People with institution matching "Merck": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Wolfhard Almers (Info) OHSU Exocytosis, Shape, Muscle sjsmith 2006‑11‑22
Kyongman AN (Info) Johns Hopkins Schizophrenia umokmin 2010‑06‑08
Chiye Aoki (Info) NYU Developmental neuroanatomy aadisney 2006‑03‑22
Robert O. Blaustein (Info) Merck Research Laboratories dbseyler 2007‑10‑16
Susan Browne (Info) Merck Research Laboratories, West Point, Pennsylvania george.perry 2010‑10‑31
Gregory S. Bryman (Info) Harvard Medical School mtrido 2018‑02‑22
Richard B. Carter (Info) Merck Research Laboratories behavioral pharmacology, drug discovery, drug development rbcarter 2009‑05‑07
Po-Tao Chen (Info) Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Columbia University, Merck Research Laboratories neuroscience, biochemistry aaronptchen 2019‑11‑27
Michael Tri H. Do (Info) Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School vision, neurophysiology michaeldo 2015‑06‑05
Robert Drolet (Info) Merck jgreena 2014‑06‑06
Donnie Eddins (Info) Merck bobr1123 2011‑06‑10
Michael F. Egan (Info) Associate Director, Neuroscience, Merck & Co., Inc. ;UG4D-34; P.O. Box 1000 genetics, schizophrenia, pharmacology joseph.callicott 2007‑10‑16
Jacqueline B. Fine (Info) Merck tbartness 2009‑07‑04
Michael Finley (Info) Merck high throughput screening, ion channels DVMadison 2006‑12‑05
Mark Stuart Forman (Info) Merck Pharmaceuticals Molecular pathogeneis of neurodegenerative disease george.perry 2009‑12‑28
Lisa H. Gold (Info) Merck Research Laboratories mtaffe 2007‑09‑18
Danielle L. Graham (Info) Merck Pharmaceuticals bachtell 2009‑02‑08
Darrell A. Henze (Info) Merck Research Laboratories Neuroscience, Pain, TrkA, cannabinoids, sodium channels dhenze 2011‑02‑18
James Herrington (Info) Merck Research Labs david 2009‑04‑01
raymond george hill (Info) merck, sharp and dohme pain and headache hillr 2006‑11‑01
Sidney Hsin-Kang Hsieh (Info) Genentech, Inc., AbbVie, Merck & Co. Inc, Merck & CO Axon Guidance, Alzheimer's Disease, Neuroinflammation, Signal Transduction Mountie 2010‑01‑17
Christopher Hunter (Info) University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine mcancro 2018‑03‑12
James Inglese (Info) Duke, Penn State, Pharmacopeia, Inc, Merck & Co. Inc, NIH, NCATS 2020‑05‑19
Ming-Kuei Jang (Info) Merck, Boston neurodegenerative diseases; synaptic functions; novel biomarker discovery mkjang 2008‑04‑12
Tae-wan Kim (Info) Columbia Neurogenetics, Neural Degeneration and Repair, Disease david 2016‑01‑10
Susan J. Lee (Info) Merck & Co. Inc Neurodegenerative Disease drsusilee 2014‑11‑17
Cheryl E.G. Leyns (Info) Merck TREM2, tau, abeta, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, LRRK2, GBA, synuclein leynsc 2019‑05‑31
Linda Lieberman (Info) Merck 2022‑06‑10
Laura Lubbers (Info) Merck Pharmaceuticals JDBlaustein 2008‑12‑11
John H. Martin (Info) Columbia kfriel 2007‑08‑29
Thomas W. Mitchell (Info) Merck Pharmaceuticals george.perry 2010‑07‑24
Greg Mueller (Info) Uniformed Services University Wurtlab 2006‑10‑12
Doug Pettibone (Info) Merck Wurtlab 2006‑10‑12
James G Pfaus (Info) Concordia University Montreal, Universidad Veracruzana, Charles University, Prague Czech Republic, Czech National Institute of Mental Health Sexual behavior, Reproduction, Neuroendocrinology, Conditioning, Human sexual function and dysfunction, Brain imaging, Immunocytochemistry, Autoradiography, Molecular biology pfaus 2007‑11‑01
Shirly Pinto (Info) Merck timtully 2012‑04‑06
Ian J. Reynolds (Info) TEVA cafeturco 2010‑06‑02
Timothy A. Ryan (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College synaptic vesicle cycle, endocytosis, exocytosis patluri 2006‑07‑20
Thomas E. Salt (Info) UCL Ophthalmology, Thalamus carolinecopeland 2013‑09‑13
Sethuraman Sankaranarayanan (Info) Merck Alzheimer's disease taryan 2007‑05‑16
Lindsey C. Santarelli (Info) Merck Co. minghong 2008‑07‑28
Tina Scardochio (Info) Concordia University Montreal pfaus 2022‑08‑26
Darryle Schoepp (Info) Merck Research Laboratories Glutamate CJM3 2009‑02‑28
Matthew A. Seager (Info) Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Yale, Merck & Co., Inc. Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, depression, learning, memory, cognition, drugs of abuse, hippocampus seagerm 2009‑09‑30
Paul J. Shughrue (Info) Merck Pharmaceuticals estrogen marriott 2006‑08‑25
Solomon H. Snyder (Info) Johns Hopkins Neurotransmitters david 2005‑04‑22
Fleur L. Strand (Info) NYU ACTH drsusilee 2014‑11‑17
Deepa J. Talpade (Info) Merck jgreena 2014‑06‑06
Pamela Tannenbaum (Info) Merck Neuroscience Behavioral Neuroendocrinology kimwallen 2006‑12‑17
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