OC, Callahan C, Rosenblatt A, Abbott MH, Sherr M, Ross CA. Two novel single-base-pair substitutions adjacent to the CAG repeat in the huntington disease gene (IT15): implications for diagnostic testing. American Journal of Human Genetics. 64: 323-6. PMID 9915978 DOI: 10.1086/302209  0.341
1998 Ross CA, Margolis RL, Becher MW, Wood JD, Engelender S, Cooper JK, Sharp AH. Pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases associated with expanded glutamine repeats: new answers, new questions. Progress in Brain Research. 117: 397-419. PMID 9932422 DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(08)64029-7  0.434
1998 Rosenblatt A, Margolis RL, Becher MW, Aylward E, Franz ML, Sherr M, Abbott MH, Lian KY, Ross CA. Does CAG repeat number predict the rate of pathological changes in Huntington's disease? Annals of Neurology. 44: 708-9. PMID 9778276 DOI: 10.1002/Ana.410440424  0.304
1998 Rosenblatt A, Ranen NG, Rubinsztein DC, Stine OC, Margolis RL, Wagster MV, Becher MW, Rosser AE, Leggo J, Hodges JR, ffrench-Constant CK, Sherr M, Franz ML, Abbott MH, Ross CA. Patients with features similar to Huntington's disease, without CAG expansion in huntingtin. Neurology. 51: 215-20. PMID 9674805 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.51.1.215  0.401
1998 Wellington CL, Ellerby LM, Hackam AS, Margolis RL, Trifiro MA, Singaraja R, McCutcheon K, Salvesen GS, Propp SS, Bromm M, Rowland KJ, Zhang T, Rasper D, Roy S, Thornberry N, et al. Caspase cleavage of gene products associated with triplet expansion disorders generates truncated fragments containing the polyglutamine tract. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 273: 9158-67. PMID 9535906 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.273.15.9158  0.382
1997 Ross CA, Margolis RL, Rosenblatt A, Ranen NG, Becher MW, Aylward E. Huntington disease and the related disorder, dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA). Medicine. 76: 305-38. PMID 9352736 DOI: 10.1097/00005792-199709000-00001  0.373
1997 Breschel TS, McInnis MG, Margolis RL, Sirugo G, Corneliussen B, Simpson SG, McMahon FJ, MacKinnon DF, Xu JF, Pleasant N, Huo Y, Ashworth RG, Grundstrom C, Grundstrom T, Kidd KK, et al. A novel, heritable, expanding CTG repeat in an intron of the SEF2-1 gene on chromosome 18q21.1. Human Molecular Genetics. 6: 1855-63. PMID 9302263 DOI: 10.1093/Hmg/6.11.1855  0.368
1997 Margolis RL, Abraham MR, Gatchell SB, Li SH, Kidwai AS, Breschel TS, Stine OC, Callahan C, McInnis MG, Ross CA. cDNAs with long CAG trinucleotide repeats from human brain. Human Genetics. 100: 114-22. PMID 9225980 DOI: 10.1007/S004390050476  0.428
1997 Alford RL, Margolis RL, Ross CA, Richards CS. Southern analysis for detection of CAG repeat expansions associated with dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy. Human Genetics. 99: 354-6. PMID 9050922 DOI: 10.1007/S004390050371  0.338
1996 Khan FA, Margolis RL, Loev SL, Sharp AH, Li SH, Ross CA. cDNA cloning and characterization of an atrophin-1 (DRPLA disease gene)-related protein. Neurobiology of Disease. 3: 121-8. PMID 9173919 DOI: 10.1006/Nbdi.1996.0012  0.346
1996 Margolis RL, Li SH, Young WS, Wagster MV, Stine OC, Kidwai AS, Ashworth RG, Ross CA. DRPLA gene (atrophin-1) sequence and mRNA expression in human brain. Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research. 36: 219-26. PMID 8965642 DOI: 10.1016/0169-328X(95)00241-J  0.325
1996 Margolis RL, Stine OC, McInnis MG, Ranen NG, Rubinsztein DC, Leggo J, Brando LV, Kidwai AS, Loev SJ, Breschel TS, Callahan C, Simpson SG, DePaulo JR, McMahon FJ, Jain S, et al. cDNA cloning of a human homologue of the Caenorhabditis elegans cell fate-determining gene mab-21: expression, chromosomal localization and analysis of a highly polymorphic (CAG)n trinucleotide repeat. Human Molecular Genetics. 5: 607-16. PMID 8733127 DOI: 10.1093/Hmg/5.5.607  0.401
1996 Jain S, Leggo J, DeLisi LE, Crow TJ, Margolis RL, Li SH, Goodburn S, Walsh C, Paykel ES, Ferguson-Smith MA, Ross CA, Rubinsztein DC. Analysis of thirteen trinucleotide repeat loci as candidate genes for schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 67: 139-46. PMID 8723040 DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1096-8628(19960409)67:2<139::Aid-Ajmg3>3.0.Co;2-N  0.44
1996 Jain S, Leggo J, DeLisi L, Crow TJ, Margolis RL, Li S-, Goodburn S, Walsh C, Paykel ES, Ferguson-Smith MA, Ross CA, Rubinsztein DC. Analysis of thirteen trinucleotide repeat loci as candidate genes for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder Psychiatric Genetics. 6: 153. DOI: 10.1097/00041444-199623000-00052  0.349
1995 Loev SJ, Margolis RL, Young WS, Li SH, Schilling G, Ashworth RG, Ross CA. Cloning and expression of the rat atrophin-I (DRPLA disease gene) homologue. Neurobiology of Disease. 2: 129-38. PMID 9173996 DOI: 10.1006/Nbdi.1995.0014  0.368
1995 Gao XM, Margolis RL, Leeds P, Hough C, Post RM, Chuang DM. Carbamazepine induction of apoptosis in cultured cerebellar neurons: effects of N-methyl-D-aspartate, aurintricarboxylic acid and cycloheximide. Brain Research. 703: 63-71. PMID 8719616 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(95)01066-1  0.509
1995 Margolis RL, Breschel TS, Li SH, Kidwai AS, Antonarakis SE, McInnis MG, Ross CA. Characterization of cDNA clones containing CCA trinucleotide repeats derived from human brain. Somatic Cell and Molecular Genetics. 21: 279-84. PMID 8525433 DOI: 10.1007/Bf02255782  0.365
1995 Margolis RL, Breschel TS, Li SH, Kidwai AS, McInnis MG, Ross CA. Polymorphic (AAT) in trinucleotide repeats derived from a human brain cDNA library. Human Genetics. 96: 495-6. PMID 7557981 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00191817  0.34
1994 Margolis RL, Chuang DM, Post RM. Programmed cell death: implications for neuropsychiatric disorders. Biological Psychiatry. 35: 946-56. PMID 8080894 DOI: 10.1016/0006-3223(94)91241-6  0.594
1994 Margolis RL, Spencer W, Depaulo JR, Simpson SG, Andersen AE. Psychiatric Comorbidity in Subgroups of Eating-Disordered Inpatients Eating Disorders. 2: 231-236. DOI: 10.1080/10640269408249118  0.323
1993 Margolis RL, Chuang DM, Dick D, Weiss SR, Post RM. Effect of cocaine, lidocaine kindling and carbamazepine on batrachotoxin-induced phosphoinositide hydrolysis in rat brain slices. Brain Research. 614: 185-90. PMID 8394185 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(93)91033-O  0.527
1993 Li SH, McInnis MG, Margolis RL, Antonarakis SE, Ross CA. Novel triplet repeat containing genes in human brain: cloning, expression, and length polymorphisms. Genomics. 16: 572-9. PMID 8325628 DOI: 10.1006/Geno.1993.1232  0.38
1993 Li SH, Schilling G, Young WS, Li XJ, Margolis RL, Stine OC, Wagster MV, Abbott MH, Franz ML, Ranen NG. Huntington's disease gene (IT15) is widely expressed in human and rat tissues. Neuron. 11: 985-93. PMID 8240819 DOI: 10.1016/0896-6273(93)90127-D  0.349
1993 Ross CA, McInnis MG, Margolis RL, Li SH. Genes with triplet repeats: candidate mediators of neuropsychiatric disorders. Trends in Neurosciences. 16: 254-60. PMID 7689767 DOI: 10.1016/0166-2236(93)90175-L  0.43
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